  • Report:  #67735

Complaint Review: EMC Mortgage Corporation - Irving Texas

Reported By:
- Cocoa, Florida,

EMC Mortgage Corporation
909 Hidden Ridge Dr Suite 200 Irving, 75038 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

For months our friends at EMC have been giving me the run around about our mortgage payments . I am like many others who's loan with United Funding was in perfectly good standing for years , which was destroyed when the bumbling fools at EMC bought out the bankrupt UC Lending / United Funding companies .

Apon our loan origination we had our own home insurance , we paid it on our own without need of the finance company . EMC decided once they take over that we don't have insurance and charge us a high premium for craptastic insurance . We contact them and agree they need information so we have the agent / insurance carrier fax them proof of insurance .

Apon receiving this they agree we have insurance and remove the charges from our escrow . A month goes by and we receive the same notice from them about not having insurance ... again we get them the paperwork again it's removed . This continues 4 or 5 more times until we got the point that EMC obviously wanted to steal more cash from us to make interest on .

After they decided to show us paying late because we refused to pay insurance twice in a month (our personal and the insurance EMC layed apon our account) we started getting letters of loan default and such . At this point we figured out we could not win and allowed them to carry the insurance of our choice . They did not care that it was not thier hand picked , just that we gave them extra cash every month to earn interest off of .

This fixed our problems with EMC , or so we thought . Not long ago we decided to start looking at buying a new home and once our credit was run we find EMC has been socking us with 30 day late pays on our credit and rolling late fees into our account . My wife calls in her payment , she thought the service was free but later we figured out it was $9.95 per useage . EMC decided to break Florida laws and do things thier own way . They decided since we "phoned a check" that they can hold crediting our account until they have the CASH in thier hands . So , they write the check and submit it to our bank and receive the cash transfer before they would credit our account with a payment made .

Florida law says once they accept payment the payment has been made and by accepting the phone pay they have accepted the payment for given month . EMC does not care , they do it how they want to . I also find out that I have a address in Alabama listed as a prior residence but yet Ive never even driven a car through Alabama . Im guessing that EMC has me and the person in Bama confused , I found his phone number on my equifax credit file and ran a reverse lookup and imagine that his first and last names match mine !!

Im figuring EMC has been screwing both of our accounts up because of the same name . Im currently trying to contact him . So as it stands now , EMC shows on my credit that Ive been : 30 days late in April , 60 May , 30 june , and 30 July 2003 . It's current past that for some reason . Now , when I call EMC they say "Your payments are perfect from April on , the beaur is reporting incorrectly" . So I proceed to file a dispute with all 3 beauru's to which EMC responds that my file is correct and I have several late pays !

I call EMC back and same story , it's not thier fault and the credit beauru's are just putting late payments on my credit on thier own ! So I got sick of this because the mortgage broker told me I can forget getting a home until it's been 1 year since last late pay ....... now Im pissed off .

I consult a lawyer and he tells me to sue EMC for $5,00 in small claims court to get the issue fixed ... quote "They will do something once the lawsuit is filed , Ive seen may companies who could not figure out how to fix a problem until they knew 5K was on the line" .

So , I call EMC because I need the name and phone number of thier "Agent for Service of Process" , I need the name address and phone number for this person . I do a websearch and find a Chris Canyon in thier legal department and call .

He says "Let us pull your file up and see whats going on , perhaps we can fix this without resorting to a suit " "Give me till Friday and Ill call you back" That of course was months ago , we called every Friday to get the same BS until they transfered us to a new woman that "needed to get your file and view it then call you back in the next few days "

Of course Ive never heard from her . I had decided to forget it all and wait since we talked to the broker and wrote a explanation to him . He told us once October 1st rolled around he could do it if no other lates showed up . This was before EMC slammed me for everything after April , up to that point April was showing late pay , nothing newer .

I received by bill on Friday afternoon and it showed my payment as late and I was assesed a fee . I flew off the handle because my wife had payed it on the 7th of September ... they credited it on the 19th of September . By doing so they made some more cash off me . It's ok though .......

Ive currently got the paperwork Ive amassed for the past 6 months layed out along with filing papers to sue them . The copies of checks and payments VS the bad marks on my credit should be enough evidence in court to win the $5,000 Im suing them for . Once I win , Ill use the 5K for a downpayment on our new house , which certainly won't be financed through EMC .

Im sure once they figure out what they have done they will want to settle out of court but thats too late now . Im going to let the pricks know that if perhaps they had called me back "in a couple days" this could have been avoided and since they caused me so much grief the only settlment Ill accept is a check for $5,000 , a cleared credit file , and a letter of explanation sent to anyone who has pulled my credit in the past 2 years . Plus I want a letter of apology from them to me and my wife .

If they want to give into my demands , Ill be glad to keep the settlement out of the public eye . If I had more money Id sue them for enough to pay off my mortgage but alas I don't so just getting a new home with a new lender will have to suffice .

Shamefully most everyone who has EMC was not by choice , they are bottom feeding leeches that prey on bankrupt companies to feed thier budget .

This could all end if our governemt would inact laws to prevent your mortgage or any other loan from being sold to the high bidder . If we were given choices , companies like EMC would not even exsist .


Cocoa, Florida

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