  • Report:  #3271

Complaint Review: Consumer Credit Solutions - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- clifton, il,

Consumer Credit Solutions
2870 Peachtree Rd #499 Atlanta, 30305 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I got a call from this business and they started talking about a credit card to help me re-establish my credit. So I send them $199.99 thinking I am going to be getting a credit card to use any where. One month later I get a card that is ONLY good for their catalog.

I called the company saying that I wanted my money back and it was not what I was expecting. They said that the only way to get my money back was if the product was mis-represnted. According to them it wasn't. But in the inital conversation NOTHING was said about their very stict return policy. They absolutely REFUSE to refund my money.

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