  • Report:  #681875

Complaint Review: Don Gillette - Miami Florida

Reported By:
T.N.C. - Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA

Don Gillette
Miami, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I responded to an employment ad in Craigslist that was placed by Don Gillette of Miami FLA, regarding an opportunity to work as a lead broker. The ad was deceptive in that it was not a job but after a lengthy presentation it was revealed that it was a business opportunity. The opportunity however sounded very good.

The premise was that you purchase the Lead Net Pro software for $397.00 and a $19.95 per month fee, you also need to &nbspset it up on your own domain (it requires its own so you need to purchase a domain name and web hosting) and they strongly recommend a merchant account through First Data which requires a minimum six month contract. To cancel this contract now will cost me $150.00 in addition to everything else I have been charged. After all of this is done Don emphatically stated many times and in several ways that you could use this software to extract leads for any industry, and sell them to service providers such as Mortgage Brokers, Debt Settlement companies, Insurance Agents, Roofing Companies, and anyone who needs fresh sales leads.&nbspOf course there is no way to test the software ahead of time because you need a personal copy set up on your private domain.

The problem is that once I purchased the software and got everything set up it became obvious that it was not capable of producing such lists at all. Let me explain what Lead Net Pro (LNP) actually is. LNP is first an extractor, second an e-mail broadcater, and third a phone broadcast system (autodialer). It combs the Internet extracting e-mail addresses and phone numbers from various web sites according to the keywords you put in. As extractors go, LNP returns paltry results. What made it attractive is that it was said to be able to extract customers for the services listed above which would indeed be beneficial and unusual. LNP however is NOT CAPABLE of doing this! It like other extractors can only gather the information of providers for these services who are listed on the Internet. There is no repository for potential customers, no place where people go and say I am likely to buy this product or need this service in the near future. The way lead companies get this information is through expensive advertising and capture pages. It was insinuated that somehow LNP was able to get this information.

When I confronted Don Gillette about this, he said he could go onto CraigsList and do a general extraction (extract all of the e-mails and phone numbers from all of the ads) and do a mailing offering a service or product and the people who responded could then be sold as a lead to a business. The problem is that he is simply spamming and breaking the law according to the Can Spam Act. Also you could not gather enough names that way to ever run a successful lead company. So not only is he intentionally lying about the capabilities of the software, he is teaching people how to break the law and put themselves in jeopardy.

LNP themselves admitted that the software couldnt do what their reseller said it would do, but they didnt offer any solution but rather threatened to pull their support to me if I continued to write them letters of complaint. Since that first e-mail they have not responded to any of my subsequent e-mails or phone calls.

According to the training videos the way you are to use the software is to extract the information for Network Marketers and reverse market to them through e-mail (express an interest in their business in hopes of opening a dialog and then sell them the software) the problem is that after mailing thousands of people the response was only seven people who were complaining about the fact they are getting bombarded with these types of e-mails and that they knew I was trying to sell a lead system. Or you can try to autodial the phone numbers it collects, which I admit I didnt try to do because it costs money to send each one and I already know they are upset with people trying to sell them the system. Lead Net Pro is simply a rip off. Don Gillette brags about making $20,000 to $30,000 per month selling this system through his deceptive CraigsList ad to poor people looking for a job. When I confronted him he said sarcastically Yeah Im sure you make more money than I do. Like that was what is important and not the way you make that money. For me, ripping people off isnt worth my integrity, even at $30,000 per month.

When I started to point out what he was doing was illegal he quickly said he would refund his portion ($300) of my $397 a week and a half later. I am waiting to see if he does as I write this.

I had spoken to Dan Miller and worked one of his other programs before and I thought he was a very nice guy (even though I didnt make any money with his other program called IPC) so I trusted him. That was a mistake! He cannot be trusted, and his software is a blatant rip off. Period! I cannot get any response about getting a refund from him, and I am out a lot of time and money. I will now try and win my money back through a credit card dispute which is a lengthy process, always difficult, and there is no guarantee I will win.

I dont want anyone else to go through this. Keep your money in your pocket, and if you come across anything associated with Dan Miller of Don Gillette, turn and walk away!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Greenwood Village,
My Report is Accurate and I Stand by what I Said!

#2Author of original report

Sun, January 30, 2011

It is interesting that the people defending LNP simply sling mud at me but don't address the facts that I clearly laid out in the report.

This software is not capable of doing what Don Gillette says it can do during his presentation. Period!

The way he builds lists of leads is against the law as written in the Can-Spam Act, and he is teaching others to do the same.

Just because you are making money doesn't mean you are making it ethically.

Don Gillette was (is) apparently the target of the Florida Attorney General involving a scam in the refinance and debt settlement. He was charged with deceptive and unfair trade practices. See filing here:


I have never filed a Rip Off report before but I feel an obligation to try and help people keep their money in their pocket and not get ripped off like I did.

