  • Report:  #409918

Complaint Review: De Marco Rei - Philadelphia New Jersey

Reported By:
- passaic, New Jersey,

De Marco Rei
1500 Jfk Blvd Philadelphia, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so thankful for Ripoff Report,I see there are other victims besides me.

Saddee we need to talk!!!!

This is such a sad situation ;Homes and equity are being stolen from so many individuals,This also makes it difficult for any honest investor who really does

a lease buy back legitimately,you are afraid to trust anyone.

Take Sadee's advice ,tell your lender the truth,loss of job,death in family our new admisnistration and President elect are really helping individuals

facing foreclosure.

I believed Demarco,I was told not to worry about the rent because equity was being set aside for illlness,unexpected emergencies but it never pans out.

The rent is so high that the meager cash out does not even cover the rent for a year and it is set up this way so you default,they get your equity,your house and***** they get the cash out they gave you because they charged such exorbitant rent.

Saddee and any other victims of this Company ,please come forward,laws have to be made so when you sell your home,you get a fair price for your home,

this way ,there is a possibility you can be a homeowner again;instead of facing eviction .

I am so thankful for Rip Off Report and Mr.Madigan.I have been so stressed

I thought nobody else was going thru this .Thank you Mr.Madigan and Sadee

thanks for letting me know i am not alone.


passaic, New Jersey


13 Updates & Rebuttals

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
The Scam continues,Where is Anthony and all the slugs???

#2Author of original report

Sat, September 04, 2010

THis scam is so corrupt and even the lawyers involved with Demarco seem to be corrupt:I guess it's hard to believe a Lawyer could be crooked? Yeah right!!!

I should have been more aware about Demarco and the attorney and loan officer who told me there was going to be a whistle blower case,the loan officer was compensated and he won't talk to me now,I guess this says it all. Could it be that this loan officer was told he would only be compensated if he did not pursue the Whistle blower case?

I along with so many others who were burned By Demarco and his partners in crime  am getting left with the really muddy end of the stick. I need help from Hud or the Fha as a matter of fact we all do.I have been reaching out on Rip-Off report since this  whole Scam started along with Angel,Kim,Amy,Valerie,Mark,Mr.Paolucci,Clay,and the list goes on & on.

The Fbi is involved however it seems like things are at a stand still but not for the homes in Foreclosure and we are about to lose the homes since Demarco kept everyones money. I would hope that we just don't become homeless ,it is just not fair.For the record large rents were paid to Demarco and he also kept six figure cash outs from the proceeds at the infamous Garden State land & Title Company.

Rumor has it that Demarco scammed approximately 135 people,the proceeds on these homes were all six figures,this adds up to millions upon millions of dollars.Demarco has caused disarray,is very rich and most likely hiding all his money,but I am sure there were plenty of individuals paid off.

I know there are some really good lawyers who are helping their clients,but most of us are not that fortunate.I am asking again we need a Bail-Out to get us out of this mess.

We do not want to be in this position,we made a Huge mistake, but we paid money and our homes were stolen and  now the crook who did it,Where is he and the Title Companies and Banks. Can't someone give us a loan?? We paid Demarco,we certainly will pay back the Government.Don't let this tragedy happen to us, I don't like living this way and I would really appreciate some help for us all.

We help everybody in America and than Demarco Rei and the Slugs come along and we in foreclosure are looking like the "Bad Guys ", becasue we were in foreclosure anyway.The bottom line is we paid rent for our homes and than the proceeds were stolen. Please Help Us.

I do not know exactly how a class action law suit works,but Ed Magedson has all the facts about Demarco and his Corrupt Slugs.Thanks again Ed and Rip-Off Report things are very Scary for me ,I need some help.I really appreciate this site.I am hoping there is someone out there who can help.Thanks all the staff at Rip-Off Report.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Was I Sold Down the River By the Loan Officer I Helped?

#3Author of original report

Fri, August 27, 2010

Here I am again sounding off about Demarco Rei,Kudos to all you at Rip Off you sure have helped and are helping all who were involved in this Scam.

Something is not right,The loan officer who was compensated by Demarco,Rei refuses to speak with me now,I find this odd to say the least since I spoke to the Wage & hour bureau on his behalf,I also wrote a statement for his attorney stating he took me to the closing.

