  • Report:  #128583

Complaint Review: Conseco aka Greentree akaNew (Greenleaf) - Minneapolis Minnesota

Reported By:
- Highland, Michigan,

Conseco aka Greentree akaNew (Greenleaf)
227 Sutherland Drive Minneapolis, 55480-1349 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When I purchased this manufactured home I was amazed I was approved for the loan.I was a single divorced mother of three had a bankruptcy from my marriage a part-time job.I was only making 9.80 an hour and of coarse my child support.Go figure I was approved for a 30yr. mortage at 12.75 interest.

My loan startes with a trade in,insurance (life) no disability I'm in a model home a 2000 Lincolnpark paying 712.00 a month plus 363.00 in lot rent. It has been a nightmare! When i bought this home a contest was going on they claimed the home came with a washer and dryer and a shed WRONG!!!

The contest was for the loan officer at Conseco and then less we forget our wonderful broker that sold us our wonderful homes mine was (Park Associates) Dan was his name and now he no longer works for them.

Anyway I was told to make a list of repairs did that then you have people come in hired by the dealer and the manufacturer. Nov.2000 a company came in and reset my home I was made to leave they split my house apart put it back together ruined the carpet my table(scratched it) put a dent in my van and off they went.

Mined you this was my 2nd reset. My panelling has glue spots all over them and I was told all of these manufactured houses are like that ,my kitchen sink has leaked and been repaired three time and i was told to tighten up the pipes as they loosen with the weather(Ive been in amobile home 20 yrs.) It's the traps that were leaking.

There are so many things wrong I could write until I am purple! I've had this house reset three times. The manufacturer in Indiana wants to close out my warranty so he calls and wants the work completed as it has cost them a small fortune in repair and labor. I tell him he will here from my attorney.

Well within a week he's at my house checking out the work I've been complaining about. He brings good old Dan with him since I closed this man has not even looked my way and he also carried my house ins. This day you wouldv"e thought he was my best friend.This was in 2002 my mother at that time had moved in with me and was 24 care I was still working nights and my husband now would stay with here at night while i tried to work than my father came to me in dec of 2002.

Now I've got both bed ridden parents 3Children and on amedical leave from my job.Not making any money filed Chapter 7 and reaffirmed with Conseco/Greentree.Discharged March 28 2003 (Iam an only child)Both of my parents died May 11,2003(Mothers Day)and my father on May28,2003. They left me with a house with a mortages,hospital and medical bills and my mother had no life insurance.I had to go into probate even with their wills and then to top it off my employer fired me for being on a medical to long due to management error and union not doing their job .

So I have had a rather tuff finacial moment. Then I finally talked to Greentree and explained the situation and as understanding as they aren't I brought up the fact my income was not what I had going out I was getting unemployment and child support it wasn't enough to beable to pay everyone and my ex-employer was appealing my claim and I also have an emotionally impaired daughter in my home.They gave me a 6 month interest break and dropped it down to 4%I actually saw part of it go towards the princapal!

Now I am still unemployed and the only reason they gave me the break was because of my daughter.They call and I have got caller ID and they have more #'s than a city phone book. The last person I spoke to was just after x-mas and they don't care how you get the money just get it. They break the privacy laws by calling your neighbors and telling them you have put them down as contact #'s.

Ask personal questions whether or not you working ask for work numbers if you have acell phone etc. What really tickes me off is when they call and leave messages on my ex-HUSBANDS answering machine and tell him I have put him down as a personal contact. They did a name search on me to find names associated with me and that would be the only way they would know about him as my married name was dropped and I carry my maiden name!

I told them it was a against the privacey law to do what they are doing and of coarse after payment was set up they said they would remove his name. Again this past Thursday they called him again. I relize I have done TWO very stupid things in my life MARRY my ex-husband and by this MANUFACTURED HOME aka mobile home becaause it has wheels and axels and a title . With everything wrong and 3 time repair I should wonder if I would quailify for the LEMON LAW?

They have called my house and left my neighbors name address on my voice mail wanting to know if the home was still their and or if it was abandoned. They have called her home and left messages for me on her answering machine. I have told them if you have no money how can you pay someone their answer move out we don't care How are they any differant if not worse than we are bouncing company back and forth?

They filed bankruptcy ? They've gone from greentree to Conseco back to Greentree? Something should be looked into here?I said to greentree you gave me a thirty year mortage that went from 49900.00 to 58000.00 at 9.80 an hour part time how did I get this loan NO CREDIT CHECK!!! This way I've paid a small fortune already the house is worth half the value I purchased it for they repo it resell it I stil have to pay as well as the happy new owner and the d**n house is'nt going to last 30 years and I am not going to live long enough to pay it off even if I paid triple payments.

Granted I owe them money and I will Admit to being late more than not. Unfortunatley stupid is as stupid does and I feel Totally taken advantage off as I felt if I was stuck in mobilehome Hell I might as well like what Iam living in.As people that have loans with these people your thinking was to own a home and they make it easy to suck you in and than by Gosh they have you and you can't sell who in their right mind is going to pay 60,000.00 to buy a home in a park even if you can by the land plus lot rent. Most of us pay more than land home owners do and they look down on us because we live in amobile home park were is the reasoning there.


Highland, Michigan

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