  • Report:  #650659

Complaint Review: Convict PenPals - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
Anonymous - , , USA

Convict PenPals
465 NE 181st, #308 Portland, 97230 Oregon, United States of America
(503) 465-0615
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I wrote to some prisoners on this site a couple weeks ago. I had written over 20 inmates and hadn't gotten one response so I wondered if the companies even sent my emailed letters. Convictpenpals.com was one of them and cannot believe how nasty and rude they are. This is the response from the 1st email:

"I'm sorry, but I don't work for you so I am not required to provide you with that information. Buy your own stamps and mail your own letters if you want to be sure they've been sent."

After I replied nastily about that, he or she sent me this 2nd e-mail:

"And if you're too CHEAP and LAZY to put a stamp on an envelope and drop a letter in a mailbox then you don't deserve a response from a prisoner.

You don't pay me. I don't owe you anything. What part of that don't you understand you CHEAP, LAZY, FOUL-MOUTHED SOB? You want someone to work for you free?

Right back at you.

And don't bother responding, you've been blocked."

I then used another email address and tried to explain nicely to this person that he was not following what they offered which were:

Come into ConvictPenPals.com and...
View Prisoner Ads FREE!
Write & E-mail Prisoners FREE!
List A Prisoner!
Join The Chat Room! (2395+ members & growing daily!)

So he was not doing any of that. This service sucks! He or she should have the responsibility of checking into the mail that was sent from that site. And could have taken the courtesy to do that as well. But all he/she did was be a fuddyduddy (big jerk) about it. This is the 3rd and last email to me back:

"Waaa, waaa, waaa! Get a life! You are making a total a*s out of yourself. 
Probably none of the prisoners you email ever want to write you back because they can tell you're a stupid, jag-off retard. If I were in prison, I wouldn't answer you, either. Hell, I wouldn't talk to you if I were stranded for life on a deserted island. 
Now f*k off, loser."

He could have been nice and helpful like Friends Beyond The Wall. Here is their e-mail back:

"Hello (my name),

We are happy to help and will check with the letter forwarding area first thing in the morning for you.  The following information is needed to assist you.

 Were all letters sent on the same day?  

 Was the same basic letter sent to each of the 20+ prisoners you referred to?   Or was each letter different?

Please let us know so we can follow-up for you.

Thank you,


The Staff at FBTW"

 So don't use Convictpenpals.com. They won't send your letters to prisoners and if you inquire about them, all they will do is treat you with disrespect and be rude to you! Even swear at you!~

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Carolyn has been stalking me for months

#2Author of original report

Wed, May 11, 2011

The ower of Inmate Connections has been calling my house and making threats of violence all which have been reported to the police. Her #5 response on this report is untrue. Since I posted a report on her she is now sending me hate letters and leaving nasty voice messages. I am guessing she searched my name and got that info from somewhere online. This has been going on for a long time now. She is even having prisoners write to me and making death threats. I ask you Carolyn to stop or you'll be the one having a life sentence without parole! I don't like you and you're only making things worse for yourself. STOP IT!


Never sent letters!

#3Author of original report

Tue, October 26, 2010

I just found out the other day that one of the inmates I wrote to on this site, the emailed letter was NEVER EVEN sent! I have proof from his letter! I had sent out all the letters manually. Do not use this site, it's a waste of time and they won't even send your letters!

Carolyn you're in for a little reality check - you don't deserve to say all those nasty things when your site doesn't even do what it claims to do! How about that?



#4Author of original report

Tue, October 19, 2010

Look I don't care about some stupid stranger like you. I don't what you're trying to do but it's not going to work. You're making yourself look like a fool. I told you to stop stalking me on here but you won't. You don't have the Music On The Move Plus story exactly right either but that's really not in the present anymore. Stop bringing up the past.

I have every right to writing prisoners and will keep on writing. How dare you tell me what to do when you can't do anything to enforce it. Go on, let's hear more negative comments from you. I bet it makes you feel good doesn't it b***h?


Scotty was escorted off the premises by police

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 18, 2010

You expect that kind of email even when you are rude, demanding, and foul-mouthed?


Youre neither my child nor my husband. You are a total stranger, and whats more a stranger who has never spent any money with me, and that means I dont owe you anything. If youre going to go around lashing out at people with profanities, insults, etc., then you might get some of it back. You think its your right to act like a child or a psycho while everyone else is obligated to act like a saint with you? Here's an idea, Scotty: Why not try to bring out the best in people instead of always bringing out the worst? You might find life goes better for you.


I read your review about the Wisconsin-based company "Music On the Move" on the internet and I read it very carefully from top to bottom. You know, the one where you admit that the company wouldnt hire you and wanted nothing to do with you because youre so weird and then you stormed into their place of business trying to take pictures and the police were called and the owner of the place came out and took a swing at you? I left a little commentary for you on those sites that I hope you read. Doubtless there are other companies that have had the misfortunate of having you walk through their doors, but I think this one says more than enough about you.  


By the way, I think you should stop trying to reach out to prisoners, either through my site or anyone else's. Prisoners need healthy, mature, functional people in their lives who can be good role models. They need positive contacts who can provide support and stability, none of which you have to offer. You are a 2-year-old in a grown body who thinks the world revolves around him and throws a temper tantrum every time he finds out it doesn't. You are in no position to help anyone and will probably be behind bars yourself before long if you don't get professional help.  