This is the strange thing I called the loan officer when all the reports were circulating about Demarco and he said Why are you calling me?? I can not talk to you,yet he told me we will help each other,you help me with Demarco,I will help you in a Whistle Blower Case and "you may even get your property back".

I have mentioned that you cannot trust anyone and you can't because after I helped this loan officer he to this day will not speak to me if I call him he hangs up on me,this makes me think I was betrayed after I helped him.

This loan officer was compensated right away when Demarco first began his Scam I did not expect this kind of treatment.I am reporting everything since the Fbi and Attorney General are investigating this I want all of the facts revealed.

I guess one way of looking at this is at least the loan officer was compensated,Let's hope there will be justice for us in Foreclosure,I find it hard to sleep at night with all these things going on with Demarco I hope the Fbi gets all who were part of this Scam not just Demarco,the Banks,The Title Companies and Buzz ,Eric,Biana the names go on and on!

I have learned a lot since Demarco started the Scam and I realize that some individuals were hurt more than me,I have lost my mother in 2009,and  now I am about to lose my American Dream,I am not alone so once again I am asking for justice and a Bailout so we do not become homeless.

Thanks Rip-Off Report and yes I realize now I was sold down the river by the loan officer from Demarco,Rei.

Remember the internet and Rip Off report are Free and you can report everything.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Rip Off Report is the Best way to report a Scam

#4Author of original report

Wed, August 25, 2010

This Scam all began in 2008 and Rip-Off Report gave all of us who were scammed the opportunity to report exactly what transpired nothing like the internet.Another great thing about Rip off Report it is FREE and you get to expose Slugs like Demarco Rei ,thanks to Rip Off report many agencies have read what Demarco has done.

I have put my full trust in Ed and Rip off Report and once again I am hoping that Hud and Fha can read what has been going on,Demarco has harmed many and we in foreclosure have been hurt the most.

There were individuals who survived cancer only to find out their home was no longer theirs,others received little or no cash out ,Demarco never paid most of his employees and he swindled most of his investors and they are ruined finanncially.

The foreclosure individuals have been hurt the most,the documents are all false, our equity has been stripped and the homes are in foreclosure and some are in Bankruptcy.

Thanks to Demarco the American Dream that we were trying to save has turned into a Nightmare,many of us paid rents thousands of dollars over our mortgage,and now we are about to become homeless. 

I do not know who to turn to or what to do next,I am asking once again Hud,Fha many of us have been Scmmed by this corrupt organization.I have all my original documents and receipts ,I am asking on behalf of all the individuals who have been scammed can you please Help us???

Last but not least : If you are facing foreclsoure read this and be very careful,you can trust no one!!! The best thing to do is call your lender,and if you have been Ripped Off or Scammed report it on Rip Off.

I do not rest,I am very worried because this scam has left all of with nothing ,our equity is gone,I am asking again Please we are in desparate need of a Bail out.We are not asking for a "Free ride",money and homes were stolen.

All of this has been reported to the Fbi now if Hud and the Fha can please help us,we gave Demarco rent and he kept the rent and than he kept the cash out from our homes,if we could get  back the stolen equity we could use that to get back our homes.

Demarco scammed so many I wonder where all those millions of dollars went.Thanks Ed and all of you at Rip-Off I want everyone to read about the greed of Demarco and the slugs.

Rip off Report you are Great for the American Public everyone gets to know just how low these slugs from Demarco are.Thanks and last but not least anyone who can help it would be appreciated.

Please if Demarco or any thing like this scam has happened to you report it on Rip-Off ,Demarco  aka Opmg and Dvr properties.Beware of Eric,Buzz,Jason,Tripper,Biana,do not do not sign anything with out a lawyer present or you will be Scammed and living a nightmare!!!!!

Thanks all of you at Rip Off ,I am so grateful to expose this and I hope anyone who has been scammed will take advantage of Rip Off Report.


Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
What about the foreclosure individuals,What will Happen TO US?????

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 06, 2010

This is such a corrupt unfair crime,Demarco Rei did not pay his empoyees,he scammed the investors,but does anyone realize what is happening to the individuals who were in foreclsoure? Many of us are about to become homeless,Anthony posted on Rip-off I was living rent free,so far from the truth DeMarco rei recived rent of 2900 ,he only gave me 20,000 though he received 150,000 from the purchses of my home.

