  • Report:  #1376657

Complaint Review: Clark County Municipal Court of Springfield Ohio - Springfield Ohio

Reported By:
Kenny Hendrick - Springfield, Ohio, USA

Clark County Municipal Court of Springfield Ohio
50 East Columbia Street Springfield, 45504 Ohio, USA
(800) 544-1694
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Your Mom is next.

Imagine your neighbor is murdered and you are on trial for the murder as the only suspect. Imagine my having taken videos of the real murderer of your neighbor. How would you feel about my being told "NO evidence allowed" in your case because I'm not a "party to the case"? It's a different scenario now, isn't it? I'll tone it down for you: Imagine your child is in the morgue and you are not only mourning but are arrested for child abuse which you know you are innocent of. It goes to trial and you lose knowing the whole time that I was with evidences that would find you innocent. I'm on a roll, Imagine you are hit in the head and wake up to find you've also been robbed and stripped naked but that I have pretty solid evidence to show who the mugger was. How would it feel to you that your attacker is free because my evidence wasn't admissible (for failure to learn legalese in time to save you from the courts?).

One last one: Imagine YOUR mom is accused of being the "cause" of damages to a property. Imagine if YOU had Videos showing the old lady they found guilty wasn't the one damaging the crow property. Imagine YOU had rental receipts showing you were an integral part of the lawsuit and the actual tenant at the time of the disasters, imagine you possessed signed documents to and from the Crows (prior to any suit ever having been filed against your mother, in which both parties within the documents acknowledge that you, and not your mom, were the tenant), imagine you had other witnesses that would have altered the outcome and fate of YOUR mom, imagine you being denied to be in a position to produce photos and videos showing what the condition of the crow property was like when you arrived, imagine you had Videos and photos taken of the Crow property during your tenancy, imagine you had videos and photos showing the condition of the crow property when YOU departed 1335 North Limestone Street in Springfield Ohio, imagine being stripped of your first-person testimony, imagine you had more evidence and were not allowed to present it in a court of law, not even to defend your own mother by order of a Judge.

Only a plaintiff, defendant, or judge can compel evidence in these courts. When I attempted to hold up evidence in court, Judge Thomas Trempe waved me down, when I stated that my video evidences were in the court room on that fateful day of December 1, 2016, the judge appeared to be disinterested in regards to evidence. Judge Trempe reprimanded me stating that my mother, who has never in her life ever received any summons for anything, was now left to fend for herself without the "benefit" of counsel, that it is up to HER to compel the evidence.

Early on in the Municipal Court Case against my mother, prior to Pre-Trial, I filed two motions to the court; a "motion to intervene" (naively assuming the english language was understandable to all of us....who knew the courts would change the word "intervene" to mean something else?), and a "motion to correct the record" (I'm not an attorney and so I don't know the magic words, and my mom on the firing block does not allow enough time to learn the volumes that an attorney studies years to be proficient in, so "Motion to Correct the Record" was the best I could do at the time allotted. Both Motions were denied by Judge Trempe.

I promptly filed an appeal to the second appellate court of appeals but then over 2 months after I filed with the appellate, the lower court Judge went ahead and had Trial anyway. My mother was left without counsel and was clueless as to what to say and do in there. Only my mom's witnesses were sequestered leaving my mom to go up against the Crow Attorney and Judge alone, the same judge that has Denied our over 17 motions to the Municipal Court Record (with exhibits, including this video and about 4 others, not including other evidences and sworn statements).

We even filed a Counter-Suit by the urging of the municipal court clerk, I was sure the Appellate was a standard above the lower court and took the bait....they took our money and then summarily denied the counter-suit. It's tough in Springfield Ohio to try to be able to obtain the justice we are told exists...the lower court denied my ability to become a party and disregarded the 5 times in my motion in which i state to be in possession of evidence (stated within my feeble Motion to Correct The Record, which I believe was 2 pages of actual content, so the mention of 5x stating to be in possession of evidence is not easily missed). I stated to the Judge, the opposing counsel, of course to the Crows, everybody was made aware that I have video evidence showing my mom did not cause the damage and here it is 2 years later, having to go to Federal Court to undo the bad unmistakable mis-judgment of the Clark County Municipal Court.

