  • Report:  #311022

Complaint Review: Discovery Beach - Banora Point Select State/Province

Reported By:
- Banora Point, Other,

Discovery Beach
Banora Point Banora Point, Select State/Province, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our Experiences with Discovery Beach Australia

Our business is practically ruined and almost unsalvageable.

In August 2006, our business was thriving, and it was successful. It wasn't making a fortune, but how many businesses make money in the first year - not many. So when we came up with a better, bigger idea to make life even more sustainable for musicians and artists, how could we have known that doing it the 'right' way would end up yielding such disastrous results.

We came up with the concept of MUSOTOPIA in July 2006, and immediately realised that this was a project we couldn't take on without the right mix of expertise (and outside funding).

We thought we had found the 'Holy Grail' of business developers in a company called Discovery Beach Australia, also known as Discovery Beach International. I initially dealt with a man named Adrian Smith (OK, the name meant something to me - I mean, how can a guy who shares a name with the greatest guitarist on earth be bad?) and then, over the following few days, with a gentleman named Chris Barrell and Bernard O'Brien. Relying on their promises, and following their advice to the letter, our existing business, and the new one, MUSOTOPIA, are in ruins, my beloved family are separated (over Christmas as well) and scattered around the world, and we are practically penniless as a DIRECT result of DBA's inability to stick to their word.

Now, it's entirely possible that DBA is a legitimate business, as the story being told over the next few days may or may not indicate, but the one thing is for sure. We have been scammed, our businesses and reputations tarnished beyond recognition, and our future livelihoods and the wellbeing of a loving family destroyed. And I will demonstrate how this company has appeared to be legitimate right up to this point, where I still can't decide if this is a genuine malicious fraud, or arrogant senility on the part of the founder, Mr. Bernard O'Brien

Seeing as the business is already destroyed, as are long-standing personal relationships, friendships and my integrity (more than anything else), at this point I have absolutely nothing left to lose - I've already lost EVERYTHING due to these people. So, I know I am screwed, and there is no way out. Thousands of people will hate me, and more will be interested in how badly I appear to have 'f***ed up', but I will show how, through a combination of my own naivete, burning desire to give something to the community, and strong sense of desire to make something the best d**n thing in the world, how the events and broken promises and breaches of contract with Discovery Beach, Chris Barrel, Adrian Smith and Bernard O'Brien have contributed to what is possibly going to be forgotten as a large disappointment and a hope for the musical community of this planet. I tried, and I failed. For that, I am truly sorry. I tried everything I could to make this work, but it just didn't happen. So, now we have established the brief background, over the coming days I am going to publish outlines of every bit of correspondence I have had with Discovery Beach and outlines of the transcripts of telephone conversations and a detail of every single event since August 2006 that has led to this point today where all is lost, and hope ain't a big factor either.

Due to the law, I can't publish the exact texts of the transcripts, something to do with Data Protection or something. What I CAN legally do, however, is outline the details, and invite you to verify these details with the police once we have furnished them with the relevant documents and tapes.

If you are approached by Discovery Beach then please, sir or madam, take heed - this company takes your money, advises you to do illegal things, makes promises they can't keep, and when you question them about THEIR Breach Of Contract Bernard O'Brien WILL insult you and make you feel like plankton for daring to question him even though he is strictly in the wrong at every turn. Over the last couple of days, I have been in contact with Discovery Beach and I have offered them a resolution - all they had to do was do what they said they would do and fulfil the promises they had made. In Bernard O'Brien's native Australia, there is a law against the kind of practices he uses, it's called 'unconscionable conduct' and even though he is a Barrister registered with the New South Wales bar,i (UPDATE: The result of a phone call with the New South Wales Bar Association made last night has unearthed that Mr. O'Brien is NOT registered as a barrister in New South Wales. He is also NOT registered as a lawyer, although he did wualify in 1975) he is either too arrogant or too caught up in his own ego to realise that he and his company have committed several breaches and are technically guilty of Breach Of Contract and Advance Fee Fraud in both the United Kingdom and Australia. Furthermore, Bernard O'Brien has, in numerous phone calls and conversations, urged me to give his contact details out to anyone who wants to question why I can't pay them. I will take Mr. O'Brien up on his generous offer, and I will publish his contact information here. If YOU want to know why he can't fulfil his promises, then please feel free to - at THEIR invitation - contact ANY one of the members of Discovery Beach and ask them about it - their contact details will follow later on in the story.

