  • Report:  #569470

Complaint Review: Eric R. Thom Eric Thom - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
Eileen - Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States of America

Eric R. Thom Eric Thom
25 NW 23rd Street Portland, 97210 Oregon, United States of America
917 284 8223
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Eric Thom (RSS Applied, Net Syndications, RE Acquisitions) hired me to write material for his clients, for whom he provided SEO and blogging services.  After paying his bills regularly for more than a year, Eric Thom asked me to double the amount of work I was doing. At the same time, he stopped paying my bill and left me with more than $2,000 in unpaid work.

Initially, Eric Thom claimed that he had mailed payment and that it had gotten lost. He then simply started lying about when he planned to pay the bill.  He also had the temerity to threaten me for asking to be paid.  Eight months down the road and dozens of lies later, I still have not been paid.  His account is in collections, and I am preparing to sue him for the unpaid balance on his account.

If you are a freelance provider of any sort, be warned about providing any kind of work to Eric Thom. Ask for full payment up front. 

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Fort Worth,
United States of America
Photo of Eric Thom??

#2General Comment

Tue, July 10, 2012

Hi. You said you are and ex-girlfriend of Eric Thom. Can you provide a picture of him, or can you confirm if either of the photos posted here [pictured here] are indeed him? Thanks! Charles ****. Feel free to email me: (((redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Report Attachments

C Pruett

Fort Worth,
United States of America
I posted a photo of the wrong Eric Thom

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 27, 2012

I posted a picture of a different Eric Thom [previous post]. I was lead to believe that was him, but I have it on good resource that isn't him [I've only talked to Eric Thom on the phone]

I apologize to all who've read this, but especially to the Eric Thom of who the other picture actually is. I've now included a link to a picture of the one about whom we are speaking [click link below]


Charles Pruett

Report Attachments

C Pruett

Fort Worth,
United States of America
Just Making Sure

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 27, 2012

As much as I am frustrated with Eric Thom, owner of RSS Applied, etc, I just think we need to make sure it's the same Eric Thom. Is it? This response is to the girl who said she was one of his ex girlfriends, she who said he was arrested and threatened the prostitutes with a blow torch. Is it the same guy? The one I'm talking about is often VERY derogatory and refers to people as "morons" etc. Google images and see if that's him, with the short, dark hair, and full mustache.

Here's a photo link: http://bit.ly/IkEPTN
I've never seen him or his picture, so I can't be sure.  Is it?

Charles P

Report Attachments


United States of America
You will never be paid from Eric Thom

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 07, 2011

I'm an ex-gal pal of Eric Thom and I can tell you that

this scum bag never pays anyone and will never pay 


He is a smooth talker but in the end - you get screwed.  

If you know his background - you will understand what

you're dealing with.  Read the report below and you'll see

what kind of beast this guy really is.  Beware when dealing

with him.  He is a very bad man.

He is used to living the high life and having lots of money. He

is broke now and that makes him especially dangerous.

Be careful.  He uses many "aliases" in his scams as you can 

see from the report below.

Beware of Eric Thom.


Bizman's Busted In L.a. Rapes


Thursday, December 06, 2001

A Manhattan millionaire wanted in Los Angeles for allegedly raping three high-priced call girls and burning them with a blowtorch has been busted by New York City detectives and will be in court this morning, law enforcement sources said.

Eric Thom, 45, was arrested Friday at his posh $6,000-a-month upper East Side apartment by Detectives Stefano Braccini and Dominic Andreno from the Manhattan cold case squad.

Thom was charged with being a fugitive from justice and will appear in Manhattan Criminal Court for an extradition hearing today, prosecutors said.

Thom - who runs two Internet businesses and works part time as a stockbroker - has been on the lam and living in the city under the alias Michael Capra since fleeing Los Angeles in October 2000, shortly after the alleged attacks, law enforcement sources said.