My evidence, if permitted may have refuted any claim made by the Crows. Clark County Municipal Court of Ohio went ahead and ushered the 70++ year old trembling woman into the Court room alone and had trial leaving her to fend for herself. Judge Trempe decided to disregard my appeal submitted to the Second Appellate and had the Trial a few months after pre-trial knowing my mother would be without counsel (since counsel quit after a meeting with the judge and opposing counsel

******p.s. Note to all Springfield Citizens, if your attorney leaves you in the hall and walks into a back room with the judge and the opposing attorney, be very afraid, and have a backup plan! My mom's paid attorney emerged to state he'd not be representing my mom anymore (not that he appeared interested in the case ...well, maybe at first, when that $1k hit his bank, but as for the numerous calls and emails I sent to him prior to pre-trial (none returned), it was a stone wall with that guy.

The municipal court went ahead and had trial without allowing evidence to be presented.

Five months later, after my innocent mother was told she is the cause for damages and must give the crow's $4k++ for being the "cause" for damages, five more months later the Appellate returned with a decision to concur. This is a total breakdown of trust, concurred by the Court of Appeals that an interested party (me) that has submitted over 17 motions to the court WITH EVIDENCES and EXHIBITS and has claimed over and over to have more evidences, all denied by the Clark County Municipal Court, and now the appellate concurs five months after the trial stating my mom "did not file an appeal". We should hope for better on the appeal? Really? Not allowed without the magic words that only a trained attorney would know. The appellate concurred, but do bother to read and understand the entire scope, see http://springfieldoh.ddns.net , concurred 5 months after the lower court totally shirked the appellate division and went to trial anyway, to keep me without the ability to show any of my evidences, this is not good people.

I've already started my paperwork as the Federal Website is very helpful with forms and information, but would appreciate any input that others might avail so this matter can be concluded in my lifetime.

I did receive a letter from a Washington DC firm that states that they've made numerous attempts to contact me (I tend not to answer out of state calls). There is one more law firm that is national, but I'll not know if it pans out until the attorney assigned to my inquiry calls in a few days.

There are may be several suits now (in fact, if the Institution's attorney decides to take the case (I think he/she is going to, though), then there will be at least two cases, if the washington or another attorney should respond, then I'll be doing something a bit different and will post the events as they happen.

One thing I'm relatively certain of, there will be at least one Federal matter.

Part of me is very disheartened to see the stark reality of the apparent crumbling system that is in our midst right now. Nobody should have to go through this much trouble just to show evidence to save a loved one (or anyone!) against what seems like a not-to-be-trusted system.

They found my 70++ year old mother guilty of damaging ceiling tiles and carpet. Do you see the old lady doing any such thing in these videos?


sorry about the rambling....i'm very frustrated and pessimistic right now (thinking about how your mom is next).

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Peter Pan

United States
What's so difficult to understand?

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 15, 2021

Margaret Baldino's ONE-YEAR lease was a monthly lease.

Subsequent lease-holder clearly has shown rental receipts that are QUARTERLY and under a completely different name. The subsequent renter also has videos made DURING THE exact damages being claimed by the court which disprove the court-accepted version entirely.

If at very least we have an original lease that cannot be relied upon because clearly the lease is moot and shows no changes whatsoever (hence, it should have been treated as a ONE-YEAR lease as specified). The fact that the original lease holder has rental receipts showing ONE -MONTH disbursements and the subsequent claimant that was kept out of the court by denying all the evidence is a racket.

As for the videos that have been repeatedly uploaded to Youtube and subsequently pulled from the public view is evidence that law enforcement and other government agents are able to hush the entire account altogether.

The husband of one of the land-owner's live-in siblings is law enforcement.

It should also be noted that there was about a half-dozen documented communications between the land-owners and both the true and erroneously tried tenants.  The documents which were denied to be shown in a court house is a shame to whatever system is being claimed by the Clark County Municipal Court which has shamed all of Springfield Ohio's hope for an evolved judiciary.

Enough said.

Report Attachments

The website has changed

#3Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2017

Wherever you might see municipal-court.ddns.net has become springfield-ohio-post.com

Sorry but there's no way to make the changes in my original complaint here on ripoffreport.


#4Author of original report

Sat, July 08, 2017

Although I agree with "Tim" on one point, that it would be advantageous if the reader take the time to read the entire issue ( http://municipal-court.ddns.net ), it is very apparent that the Clark County Municipal Court did wrong-doing in the Landlord / Tenant matter.  However I disagree with Tim in regard to his unfounded statement and I'm not sure where he could conjure up that my mother chose to go to trial unrepresented.  Tim is making an incorrect statement when he stated that my mom "CHOSE TO GO TO TRIAL WITHOUT LEGAL COUNSEL" when in fact her $1,000.00 + paid counsel bailed out of the representation at pre-trial, a critical point in a case.    

