  • Report:  #200948

Complaint Review: Empire Talent And Modeling Agency - - Pheonix Arizona

Reported By:
- scottsdale, Arizona,

Empire Talent And Modeling Agency -
3200 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, Az. 85012 Pheonix, 85012 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Marisa Sclafani & Empire Talent and Models is a fraud from the start. They buy student information from marketing companies and mail off flyers saying they have an important message for the addressee. These postcards tell the individual to call as soon as possible and a Maria signs the card. There isn't a Maria. She's imaginary. Her real name is Marisa Sclafani. She used to scam people at Elizabeth Savage models, and then opened up her own company.

When people call in they are read a script telling them a friend or family member recommend them and everything is free, they will never have to pay any money.

They also say a Casting Director is coming in from Hollywood is coming to interview them and this is a "once in a lifetime opportunity and he will be in town only this once."

These people come in thinking they are meeting a real agent. But they meet Marisa Sclafani instead. She has no real connections and pretends to be a freelance casting director, yet she has NO credits.

At this "interview" they get you excited, tell you that you have potential and they definitely want you. Then they hand you a packet that has fictional success stories on the front page and the last page ask for $$$ to attend classes and shoot with a photographer they "reccommend". It's all fake!

They tell you to call in to get results and for those that do call in they tell them you are part of the 15% that made it. However, no one ever seems to notice everyone that attended the interview that could cough up $$$ ASAP is in attendance. No one is turned away. Not a signal soul.

Why would you tell a 18 yr old girl that is 5'4 with scoliosis she will be a runway supermodel. Why do you tell them that they must have an A/B' average in high school to attend. But you accept an F' student that is disrespecting and cursing their mother right in front of your face and you tell them they have a great personality. What is worse is when they smile in people faces and as soon as they walk out the door they are laughing at them.

They use every tactic to make the sell. They have you max out your credit cards, postdating checks, chopping of your limbs, selling your soul to the devil, anything to get your money and get you in debt. They will promise you free makeup and lots of paying jobs and a career in the industry. It's ALL LIES.

The instructors are not real industry professionals. They are former students from Elizabeth Savage (where she used to work) that couldn't make the cut in modeling. They are will work for little pay and baby-sit. The teachers don't have a clue what they are doing. They will tell you I don't know what I am doing and they will even tell the students you are wasting your money because nothing will come out of this. All classes have had at least 4 different instructors.

Paychecks are never correct and are never received on time. You find yourself rushing to the bank just to make sure your check clears. There are students that haven't been paid for jobs that they have worked months ago. Many students have not received jobs like they were promised.

Don't waste your time calling the accounting department regarding a refund. You might as well kiss those funds goodbye because they will make up fake class dates and give you all kinds of excuses. They will even say they have had a system break down and don't have any record of your information so they cant issue a refund. Whenever you call and leave messages for the imaginary accounting department you will never receive a call back.

There are girls that have paid for Comp Cards and have never received them and never will. You will only hear from them when they want your money.

I could go on and on about this so called Modeling School/Agency. But I will leave you with a warning. Watch out. If you ever hear one of these names Marisa Sclafani, Maria Sclafani, Empire Talent and Models ...Run Like Hell and don't look back.


scottsdale, Arizona

11 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Why don't you tell the truth Miss Scalfani?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 09, 2011

I just received a phone call TODAY, December 9th, 2011 from some man named "Supreme".

He asked if I would be interested in a modeling job and a role in a Mark Wahlberg film. I said sure.

He then put me on hold, came back, and said, "why are you not a "Pro" member?". I said I should not have to pay to try out for roles. A legitimate agency would send you on calls and take 15% if you get the part. "Supreme" then said you must be a Pro member to tryout. I asked for his number and extension which he gave , but then he said, "if you call back later to these roles will be gone. If you want to PAY for a PRO membership, the "offer" to try out out will be valid.

I said that's fine, thank you and hung up.

SCAM. Plain and simple.

Anonymous Client

Virgin Islands (US)
Don't Waste Your Time Or Your Talent With Empire Or With Marisa Sclafani

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 02, 2011

I'll relate my experience with Empire Talent and Models, and with Marisa, here. To begin with, I'm not a model, prospective model, actor or prospective actor. I'm a writer. I've been writing as an unrepresented freelancer for nearly a decade, including short fiction and screenplays, so I had some writing credits to my name already when I met Marisa.

