  • Report:  #342575

Complaint Review: Compass Bank - Lone Tree Colorado

Reported By:
- Littleto, Colorado,

Compass Bank
Lone Tree, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here's how my day started today. I woke up and looked at my bank, here's what I saw:

Date Debit/Credit Amount Balance

06/19/2008 DEPOSIT $100.00 $98.58

06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $8.37 $-1.42

06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $17.98 $6.95

06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $20.49 $24.93

06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $65.29 $45.42

06/18/2008 CHECK CLEARED XXXX $30.00 $110.71

As you can see, I started the day with over a hundred dollars. And Compass does what they ALWAYS do, let's take money first and then apply the deposit. I had one purchase that caused me to go over my limit. I was over by $1.42. So, you would think, one NSF fee, right? NOPE I received NSF fees for the entire day's transactions. Fun right? NOPE it get's better. So, I received an email alert as to these new NSF fees while I was in my car driving home. So, I pulled into the bank to discuss this matter. I normally don't bank at the Lone Tree Branch, but decided to today just because it was convienent.

I was told that I was charged the NSF fees because there wasn't money in there. Really, how could I start the day with 110 in the bank, I had 111 in debits clear, and now I'm being charged four NSF fees. So, how could this be. The manager (DON) refussed to speak to me or explain how this could be. But did inform me that I would incur an additional 4 tonight because now I'm over drawn b/c of NSF fees. I said no. That's not gonna work. I had money in the bank. I will accept 1 NSF fee, but that was it! I asked for his boss's name and phone number. When I did, the manager became even worse. He did however, go and get the number for me. When he came back, he said, leave or I will call the police. Really, call the police why? Because I asked for your boss's name and number. Let me know how that works for you. I tried to make a deposit to cover the fees. But he would not allow me to make a deposit.

So, I left, and called their 800 number. Talked to a manager there who told me to go to another branch and make the deposit and I would NOT receive fees again tonight. But still couldn't explain to me how I'm being charged for having money in the bank.

So, I proceeded to another branch across town to make there stupid 1PM cut off time for today's business. Here's where the even bigger surprise cames in the manager at the other bank CLOSED MY ACCOUNT without my knowledge. I didn't authorize this and asked how this could be. Compass has a policy that ANY employee can close ANY account at ANY time if they want to. Here's the even bigger kicker, they have 10 days to inform you that THEY closed your account. WHAT. OK, I spent the morning at the Motor Vehichle, and Vital Records, and wrote checks for these and now my account is closed without my knowledge and you are going to return these checks and charge me. How can this even be true. How can they do this without ANY notice? If I didn't go into the 2nd branch, I would have no idea. My paycheck would try to go in next week, I would pay my bills, and have NO knowledge that this was even going on.

Thanks for listening

- Screwed In Denver


Littleto, Colorado


8 Updates & Rebuttals


Your aunt is wrong

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 21, 2008

There is nothing illegal about it, and your aunt doesn't know what she is talking about. Your husband should have kept better track of his finances, so you may want to save your incorrect drama. And shame on you and your husband for stealing.


South Carolina,
Hopefully some help in understanding...

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

What date did you use the debit card to make your purchases? I see that they posted from your account on the 19th, but what date di they occer? The reason for this is there is a debit card hold placed when you make the purchase and this is subtracted from your posted balance leaving you a lower available balance. You had a total of $112.13 in debit card holds. Your posted balance before the check went through was $140.71. So your register would look like this: 06/17/08 Posted balance $140.71 06/18/08 Check cleared $ 30.00 balance $110.71 available balance $- 1.42 06/19/08 Checkcard $ 65.29 balance $ 45.42 available balance $- 1.42 06/19/08 Checkcard $ 20.49 balance $ 24.93 available balance $- 1.42 06/19/08 Checkcard $ 17.98 balance $ 6.95 available balance $- 1.42 06/19/08 Checkcard $ 8.37 balance $- 1.42 available balance $- 1.42 06/19/08 Deposit $ 100.00 balance $ 98.58 Since there was not enough money to cover the $30.00 check that was written but the bank paid it for you, it used money that you had spent with your checkcard. This in turn caused the checkcard purchases to also get fees. Even without the check you would still hae been accessed 4 fees since the checkcard purchases add up to more than you had in your account. As far as being legal, yes if the bank has disclosed this to you in the Terms & Conditions and Schedule of Fees & Services then the fees are legal and can be accessed. It's a tough way to learn a lesson but the best thing is to keep a register of every transaction (especially debits & especially checkcard purcases) and don't let your available balance go below $0.00. Use online/phone or ATM info just to confirm what has posted to your account and what holds are showing as active. Not as the amount of money you have to spend.


Missouri City,

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 26, 2008

The ex employee that responds to these complaints obviously does not know the law and the right of consumers. I'm in a situation where my military husband closed his account before leaving the country. I happen to get a notice, three weeks later, that he's 300 dollars overdrawn. Long story short, I paid the remainder balance after arguing with them and they are still charging me 7 dollars a day. They won't clear my check, even though my bank already gave them the money and it's already completely cleared them. Since my husband is in the military and he's overseas, I'm going to complain to the JAG office and then the State Attorney. I think trying to rip off a soldier for is fighting for THE FREEDOMS FOR THIS COUNTRY and his wife is not going to look too good for Compass Bank. I've talk to many people who have dealt with many different bank, including myself who is with a very good bank, and they have never heard of something like this as policy. My aunt is a bank manager and she states that this is illegal practice. So for the former employee, save your incorrect drama. Shame on you for standing up for a company that is stealing American's hard worked money.