I was threatened this morning (choked on my water - I can't afford coffee anymore) with legal action stating that I have committed a criminal offence in exposing all the correspondence. I fail to see where it is a criminal offence. Just to clarify, as Mr O'Brien, barrister that was, doesn't seem to be too clued up on the law - A telephone conversation CAN be recorded with the consent of only ONE party to the conversation. Information related to the Intellectual Property of the project is protected by a 'non disclosure agreement'. I will, wherever necessary, honour this NDA, but Where the information concerned belongs to me, I exercise my RIGHT to publish it.

Another belief of mine is that Mr. Bernard O'Brien has tried to squeeze me out of the organization so that he can profit more from it and leave me cold.

This is a technique that is used quite often in business, where the investor squeezes the founder to the point that they are so desperate that they will take whatever they are offered just for a little relief. My F*** YOU for just in case that is the plan, is to publish the business model and the business plan IN IT'S ENTIRETY and release the business model under the GNU Public License - This will make the Intellectual Property of the business worthless to anyone as it will become the property of the public domain. As I said earlier - I've already lost everything, so I would rather someone take the ideas and run with them with it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN than not at all. MUSOTOPIA can, and should live on to be a massive giant. And it should be free of corporate bullshit, seeing as I no longer have the resources to do it myself, I URGE the world to take it, develop it and build the community. Please!

The Saga Begins At the end of July 2006, the Rock Star Lottery was looking up, Revolution96 was just about all in place, and things were looking - well - peachy for all of us here at HQ.

During the week that Wickhead and Breaking Down were here in the UK, and realising that the 'community' aspect of the Rock Star Lottery seemed to be more valuable to most people than the main prize, we started to think of a way to integrate the best bits of the RSL into a concept that doesn't end.

So, sitting one day on the couch we came up with Musotopia - it took a while to come up with the name, but the concept was there pretty quickly. It was so simple that it just couldn't possibly fail.

How about a place with the same community spirit of the RSL, where we raise money not from voting, but from regular subscriptions in return for the opportunity to sell their tunes and art online and receive 100% of the money. We knew a few of the cynics would bash the idea, but conceptually it's sound. A band of 5 musos would pay around 1.00 per month per member, so they can budget. A fiver a month for subscription ain't a great amount, and if you sell off one album a month, it's kinda paid for itself - and if you can't sell 12 CDs a year, then what the h**l are you in music for?

Then we looked back at the preceding 4 months and asked ourselves "What were the mistakes we made with the RSL so we don't repeat them here?" - Unanimously, the answer was this - proper planning and external funding. SO we set about writing a business plan. For those not in the know, a business plan is a pain in the a*s to do, because there is no set formula, so we redid it about 3 times, before finally getting it out there.

On paper, Musotopia started to look bigger and better than we'd ever dreamed, and the requirements for funding also grew proportionately, but the way it was structured gave the opportunity for a career to so many thousands of people potentially, and the idea of developing a worldwide brand that would be as recogniseable as Nike or Coke just seemed so achievable (and it still is, but I ain't got no money to do it).

Confident and positive, seeing as we'd just built up a huge RSL in less than 3 and a half months, we figured that it was time to start raising the money to do this. So we started advertising for investment on the Internet. THe first guy to respond cost me a trip to Paris, as he was a very obvious scammer - when I got there, he had no idea of the business plan, but placed a suitcase with half a million pounds in cash on the table. Tring to maintain your integrity when faced with that sort of thing is far more difficult than you'd expect, but I politely declined and headed off back to the UK to find an alternative.

2 days later, a gentleman called Adrian Smith called me up and said he'd found the plan on the 'net and was very interested in talking to me. Having just been scammed in a big way, I made sure that I was a little more savvy this time, and had the phone hooked up to the recording studio system, so I could tape any conversations for evidence if need be.

