  • Report:  #820677

Complaint Review: City of West Hollywood - West Hollywood California

Reported By:
madwehoworker - West Hollywood, California, United States of America

City of West Hollywood
8300 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, 90046 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
City of West Hollywood Landlords, it is time to share the wealth
It is because of you there no longer is a middle class. You suck up the wealth leaving us nowhere to rise except work a job nine to five with no future. I am a former City of West Hollywood employee laid off because of people like you; rich, greedy and wanting to raise rents in our city till no one can afford an apartment or commercial space. So now its time to let you into a deep West Hollywood secret: A large majority of both employees and some council members have talked about a six point program to solve this issue. We must first overcome the CA state issue that outlines rent control. We must convince the congress in Sacramento to allow each city to set guidelines for rent control. We call it the Six Point Program. Most council members do not feel the time is right to promote it but I do! Here are our thoughts:

 1 Rents shall be predetermined for every landlord. A one bedroom apartments rent shall be determined by size and amenities. As an example a one bedroom apartment with 1000 square feet shall be set at no more than $1000 or $1 per foot. Older buildings with small apartments shall conform to $1 per square foot.

 2 Should the apartment not have air conditioning it shall not rent for more than eighty cents a foot. Should it lack other amenities further reductions shall apply based on a decision by West Hollywood Rent Stabilization.

 3. Suspended Rent: should a person man or woman lose their job all rent shall be suspended until such time that person finds work. Landlords course of action in this case will be to find an insurance policy to cover such loss like Lloyds of London. Failure to comply will result in fines to be determined by Rent Stabilization.

 4. Maintenance (interior) of properties in West Hollywood: building inspectors shall have entry to all apartments and commercial spaces once a year or more if needed. All  needed repairs will be noted and failure to make repairs will result in a fine of not less than $1000 per incident, compounded every three days till work is completed and approved.

 5. Maintenance (exterior) Building inspectors will note the exterior appearance of all properties, residential and commercial and issue warnings regarding paint and landscaping. Failure to maintain exteriors will result in fines starting at $5000 for residence and $10,000 for commercial including apartments. Fines will double each thirty days until the property is in compliance.

 6. Right to litigate all issues by landlords will not be allowed. Anyone owning rental property in the City of West Hollywood must have a license renewable each year and waive any litigation against the city. Failure to sign this agreement will result in the owner not being able to rent their property. Should any landlord attempt to rent their property in secret the property shall be forfeited to the city.
Comments are wewlcome.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

This is the most ridiculous thing I've read in quite some time!  Property owners beware is right, beware of socialist, big government loving, nanny-state supporting fools like the OP here.  Where do you or any federal, state, or municipal governments have the right to limit free enterprise.  If you can't afford to live in West Hollywood, move!  Rents are set at what the market will bear, set it to high and the space remains vacant.  The property owner then loses money, so they lower it.

As for suspending rent when a resident loses their job, where is the incentive to find another job when you can stay unemployed and live rentfree.  You talk about property owners having to get insurance for this, have you even checked to see if it's available?  If it's not, what do they do then?  This is a business, the lack of rental income could be taking food out of someone else's mouth.  Some of these property owners rely on the rental income to live on.

And finally we come to the forfeiture of litigation rights, are you really that insane?  What do you do when all the property owners in West Hollywood abandon their properties?  I'm pretty confident that the city doesn't have the funds to pay for management and upkeep.  Then all you have is a city full of rundown and crumbling buildings.  Maybe then you could afford to live there, in your rentfree, no water or electric, hovel with your vagrant and crackhead neighbors.


This has to be a joke

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

But the scary thing is that it probably isn't as there are people who have this Entitlement Mentality. 

When things like this are posted one really doesn't have to wonder why California is screwed up.  But even in this there are glimmers of hope.

Most council members do not feel the time is right to promote it but I do!
- If most council members feel this way then there might be hope.

While any meaningful discussion with someone who truly has this attitude is hopeless, I really just have one question for the OP.

When did the Congress move to Sacramento?


New York,
Ahhhh California!

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

Rent control, a political tool that even the North Vietnamese have turned their back on, coming to you live from Southern California.

While most other cities are moving away from their rent control housing (mostly by making any new construction since the 70's no longer liable to the code) you want to embrace it even closer than West Hollywood already has.  If only the California Supreme Court hadn't ruled against you -- think of the worker's paradise you could have built! 

I especially love point 6.  Why not take away ALL of the property rights of landlords?  By removing the right to litigate you already pretty well have, tho you are afraid to say it outright.

Is every landlord some fat cat living high on the misery of others?  Aren't most just regular people trying to better themselves? 
California used to be the Golden State, the epitome of the land of opportunity.  Government has ruined it.  It is still a beautiful place, but good luck living there.


What a TOTAL ENTITLEMENT attitude...

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2012

Set rents at no more than$1 sq.ft...what incentive is that for landlords to even try to have a better than average property?

Heavy fines if interior/exterior maintenance up to renters expectations. There will probably be a lot of rental properties up for sale...then you can buy your own place...right?

Annually renewable license and no right of landlords to litigate....
Another brilliant idea to provide incentive for landlords to continue to rent.

Should any landlord attempt to rent their property in "secret" they forfeit their property to the city.  Your plan is awesome, who, in their right mind, would rent anything to anyone..

"3. Suspended Rent: should a person man or woman lose their job all rent shall be suspended until such time that person finds work. Landlords course of action in this case will be to find an insurance policy to cover such loss like Lloyds of London. Failure to comply will result in fines to be determined by Rent Stabilization" Now you've shown your true left leaning, socialist views.  Who pays the cost of these rent insurance policies that will have ever increasing payments as more of your ILK Ripoff the landlords?  These will be quite costly policies as time goes on and per your statement, the landlords should just "eat it."

IF your stupid, self serving ideas are put in effect, I would hope you and others like you end up on the street.

Would YOU buy, insure, maintain and rent to the public if these "rules" were in effect?  If you say yes, you are either lying or too stupid to understand the ramifications of your idiotic plans. 

Where is point 7 in your diatribe?  You know, NOBODY can be evicted for ANY reason...how could you have possibly missed that one?

The scary part of California's socialism is that it just might make it into law...sad.

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