Upon meeting her, I provided her with a copy of a produced screenplay registered in my name and the treatment for a future project, also registered, both with the Writer's Guild of America, west. This was in September of 2010. She advised me that she would read them and get back to me with a decision on representation.

7 months passed. In that time, she apparently contacted exactly ONE producer in Los Angeles who declined to produce the project for which she held the treatment. Now, I'm no novice -- I know that it takes time for an agent to receive a response to queries and submissions. However, contacting a single producer in 7 months is simply underperformance.

Additionally, rather than focusing on literary representation, she repeatedly attempted to persuade me to attempt other fields of work, specifically voiceover work. If online reports of her activities are accurate, I suspect this might have eventually led to her soliciting me for money for a voice acting class. She did not do this, though, so perhaps other reports are inaccurate, or perhaps they are and her modus operandi didn't seem profitable enough to pursue it with me.

Finally, last week (the final week of March 2011) she advised me that she was working on a ghostwriting assignment on my behalf. Upon asking her for an estimate of the potential compensation, she advised that she would ask the client for $1,000 dollars.

First of all, she described the client as an elderly and potentially mentally unstable woman, a private individual. This set off warning alarms immediately, as her job is to represent my services to PUBLISHERS, not to private individuals. Secondly, the average novel length manuscript is approximately 100,000 words in length. Compensation of $1,000.000 would mean that I would be compensated approximately 1 CENT per word. According to industry sources, the average salary for a ghostwriter is 67,000, or approximately $1.49 per word.

Based on all these facts, it's apparent to me that Marisa Sclafani has NO experience as a literary agent and NO meaningful contacts within the film or publishing industries.


United States of America
All the Negative Rebuttals

#4General Comment

Fri, January 28, 2011



Report Attachments

R. Williams

United States of America
Empire Talent and Models in Arizona is the Real Deal

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, June 14, 2010

When I first read this report, I was a bit taken aback.  I'm not sure where this information was provided from in the original report or who supplied it, but I have worked with Empire Talent and Models and never heard of such complaints about the company.

The company is a one-woman show.  This is true.  Marisa Sclafani handles all aspects of the business from bookings to payroll.  And I found this to be a positive!  Many large agencies do not handle any aspect personally.  You receive a switchboard or a person you have never met, who is working as an associate managing you.  However, with Empire Talent and Models, it is just Marisa.  She is available to hear you one-one-one.  You are able to express what your strengths are and how the industry benefits from you in it.  After hearing you out, Marisa supplies her input. 

She provides you with ample information about where she believes you would be best suited, how you are able to receive additional work, and more.  Be prepared.  She does not sugarcoat anything!  She tells it like it is which is what has allowed me to progress in the industry.  If someone tells me what I would like to hear, then what is the point?  As an actor, I need someone to be blunt and honest.  I want to hear the good and the bad.  Tell the truth regarding what are the chances of getting me work based upon my look, experience, skills, portfolio and bio.

You can never excel at what you do without someone pointing out the negative.  It has to occur. Otherwise, you remain static in your craft and that is no good for anyone. 

I am disappointed to hear the comments made in this report.  I hope people know what they are looking for and check the information out themselves.  If you want someone to blow smoke up your ass, then go to a big industry company where you never meet the person handling your bookings.

But if you want to work for a company with a personal touch then go with Empire Talent and Models.  You have nothing to lose.


When I first read this report, I was a bit taken aback.  I'm not sure where this information was provided from in the original report or who supplied it, but I have worked with Empire Talent and Models and never heard of such complaints about the company.

The company is a one-woman show.  This is true.  Marisa Sclafani handles all aspects of the business from bookings to payroll.  And I found this to be a positive!  Many large agencies do not handle any aspect personally.  You receive a switchboard or a person you have never met, who is working as an associate managing you.  However, with Empire Talent and Models, it is just Marisa.  She is available to hear you one-one-one.  You are able to express what your strengths are and how the industry benefits from you in it.  After hearing you out, Marisa supplies her input. 

She provides you with ample information about where she believes you would be best suited, how you are able to receive additional work, and more.  Be prepared.  She does not sugarcoat anything!  She tells it like it is which is what has allowed me to progress in the industry.  If someone tells me what I would like to hear, then what is the point?  As an actor, I need someone to be blunt and honest.  I want to hear the good and the bad.  Tell the truth regarding what are the chances of getting me work based upon my look, experience, skills, portfolio and bio.

You can never excel at what you do without someone pointing out the negative.  It has to occur. Otherwise, you remain static in your craft and that is no good for anyone. 