Los Angeles police told NYPD detectives that Thom raped and terrorized three prostitutes and tortured them with a small butane-filled blowtorch during separate crack cocaine binges in expensive hotel rooms.Since his arrest Friday, Thom has been picked out of a photo lineup by two of the three victims in California, law enforcement sources said. He has been held without bail since his arraignment Sunday, said Barbara Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney's office.Thom's Park Ave. lawyer, Guy Oksenhendler, refused to comment yesterday.

NYPD detectives were led to Thom after he was arrested in June at Manhattan's Sheraton Starwood Hotel. Law enforcement sources said he lured a woman to his room at the Starwood under the ruse that he was a movie producer looking for attractive actresses."He told her he produced movies, and he wanted her to be in one," said a source.Once there, he and the woman smoked crack cocaine and trashed the hotel room, breaking furniture, smashing glass mirrors and staining the sheets, according to a criminal complaint from the Manhattan district attorney's office.

Thom also is accused of threatening the woman with a butane torch and "threatening her with physical violence," according to the complaint.He was arrested - as Capra - and charged with drug possession, misdemeanor criminal mischief, menacing and unlawful imprisonment.

This month, NYPD detectives matched Capra's fingerprints to those on the California fugitive warrant for Thom.On Friday evening, detectives tracked him to the 27th-floor apartment on E. 64th St. that he shares with his girlfriend and 4-month-old son. The apartment was strewn with bogus IDs bearing the name Michael Capra, sources said.

Eileen Peck

Eric Thom RSS Applied Net Syndications RE Acquisitions, Social American Still Hasn't Paid His Bills

#6Author of original report

Sun, April 18, 2010

Now for what really happened:  Eric authorized me to do work that the client never agreed to; collected payment from the client for the unauthorized work through an automatic billing arrangement, and then never paid me for the work I did.  He was very insistent that I double the work I was doing, and even called me twice in one day  (July 1, 2009) to make sure I had increased the amount of work I was doing.  He knew at that point that he had no intention of paying the bill.  He defaulted on his July 2009 payment, although he kept insisting that he had put the check in the mail. When I asked for tracking numbers on the envelope or information about the check itself, he couldn't produce an answer.

Eric initially tells people that *I* violated the terms of a non-disclosure agreement, or alternately, a "non-compete clause." The truth is that Eric never had me sign a document with any of these provisions in them.  I've asked him on more than one occasion to produce the document  (I keep very accurate records of what I do and sign) and he can't. He has no legitimate reason to deny me payment and yet he childishly insists that I violated some kind of mythical agreement, which he can't seem to produce.  I've checked all of my email, my paper records, and even my fax records. 

Second, I've never "competed" with him;  I wouldn't want to and don't need to.  I discussed the situation directly with the client, and informed him that Eric had not paid for the work as agreed, and that the client would receive no further work.  By the time I talked to the client in late September 2009 , the client had dropped Eric's services and prepared to dispute of the unauthorized charges that Eric Thom had put on the client's credit card.

From his emails, you can see that Eric Thom clearly accepts responsibility for running up charges on his account and always says that he plans to pay his balance "someday".  

For the record, I have turned his account over to a collections agency and will sell off the debt to a particularly nasty collections agency/law firm in the near future.

From 1/6/10 - 1/13/10:

I sent this email to Eric Thom on January 6, 2010:

Hi Eric, 

I haven't received a response from you regarding your payment plan.  I need to know what your plan is immediately. 

Eric Thom responded on January 13, 2010, saying: 

Eric Thom wrote: 

I will have some funds on the 23rd of this month 

I responded, saying: 

That's nice. When will *I* have some funds? 

Eric Thom's response on 1/13/2010:

"The minute I get it"

Also from 1/13/10:

"That does nothing to motivate me, try to understand this, you will be paid because it is the right thing for me to do, the business end of things that happened last year you would not understand."

From 1/24/10:

"I can send you 400.00 Tuesday, I only have a paypal account though."



"It is the only way I can pay you, I don't have any other accounts right now, my intention is to get you paid when I can and right now it is the only way to pay you."

From 1/29/10

"I am waiting for my check due to your insistence about not accepting Paypal, whenI get it you will be sent the check."