I called Adrian back and he explained that he represents Discovery Beach Australia and that - long story short - for a fee of 400.00 they could do a 'First Stage Assessment' on our company and tell us if it was viable. The bonus on this, he claimed, was that if the plan was deemed 'viable' then they would GUARANTEE the funding we needed, but as long as we followed their recommendations. He explained to me how the system worked and how they are in a position to GUARANTEE funding to businesses that were a little 'off-the-wall' and not generally suitable for VC funding. He also told me about their success stories, and rattled off some very impressive names as references.

(Incidentally, we have tried to attain references from Brewtopia in Australia with no results - surely a company like them would be singing the praises of DBA for being solely responsible for getting them where they are - or at least that's what I was told.

On that basis, I shelled out the cash, and this CDROM arrived with the FSA stuff on it. We filled it out, diligently, and sent it off for review. 5 days later the FSA report arrived and - well, whaddaya know - they were excited about the project. A couple of rought edges, but nothing they couldn't work past. THey had deemed the project worthy of investment and had selected it for the next stage.

The next stage was a "Strategic Review and Blueprint" - In the initial FSA proposal it had mentioned that DBA was pleased to select the project, and it was exciting that the chairman himself, Bernard O'Brien had PERSONALLY selected the project for review. Imagine our delight.

However, the strategic blueprint was destined to cost. Apparently, to take the Musotopia concept to 'the next level' would cost in the region of 30,000.00 - WOW, I thought - that's a shitload of work, but the FSA was so thorough and diligent, how could I refuse.

I really wanted to do this, but I didn't have the money - even though they said they would front half of it, and I should just fork out 7,500.00. WOW - These guys are generous AND they want to help out. If only I had the cash...

So we thought about it, and we decided that the FSA had taught us a lot, but we just couldn't afford to splash out THAT kind of money on the next stage. Our decision was made. I called Chris Barrell the following morning and told him that I was sorry, but I couldn't afford the fee they wanted, and I'll have to take my chances elsewhere. He sounded genuinely disappointed for me, but said he understood.

A couple of hours later, Chris phoned me back to say he'd had a word with the chairman, Bernard O'Brien and that Mr. O'Brien was too excited in this project to let it slip away, and would I be prepared to call him in Australia to discuss options with him. I agreed. I spoke to Bernard O'Brien the following morning on the telephone, and such a respected businessman and charismatic person, he explained that the money wasn't the issue, he didn't mind fronting the majority of it, but I would need to put at least 'something' on the table. Not for the money aspect, but to show that I am committed to making the project work. He suggested that I raise half of the initial fee and he'd front the rest. He did - he seemed sooo genuine, but I was straight with him and I told him that I couldn't afford to raise three hundred quid, let alone three thousand.

At this point, Mr. Bernard O'Brien urged me to borrow the money. HE convinced me that it wasn't about the cash, but the commitment to the project - after all, if I didn't put anything into it, then I can pull out at anytime and he's taken all the risk - it seemed logical and fair enough - even for an intelligent man such as myself, and hey - we'd done the research - there wasn't anything negative we could find about them.

I said that I MAY be able to raise that kind of money but I'd need a few days to make some calls.

However, I stressed the importance of time frames to him in this conversation. I asked Bernard O'Brien how long the process would take, as the initial proposal had stated 3-5 weeks, but they'd had results in the past of less than 7 days.

Bernard O'Brien assured me that the process shouldn't take longer than 3 weeks, but in exceptional circumstances it can take 5 weeks to complete. I then asked what assurances I could give people if I borrowed money from them for this. Bernard O'Brien gave me his 'personal guarantee' telling me that I could get whomever I borrowed money from to contact him and he would echo the same 'guarantee' that, by December 2006, their money would be tripled - the business is that good. So - I hunted and searched around, and eventually found someone who had enough faith in me to lend me the money on that basis. I had shown him the FSA and the proposal saying that the blueprint would take 3-5 weeks, and I assured him that was an experienced businessman and his 'personal guarantee' - well... he wouldn't make it if he couldn't stick to it - he's got too much of a reputation to protect.