Feel free to take this email and post it wherever you want. Preferably on your refrigerator.


And stay off my website.


To anyone else who may be reading this:  Both my company Inmate Connections in Portland, OR and the other company Music On The Move, Inc. in Greendale, WI that Scotty Duke has acted like a lunatic with and then tried to slander online both have a rating of A and no (zero) complaints with the Better Business Bureau. Both can be verified on the BBBs website.


Carolyn is a stalker

#6Author of original report

Mon, October 18, 2010

Disregard what the person has said above! She was rude in the very first email. All the other sites were willing to help look up letters. It's a small favor. I bet if she has children she tells them "oh I can't do this for you because you don't work for me." I bet she tells her husband that too! Then she exposes my full name online and digs up info on me. She needs to get a life! Obviously that person is a cyber-stalker.

Every company except for a select few that I've come in contact with has sent polite emails. Emails such as this:

Dear (my name),

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

As I understand, you are having difficulties adding a bank account to
your PayPal account.

Please reply to this email with the last 4 digits of the bank account
that you were trying to add so we could further check as to why it has
been disabled into your PayPal account.

Should you need further assistance, please call 1-888-221-1161 or visit
www.PayPal.com by clicking the link at the bottom of the log in section.

Thank you for choosing PayPal.

(PayPal rep)
PayPal Consumer Support
PayPal, an eBay Company
That's the kind of email I expect from every company I write to.


United States of America
Not my customer / not ripped off

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 15, 2010

The individual who made these comments is not a customer of mine. He has never paid me for anything and has never spent any money with my company. He has never been "ripped off" of anything from me.


In his report he left out the parts of his emails to me which reflect poorly on him. The full text of his emails to me is pasted below.


Nowhere on my website does it say that I will look up letters for the people who have sent them. My website says that people can come in and write and email prisoners for free. This is true. Anyone can enter the site, fill out and submit a form which will then arrive in my email box and, providing that it meets a few basic criteria that are listed on the site, it will then be forwarded to the prisoner. We do not claim to provide support for people who send emails to prisoners. In any case, I never said that his emails were not forwarded. I just said that I wasn't going to spend my time looking them up for him to verify that they were. I am not paid to do that and I dont promise to do that.  


His allegation about my site not doing what it claims to do on the home page is false. Anyone who visits the site at Convictpenpals.com will see that it does all of what we say it does. On the site, you can list prisoners, view prisoner ads, write and email prisoners for free, and join a chat room.


 "...what the hell are you doing that you can't take time out of your day and look to see if the letters were sent?" Working hard for my (paying) customers, that's what.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 15:10:04





EMAIL ADDRESS: (((Redacted)))


MESSAGE: I need a response back ASAP. I want to know if this site mailed my letters out yet. My name is Scotty D and I have  not gotten any mail yet from over 20 prisoners. It has been a couple weeks and nothing. Some have been on this site and some on  others. What is going on with the mail here? Please get back to me ASAP. Thank you.


[my reply]


Quoting Scotty D    (((Redacted))):


[Show Quoted Text - 28 lines][Hide Quoted Text]

Allright that is it! I'm done relying on stupid mail sites like yours! Do you have any idea what I'm going through in life?> Depression! Every time I don't get a letter in the mail from one of those over 20 letters I sent out a couple weeks ago, I cry. You're not required to provide me with that info because you're a lazy a**, rude b**** of a jerk! Go f*** yourself! Really go and f***  yourself!!!! And F*** YOUR WEBSITE M F*****!!!!


[My reply]


Quoting [email protected]:


[Show Quoted Text - 15 lines][Hide Quoted Text]


I'm sorry sir but you are wrong. Your site lists this:


Come into ConvictPenPals.com and...

View Prisoner Ads FREE!

Write & E-mail Prisoners FREE!

List A Prisoner!

Join The Chat Room! (2395+ members & growing daily!)

            Since it's a free site there should be responsibilities in place. And you not mailing the letters when it says right on the home  page is a violation of that responsibility. You deserved every word of that nasty email and more. In fact you shouldn't even be doing  that site you m-- f*****. I have some current inmates I'm writing to that could tell you a thing or two. You're not a therapist so  you don't understand s*** for t**.


Why don't you get off and go into the hotel desk clerk business? Maybe that'll teach you a thing or two about bei9ng respectable and  polite at the first nice email. Understand I have OCD and you can't get past that. I will report your site on ripoffreport.com if I have  to. It doesn't matter if I don't work for you - what the hell are you doing that you can't take time out of your day and look to see if the  letters were sent? You're a jerk and will probably always be a jerk, honestly.


[My final reply]

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America

#8General Comment

Thu, October 14, 2010

I agree with the comment above. Why would you want to use sites as such and communicate with convicts. I'm sure there are other ways of meeting people. Next you're be reporting how you got scammed by one of these convicts and blaming them for that. Hopefully, you did not pay for this service. Just let it go... and look for a companion that's not incarcerated.


del rio,
United States of America

#9General Comment

Thu, October 14, 2010

  This seems to be risky business at best. Who knows what crimes these prisoners have commited in the past. The odds are they will commit more crimes when they are released. What is your reason for starting communications with these prisoners.

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