Don promised to return my money and never did. He is a liar and is making a ton of money through deceptive trade practices once again. I guess he just can't get away from old habits.

Take my advice or leave it. I have nothing to gain or lose either way.



United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, January 29, 2011

I have been involved with Lead Net Pro as of January 4, 2011; I had signed up with Don Gillette. Since making my initial investment of $397, I have made it back 10 times over. I find it incredibly unfortunate that there are resources out there, such as this website, that allows individuals like yourselves to post deceptive and outlandish accusations towards people such as Don Gillette. Accusations that would ultimately deter somebody from taking part in this incredible opportunity. The accusations you claim not only affect these individuals but others that are currently involved with LNP. Before joining, I myself did research in regards to the company, the software, Don Gillette and Dan Miller. After doing my research, it became evident to me that there was nothing about this opportunity that would compromise my integrity. LNP not only provides and opportunity for others to make a substantial living but also provides a product and service to business owners that can greatly increase the revenue of their business through the generation of qualified leads.

I would also like to address the fact that LNP has only been available since November 2010 (less then 3 months). With that being said, it is quite evident to me that you yourself could not have possibly given this opportunity 110% which, is absolutely required in any business venture to be successful. If you had, then I am confident that you would have been reaping the rewards of hard work that myself, Don Gillette and many others individuals involved with LNP are experiencing.

My question to you is, how many other business opportunities on this website have you negatively commented towards? My advice would be to join something, stick with it, do the work that's required to make it happen and then, enjoy the benefits instead of wasting your time as well as mine (and others) with this nonsense.

As far as Don Gillette's support and marketing efforts are concerned ie "craigslist" I am sure that you are present to the fact the there are several hundreds of other individuals, MLMers, network marketing people that utilize craigslist for the exact same purpose. This is something that has been going on well before LNP was even around! As for Dons support, Don personally made my first 2 sales with LNP and yes he did this because he is a good guy who really does believe in helping others!! Imagine that, these people really do exist!

In closing at the end of the day I can only be responsible for myself and who I am being a person, a business owner and a citizen. The actions I take provide me with the results I reap! I again have in no way shape or form jeopardized my integrity to who I am committed to being as a person by being part of LNP. If anything LNP has made me a much better person! LNP has not only put food in my children's stomach but has also allowed me to give back to my community and others that I care for, which is something I have been unable to do for sometime.


United States of America
Don Gillette's a crook

#4General Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

I also spoke with Don Gillette over the phone, and via email after responding to his Craigslist Ad. I dealt with a lot of the same issues as the above poster, but I'm a little more on the lucky side, as I never actually purchased the LeadNetPro software. I was always just a little too skeptical I guess. Part of that might be my natural inquisitive nature, and the fact that I'm never one to jump into things too quickly. You could call it paranoid, I guess.

The difference in my experience with Don is that I talked to him once briefly and then cut the conversation off. Then, a couple days later I received a call from a man named Steven Hall, who happened to live in my same city (that's convenient, Don has associates). Steven says that he lives in Happy Valley, Oregon, and that he worked with Don in a previous company. He ranted and raved about Don and all the money he was making. Steven wanted to set me up with another phone conversation with Don (where he said he would be listening via conference) so Don could walk me through all of his "fantastic" marketing plans and show me how much money he was making, so I agreed to it.

From the very start of the conversation, Don was VERY forceful and arrogant. It was not a call about marketing plans or anything else, he was just being a scam artist. He was trying his hardest to get me to buy into this scam. When I told him I was having reservations, he told me that "analysis paralysis" is the number one thing that keeps people from being successful. He told me that I should basically mail it all in and go with this sham of a system. He told me that my "salary" job is nothing compared to what I could make with LNP, but I just needed to think like a real entrepreneur. He even went as far as to tell me that he got his own son on board with Lead Net Pro, and that's how strongly he feels about this. He kept using the term "blooming gold mine" when referring to LNP.He also told me that if I signed up, not only would he train me, but he would close my first couple deals for me. And when I asked him why he would do that, he replied "Because I believe in good business, and I know it will come back on me later. If you practice good business, you will be reciprocated." Yeah right...

Bottom line, both Don and Steven sounded way too desperate for two guys who were apparently making more money than they knew what to do with. That was what I kept asking them... "If you are making 20K per month, why do you need me?" and their response was "Because the company pays us to recruit new talent".. Sure!

Bottom line, do not trust Don Gillette or Steven Hall. These guys are crooks. I wish I would have googled "don gillette miami" after the first time I talked to him. This guy has so many fraudulent charges against him, I'm shocked that he's not locked up. He has screwed over a ton of people, and it needs to stop. DO NOT listen to him. If you see a Craigslist ad from these guys, call Craigslist and warn them.

Best of luck!

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