So we were thanked and I was asked to transfer the money to Australia (I must confess at this point that a wee little warning bell went off, as they do have a registered company in England, but I was told that the banking facilities hadn't yet been set up, so I went ahead and deposited 3500.00 into Bernard's Australian Bank Account.

The next step was the 'download' - I was told this wntire process would cost around 30,000.00 to complete, so I figured that this is one busy crew - all workign fervourously on MY project. I felt proud, and successful and on top of the world.

Re-enter Mr. Chris Barrell - we were now to do the 'download' - this involves me sharing every little aspect of my existing company (not sure of the relevance, but hey - these guys are pros) from financial details through to projections and forecasts etc. I thought it a bit peculiar that they were more interested in the RSL than the development of Musotopia, but hey - these guys know what they're doing, right?

So Chris sent me another questionnaire to fill in, and some templates for building a company profile, which I duly filled in. We'd made an appointment for him to come from Bristol to my office, so we could do this in person, but he was so impressed with my diligence, that he said it wasn't necessary and we could do it over the phone. Hey - these guys are pros...

SO I spent 2 hours on the phone with Chris answering all sorts of questions, and developing what I thought was one h**l of a rapport.

So we got the 'download' finished, and I was sent other bits and pieces which were filled in the same day. Chris expressed his delight in how diligent and fast I was, so I thought this process would go like lightning.

It was another 3 weeks before I heard from Discovery Beach again. At this point, the 3-5 week deadline we'd agreed on had passed, but I assured my wife that "Hey - these guys are pros, and they are no doubt using that 30k to make a monster plan.

Week 6 after the intial process began, and one week behind schedule with no explanation and no contact from Discovery Beach and I started to get concerned. I emailed Bernard O'Brien and asked him when I could expect the document. Nothing. No reply. Nada. Zip! After 2 days I emailed MR Bernard O'Brien and I asked him again where the document was, s I had promised the person from whom I had borrowed money that this thing would be here in 3-5 weeks. It was now week 6. I also made the mistake of asking Mr. Bernard O'Brien to provide a breakdown, for my own curiousity, as to where this alleged 30k was being spent. Ooooh - THAT got a reply, and what a nasty one it was at that.

Basically, to outline the reply, I was told that Mr Bernard O'Brien was a very busy man, and that he had many things to deal with, and now he has to account to ME as to where the money was going?

He insulted me, and made me feel rather inept as he explained that I should not dare question him. Was this the same man that just 7 weeks ago had shown me such respect when convincing me to borrow money to give to him?

But hey - he's a professional. I refused to believe that this was a scam, becuse Discovery Beach has been around for 13 years, they have a reputation, and surely they wouldn't risk all of that for a measly 3 and a half grand...

One of our plans for the business was to move it to Mauritius, where I am currently stranded. There were many financial advantages for doing this, as well as it being a tropical island and all that, but mostly because we want to offer our children a chance to grow up in an environment free of fear from day to day. The cost advantages for the business were immense, and in October 2006, we were ready to go.

But then, things had started taking a wee turn for the worst over at businessland. You see, now - we have a CONTRACT with DBA nd the contract states that 3-5 weeks from initial payment, we would have a strategic blueprint, and if we accept those recoomendations, then we would have GUARANTEED funding. I have this contract right here with me, and it makes me spew venom every time I think that I am spending a Christmas on the other side of the planet from my family, who are homeless and waiting for me to find a way to reunite us all. Coming back to England ain't an option as the majority of the move has been done - and hey - we've lost EVERYTHING. England in Winter ain't the best place to pick up and start from scratch again.

So it's now 8 weeks since the Strategic Blueprint process began, and I am on the phone with Chris Barrel almost daily. At this point, I'm getting fairly desperate, the bills are coming in, and I SHOULD be shutting down the business. I told Chris Barrel this on a number of occasions and explained that this was a breach of contract, and that I would be forced to pursue other avenues with them if this report was not forthcoming.