I am disappointed to hear the comments made in this report.  I hope people know what they are looking for and check the information out themselves.  If you want someone to blow smoke up your a*s, then go to a big industry company where you never meet the person handling your bookings.

But if you want to work for a company with a personal touch then go with Empire Talent and Models.  You have nothing to lose.


United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, March 02, 2010

Marisa has NO clients!!! She wouldn't give them up and you are right she does say that you can go to anyone. But then she makes it quite clear that people in the industry are looking for certain pictures. The pictures that were taking looked as though they were from a child. The photographer looked gross and couldn't even apply her makeup on correctly. She then STRONGLY suggested that you go with her person and then asked if you could borrow the money. The rebuttals are a joke and she doesn't have a disgruntled employee nor does she have a client that actually uses all those big words that were found on word. REPORT REPORT REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many other states have prosecuted FRAUDS in the modeling agency.


Please no money is EVER asked and not everyone is wanted

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 29, 2009

my daughter and i had an interview, and everyone was shocked when marisa said she wanted just me. my charismatic, beautiful 2 year old was not marketable at the time. marisa told me that i needed a portfolio, i expected that, but she never asked for money, she did say that when i could come up with it that she would refer me to a photographer the she uses the most, but by no means did i have to choose him or give her any money. i said thank you thinking that would be the last i'd here from her, when she turned around and called me a few days later saying i have something for you, just please give me a headshot, i don't care who does it or how you get it, just send me one and we can work out something to get a real portfolio done. never did she ask for money or offer me free anything, nor was there a packet, folder, or empty promises. she knows what shes doing, and i'd refer ANY aspiring talent to go see her, she's honest, if your what shes looking for, she'll help you get there, if you're not, she'll tell you. very polite and definately professional. thank you marisa

Be Real

I experienced Nothing described in this report when dealing with this company

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

First of all Marisa is a one woman show. There is no "we" when you walk into her office. Her desk is COVERED with submissions and call backs and the like and she is working very hard to stay on top of all of it. She sends her clients information to local productions here AND in California! She is one of the hardest working agents in the Valley (and btw, only 7 of them are actually licensed -- including Marisa). The only thing she requires when you sign your contract is that you give her something to shop around. Whether it be a manuscript, a screenplay or a headshot. If you come in without head shots, she does have photographers that she works with on a regular basis BUT you don't need to work with them. Just get her some quality photos - she doesn't care how you do it. Another thing to remember...this is PHOENIX, not L.A. so the jobs won't fly in like they would if this were Hollywood. As far as the initial report that talked about classes and free makeup, that is all nonsense and sounds like a personal attack and not a legitimate one. Marisa has no time to offer classes and she doesn't send you to any classes either. She also has no offers of free makeup either. I saw none of these when I took my son in to sign with her. She has been very up front and real with us throughout this entire process and we intend to resign with her when our contract has expired. Whoever this "Jane" person is, I don't know where you got your information from but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Signed, a satisfied and PATIENT client



#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 03, 2006

It's unfortunate that people have nothing better to do with their time! I guess I should feel flattered that my company has caused such a stir in "Jane's" life. The ridiculous narrative which "Jane" wrote confirms for me how threatened people feel when someone succeeds. Not only is everything ridiculously NOT TRUE and INACCURATE of Empire, but amazingly similar to "Jane's" business practices in his own failing little company. People who are represented by me know they can expect the highest level of integrity and honesty. This will be the last time I respond to anything negatively written about me or my company on this site. I have more important things to do with my day, like booking my talent LEGITIMATE work instead of sitting here spending hours, (like someone I know who spends days rebutting all the negative reports written about him)answering false and preposterous allegations of fraud. The only one here who is a fraud is "JANE". The models and actors I represent know how driven and honest I am. I know this kills "Jane". If "Jane" is smart, he will cease and desist with the publishing of these false accusations or he will find himself along with the owner of this website in court answering charges of "defamation of commercial reputation" and "transmission of false and damaging information". Each day "Jane's" report is published is actionable by law.


