  • Report:  #669695

Complaint Review: Dr. Gary Daniel - Santa Rosa California

Reported By:
Ann - Eldridge, California, United States of America

Dr. Gary Daniel
516 B Street, Suite B Santa Rosa, 95401 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dr. Gary Daniel is a mental health professional (neurolinguistic programming).  He styles himself after Dr. Phil and falsely projects a fatherly/nice uncle persona which soon fades away to reveal a creepy sexual harasser in a way that is almost nauseating.  I called him after finding him in the yellow pages in a very vulnerable, reaching out for the first time kind of mental state and asked what his fee was.  I have very limited savings.  He said he doesn't discuss the fee on the phone (first warning I should have heeded) and to come in for a free consult which I did.  He was very personable, very engaging and an accomplished con artist/hard sell artist in my opinion.  I take full responsibility for the fact that I overrode my own gut feeling because, by a fluke, he had known my uncle in the past and we talked about that in a friendly and engaging way, and I agreed to pay his fee of $4,000.00 for 40 weeks of therapy up front and agreed to his stated fact that he does not give refunds.  There was nothing in writing but my check.  After 4 sessions, it became abundantly clear that he enjoys degrading women (referred to me as a "b*tch" which I objected to) and the sessions were spent asking me personal questions in such a sickening way about my love/sex life which I answered sincerely because I trusted that it was part of the "therapy."  In only one session did anything like "neurolinguistic programming" take place.  As soon as I understood what he was doing, I stopped seeing him after referring him to a sexual harassment website that he could consult and hopefully recognize what he was doing.  He denied it as those type of men do.  I, of course, lost my money and did not want to go to small claims court due to the private nature of the help I was seeking.  I don't care about the money, which was 1/3 of my entire savings.  I take full responsibilty for being the vulnerable and too open victim of a con artist and, incredibly, being talked into agreeing to pay up front.  I just don't want any other woman to go through this and lose this kind of money and end up feeling much worse for meeting with him. 

18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
This "therapist" comes off as a complete crackpot!

#2General Comment

Wed, April 13, 2011

Oh, for goodness sake! My sister sent this to me and this guy is just too weird for words. Here he keeps posting as his own clients except that they write exactly like he does and states that there is nothing misspelled in his previous post (#14) as Linda but the word completely is misspelled in the title of the post!  He seems to be super embarrassed by not being able to spell and write worth beans in his reply to the original poster and yet hes supposed to be a PhD.  LOL!  Now hes starting to borrow vocabulary words like ludicrous and disturbed from other peoples posts!   I like how he says that angry and possibly disturbed people are posting here.  Where?  The other posters are just kind of astounded and have done a little research on him and his institute that consists of just him.  The only angry and disturbed person on here is this guy!! He should take another gander at his reply to her and he can see why hes getting so much negative feedback.  Its just yucky stuff. Hes got problems. Definite consensus there! Hes pretending he never wrote that reply and saying that people are judging him without knowing anything about him.  Yeah, well, actually we do know something about him.  We read his nutso post up top that he wrote all by himself, remember?? Terrible that a therapist would do that to a client. Shes right that he trashed her good.  Shame on him!   


United States of America
Still disagreeing

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 11, 2011

Obviously most of you cannot spell very well if you can find a misspelling in my last  post.   It is a mistake to assume things about people of whom you have absolutely no knowledge.  I find this site to be a place for angry and possibly disturbed individuals to make a"permanent" complaint about someone. 

To assume negative things about the doctor and not assume that there could also be negative/false  statements by the person writing the report is ludicrous and demonstrates more about the negative respondents than it does about the doctor.


New Jersey,
United States of America
Always THINK before you open your wallet

#4General Comment

Thu, March 31, 2011

No disrespect is intended toward the woman who posted this. If I have this correct, she wrote a check for $4000.00 and gave it to a therapist out of the yellow pages after meeting him for an hour and it was 1/3 of her savings??? And this guy has a no refund policy? And there was nothing in writing??? Im sorry, but Im from New Jersey and all I can say is only in California.  Where was her head?  Who does something like that?  Its like the people who paid $10,000 to get cooked in a some fake Indian sweathouse in Arizona with that other fake con artist a**hole James Ray.  
No therapist can claim to cure alcoholics and drug addicts. If so, he'd be a multi-millionaire and world famous, but he's only a fat, really boring middle-aged guy with a few do-it-yourself websites.  He's the one who's lying, not this woman here.  What reason would she get on here and lie?  She doesn't even want the money back. Can't understand that either. Anyone can get a PhD in anything they want on the internet like he did and set up shop.  Hes a FAKE. He could care less about his clients.  Seems like he cant stand them anyway.  Its all about the money.  Rule of thumb, if youre going to spend more than $100.00 on anything, no matter what, wait for a week and run it by a family member or friend first. Period. Let's get some sense out there people! 