I have Fraudulent documents from Hud stating otherwise,so do all of the  Foreclsoure victims scammed by Demarco rei.

I just don't get it,why are we looking like the bad guys now,we paid rent and Demarco stole the money from the purchase of all the homes.Can someone please help us??

Where are all the creatures that scammed us? What about the Title Comapny where it took place? What about the notary? Where is Eric and Jason Buzz, Matt  and Biana Kristen,Tripper.

Do the banks and title comapnies realize all this money was stolen? Do they know about the Forgery,I am not sleeping because I have no idea what is going to happen to me,will i be on the streets??

I do not know where Anthony and all these other corrupt individulas are.I am hoping for a class action Law suit against these Criminals.

Millions of Dollars have been stolen.It may be time for a Class Action Law suit against these individuals,they have to be somewhere? Is anybody reading these reports?These criminals did real good at ruining our lives ,Can someone plese help????

Don't let these homes be lost,Please Help us.Time is running out.

Thanks Ed and everyone at Rip-off Report ,I hope the right individuals can help us.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Forgery,Posing as Attorneys, Purchasing Expensive Cars and Jewelry aka Biana,Anthony DeMarco,Buzz Wagenseller

#6Author of original report

Tue, June 08, 2010

Ed Magedson and his Site has made it possible for all" Slugs and Thugs " of Demarco Rei to be exposed. Ed has  made it possible for individuals harmed by these corrupt tactics to report exactly what WENT DOWN!!!!!!

Forgery,lies Deceit,just to name a few and other individuals from DeMarco have posed as attorneys. It is so frustrating but thanks to Ripoff report it appears that Justice may be served.

For the record Mr. Demarco has many fancy cars,suits and jewelry on the other side of the coin ,Victims of DeMarco are in foreclosure,former employees have not been paid,escrow has been kept ,exorbitant rent was charged ,Fraudulent,non existent credit programs were offered.

If the Government is involved in this DeMarco scam I am hoping that the resolution will help the homes involved to be saved.DeMarco and the title companies should be held responsible to the investors and former homeowners who ae about to lose everything.

We are all willing to work together and since we were scammed and cheated out of our escrow and promised refinance in a year,than we deserve that second chance.

DeMarco and his affiliates forged our signatures and lied that they gave us large amounts of cash ,in reality they stole everyhing from us,a lot of individuals with children and serious illness were cheated out of everything and never received a dime.

Many individuals have wrote there situation on Ripoff and thank  to Ed Magedson something is finally getting done.Ed we all thank you,it is a relief that we were all able to get this information out there "Thanks to your site and Freedom of Speech"

I hope we can get our lives back,investors former home owners and employees who were cheated out of their pay.I am hoping taht the Government can" Bail Out the middle class individuals " who were Scammed By DeMarco Rei and THUGS !!!!



Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
For alll victims of DeMarco,Aka Investors,Employees,and last but not least those who were in Foreclosure!!!!

#7Author of original report

Wed, May 05, 2010

DeMarco REI,Anthony DeMarco,Buzz,Eric,Biana,Garden State Land and Title ,Flagstar Bank Opmg and all Corrupt Scam Artist :

Ripoff Report and consumer advocate Ed Magedson have made it possible for your corrupt tactics to be reported . The scam has hurt the investors ,Clay Rives,Stephen Paolucci,just to name a few and former employes who wish to remain anonymous.

Demarco Rei has created a horriffic Domino effect that has all involved in Financial Distress!!!  This is so unfair , we were all scammed and Anthony and his crew stole ,lied and cheated and all of us are feeling the consequences.

The investorrs were trying to help us,(the individuals in Foreclosure) and now the investors are in facing Finacial hardships also. The victims of DeMarco should not be set aside to lose their homes and the investors who were also trying to help should not lose their credibility .

Hud and the Fha should step in and create a program A Bailout so we can buy our homes back from the investors. Why should DeMarco and his crew be able to Scam and hurt so many?

Everyone has suffered including some of DeMarcos honest employees.DeMarco REI and his partners  in crime are the enemies not the investors.

