  • Report:  #549112

Complaint Review: Empire Beauty School (pittsburgh pa) - Internet Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Anonymous - , , United States of America

Empire Beauty School (pittsburgh pa)
North Hills, Monroeville, West mifflin Internet, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Dear Future Cosmetology Students:

As a former employee of Empire Beauty School, I strongly urge any prospective student to re-consider. This company is run on greed, money, incompetence, micro management, fraud, lies & above all employee turnover. Here's my understanding of how this so called "school" works: (By the way, I have worked for them for less than 5 years)

Cost: $16,000  The Owner of the company (and Major Dufus) was smart in the sense that he bought his way on the Cosmetology Board allowing students to receive financial aid to go to cosmetology school. He also sits on the board so any violations will be wiped clean, honestly who would turn themselves in? Most other Cosmetology schools cannot provide Cosmetology students Financial Aid- which usually makes Empire the only choice for low income/ bad credit students.

Students: This is by FAR the most scary part for a prospective student. The student body in most cases consist of 90% African Americans, many in which are prior criminals from prison on work release type of situations. I've seen everything from drug dealers, rapists, murderers, gangbangers, prostitutes, strippers & theives. Students bring all that into the school on a daily basis which leads to fights, guns, drug use, sexual activity and MAJOR THEFT. See Empire does not discriminate students because it means money to them!! Theres no rule of prior convicts coming to school, all are welcome.

Staff: Empire dumps all their hope and money into the Admissions staff. They have them take what is called a "Caliper exam" to make sure they are the right person to bring Empire money. They train reps to brain wash students on false hopes to get them in the door and usually within 2 weeks (after the grant check comes) students drop out. Now, as a prospective student- I ask you this: if Empire Beauty Schools were concerned about education first and profit second, wouldnt they put their TEACHERS through the caliper exam and not Admissions reps!? I mean come on! School Directors usually dont last too long, high turnover due to micro-management from RD's who are always looking to fire for anything and everything. In addition, none of the staff are drug tested or trained correctly.

Supplies: The tools they give students will NOT last through your education nor will you be able to use the CHEAP blow dryers, shears, etc in a salon. Most of it breaks within days of a students education & is mass produced making it very cheap. They dont give students a flat iron, tell me in 2010 who does not use a flat iron!? And this is a company who "stays on the cutting edge of the industry". Fact is providing a students with flat irons would cut into the $300 dollar kit sold to students for $1,500. The books are romper room, little kid books with stolen Milady material contents.

Instructors: Are usually former graduates with very little industry experience. Dont get too comfy with any single teacher for she will NOT be around within the year. You see, it isnt about education at Empire, it about attendance, and why is it about attendance you ask?? Because Empire gets paid & pulls down funding on students ONLY when they attend school (proprioatory schooling) so teachers are HEAVILY micro managed on making sure students come to school, weather they sleep in class or not, Empire is getting paid! Most instructors in the schools dont have a clue on what they are doing nor do they know the cirriculum. See at Empire, they have a way of thinking that every licensed cosmetologist MUST know how to teach cosmetology.

Company VP: The company Vice President is DATING the Human Resources director, they live together and yet there is a fraternization policy for employees... Double standard? The same Vice President has had numerous documented sexual affairs with school Directors when he visits cities, yet he writes emails of "Lessons in stupidity". This guy has the biggest ego on any Man on the planet, and for no reason. Here's a "Lesson", The schools were profiting very nicely and the genius had a bright idea to introduce this "Call Center" which has made the schools a virtual ghost town waiting for students to show up- costing the company millions. If it aint broke.. Dont fix it right?? This thing has failed miserably and every company official I have spoken to has admitted that. As a prospective student you will speak to several different people before you even enter the school, building no real lines of communication, all thanks to the VP.

THIS COMPANY HAS NO PLACEMENT PLAN IN PLACE, YOU WILL HAVE TO GET A JOB ON YOUR OWN! Fact is, only about 50% of students enrolled even graduate from the program, for all the factors above. And 93% of licensed cosmetologists dont even work in cosmetology so why waste $16,000.00?

