Los Angeles,#2REBUTTAL Owner of company
Fri, January 12, 2007
Hello, We do understand your hostility, but please it is not necessary for we are not stealing anything. You should have been notified of this situation sooner, as we have been telling this to people since late September. Apparently their was some confusion. Our former credit card processor, SRSI, who can be contacted at [email protected], is currently undergoing going out of business, and right now they are trying to liquidate themselves, because of this, they are refusing to issue any refunds on their own. They have closed out our account due to the fact of them going out of business, and they do not let us have any access to this account, because of this it is impossible for us to take part in any financial activity with this account, including issuing refunds. We do apologize for their lack of cooperation, and the only thing we can advise right now is that you contact your credit card company and file for a chargeback. This is the only solution we can advise. We do apologize for these circumstances, and hope to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible. Thank You, DreamKicks.Net Customer Support PS. We do apolgozie for the delayed response time.