  • Report:  #919336

Complaint Review: Dr. Ross McMillan Chosen Outreach Ministries - New York, NY 10009 Internet

Reported By:
Truth needs no witness - New York, New York, United States of America

Dr. Ross McMillan Chosen Outreach Ministries
P.O. Box 598 New York, NY 10009, Internet, United States of America
www.driverordriven.com, www.thesecretofbeing.com, www.americanprophet.net
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First and foremost I want to give all praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through him all things are possible. Now to all men and women of God be aware and on the look out for a real wolf in sheep's clothing. Chosen Outreach Ministries is a website to steal the hard earned money of Gods children & Ross McMillian is a imposter, a lier, thief, and con artist who only cares about himself.  I was dating Ross McMillian aka Russell Monroe etc.. on and off for about a year. And let me tell you something, you really don't get to know someone until you have really lived with them.

Now I consider myself a women of God but I know that I am not perfect, but it goes again my values and beliefs to move in with another man until you are married and going to spend the rest of your life with that person. But Ross is such a smooth talker it only took a few months of slick talking before he was over my house every night and his cheap suits were all in my closet. When I meet Ross he had informed me that he was a man of God and that God had instructed him to come into my life and guide me closer to the father lol!.

He always uses his famous line "Many are called but few are chosen" Yeah the few that Ross chooses happen to be women down on their luck because we are easy prey. He informed me that he was a Licensed Neurologist with a thriving practice that he had put on hold to do Gods work. So I followed his lead and did what he said God had told him he wanted me to do and that was to sow seeds to Ross's ministries and many charities. Along with investing what I could sacrifice (another one of his favorite words we got to sacrifice) to his vision to get onto the Word network to spread his ministry globally.

After several months went by all I keep hearing whenever I ask for results or even a little help is "we got to sacrifice", "I was raised by Jews and they taught me to be frugal and save" "I am a scholar you are fortunate to be with me etc.. So after getting tired of the empty promises and lies, I started asking direct questions. Like where is all my money gone that I have been giving you and where is proof of a paper trail. "Why did you put your medical practice on hold if we are in need money." And "why when I ask to see licenses and degrees I get the run around."

After several attempts to do property profiles searches, Investigations on licenses and no family members to contact since I never was introduced to anyone he knew I had no one to call. So I waited till he was sleeping and contacted a women in his phone who was irate about something, to see what she knew about the man I had been sleeping next to for the past year. I was shocked at what I found out.

I was informed that his name was not Russell it was Ross McMillian according to her, that he has been running the same tired scam on helpless women all over the country, and the FBI are currently investigating him for embezzlement. I could not just believe everything I was told. So I continued my own research and a when most of what Ross had told about his assets degrees and licenses turned out to be lies I broke all ties kicked the fraudulent loser out of my home and have moved on with my life, but unfortunately it now looks like he is back at his old ways in Atlanta GA. 

I will admit this whole experience has brought me closer to God it has wiped out my life savings. I want to get the word out there about this crook so that no other women fall victim to his scam moving forward. I have gave over $40,000 to this man from the time he came into my life and left and I have nothing to show for it but a lesson learned. Ladies please learn from my mistakes and do not fall for this smooth talkers gift to gab. He cannot hide behind his many alias for long, Soon law enforcement will catch up to him and he will pay for his actions. 

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26

7 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 31, 2012

The letter addressed about Dr. McMillan with the title 'I knew he was a fraud' is a fraud itself and written by someone that absolutely does not know him.  I am the female that this jealous female has framed as if I wrote this derrogatory lie about Ross.  Listen, this female (lets call her ms hater) use to be a friend of mine. She purposefully came over to my house to show me these things about Ross because she knows how much I care and love him as a good friend, I have recently found that she had also contacted him behind my back and has a major crush on him that he didn't entertain.  She was even riding in my car when I learned that Ross had seen her vicious lies and the smerk on her face was that of such victory.  I immediatly took swift action to end our so called friendship.  Ross has helped me with my business, helped me with prayer and has even given me so much encouragement and direction.  Upon him doing so, I did begin to love him and did share some of the experiences, well all of the experiences with 'Ms. Hater' and a few disappointments with who I thought was a friend and she knew (just like the devil) if she posted this trash about the Man of God then it would destroy our friendship.  I do not approve of such slander and all I can do is ask Dr. McMillan for forgiveness for stretching our relationship to  'Ms. Hater'  who at the perfect time has discredited Ross's trust for me.  Her report is full of lies and if women must post things about a man on the internet then one must take a hard look at her especially if she claim to have given him money and gifts.  These women are pathetic and desperate and we ALL should have sense enough to know that "HURT PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE."  Ross if you ever read this know that I love you as the special friend and Man of God you are and I know you are of God and you will forgive my slip of tongue to that she-devil.  I am so ashamed, with my New Year ruined...You are a good man and I will say that all day to anybody, none are perfect so drop the stones.........That witch has caused me my best friend so did she win????


