  • Report:  #663561

Complaint Review: Eliot Management Group - Renton Washington

Reported By:
Dan Faley - bellevue, Washington, United States of America

Eliot Management Group
555 Renton Village Place, Renton, WA Renton, Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Hi Joe,
thank you for meeting with all of us last week to try to understand what the Seattle office has endured under the current district manager and his philosophy to run a sales office.
I will try to take you through the chronological order of events that I personally was involved in or were witness to.
1) With in the first couple of weeks, I felt that the training provided by my DM was lacking. I asked several times for more information about Merchant Services only to be told, "you don't need to know any of that now, just get on the phone and make appts, I will do all the rest". Though the Merchant Services industry is vast, I only wanted to know the a-b-c's of the industry to better understand my role and how to best serve the merchants I would be contacting and working with. I took it upon myself to be self taught on merchant services. I found a website http://www.merchant-account-services.org/ that is Merchant Account 101.
2) As my frustration grew with the lackadaisical approach my DM took on training, I sought the advice from several of the experienced sales staff and osa. As other new employees also were getting irritated with not getting proper training and given misleading or outright wrong information, they too sought the advice of the veterans. Our DM took several of us downstairs and outside to dress down. He was particularly upset with me because I questioned his answers and went to the veterans to verify his information. He said "I don't want any of you talking with the "WOMEN" in the office about ANYTHING, PERIOD!" He said he did not want them to get into our heads and tank our attitudes, that they were out to mislead us and provide us with misleading information. Ironically it was just the opposite, it was he who Lied to us, to our customers and just made up answers he knew nothing or very little about. Time and again, he would just give an answer without actually knowing whether it was right or wrong. (perfect example: last weeks sales contest, he said the first deal was $10, the second PERSON who turned in a deal would get $20, the third PERSON would get $40, the fourth PERSON would get $80 and the fifth PERSON would get $160 and then when we hit 5, all the bonuses double. I questioned him on Thur that INFACT that was the way the contest worked, and he again, without a blink, or doubt said that it was in fact TRUE. We asked you Joe on Friday if that was how it worked, and you told all of us NO.  You had to take a call and left the room, the DM entered the meeting, I asked again in front of the entire sales staff  how the contest worked, and he again told us the exact same way as before, without any doubt, and of course totally wrong.)
3) I went on several appointments with the DM, he would mislead customers and tell them we would do "true pass through" @ .10 basis Pt's over interchange, only to put the .10 on the qualified section of the application, but put .50 and 1.00 on the mid and non. He told me that would make more on my residuals, that they would not even catch it because they know so little about the whole process. The DM would give every dime away on the app fee's, would emphasize we would do month to month, no contract. I learned early on that if I was going to make any money here, I needed to go on my own and close my own deals. It is very difficult to earn a living when your getting $50 fast start on each deal and giving away the rates with no contract. I viewed him as not a strong sales closer, just someone who gives it all away in order to get the "Submit".
4) We were all told that we would earn $50 for every "Submit" we turned in. Turns out you only get the $50 if you sign up and install the software. Time and again the DM would  just make up answers he knew nothing or very little about. Its my belief and experience that he also outright lied about certain things (IE; sign on bonus) to try to get us to do more. He seemed more concerned about the "submits" than anything else. His ability to properly fill out the application was horrendous. He filled out the least amount possible in front of the customer and would fill in the rest in the office, many times without filling in the #'s, only getting them to sign. I believe the osa would concur on his dismal skills on paper work.
5) The Seattle DM is very arrogant in his approach to the entire sales staff. Often cutting off there talking points, talking down to many of us and barking out demands. It is my opinion that because of his lack of knowledge and experience, he tends to bully his way with his staff, expecting us to just go along with what ever he demands and tells us.
6) When the DM would interview potential new hires in John Massaro's and my first month's, he would bring us in to hype up the potential to make money with the company. One example was when John and the DM had signed a potential new account that John would have made approx $6,000 -$7,000 on. John never collected, because of the type of business, poorly filled in application and the underwriters would not allow this account. The DM wanted us to inflate the actual money we were making in order to get some of our referrals to come work for the company. After being put together like that, we had to tell several potential employees that we had asked to come work with us, that in fact we mislead them. We could not in good faith tell them something that was hugely exaggerated in order for them to come aboard.
7) The DM would submit applications, even with the knowledge that the customer changed there mind and wanted to cancel the application. He wanted only the "Submit", I thought because his bonuses came from how many submits our office had. I only found out last Friday that not to be the case. It only made our office look good. It made me even more frustrated with the DM because I could understand to motivation behind getting money for submits, but when I learned otherwise, I was furious. He made us deal with irate customers who had no intention of doing business with us because of the misleading information we provided them, just to make our office look good. How pathetic!
a perfect example is The Hair Chair that John Massaro and I signed up. It was a referral from one of the accounts John and DM signed up. It was nothing but nightmares. The DM signed up a dry cleaner for John, gave away all the fees, no contract, month to month, $19.95 month lease, pass through under the guise for referrals. Well john received referrals, they all wanted the same deal. A losing proposition all the way around. He had more text messages, more phone calls, more complaints on these 3 deals than you can imagine. Talk about demoralizing, he made no money, had to deal with headache after headache on three customers he would likely not make more than $5 per month in residuals, all because the DM needed "Submits"!
As I write this, the more frustrated I am becoming with how I allowed this to happen and to continue to go on. I don't know if I will be with this organization much longer, I am dying on the vine. I have tried to endure through the tough times with this company, and particularly with the Seattle Office. But because of the lack of trust I have with the DM and the misleading information I have received, the lack of proper training, I have put myself in a dire situation. As you can tell by my paychecks, I haven't made enough to continue to hang in there much longer until something gives.
I do enjoy the work that I do, and I like the many opportunities this Company has to offer its hard working employees. I see it with Stacy Sloan, she has been a tremendous asset to John and I, and your organization. Without her and Tiffany, I know John and I would have left long ago.
John and I have started going to Le Tip, a networking group that has lead to some promising leads. There is a membership fee, which neither of us can afford at this time. Without joining these leads will dry up very soon. We have done door to door networking and received many promising leads there too. We just need more of those marketing pamphlets to promote our products and services.
If there is anything you can suggest and/or assist with, it will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for letting me voice my experience and opinions about EMG

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