Of course, the threat of legal action woke Mr. Bernard O'Brien from his long slumber, and he immediately wanted to talk to me about the problems in my current business. He blamed me for poor organisation of the business (which I couldn't really argue with, but that's what he was there to fix) and that he can't build the business model on a foundation that I keep putting 'bandaids' on. I told him I couldn't agree more, but now I am under pressure - suppliers are nagging me, and I have held them off on the promise that external funding was coming in on the basis of Bernard's contract.

Of course, these suppliers were happy to wait the first, and even second time round, but by the third time I had to promise them that Bernard was going to come through for me, they started to get suspicious, and I was put under threat of public humiliation due to his not meeting his promises.

I admit, it was my mistake to be naive, and I should have shut down the business when my gut told me to, but Bernard and Chris just seemed so genuine, so convincing and so concerned, so when I explained to Chris in November that 10 weeks and no report is a serious breach of contract, and that I would be seeking legal advice, I was surprised that I had no response whatsoever from wither of them. Sddenly my calls go unanswered, mobile phones are almost always routed to voicemail, and the harsh reality kicks in. Bernard had never intended to do anything.

So I got angry. I phone Chris Barrel because, at this time, Bernard O'Brien had given up talking to me entirely unless it was to smooth me over when I got too angry.

Eventually I said to Chris in late November that enough was just about enough - I wanted my money back, so I could at least part repay people who had given me money, and I wanted to press for breach proceedings as it was now 3 months after the due date and nothing in the form of a 'strategic blueprint' had arrived. I had followed their recommendations and stalled suppliers while waiting for their 'magic funding' to come through (admittedly MY FAULT), but now I was in a pickle. Services were going to be switched off, and I had nowhere to turn. My motivation was at an all-time low, and I was just about ready to put the noose around my neck and take a swing.

During the month of September, two friends whose trust and respect I'd gained, and who were invaluable to the project, quit their jobs on Bernard's assurance that we would be able to fund their employment by October. Of course, this is now in tatters, and I am responsible for ruining the livelihoods of two people who trusted me. I had explained this to Bernard O'Brien in the month of October, and he urged me to get them to contact him and he would reassure them. Of course, I have heard that one before, so I didn't bother.

Back to late November, all hope is lost, and I explain to Chris and Bernard that I can no longer go on waiting, and that legal action would ensue immediately. That same day an email came through from Bernard O'Brien withnothing other than "Report Attached" - and an attachment. I was excited to at least see SOME results, but so disappointed when I opened the 'strategic blueprint' only to find it had obviously been hastily cobbled together, was lined with caustic insults and had no definite timeframe, procedure or solution to it. This had CLEARLY not taken more than half an hour to cobble together, so I wonder where the 30 grand went to.

However, it was early on a Saturday morning, and at this point I was desperate, so I sent a reply saying "This looks good, where do we go from here". Of course, I was ignored by Bernard O'Brien but I was used to this by now, so I leaned on his puppet, Chris Barrel and stressed just how dire the situation had become with both businesses as a result of relying on Bernard's promises.

I was ignored by both for a few days, so I sent another threat of legal action, and received an email from Chris Barrel saying that they realised that a short-term solution was needed, so their company, DBA would like to acquire 50% of the existing business to help see me through. RELIEF AT LAST!

Thanksing Chris on the telephone for finally coming through, my faith was temporarily restored, and Chris guided me through the process of placing a monetary value on the company so far. I valued the assets, resources and database, deducted the liabilities and came up with a figure - I asked Chris if he thought that the figure was reasonable, and he told me I should have gone higher, as I have underestimated the value of the Intellectual Property - So I duly followed Chris' recommendation and I sent off my valuation, and invited Bernard to open a dialogue on the next step. This dialogue has - todate - still not happened.

During Early December, our financial resources could no longer support ourselves, so we sold everything we owned on eBay and I took a flight to Mauritius, where at 1/10th of the cost of the UK, I could proably keep things afloat for another month or two - tops.

I kissed my children goodbye and promised I would see them soon. It was heartbreaking, but it had to be done. My stepkids went to stay with their dad for a while, and my kids with my first wife. My wife was - at that point - staying in a one bedroom flat in Oxforshire with no hot water and no heating, with our 2 year old daughter. Through all this, we had to maintain an impression of positivity and 'all is good' on the sites that we run, but it gets more and more difficult.