I am asking Hud, Fha, can the Govt. please step in and help the many victims of DeMARCO REI?

We aLL WANT TO GO WITH OUR LIVES,That is what we were trying to do.A program to help all victims of this corrupt Scam.

I once again extend my thanks and appreciation from all of us to Ed Magedson and his associates at Ripoff,You made it possible for DeMarco to be exposed.



Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Victims of DeMarco "NOT JUST Homeowners,Employees,Investors," Will justice be served???

#8Author of original report

Sat, April 17, 2010

Thanks to ripoff report several victims have been able to write their unfortunate situations due to the Tactics of DeMarco REI,AKA Dvr properties,aka DRC consulting.

I am sure Anthony Demarco was not the mastermind of this Scam,Buzz ,Eric,Biana aka Mrs Demarco,Title companies,Mortgage bankers,and what about the investors??

The investors have stated that they were trying to help us (distressed homeowners) this could be true ,they did use their money ,their names and their credit. What is so sad about this ? The investors have ruined credit now because the homes are in foreclosure,The homeowners are upset ,many of them had no idea they were signing their homes away.

The investors AKA "Straw Buyers" are in a situation much like the homeowners they thought they were helping. It is not fair for all of us to lose .

A Corrupt Scam was committed and I really hope something can be done for all involved!! The fair way of resolving this would be for us to get our homes back ,if Hud and or the Fha has to step in than let it be. If victims of Demarco Rei could get a government loan including the investors,this could possibly be a win  win situation for all involved,It is not fair that the investors are in foreclosure,we are about to lose our homes.I would work for Hud ,Fha and any other agency so I could become a home owner again and not feel like such a worthless unhappy person .

Please anyone who can intervene and help,Read these reports ,Consumers including employees,homeowners, investors have been writing about DeMarco Rei for a year or more.

I do not know what Mr. DeMarco and his partners in crime are doing,but speaking for all who were burned by DeMarco we would like to come out of this situation without losing everything.

Thanks again Ed Magedson and ripoff report. Amy and anonymous employees,Clay Rives,Angel & Mark ,Mr.Paolucci,Kim & David,Valerie,these are just a handful of victims burned by" DeMarco Rei and Guests AKA Scam Artist, Liars,and Slug like creatures!!

I am asking on behalf of all of us please help with a rescue or bailout.Once again my sincere Thanks and Kudos to Ripoff Report.

I thank you so very much for your great and helpful site,you have made it possible for everyone to know what went on with" Demarco & The Slugs"




Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Land transfer,LLC 728 Marne Hwy,Moorestown New Jersey

#9Author of original report

Thu, February 25, 2010

LAND Transfer llc has the same address as Garden State Land & Title ,which is no longer in business , I called 411 to get the number for Garden State land & Title , I was told there was no longer a listing for Garden state at 728 Marne hwy ,the listing at that address is Land Transfer: 856 234-7400,is this a coincedence or what !!!!!

Land Transfer is a Title Company,and guess what else?? Kristen Miller the notary who worked at Garden State Land & Title also works at Land Transfer,LLC.

I am not stating this is the same company Aka Garden State Land & Title but it seems suspicious to say the least. Please be careful when dealing with Title companies make sure there is no DeMarco rei or OPMG,LLC on your closing documents.

Ripoff report aka Ed Magedson has made his site possible and I am keeping all consumers informed of everything that has occurred with DeMarco rei.

It is possible the company had to change the name because of its affiliation with DeMarco rei?!

To all consumers be careful,read and watch who you are dealing with,better to be safe than  to be " SCAMMED"


Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Gaden State Land & Title Company,Saul Freedman, Kristen Miller

#10Author of original report

Wed, February 17, 2010

This Scam that has affected so many individuals is difficult to take apart: The role Garden State land & Title played in this Scam is questionable,it is possible they were not aware of the DeMarco Tactics?

Kristen Miller ,the notary at Garden State land & Title ,who witnessed the closing,could not answer my questions regrding the changes in the original agreement,Ms.Miller connected me to Eric Havkin,the manger at DeMarco,Eric assured me everything would be okay and to just remember all the equity I had and also the reserves ,etc,etc,.