I suggest you get your story straigh

#5Author of original report

Fri, July 11, 2008

Don know's that he was in the wrong. I did say one foul word, and that it was bullshit what they had done and could he help explain how this could happen. I never was mean to Don, nor did I raise my voice to him. In fact, I have it all on tape. That's the only way you can do business with Company Bank. However, I have since filed complaints with the local BBB and Attorney General. Only after these complaints were filed, and I contacted the 800 number did he changed his story. I don't care. If I am reported to anyone, which I am not, I will sue Compass Bank. They have NO legal standing to report me to anyone! I was in the process of closing my account anyway. Trust me, no other bank does business like Compass. Don't you think that it's funny that you claim that Compass Bank is the bank in the right, yet NO OTHER bank out there has as many reports of Fraud then them. Thousands of people can't be wrong. I suggest you do a little more research before making comments that are incorrect. Thanks for your opinion. I wish you the best of luck. PS - Google Compass Bank is a Fraud, see how many hits you come up with.


I suggest you get your story straigh

#6Author of original report

Fri, July 11, 2008

Don know's that he was in the wrong. I did say one foul word, and that it was bullshit what they had done and could he help explain how this could happen. I never was mean to Don, nor did I raise my voice to him. In fact, I have it all on tape. That's the only way you can do business with Company Bank. However, I have since filed complaints with the local BBB and Attorney General. Only after these complaints were filed, and I contacted the 800 number did he changed his story. I don't care. If I am reported to anyone, which I am not, I will sue Compass Bank. They have NO legal standing to report me to anyone! I was in the process of closing my account anyway. Trust me, no other bank does business like Compass. Don't you think that it's funny that you claim that Compass Bank is the bank in the right, yet NO OTHER bank out there has as many reports of Fraud then them. Thousands of people can't be wrong. I suggest you do a little more research before making comments that are incorrect. Thanks for your opinion. I wish you the best of luck. PS - Google Compass Bank is a Fraud, see how many hits you come up with.


I suggest you get your story straigh

#7Author of original report

Fri, July 11, 2008

Don know's that he was in the wrong. I did say one foul word, and that it was bullshit what they had done and could he help explain how this could happen. I never was mean to Don, nor did I raise my voice to him. In fact, I have it all on tape. That's the only way you can do business with Company Bank. However, I have since filed complaints with the local BBB and Attorney General. Only after these complaints were filed, and I contacted the 800 number did he changed his story. I don't care. If I am reported to anyone, which I am not, I will sue Compass Bank. They have NO legal standing to report me to anyone! I was in the process of closing my account anyway. Trust me, no other bank does business like Compass. Don't you think that it's funny that you claim that Compass Bank is the bank in the right, yet NO OTHER bank out there has as many reports of Fraud then them. Thousands of people can't be wrong. I suggest you do a little more research before making comments that are incorrect. Thanks for your opinion. I wish you the best of luck. PS - Google Compass Bank is a Fraud, see how many hits you come up with.


I suggest you get your story straigh

#8Author of original report

Fri, July 11, 2008

Don know's that he was in the wrong. I did say one foul word, and that it was bullshit what they had done and could he help explain how this could happen. I never was mean to Don, nor did I raise my voice to him. In fact, I have it all on tape. That's the only way you can do business with Company Bank. However, I have since filed complaints with the local BBB and Attorney General. Only after these complaints were filed, and I contacted the 800 number did he changed his story. I don't care. If I am reported to anyone, which I am not, I will sue Compass Bank. They have NO legal standing to report me to anyone! I was in the process of closing my account anyway. Trust me, no other bank does business like Compass. Don't you think that it's funny that you claim that Compass Bank is the bank in the right, yet NO OTHER bank out there has as many reports of Fraud then them. Thousands of people can't be wrong. I suggest you do a little more research before making comments that are incorrect. Thanks for your opinion. I wish you the best of luck. PS - Google Compass Bank is a Fraud, see how many hits you come up with.



#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 09, 2008

I don't blame them. And I am glad they put you in your place! Nobody needs to deal with an insane screaming (ex) customer cussing and causing a scene IN FRONT OF A SMALL CHILD NO LESS. Shame on you. You are the one who mismanaged your account! And to act like that in a place of business? "Date Debit/Credit Amount Balance 06/19/2008 DEPOSIT $100.00 $98.58 06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $8.37 $-1.42 06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $17.98 $6.95 06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $20.49 $24.93 06/19/2008 DEBIT FOR CHECKCARD $65.29 $45.42 06/18/2008 CHECK CLEARED XXXX $30.00 $110.71" Whose debits are these? Who wrote that check? YOU DID. You are at fault. Learn how to manage your money! Good for DON, that he refused to speak to you. If I had a crazy psycho waiting in my lobby, I would avoid them like the plague, too. Too bad the police weren't called sooner, so you could have written your sorry little "ripoff" from prison. And kudos to that branch for closing your sorry a*s account. Maybe next time you will value the fact you have a checking account. OH WAIT, you've been reported to TeleCheck, so I guess you won't have an account. TOO BAD. Lesson for all obnoxious bank customers. =o)

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