Now that December had come, it was time to contact Bernard O'Brien and ask him to make good on his promise to triple my friend's money by December. Of course, he denied ever saying this or even urging me to borrow money, so fortunately, I have recordings and they don't lie.

Over the last week, I have pleaded, threatened with legal action, begged and implored Bernard O'Brien to do nothing more than keep to his word. He has refused at every turn telling me to 'fix my attitude' and to not question him.

Desperation is a h**luva thing. When you ain't got no resources to survive, and you are separated from your family, we invited Bernard and Chris, on numerous occasions, to open a dialogue and resolve the issue. I am now used to being ignored, so I have to use the only thing that works, the threat of legal action. Only - it's not a threat anymore.

We did some investigation, and while - sure, we are fooked in this situation, I am not going to allow anyone else to be destroyed in the same way, so I am writing this site. Bernard informs me that by exposing Discovery Beach's Advance Fee Fraud scam that I am committing a criminal offence, and that he and Chris Barrel have reported me to the police (what for, I just don't know - and it's also untrue as of this moment), it only urges me to tell this story, because I am certain that others have gone through the same in the past and given up. Dear reader, I have lost EVERYTHING, my family (for now), my livelihood, my businesses, my reputation and soon enough, I'm pretty sure it will be my home as well. DOES BERNARD O'BRIEN REALLY THINK THAT I'M AFRAID OF HIS THREAT OF POLICE ACTION? I've already lost everything because of him, I have nothing left to lose except my life, and most days I welcome that prospect - if it weren't for my children, I would have already done it! So, on the understanding that whatever Bernard O'Brien threatens to throw at me, I just don't give a f***! I'm not in a country governed by the laws of Australia or the UK, so - if there was a real law against telling the truth, then they'd have to find me first.

However, this is Bernard O'Brien and Chris Barrel's pathetic attempt to scare me off.

Last night, under the last of my remaining resolve, we phoned the New South Wales Bar association, only to find that Bernard O'Brien does NOT hold a license to practise as a barrister. He was asked to remove this claim from his website today by the association, and he complied swiftly and silently.

There is also a law in Australia known as "Article 51A" - This law states that, as a business, you may not make a promise that you can not or do not intend to keep. Bernard O'Brien has clearly contravened this intentionally, and is - by all counts - guilty of 'unconscionable conduct'.

We also contacted the Fraud Squad in New South Wales, and they urged us to make a formal complaint, which we will be doing in the next few hours when they open.

The Australian Trading Standards Bureau in New South Wales last night told us that no company in the sector that Bernard O'Brien claims to be in may charge upfront for a servies such as getting investment. They must first deliver the investment, then charge a fee. The Bristol Police in the United Kingdom were very keen to speak to Chris Barrel over his claim that I am committing a criminal act by detailing THE TRUTH and nothing more.

We have been urged by both the UK police, and the New South Wales Fraud Squad to enter a formal complaint and they will come under investigation immediately. I believe that Discovery Beach is not a traditional fraud organisation, but I do believe, from my experiences here that Bernard O'Brien believes that he is untouchable. And he seems to believe that it is OK to con people out of money, not deliver what he promises and then insult and threaten the people who PAID him to provide a service that he does not deliver.

I have been unable to secure a decent reference for DBA from any of their listed referees, and when I questioned why their biggest referee, Brewtopia Beer in Australia, refused to speak to us, I was told that "They get so many requests for references that they just don't answer them anymore" - Now, I ask you - a company as big and successful as Brewtopia - surely they would have a generic reference they could just hand out to peopel - If Discovery Beach had actually done their jobs, I know that I, for one, would be screaming their praises from the rooftops.

I have been threatened, insulted, had my livelihood all-but-removed (the sites are still open, but the moneywell has run dry), condescended to and had a forced separation from my beloved family over Christmas with no definite timeframe as to when I will see them again - all because I trusted Discovery Beach, Chris Barrel and Bernard O'Brien I trusted that a company with 13 years experience and a serious reputation to protect would not f*** me over for 3 and a half grand, but they did. And what is it I have demanded of them?