North Carolina,
United States of America
This "dr." is a disturbed person

#5General Comment

Wed, March 30, 2011

My womens support group is following and discussing this complaint on Ripoff Report. Its an important womens issue that many women in the group have faced and its on a number of websites dealing with the issue of sexual harassment by therapists.  We agree that its clearly evident that the therapist is posting as his clients both as satisfied customer and this last post from the client who completely disagrees. The phrasing and spelling idiosyncracies match his reply to the original poster almost perfectly.  His constant, unhealthy focus on this woman, the need to make her the bad person and his need to cast her as his victimizer (um, you still have her $4,000.00 in your bank account dont you mr. victim?) is an indication that this therapist is sorely in need of psychiatric help.  A sane and competent  therapist would have settled this with her in a sane and competent way and the original poster would never have felt the need to post her report.  Its turned out to be important that she posted this report because now it has become a strong and valuable heads up to other women. He seems to be forgetting the he posted a seriously unprofessional and just plain sick reply to her post that potential female clients can read and evaluate on their own before they make a big mistake and contact him.  His continual denial and defensiveness is a very common pattern for sexual harassers and, based on the pattern, odds are that this is not the first time hes done this to a client.  Hopefully, this is the last.  Good for her for doing something about it.  Hope shes feeling stronger now and having a good laugh reading his moronic posts.  We look forward to his next fake post!    


United States of America
I completey disagree

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, March 28, 2011

I have been a client of Dr Gary Daniel in the past, when I ran across this site on a google search looking for Gary's blog I was completely shocked.
I understand that the person making the complaint may believe what she said is true.  However being a therapist and working with clients with addictions, I also know that they lie.  They lie not only to others but to themselves as well.  They also don't like to take responsibility for their actions althought she says she is doing that.  They also tend to have a lot of anger and instead of dealing directly with someone about their feelings, they lash out.  This is a common alcoholic/addictive behavior pattern

Dr Gary should be commended for working with people who are incredibly difficult to deal with and yes they tend to become very uncomfortable when they get close to the core of their problem which is why most therapists who deal with addicts get the money upfront.

Dr Gary, is intelligent and well educated and by the way NLP is a science and not akin to something that a psychic might use.  Casting aspersions on someones credibility who has been in practice for over 30 years when you know nothing about the person making the complaint, only shows the ignorance of some of the respondants.  Also, picking on someone simply because they misspelled a couple of words is petty.  My cardiologist who is board certified and highly esteemed has sent me emails with misspellings  and I didn't automatically think he was stupid.  I assumed he was busy.

Dr Gary Daniel, is a very compassionate incredibly intuitive therapist.  I am a woman and went to see Gary for several issues which included an incident from my past of sexual abuse.  Not only didn't he become in anyway creepy about the sex part, but he was kind and helpful.

I believe the person who make this report was hurting and upset.  However, I also believe she let her anger at some perceived misconduct spin out of control


United States of America
Rip off

#7General Comment

Sat, February 12, 2011

I agree.  This therapist is posting as “satisfied customer.”  That’s obvious.   My concern with this guy is that he charges a huge fee up front.  On one of his websites (he has like over 15 of them) he keeps saying  “we at the institute” but there is no reference to a partner or an associate who works with him anywhere on any of his websites.   He’s evidently a one man institute.  So, if you pay a large fee up front and something happens to this guy, you’re out of luck and your money is gone.  There’s no one to take his clients and finish the therapy.   It’s one thing to pay a rehab their fee before you start but you are dealing with a collective of professionals in an organization, not some guy like this one who is a sole practitioner in an office somewhere.  Very bad practice with no thought for his clients and how they would be up a creek.   How does he justify this?   At least this woman is trying to alert other people.   She learned this one the hard way.    