preposterous charges

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, August 02, 2006

I am a client of Empire Talent and Models and Marisa Sclafani. I wish to refudiate the preposterous charges lodged against that company. I approached Marisa for representation. There is no charge to have her represent you, should she deem you marketable. In my case, she did. Not only did Empire Talent put me in touch with a magnificant photographer who produced absolutely flawless head shots for me, she forwarded those same head shots on to LA and then flew with me to LA where I auditioned and screen tested for a principal part in a major motion picture. This audition, Marisa secured for me. The casting director and I clicked. He is a BIG deal in LA. If not this role, there will be another one offered. Thank you Marisa and Empire Talent. Marisa is supportive, encouraging, and very helpful. The bad comments clearly are crazy and NOT at all a fair depiction of Empire Talent. I have never seen a card with any name other than hers. I never received a mailing. She does NOT offer classes. There is no packet and there is definitely no payment, credit card or otherwise. I know that refered a client she could NOT properly represent to other reputable agency here in town. She has never lied to me. She has never offered to have a casting director visit here at her office. She has never portrayed herself as a casting director. She is a theatrical talent agent. She represents herself as such. If you have your head shots. . Great. She works off them. If not, get them. If you know no one, she has a fabulous photographer that she refers. At Empire Talent, there is no "THEY". It is Marisa and her office staff... that's it. What you see is what you get. It is a small, yet very effective agency. Jane from Scottsdale must be confusing Empire Talent with some other company in town, because absolutely NOTHING in her complaint resembles anything I experienced with Empire Talent and Marisa Sclafani. Denise Phoenix (next stop LA)


preposterous charges

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, August 02, 2006

I am a client of Empire Talent and Models and Marisa Sclafani. I wish to refudiate the preposterous charges lodged against that company. I approached Marisa for representation. There is no charge to have her represent you, should she deem you marketable. In my case, she did. Not only did Empire Talent put me in touch with a magnificant photographer who produced absolutely flawless head shots for me, she forwarded those same head shots on to LA and then flew with me to LA where I auditioned and screen tested for a principal part in a major motion picture. This audition, Marisa secured for me. The casting director and I clicked. He is a BIG deal in LA. If not this role, there will be another one offered. Thank you Marisa and Empire Talent. Marisa is supportive, encouraging, and very helpful. The bad comments clearly are crazy and NOT at all a fair depiction of Empire Talent. I have never seen a card with any name other than hers. I never received a mailing. She does NOT offer classes. There is no packet and there is definitely no payment, credit card or otherwise. I know that refered a client she could NOT properly represent to other reputable agency here in town. She has never lied to me. She has never offered to have a casting director visit here at her office. She has never portrayed herself as a casting director. She is a theatrical talent agent. She represents herself as such. If you have your head shots. . Great. She works off them. If not, get them. If you know no one, she has a fabulous photographer that she refers. At Empire Talent, there is no "THEY". It is Marisa and her office staff... that's it. What you see is what you get. It is a small, yet very effective agency. Jane from Scottsdale must be confusing Empire Talent with some other company in town, because absolutely NOTHING in her complaint resembles anything I experienced with Empire Talent and Marisa Sclafani. Denise Phoenix (next stop LA)


preposterous charges

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, August 02, 2006

I am a client of Empire Talent and Models and Marisa Sclafani. I wish to refudiate the preposterous charges lodged against that company. I approached Marisa for representation. There is no charge to have her represent you, should she deem you marketable. In my case, she did. Not only did Empire Talent put me in touch with a magnificant photographer who produced absolutely flawless head shots for me, she forwarded those same head shots on to LA and then flew with me to LA where I auditioned and screen tested for a principal part in a major motion picture. This audition, Marisa secured for me. The casting director and I clicked. He is a BIG deal in LA. If not this role, there will be another one offered. Thank you Marisa and Empire Talent. Marisa is supportive, encouraging, and very helpful. The bad comments clearly are crazy and NOT at all a fair depiction of Empire Talent. I have never seen a card with any name other than hers. I never received a mailing. She does NOT offer classes. There is no packet and there is definitely no payment, credit card or otherwise. I know that refered a client she could NOT properly represent to other reputable agency here in town. She has never lied to me. She has never offered to have a casting director visit here at her office. She has never portrayed herself as a casting director. She is a theatrical talent agent. She represents herself as such. If you have your head shots. . Great. She works off them. If not, get them. If you know no one, she has a fabulous photographer that she refers. At Empire Talent, there is no "THEY". It is Marisa and her office staff... that's it. What you see is what you get. It is a small, yet very effective agency. Jane from Scottsdale must be confusing Empire Talent with some other company in town, because absolutely NOTHING in her complaint resembles anything I experienced with Empire Talent and Marisa Sclafani. Denise Phoenix (next stop LA)

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