I demanded that they fulfil the OBLIGATIONS and COMMITMENTS they made in their contracts and their promises. I asked Bernard O'Brien to part with a measly 10 grand so I could regain my dignity. When I found out that he had lied to me about his credentials, I asked him to cover the cost of reuniting my family as well. This man has ruined me. I'm hoping for a saviour, I've paid and paid and paid, and now I am paying with my life. PLEASE, It is probably too late for me to salvage anything of my businesses, and if I can, it would be by a miracle. But PLEASE take heed. DO NOT ENTER INTO AN ARRANGEMENT WITH DISCOVERY BEACH, PATHFINDERS LTD OR BERNARD O'BRIEN/CHRIS BARREL without first double-triple and quadruple checking and ensuring that you are 100% protected.

Bernard O'Brien has no respect for the contracts he writes. He is a smooth talker, and nothing more. He WILL convince you to part with your money and he will rape you until, like me, you are left for dead.

Please take this story, spread it wherever you can. Do not allow this to happen to anyone else. Please!

UPDATE: Seeing as this has now kicked the wheels in motion for the thousands to start theiur hate campaigns, I just wanted to say that, a month down the line I now have a job, and things are starting to look up from a personal perspective. The sites are still online, and I'm slowly managing to dig our way out of the hole we are in. The family were reunited in early January.

In the time between the initial writing of this page and now, we have received death threats from Bernard O'Brien claiming that his corporate advisor, Michael Turner, has a history in the Australian defense industry, and that his contacts would have me 'bumped off' - starting with my children - if I didn't shut up about this and stop telling peoplle.

IT turns out that Bernard O'Brien's organization doesn't extend to just him - again, since the initial writing, we have unearthed a LOT MORE information on them and their CEO, ALi Pourtaheri, is also just as involved, as ar Michael Turner, the advisor who can kill children just to keep his reputation intact, and Wendy Stockden-Brock, a defiant, fly-faced b***h who just can't accept that they've been caught out. THere's still more information, and I'll post it over the next couple of days with a decent timeline. Seeing as this is becoming the most popular page on the RSL server. .

http://www.rockstarlottery.com/lostthelot/ 2/02/2007

Wendy Stockden-Brock Banora Point

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Chris Barrell

United Kingdom
Re: Discovery Beach Australia

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

Discovery Beach Australia, UK, International, Bernard O'Brien I know these guys, My ex Boss was conned by them some time ago Banora Point Australia Discovery Beach Australia, UK, International I know these guys, My ex Boss was conned by them some time ago. I remeber him being asked to pay for a CD wich would show him how to make his business grow. Then he was asked for more money and told it was the best business the teem at Discovery Beach had ever seen. He paid the money and then started to do lots of work for them. I remeber him always saing "why do they never do anywork", and "why am I just putting in". He even wondered why he never saw any so called investoers in his business. My Boss was a broken Man after deeling with Discovery Beach. I used to like my job and had a great time untill my Boss teemed up with this con teem. Check out what I found out abowt them below. www.discoverbeachnews.com I contacted this web site and they told me the same as I ready new. The teem at Discovery Beach have moved to the UK and set up a new limeted company called Discovery Beach International and the web site is www.discoverybeach.co.uk . I have seen loads of stuf about them on the web and some say the mane man Chris Barel is a Drug Deeler and has a Police conviction record for deeling in drugs and still does it today. I have family in England and one is in the Police. I will chek with him and find out if its truw or not. What I do no is that I wonse had a realy good job in Australia and my Boss beleeved the story Discovery Beach told them, and today the company is closed, my Boss lost everything and I lost my job. I got sorted in the end, but I reely miss my old work and hope the crooks who ripped of my old boss get wat they diserve. I have red some web sites about a company who was trading in something here in Aus, and she was ripped off for her dollars from Discovery Beach. I have read loads of stuf about how good they are, but wen I contacted the companys on the web sites who Discovery Beach say they have made millions for. All say the same thing, wich is they did it withowt Discovery Beach help and just paid them money wich they culd have done the job for themselfs. The Truth Teller

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