United States of America

#8General Comment

Fri, February 11, 2011

In my opinion this poster is definitely the “therapist.”  The writing style is too similar and contains the same kind of defensiveness and hatefulness.  Trolling Ripoff?  I had never heard of this site before yesterday.  No, this link is all over the internet.   I found it on a website and think it’s fascinating and will post it on other websites for other opinions.  What’s fascinating is not the original post.  Her story is unfortunately very common and she walked into the situation as an adult making a decision.  It’s that this “dr.” made the dumb mistake of posting a really awful reply to this poor woman that is very revealing of his inner state and his attitude toward his clients.  No amount of testimonials can make his post go away.  He shot his own foot.  Many of us have been to see therapists and we all hope that we will be able to avoid this type of personality at all costs.  This “therapist” and his “client” would be better served to stay off ROR where everyone can figure this idiot out for themselves.   He’s only making it worse for himself.  Plus, the bad spelling is killing all of us.  “Saticfied”? Enough already!  Reason right there to avoid neurolinguistic programming if this is what happens to your brain!   LOL 

biological paradigm

United States of America
Saticfied Customer

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, February 11, 2011

Thank you for trying to completely invalidate my experience I feel like I am just sharing my own experience which having actually met Dr. Gary Daniel I have a much more accurate view than those of you who have not. As far as the original post I can't speak to her experience I can only speak about my own. I am not dr. Gary Daniel and am not motivated by anything other than wanting to share my own valid experience of a doctor who helped me that's all. As for all you trolling on comment boards to make yourselves feel important get a life unless you are sharing your own experience you are just talking trash and that makes you look very poor. Unless you are fully trained in Nlp you have no idea how it works or the neuro science behind the grammatical structure so do you self a favor and save the embarressment of looking ignorant by not speaking to things you have no training in (I am trained in Nlp by the way). If the only part of my post you can really speak to is some spelling error than you have a very weak argument we all make mistakes (this was written on a mobile device and spell check is very time consuming and I admit I am not the best speller also I really couldn't care less what you think about my spelling this is not a term paper).

As I stated earlier he has alway treated me with respect and helped me get the healing I required and was very professional about it. I do not mean to invalidate her I also think that there are real victims and those of us who choose to be victims. I want to share my own experience so when people read this they get more than 2 sides, being a third party I am speaking more objectively than either side. Thank you for listening is just a manner of speach (which speaks to people with a dominant auditory sub-modality and yes my computer has a button that will make it speak anything I want on any screen). If you read this and it finds you well great if not that's fine too leave comments to the original post or comment on your own experience.


United States of America
Interesting I'd say

#10General Comment

Fri, February 11, 2011

These posts have been interesting to read and the responses are right on.   Even the creepy poem one!   What is that?  First, I don’t want to in any way minimize this woman’s experience.   She seems sincere and only has a desire to warn other women.  Getting ripped off by this kind of sick jerk is no fun and she’s definitely done the right thing.  That’s a lot of money down the drain for nothing.   The therapist’s  response is what is really telling and bizarre.  His state seems very chaotic and hatefully negative toward his clients.   He’s a person who is very screwed up and in the wrong business.  This goes beyond incompetence and can cause real damage.   Hopefully he’s being investigated.   Is it just me or does the “satisfied customer” post strike you as having been posted by this same  “therapist” trying to defend himself and attempt some damage control?  The illiteracy pattern is similar.  First of all, neurolinguistic programming does not cause you to lose your ability to spell or use correct grammar or form coherent sentences.  That’s a load of nonsense right there.  It’s a rephrasing technique, nothing more.   Also please look up “slander” vs. “libel” in the dictionary and get back to us on that one.  And while you’re at it, feel free to spell check the words “pattern “ and “effective.”   Also the sign-off  “thank you for listening” had me hunting for an audio button to click.  Someone as narcissistic and egotistical as this guy is going to spin like crazy for a long time over this.  At his stated age of 64, perhaps it’s time for retirement.   He’d be doing his clients a favor.   Well it’s obvious that this woman has called HIM on HIS bullsh*t and HE didn’t like it at all.   Time to look within perhaps – or at least sign up for a bonehead English class.


Highlands Ranch,

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, February 09, 2011

is available at this site!

*Just type in 502469 and it appears as 'Consumer Comment #45' at Ripoff Report #502469.