Kristen did complain of a "Big Headache at the end of the day" Saul Freedman the loan officer who took me to the closing:Mr Freedman was dismissed from DeMarco ,I know this because I was contacted by wage & hour compliance regarding Mr. Freedman ,Saul was not getting paid by DeMarco.

I was advised there was going to be a Whistle Blower Case against DeMarco ,this has not occurred yet,from what I have been informed Saul Freedman was compensated.I have not been informed of any whistle blower case and now Mr.Freedman will not even speak with me.

I am most confused about this whole ordeal,I also know from reading the ripoff reports everyone went through an ordeal similar to mine at Garden State Land & Title,I am hoping for some justice & compensation for us too.

Mr. Freedman was compensated and I along with many others am in danger of losing my home.This confuses me since the closing docs stated something completely different .Will there ever be a whistle blower case?? Where does all of this fit into the Demarco Puzzle of Destruction.

As for Saul Freedman I was glad I could help him,he was compensated.It is strange he will not even speak with me?!

In closing,I am hoping things will get better for us,if only there was  something that could Bail us out and get our lives back in order.

Ed,once again I thank you.It is early in the morning and I am sick and perplexed over this whole nightmare of an ordeal.Thanks for your site.

I am hoping for some help for all of us. Thanks to everyone at Ripoff report. We raelly appreciate this site.





Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Final thougts on Demarco rei aka OPMG,LLC

#11Author of original report

Tue, February 09, 2010

For all consumers facing foreclsoure ,if you have been reading the website Ripoff Report: Made possible by consumer advocate Ed Magedson,than you have read what has been done to consumers due to this lease buy back Scam.

What is tragic and sad is this is making legitimate investors look bad,had Anthony Demarco not been so greedy,this could have worked,instead there are consumers in foreclosure,broke and about to lose their homes.

Everyone has felt this corrupt scam,the previous home owners,the investors and even employees of DeMarco and last but not least The Garden State LAND & Title company,this is where a lot of the "closings/deals" took place.

I am sure there are questions on every ones mind,why did we sign,we should have known,this scam was acted out so well,with broken promises of reserves,credit repair programs,refinances at lower rates within 1 year.

My favorite was" Don't worry about anything,It's like you still own the property" and another lie " remember you have all that equity in your home and there are reserves set aside for you.

I do not believe any of us got to use his/her equity or set aside reserves for hardships,I do not know if everyone received their cash out from the proceeds of the sale,if any the cash was very minimal as to what was stated on closing documents.

I would once again like to take advantage of this site: I am reaching out to anyone who can help us ,I realize the economy is in shambles,Haiti had a horriffic Earthquake,and the unemployment rate is high;but these types of scams ,this one in particular has hurt so many.

I think in this situation "DeMarco & partners, title companys,banks" should do as they promised.Give us back our homes,and refinance us ,they have our equity,So any individual who sold their home and was promised a refinance in 1 year should get exactly that,with a cash out after all ,this was the proposal with reserves set aside.

This may sound" Far Fetched" to some,but if you sell your home to someone and pay rent and get little or no profit from the transaction ,than you should be able to get back your home and the cash that your home was sold for, we could than have a chance to start over.

For the individuals to lose their homes in this scam would be horrible,so please anyone reading this Hud,Fha please this company has hurt so many ,each with a different reason for going into foreclosure,we need help ,we are in desparate situations.

Thanks again Ed,for giving me the opportunity to Expose these corrupt Individuals.

Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,

#12Author of original report

Mon, February 01, 2010

As I write these reports &updates about Demarco rei and all the damage that has been  done to so many individuals becasue of this company and the Ceo Anthony and President Biana ,I urge any of you who are in Pre -foreclosure or Foreclsoure please be careful when choosing legal advice ;be very careful of solicitation in the U.S.mail,do not speak to anyone,be aware of lawyers with offers of Bankruptcy,My advise and I wish I would have done this call HUD,call your lender, send them what they ask for.Do not give money for a loan modification to anyone,Call your lender and remember there are hotlines to assist you.

I am stressing this because I am experiencing a whirlwind of problems right now and you can trust noone.Read the reports about Demarco Rei AND WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US!!!!!

