  • Report:  #1062734

Complaint Review: DoubleU Casino - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Anonymous - Pennsylvania,

DoubleU Casino
Internet, Internet, USA
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After reading the few reports that are listed, I felt it necessary to make all aware of a way to possibly take care of any future problems with DoubleU Casino as well as expose some of their scamming practices.

Please read the following completely so you know what steps you can take and how to take them:

First and foremost - you CAN file a dispute with your Credit Card Company if you should experience any glitches, not receive what you paid for in your account, get booted off a game when you won something and were not reimbursed or any other issues that you feel are not being addressed by DoubleU.

It is important to do the following

FIRST:  GET SCREENSHOTS OR VIDEO of the alleged problem.  Learn HOW to do this before you play another game in the site.  If you do not have screenshots or video, your case, should DoubleU decide not to reimburse you, is weakened.  

SECOND:  ATTEMPT TO CONTACT DU through the HELP ME menu within the casino.  Tell them you have the screen shots and what the problem is and how you want it resolved.

THIRD:  Give DU about 3 days to reply.  If they do so to your satisfaction, great.  If not, as often happens as they sometimes NEVER respond, put another message into them telling them you are disputing the charges to your account through your Credit Card company.

FOURTH:  Go to Facebook Help and look up how to file a dispute of CC charges.  Go to their form, fill it out and send it.  If the form will not work, go to the fifth step.  If Facebook does not respond within the 72 hour limit, go to the fifth step.  This happened to me - it is more than 2 weeks now and I have heard nothing from Facebook.

FIFTH:  No response or an unsatisfactory response means you will need to dispute charges directlly through your credit card company.   Facebook will not like this (even when their form doesn't work, which also happened to me once).  They will send you a pop-up saying "You are bad, do not go through your Credit Card Company because we have a form.  If you do it again, you're ability to make purchases may be revoked".  Don't let that scare you. Remember, Facebook is making money too and also has little contact info, just like the Casino!  Go figure!

It is my understanding, that even if you do have to file another dispute with your CC company and Facebook puts a hold on your account, it is easily lifted, though I do not guarantee that.  Is it your fault their form doesn't work?

By this point, your Credit Card Company should place the money back into your account BUT you may need your information. (screenshots/video as well as all communications to both DU and Facebook - remember to copy and paste EVERYTHING you do before you send it!!!)  

Keep in mind also that if you choose to file a dispute for a charge made for VIP membership, that membership will likely be revoked by the casino.  Also, you only have a certain amount of time to file disputes and your credit card company will know what that time frame is (usually 60 or 90 days, sometimes more).

Do not spend the $ until your Credit Card sends you something stating that you own that $ again.  My dispute was only $35.00 and there was no issue, but I also had the backup to prove what I was saying.  

You cannot file a dispute because you lost control and in your addiction, blew the rent money.  You better have what is stated above to prove any and all accusations (which there are no shortage of as you will see) before even thinking of doing this.

The Scams:

1.  The Bots - this is rumoured and there is really no way to prove this one.  Many people say that they exist to run up the JP's.  I say it is likely, but have no proof.

2.  Proven - DoubleU does allow 2+ people per machine (both slots and video poker) and states that they do this because they do not have enough machines to accomodate so many players.  They state that this practice in no way affects the JP payout, however, think about that a minute.  If you are betting the lowest amount on the same machine that I am betting the highest amount, how is this possible?  A normal, land-based casino would never get away with this.  I've known machines where many more than two can sit on the same machine.  It isn't all the machines and they change them around, so you don't know which ones are multi-player.  This, in my opinion, is unethical.

3.  Proven - DoubleU states that it's payout on slots is 98%.  If you play in the casino and have friends, check their stats against that percentage.  IF someone has that % or higher, they do not play many slots and you can verify that by going to your friends page on Facebook and going to Photos, then Albums, then DoubleU Casino photos.  If you are able to view them, go through and see what they are playing and how often - this will tell you how they have that high rate - they don't play.

4.  Fact - DoubleU had you buy a VIP Membership for a reason.  That reason being so you would be able to go to higher end machines and play.  There were just a few of the Professional Slot Machines in the other casino's, whereas in the VIP lounges, that was all there was.  In order to make more money, they then opened what is called the Ladies and Mens casino's for the Non-VIP patrons.  They are basically high roller machine casino's without the VIP purchase.  My point here is that what did we pay for VIP for if they were going to do that?  VIP is high rollers and that is where the majority of the high roller machines should be located.  There should not be a high roller area for non-vips only because we originally paid the price to have the privilage of playing high roller machines.

5.  Fact - Machine Changes/Glitches - Since around March, DoubleU has continued to roll out new casino's and machines while at the same time, tightening them up so that you hardly ever get bonus rounds or decent wins on any slot.  At the same time, when they roll out a new machine, they generally do not work properly - getting stuck or booting you out of the game and causing you to lose chips.  DoubleU has a tendancy to blame these issue either on the user or on Facebook, but make no mistake - it is DoubleU with the problem.

6.  Fact - DoubleU used to let you Spin and also do six different shares every three hours.  The spins and shares allow for clickback $ (free chips to you).  When they went through and tightened up the slots, added casino's and new slots, they reduced these amounts.  You can still spin every three hours, however, you may only share every six.  This reduced the total amount of free chips you were able to gather per day.  While it is understandable that they made the reduction, what is not understandable is that they also made it harder to win anything at all.  So, you get free chips and you lose them very quickly.

7.  Questionable - The Reels - This goes along with the glitches topic.  The reels spin and sometimes seem to stick no matter your internet connection or the browser you are using.  You may get on one machine and the reels are super slow.  If you get up and sit on the machine next to it, they will be going super fast.  This is not an internet connection problem, a browser problem or a Facebook problem most times - it is a DoubleU problem.  

I'm sure there is more as people have stated, but here is my advice to all the new people coming onto the casino and thinking about buying VIP membership or for that matter, chips in any amount - do not do it!

There are many ways to obtain chips right now.  No, you will not get rich, but you are able to play (I haven't bought for months) if you use a little self-control sometimes.  This wasn't as necessary before the changes, it is necessary now.  At least if you lose, it will be their money and if people stop purchasing chips, DoubleU most likely will need to better address the issues that they caused.

I would not have said these things in December/January/February 2012/2013 - you would have heard rave reviews from me.  All you really need to do is go to the website listed and check the comments for a while - you will see, it is not all about winning all the time and it is not just SOME people having the problems.

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