Thank You

biological paradigm

United States of America
satisfied customer

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, February 09, 2011

I have been a client of Dr. Gary Daniel for almost a year now and I have my own experience to share.  first of all neuro linguistic programming does not always follow "normal" grammatical structure and by doing this has a specific effect on our neurology as language structure or brains and changing that language structure changes our brains. second we have all made spelling errors at one point or another, especially under stressful situations where someone is trying to slander you. As I said I have been working with Dr. Gary Daniel for about a year with life changing results. I was an addict and had tried many different things to stop with no avail until the sometime unorthodox and always effective methods of this creative doctor, which was the only thing that could have worked. Having been an addict and knowing the patters of how I behaved it is easy to see how she could have responded in this way when challenged to go beyond her addictions. my response was to run at first also and having paid upfront I challenged myself to stay and complete the therapy. The reason he does things this way is because of that tendency for addicts and people with abuse patters to run from patter changing therapy, because we are scared that there is no other way of life, well I am living proof that you can break these patterns. I want people out there to know the truth that I was always treated with respect by this doctor and being called on my bullsh*t is the most respectful thing he could have done (if you went to a dentist who just told you everything way fine when you had a real tooth problem that would not help anyone, by calling me on my sh*t he was doing the job I truly required and paid for even if I did not like it at the time). I would hate for this slanderers report to cause someone really requiring help to miss out on life changing shifts. I know by reading this and judging the situation objectively you will make the right choice for your life and allow the truly effect help available to you work its magic. Dr. Gary Daniel is a compassionate, respectful, and truly effective therapist and I would recommend him to anyone seeking help in changing destructive habits. Thank you for listening.  


The OP "opened the door"

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, January 01, 2011

Actually, from a legal and ethical standpoint, the OP "opened the door" here by posting her case here on ROR.

With that said, the "doctor" had every right to respond, as this person has attacked him personally in a public forum, and also has stated her details of said treatment.

The OP opened the door here. The doctor is NOT wrong to respond to this public accusation of wrongdoing. The patient broke confidentiality here, not the doctor.

However, the doctor appears to be a quack, as any educated person normally knows how to spell and use proper grammar and sentence structure, etc.


United States of America
My purpose in filing this report

#14Author of original report

Sat, January 01, 2011

I wrote this report because I have a moral obligation to warn other women about my experience. My report is completely factual. I, of course,do not owe this person an apology. What a ludicrous request. I have never asked this person for my money back, nor did I ask for my money back in this report. I reported here knowing that I was going to compromise my dignity (and, yes, he trashed me in addition to ripping me off) but it's worth it to me becauseit gives me resolution and peace to hope that I can prevent evenone woman from going through this disappointment, confusionand humiliation.I refer him again to this website and ask him to please go to the description of the "Counselor/helper" type of harasser.His typecan changehis ways if he chooses to. Its up to him:www.sexualharassmentsupport.org/TypesOfHarassers.html


New York,

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, December 11, 2010

That a mental health professional would disclose personal information about a patient is absolutely deplorable.  Apparently they don't teach ethics at Westbrook, where the good "doctor" received his degree. This school is NOT accredited by the American Psychological Association, and it is NOT regionally accredited. So you have to wonder about the quality of education he may have received. Add to that his narcissistic reply, and you have the makings of an incompetent therapist.  Anyone else considering therapy should always check out the credentials of the therapist first.



#16Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

  I think the response from this "doctor" says a lot more about him than the original complaint.

  As for neurolinguistic programming, that has all of the scientific pedigree of the psychics we see around here.




#17Consumer Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010

To the good "Doctor'

Learn to SPELL and use proper Paragraph structure! I highly doubt you are a competent Therapist.


Homosassa 46517,

#18General Comment

Fri, December 10, 2010



Here we have a so-called mental health professional disclosing in detail  all the personal issues about a patient in his care. Did this so called doctor ever hear of the Hippocratic Oath?  Part of which deals with the ethical conduct including (but not limited to) patient-doctor confidentiality.  So we learned hes 64 years old in his egotistical rant. What a narcissist !  He alludes to himself endlessly with his many Ithis, Ithat. I, I , I, good grief, sir. The world doesnt revolve around you. To quote one sentence in the good (not!) doctors verbose post, and I (copy and paste) quote: I am a professional who has been dokng

Doking? OK, I give up. Is that some kind of obscure medical



I hardly think any doctor worth his salt would be airing such

detailed grievances on ROR, or for that matter ANY public forum. This guy deserves to be exposed to the appropriate

medical ethics policing agency. Signs out Dr. Gary? This

guy belongs on the Phil Donahue show.without his medical

license, of course.