Noone really helps you,you are on your own and what  is left is the" HOPE" that someone will reach out . My only way of getting this information out was Ripoff Report & Ed Magedson.I am gratified I was not alone so many individuals made their situation known because of The ripoff website.

Please DO NOT TRUST ANYONE only talk to you lender ,IF you are in a RESCUE SCAM,immediately notify the county prosecutor,the attorney general,the FTC do not wait.

I am stressing this becasue I want noone to go thru this ,I have been severly burned by DeMarco REI,also Be aware and do not trust anyone.Take advantage of Ripoff Report and read what can HAPPEN ,DO NOT BECOME A VICTIM !

Last but not least,if you have been scammed ,take action right away & let Ripoff Report know what is going on.Something has to be done and we just have to keep on reporting until we are heard.




Carlyn mccabe

union city,
New Jersey,
Anthony Demarco and ( Biana DeMarco aka Tsepenyuk)

#13Author of original report

Fri, January 29, 2010

Mr.and Mrs. Demarco,

Have either of you have a conscience?? How could you do this to your fellow americans? I am so financially distressed right now.Don't you care that you are forcing people to become homeless?

Why could,nt you at least be fair when you took our homes,it would have been so much better if you really helped us ,insted you gave that minimal cash back to us and took it back with the rent that was more than our mortgages.You have a big beautifull home or maybe homes and i need assiatance for food and lights now!!!!!

Anthony & Biana you have hurt so many individuals,employees,friends is there any reason why? This is America ,a place of opportunity and we are known for helping other countries ,you on the other hand take homes and strip them of their equity and let them go into foreclosure.

I do not know how you sleep at night ,I can't ,ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER INDIVIDUALS YOU HAVE HURT SO BADLY.Do you know My mom died on November 7,2009 with a brain stem stroke? my mom loved my home every year she came for dinner,the home is in foreclosure now and did you know that Valerie had thyroid cancer survived it her home is in foreclosure now.

I do not know how you 2 managed this scam ,you even used a Title Company and they are now closed.Oh well Happy New Year ,Look what you did to us for 2010.

Please anyone who can help ,Let Ed Magedson and ripoff know ,This scam has hurt individuals in New Jersey,Pennsylvania,Illinois.

The banks got bailed out, what about som ehelp for us ?? We are middle class americans that came across hard times,don't let us become homeless.

Anthony DeMarco & Biana Demarco aka Tsepenyuk please help us ,do as you promised.

Thanks Ed & ripoff report ,I had to speak for all of us wronged by this scam!!!!!




Demarco Rei, Inc.

Carlyn Please contact us ASAP...You have not responded to our attempts by phone or certified mail and are still living in your house rent-free.

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 13, 2009

Carlyn, Do you realize that everytime you file a complaint it is logged in as Carlyn at the top of the post. This means that you can change your name to saddy or any other name you chose but it is apparent it is still infact you. We have helped hundreds of people avoid the horrible experience of losing their home, INCLUDING YOU. To this day you are still residing in your home, comfortably, for free. You have not made a payment to either us, your former mortgage company or an escrow account. We have made several attempts to contact you by phone and certified mail without a response from you. Please contact us ASAP! (877) 435-7218. You are spending so much time making false accusations while living rent free, rather than picking up the phone to rectify this situation. By doing this you are severly jeopardizing your situation even more. After reviewing your file, after Saul left the company, we made several attempts to contact you to discuss an affordable payment for you. Again we have received NO RESPONSE FROM YOU! Our position on this has not changed. We WANT to work with you. We DO NOT want your house. We are here to help you reestablish your financial footing. Please respond to our phone calls and/or certified mail ASAP to get you back on track. (877) 435-7218. In order to get you back on track we need to work one on one with you to help you to become a candidate that is qualified to own a home with a mortgage. By not responding to our attempts to reach you or contacting us yourself, YOU are making this an almost impossible feat. Again we are here, still waiting to hear from you and MORE THAN WILLLING TO HELP. Please contact us ASAP! (877) 435-7218. DeMarco REI, Inc. is a Real Estate Investment company that not only invests in Real Estate, but in people. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure alternative to the loss associated with foreclosure. We strive to help families facing foreclosure save their homes and improve their financial situations. Please contact us immediately if you need assistance at (877) HELP218 (877) 435-7218.

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