So you are incorrect in your statement that my mom chose to go to Trial without counsel?   My 60B Appeal to the Appellate higher court only a couple of days after pre-trial (when the municipal court stated I could not become a party to the case), it was assumed that not only did we have more time to find an attorney but also it ought to be apparent that UNTIL the 60B Motion makes a determination how would anyone know whether to get an attorney for my mom or me? (unless we first waited for the decision from the higher court as to whether or not I had proper standing in a Court of law and can you believe we're needing to even discuss this disgraceful question in the first place?   I have the reciepts that show I was the renter during the time of damages.  I made videos of the damages as they were occurring.  I took before, during and after photos of the crow property, I have the signed documents between all parties, and if one takes the time to go to the site listed above, they will clearly see the Crows sent my mom a letter STATING THAT THE DAMAGES OCCURRED WHILE I WAS THE TENANT.   

In regard to my 60-B Appeal, that the Municipal Court of Clark County Ohio which had no good cause to disregard waiting for a decision from the higher court as to whether or not I ought to be able to present evidences, witnesses, first-person testimony, etc. in a court of law (where ought we to go for justice if our just-us system is criminal?).  The lower court ought to have waited for that decision of whether or not I am "allowed" to present evidences and first-person testimony.   End of story.....what was the rush?   Who profits by ushering an un-represented elderly woman to Trial 2 months after Pre-Trial?

What would be the sense in the appellate division at all in this case?  In other words, Tim is apparently attempting to obfuscate the fact that an appeal was made to the higher court a couple of days after the pre-trial (or lack of one: if my mom's attorney was going into that back room with the judge and opposing attorney with the fore-knowldege that he wasn't any longer going to represent my mom that would constitute ex-parte, would it not?   If he's not representing her then she ought to have been able to be privy as to what could have been so grave as to be the impetus behind a person quiting in the area in which they are trained in...the motive to all of a sudden quit the case).   

AND FURTHERMORE, if Tim's mindset has any soundness at all, then how is it escaping Tim's ability to question the MANNER in which the Defendant's paid attorney quit?   There are rules in which an attorney can up-and-quit a case, some of which are shown on the Bar Associations own website, others are within the Code of Ethics which is supposed to govern the movements of a trained attorney, and even laws are in place.   There was no written notice, no forewarning, not even a blurb as my victimized mother waited out in that hallway.

I rest one one solitary fact:  The Plaintiff's entire claim is that the Defendant (my mother) was "THE CAUSE FOR DAMAGES AND DESTRUCTION".

She wasn't the Cause and nothing Tim can say will stack up to a hill of beans in front of my videos and other evidences, so what is Tim?

IT'S IMPOSSIBLE for my mom to be the cause of anything for a number or reasons, least of which are: SHE WAS IN FLORIDA DURING THE TIME OF THE DAMAGES;



The claim made by the Plaintiff's against my mom are that she was the "CAUSE" for damaging ceiling tiles and such.  Over $4,000.00 swindled from my mother by a system such as this is clearly, in my opinion, wrongdoing by the Court.  

As for Tim's comment that my mother did not terminate her lease correctly, I have the letters that clearly state otherwise.   There was NEVER a point in time that the landlord ( Mrs. Crow ) and her husband ever disputed or communicated that my mom did not terminate her lease correctly.   HER LEASE IS NOT THE CLAIM....the claim is that she was the CAUSE FOR DAMAGES.   I hold the subsequent lease, how does it make a hill of beans as to Tim's circumstantial claim that my mom did not terminate her lease correctly when my rental receipts show that there is clearly a change of payments coming from me (quarterly and not monthly AS my mom's LEASE STATES).  

And as a final note, not only did the Plaintiffs file the INCORRECT LEASE in the Clark County Municipal Court, but the lease that the Plaintiffs filed on court record is not even the authentic lease to which my mother signed!

Again, I agree with Tim on one regard, that the reader ought to read the case:  http://springfield-ohio-post.com      and if the reader so be inclined, please sign our petition for relief.    I have all the evidence in the world, DENIED by a Municipal Court Judge, wouldn't you find it upsetting if you were in my shoes?

This was anything but Justice.

Report Attachments


Clark County Court Acted appropriately

#5General Comment

Fri, July 07, 2017

If  a person takes the time to read the case history including the appeal case, his mother did not terminate her lease correctly and was caught by the terms of the lease she signed. She chose to go to trial without legal counsel (she can afford to hire counsel but chose not to hire counsel).

So... before concluding there is an issue with Clark County Court please read the actual case history. The court found his mother liable for damages that occurred during the term of her lease. This person is putting the same information in many places on the web. The situation is unfortunate. But his complaint is not substantiated.

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