Gary Daniel

Santa Rosa,
She warned me, and I helped her anyway.

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 09, 2010

After reading this report from the person who wrote it, I was deeply saddened and upset.  She is reporting from the perspective of a person who wanted my help and got it.  Up until this fact finding session of discovering her deep fears of men and understanding the harrasment she had been through I had a deep sense of concern for her.  This client, up until after this session, which she is discribing, has happy and quite pleased at the results she was getting.  Her reason to come to me was to stop drinking due to becoming somewhat delusional and fearfull. In my working with her I was focused  on helping her to stop drinking, and she had repeatedly told me how easy my system was for her and was so happy.  She also reminded me of how surprised she was, because she told me all the other times she had attempted quiting she would rise up and have tremendous resistance to the therapist or doctor.  I was aware of how people can create excuses to not succeed, however I tought we were doing great.  In the session she is writing about, I never felt like I was creating harm and that would never be my intention to do so.  I wanted to get to the bottom of the reason she was constantly hiding and driking to cover her feelings.  The questioning I presented to her was not invasive. In fact once I opened up on her feelings about men, she voulenteerd information about her boss and others who she felt harrased her.  When she called me to voiced her concern of the meeting.  I immediatly called her back to talk about her feelings.  I did understand her sensativity however she never once indicated to me durring the session she was upset.  I actually felt it was one of the best sessions we had, and was confident she had given me many keys to halping her further.  When I talked to her on the phone she had calmed down and askded me to appologize and I did. I also told her my intentions are and always are to get to the bottom of the problem as fast as I can and not drag things out.  I agree with the fact that I may have misread her, however her feedback to me was she was happy. with the progress we were making and she was not drinking at all.  She told me on the phone when I had called her back that she was OK and felt better after talking.  I also felt like this was a productlive encounter.  She then emailed me and said she changed her mind and felt like I was just blowing it off and she still felt upset.  I emailed her back and told her my intentions her to help her and I understood.  She said she did not want to come back, because I was blameing her.  Those words never came out of my mouth and were the furthest thing from my thoughts.  She told me she did not want to talk to me and her intentions her not to ask for her money back or report me to the BBB.  I asked to to just calm down and lets talk and figure out a plan or a way to reslove this.  She never replied and had actually told me in the previous email if I send her an email she would not respond. I also had attempted to call her as well with no results. I actually thought she would calm  down and I would hear from her eventually and we would continue the work.  This report is the first thing I have got from her and in my opinion is devistating to both of us.  As far as a con artist or sexual harraser I do not even know how to respond to that.  I am a professional who has been dokng this kind of work, coaching people and helping familys and people for almost thirty years.  I have had thousands of clients over that period of time.  I am a public figure and many people know me.  I am going on 64 years old and have never had anyone ever do this to me.  I would not have survived professionally in this community and certanly would not have worked with the kind of clients who seek me out.  I am so sorry this person has gone to such extreem measures to hurt me or anyone else who I may help. I was very clear to this client as I am with all clients. Due to the nature of working with compulsive drinkers and addicts.  I insist on not starting the work with them until their program is paid for in advance.  This is a standard practice for any treatment program due to the fact of many of these people are excuse driven and find everyone else to blame for their unhappiness and will quit on whim when things get a little uncomfortable and the reasons for drinking or the addiction is becoming evident as with this case. These are sometimes refered to as professional victims.  If this person wanted her money back and was unable to complete the program after she was told of the "no quitting" policy and they are in it until they succeed and agreed to it. I do not know the reason she is claiming to be a victim of me.  All she had to do was call me or email me and I would have worked something out for her.  I have never had anyone complain about me or my service or the way I work with them.  I feel extorted and insulted.  She has no valid claim and entered into this program with her eyes open and I also asked ther several time if she could afford it and if she was sure she was ready.  I can be reached by anyone at any time for anything.  I am on TV and also have a large list of people who receive my Daily Tune-Up email everyday.  She dropped herself from the list and it seems has targed me to be her victimizer of the day.  I have no problem in giving her money back however I want an appology and her to give the full story, not just her anger.  I find her to be the dangerous one.  It is easy to write into a blog and say anything and really create more of what you don't want.  This is not how to resolve anything.  Dr. Gary,  at [email protected]

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