I ordered a shirt online from this "company" on January 22, 2017. It was paid for, shipping included, at the time I ordered it. It said it would be shipped out within three days. Two weeks later, I contacted them via live chat. This person told me they were waiting on me to verfiy my address. I explained I verified the address when I ordered the thing. There should be no reason why I should verify my address again unless it came back to them. It was a really strange response. So, after that I was told it was being shipped out immediately and it should arrive within three days. This was February 12. It is now March 1, 2017. I still have not received my shirt, which they told me was in stock. The price is not an exorbitant amount, under $20. The point is I paid for it. I really liked the shirt and I really do still want it. However, after reading all the complaints, I am wondering if I will be receiving anything at all. I am not getting any help from customer service from them. I cant find a phone number to call. I have all correspondence between us. I am very frustrated and quite frankly, pissed off. This was my very first online clothing purchase ever. I associate this experience with having sex for the first time and it being a rape. It kinda makes one think that every sexual experience is a rape. Maybe that's a bad example but thats how I feel. Never again. I will never ever order anything online again. That really gives the legitimate online businesses a bad rap. I dont know who to reach out to for help. Thank you.