From 2/5/10:

"I sent 250.00 for now but I will make it a priority to send more in a few weeks, I am sorry this happened but I don't have anymore. 

I will make it a priority to send what I can soon."

From 2/24/10:

"Listen, you act like I set out to do this to you and nothing could be further from the truth, bottom line is when I get something I will give it to you. 


From 2/25/10:

"I will be able to send you something at the end of March, I know it is not what you want to hear but it is the truth. 

I am embarrassed by this whole matter but make no mistake about it, I never intentionally meant to fall behind like I did, I lost most of my accounts due to the economy."


And these are just the emails from this year.  I have a whole collection of apologies, promises and lies from Eric from the last half of 2009, which I'll be more than happy to post if Eric Thom persists in denying that he owes me money and continues to insist that he has a legitimate reason to deny me payment. He even had the nerve to call me up and ask if I would be interested in doing more work for him - even while he has a $2,000 outstanding bill and has been placed in collections by me!  It simply boils down to this:  Eric Thom hired me to do work. I did the work, which Eric deliberately mischaracterized as having been requested and authorized by the client. Eric Thom collected payment from the client for my work. Eric Thom skipped out on my bill. 

At the end of the day, the fact remains that Eric Thom has been exceptionally irresponsible with the way he handled his client, his businesses and me.  He conned me into producing work that the client never requested and never authorized, collected payment and skipped town. He literally stole more than $2,000 from me and my family.  He claims alternately that the IRS "came and took everything," that his business partner everything, that his son was ill and he had no money to pay for that, that he'll be filing for bankruptcy protection imminently, and/or  that he lost his business(es) due to the poor economy. (Take your pick; they all add up to the same thing.) He's told me so many lies that I have no idea what the truth even is anymore, other than he ripped me off for more than $2,000.  

His companies are mere shells.  The companies that Eric owned/operated at one time are registered under Eric Thom's name in Nevada and Oregon; he's listed as the only officer and I have never, ever spoken to anyone other than Eric Thom.  At the moment, all of those licenses are either all in default or have been revoked. In short, there is no "we" in Eric Thom's companies.  It's only Eric Thom.  I also now have evidence to suggest that Eric Thom has ripped off other freelancers in a similar fashion in the past. 

Here are the listings for Eric's defunct Nevada companies:



Status: Permanently revoked

RSS Applied:


Status: Revoked

Social American:


Status: Default

RE Acquisitions:


Status: Default

Here are the listings for Eric's defunct Oregon companies:

Net Syndications, LLC


Status: Administrative Dissolution

Podcast Publishing:


Status: Administrative Dissolution

As a warning to anyone who is considering doing business with Eric Thom, think twice.  In fact, think three times.  From my experience, Eric Thom poses an unacceptable business risk to those he's dealing with. There are plenty of reputable SEO companies with which to do business, but Eric Thom's are not among them. 

Eric Thom

Happy Valley,
United States of America
Non Compete

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 17, 2010

When a contractor violates a "non compete" contract and tries to go behind ones back and around the very company that supplied the work that is what will happen.
We wish her the best.

Eileen Peck

Eric Thom RSS Applied Net Syndications RE Acquisitions, Social American Still Hasn't Paid His Bills

#8Author of original report

Fri, April 16, 2010

Eric Thom, of RSS Applied, Net Syndications, RE Acquisitions, Social American of sent me an email message on February 25, 2010, in which he stated:

I will be able to send you something at the end of March, I know it is not what you want to hear but it is the truth. 

No big surprise here. The end of March came and went without Eric Thom making a payment.  At least this month, I didn't get any lies or excuses, either.   Eric Thom poses a serious business risk. Think long and hard before producing any work for him or using his "services". If you're a freelance writer, ask for full payment up front and make Eric Thom take the risk of loss. 

Eileen Peck

Eric Thom RSS Applied Net Syndications RE Acquisitions Also Does Business As Social American, LLC

#9Author of original report

Mon, February 15, 2010

In addition to the companies listed in my first report, Eric also does business under the name Social American, LLC

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