I have been in the industry for over 15 years, I have worked for a few different Cosmetology schools. Empire is by far and away the biggest scum bag company there is. They manage their employees into early graves trying to boost student attendance so they can profit.

FACT: Empire knows exactly what they are doing in marketing- They use WPGH FOX53 during the day time (when Jerry Springer & Judge shows are on) to market to those who arent working or doing anything during the day IE: African American Females- it's actually direct marketing and genius on their part.

***You dont need to take my word for it, do yourself a favor and ask a current or former student if they had a good experience with Empire and if they think you should enroll there. I'd bet the results will be 90% or above will tell you NO WAY! In fact most students regret ever going.. Instead of refining and fixing current problems in current schools they have, they continue to buy and grow new schools, similar to Starbucks. Grow without merit, and have a GIANT problem. Go to a Paul Mitchell school, they have a few schools that are refined and well ran.

Good Luck!


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Grand Rapids,
United States
Empire Beauty Schools " Predatory school Mispresenting/Lies of education, fraud, financial abuse and manipulation of multiple group types .

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, July 27, 2022

Hello former student that attended Empire Beauty Schools in Michigan ( Grand Rapids) 

First off I like to say Thank you to the former Employee of the school, everything that was said was true I dont even know them yet in Michigan the same thing is and likely has continued to occur.  These schools need to be stopped from taking advantage of the mass amount of peopple in these communities. 

I attended Empire Beauty Schools in 2009/ 2010.  And I have been saying for years that there is no way I should have 50,000 dollars of depth from hair school.  However much like was said in the former employees complaint and now in mine I was defrauded and lied to as well as munipulated into believing that I'd get a excellent education and that was the farthest thing from the truth. 

I wish I had the time to say everything that I experienced and went through right along side a multitude of other women and men just like me, however I'd have to make a series out of it.  Starting with the Finanical admissions part of it all. 

I am currently hoping that I can get the relief that I deserve from the Borrowers defense to Repayment that I'm only recently finding out about Empire is on the list of schools to prey on the under educated finacially, single mothers with two children, which I was at the time with promises of a beautiful life for my babies, and an abundant future of success. 

They preyed on high school students fresh out of high school 17 and 18 yr olds, they took advantage of former prisoners trying to do something productive with their lives allowing them to go through whole programs and then knowing full well that at the end of thier program the State wouldn't allow them to take the test to get licensed forget about passing the examination.  They we're out for blood money at the expense of the furtures of a multitude of people that have already sufffered finacial inequality. 

Needless to say however I will say it.  I am not working in the field of Cosmetoloy I can't make any real money from the level of education that I recieved.  Hell I taught my hair braiding portion of my class for my instructor because she didnt know how to braid and asked me to to do it.  Currently I have no idea how to fade or clipper cut hair the way I should've learned in school, and who do I blame for not fully knowing how to color hair.

Lets not mention the fact that I also took out more loans for the teacher program right after I finished my Cosmetology program only to be without a teacher for that program for weeks on end using the wrong workbook material and graduated out of the program simply because I passed the made up tests that were created to get through it. 

Lbvvs lol; Ask me if I was able to pass my State test to get my teachers certification.  Some may say, "Well; Why did you put up with all of that? Well, because the whole way through they are trained to make you believe you've got what it takes to succeed alway selling you on "Fake it til you make it". 

Sadly I'm not the only one, while my story is specific to me there are so many more so many others that aren't able to build a solid furture for themselves because of the debt and lack of education that was provided. 

I was as pro active as I could be in the area of hair care and since have taught myself a few things I keep my Cosemetology Lisense current because after everything you dont want to feel it was all for nothing and all you have to show for it is a huge bill that you'll never be able to pay back in your lifetime.  I cant go and buy a house right now it I wanted to. 

So for those out there going through the same thing Please go to Studentaide.gov and find the Borrower Defense to Repayment application it may prove helpful to you to try and get the help.  

Please support and help stop these for profit schools abuse students and cheat them out of thier futures.  

Siging off,  Finacially Raped former student of Empire Beauty schools.

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