United States of America
I knew he was a fraud!!!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 30, 2012

I first met who I thought was Monroe until he visited my home and I saw Roscoe McMillan on some paperwork.  I met this man on black people meet.com and yes he was too good to be true.  He acted suspicious from the start by asking so many questions. When I informed him that I was celibate then he said that he was also and said that we should wait until marriage because if we slept together then on our honeymoon, there would be nothing to look forward to. He even gave me a cheap engagement ring that I returned to him because it was insulting. He lied so much until alot of the time he forgot what he had said earlier about being adopted, raised by white people to not knowing his biological family.  He told me he was much older and then later on, because of his greed was foced to tell me that he was only 31.  He claimed to be a minister but the only message this man is carrying around is for Satan.  He is a total liar and fraud.  I thank God I didn't sleep with him but I did sow into that fake ministry.  Ladies, whatever you did for this devil, do not feel bad because you did it out of love and God rewards that. He on the other hand is in terrible trouble.  There will be yelling and knashing of teeth!!! This man may not be a doctor but he is very smart but also dumb! God bless all of you women for coming forward. Praise God....


United States of America
Ross mcmillian big lire,

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2012

THANKS TO the lady that put this out there for other female to see. I most say I met this man in April. He told me he was a doctor and a bishop, and that he work for the lord in the day and see his patients at night, he would go on to tell me to call him after 12 at night, but would not get him. I realize that he was not telling me the truth. I started to seed in is minister to help, but one night I went to bed and I got a dream, not to give him anymore money because he's not real. After that he kept on calling asking way I stop, and I'm not walking with him in faith to do gods work, but little he did now I went to the lord so he can show this man up to me the person he was. Thank the lord I only sow a month to him.. It's people like him way people don't want to go to church.... He's a lire and a thief... By the grace of god he will be caught!!!!! Thank u lord for everyone that's speaking out!!!!! To god be the glory!!!!!

A women scorned

Colorado Springs,
DOCTORJESUS" ROSS MCMILLAN Lying cheapskate who uses the word of GOD to take advantage of his prey.

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, August 05, 2012

I am so glad to see other woman speaking out against the pathological liar and thief Ross Mcmillan. I too meet this man on www.blackchristianpeoplemeet.com. I just recently stopped dealing with him a couple of months ago thank god. I was under the impression that I was getting involved with this astute doctor who was a man of GOD. I could not have been more wrong in my life. I started out giving money to him to help his ministry because he keep insisting that if I want to be blessed I must sow seeds. 

It was not until I lost my job and could not give as much money as I had been giving before that I started to see less and less of him. He went from speaking to me on a regular basis and spending each afternoon writing at my home to hardly no communication as soon as the money dried up. After asking where he had been, expressing my anger and confronting him on this matter, later on that day when I arrived at my home I find that he used the spare key in the plant on my porch to get in my house and get his personal belongings that had been over my house. 

Unfortunately he did not just take his things he took money from out of my dresser, my jewelery and other personal items that did not belong to him. By the grace of GOD I did not waist to much time on this lying cheapskate. I wish no harm or ill will to Ross he does have a good side to him it is just unfortunate that he is a pathological lying thief who is only out for himself. I want to thank the other women who have posted their experiences with this lying thief. Because of your courage you have given me the courage to share my story. GOD BLESS!


United States of America
Ross McMillan Fraudulent on Dating Site

#6General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2012

I forgot to add that his username on BlackChristianPeopleMeet.com is "DOCTORJESUS" for those wanting to verify my rebuttal.

Warmest Regards,



United States of America
Bogus Profile on Dating Site for Ross McMillan

#7General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2012

I'd first like to say, "Thank you," to the young lady who posted this initial report. I was doing a little investigating on Ross McMillan of my own, when I had a few red flags pop up upon my meeting him. He contacted me on BlackChristianPeopleMeet.com. He claims to be a medical doctor. He has pictures of himself in a patient's room with a lab coat on and a stethoscope around his neck. But the eye brow raiser for me was, "Wouldn't this break the confidentiality code?" If he was a real medical doctor, he would have never posted a picture of himself in a patient's room, due to HIPPA law. That was the first red flag. 

He went on to ask me to contact him at work and that his name was Bishop McMillan and that he had a word from God for me. Go figure!!!! I called him eventually and to no avail.....he would never answer the phone when I called. He would say, "Call the prophet in 20 minutes." I'd call.....no answer.....and so forth.  The number he had me call was 305-423-5980.

The last red flag was when he posted pictures of his, "Would-be" mansion/house....along with how much he made. In my view, any real medical doctor wouldn't flaunt his assets around on a dating site, due to the plethora of women that would be clamoring and vying for his attention. 

I've come to the conclusion that he is fraudulent. And it's pretty disheartening that we have people in this world that aren't sincere in their dealings with mankind, all at the expense of having, "minister" attached to their names. I'm certainly glad for this Ripoff Report website. And I'm doubly glad for the young lady who initiated this report against Russell Monroe, a.k.a. Dr. Ross McMillan. Thanks and God bless!!!


United States of America

#8General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2012

It is interesting to me that you chose to use this as a platform to discredit the man  of God when (1) you admittedly allowed a man whose real name you did not know to move into your home(2)gifted him large sums of money without any written agreements or contracts(3)used the internet to display your grievances of a relationship that ended.Bitterness is not a good look for you.A real woman of God does not have to announce her position as a Christian because her life speaks volumes.Put your big girl panties on,cut your losses and move forward in life . In an effort to mislead others about him you have revealed that you are the person to beware.Since I have been in association with him he has been the perfect gentleman.

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