  • Report:  #450255

Complaint Review: Extended Stay America Inc. - Spartanburg South Carolina

Reported By:
- Northridge, California,

Extended Stay America Inc.
Spartanburg, 29306 South Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following copies of email correspondence will provide you with the information you need to gain an understanding of my dispute with Extended Stay America, Inc.

from A. ****

to T. Wilkinson, Director of Guest Services

cc P. Graybeal, Senior Manager of Guest Services

date Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:07 PM

subject Fwd: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by gmail.com

Dear Ms. Wilkinson,

I am a registered nurse from Northern California. Without providing unnecessary details, I had sustained a leg injury over a year ago in Southern California, and am required to remain here in Southern California for a few more months to wrap up legal matters. I have resided at Extended Stay Northridge as of February 1, 2009, and from the beginning, I've encountered one problem after another related to unprofessional conduct of hotel management, and extremely poor customer service.

After review of the information I am providing to you, please respond by email, rather than by phone with any questions, and be assured that it is not my intent to seek legal action against Extended Stay America Inc., but rather a resonable and expeditious resolution. Considering the hostile actions waged against me by Denise Y, I also ask that she is restricted from the property during the remainder of my stay at the hotel, and Mohammad Z is restricted from initiating contact with me by phone, email, or in person.

In summary, the incident that took place on May 2, 2009 is as follows:

At 10:30AM on May 2, 2009, I called the front desk and asked to speak to the manager on duty who could assist me with my lodging fee transaction. A new employee by the name of Kevin, who told me that Denise Y was the manager who was expected to come into the office sometime between the hours of 12 noon and 2PM on that day.

At 2:30PM, I visited the front desk to pay my lodging fee for the month of May 2009, and was told by Kevin that Denise had not arrived, and that he had relayed my message to Denise.

At 4:00PM, I once again visited the front desk to pay my lodging fee for the month of May 2009, and was told by a new employee, Tyler, that Denise had not arrived, but that Ryan B was expected to come into work at 5PM, and would be able to perform the transaction for me.

At 5:30PM, I visited the front desk to pay my lodging fee for the month of May 2009, and because Denise had still not arrived for the day, Ryan B performed the transaction, assuring me that he's the one who always assists guests with the long term lodging fee transactions.

Less than an hour after paying my lodging fee for the month of May 2009, and obtaining confirmation of my reservation for an additional 90 days, Ryan B called me to tell me that Denise Y told him to call me to tell me that he would need to refund my money and cancel my reservation. Furthermore, he informed me that because he had deposited my funds in the safe, he would need to wait for Denise to come into the office, before he could issue me my refund.

Immediately, I called the cell phone number of Mohammad Z to inform him about the incident that had just taken place. Because he did not answer his phone, I left a detailed voice message, and told him that it was urgent he return my call immediately. Although, he never returned my call, Ryan B called me at 10:00PM to inform me that Denise Y instructed him to "Put Owens payment back in her account." Please note that I possess a copy of the ledger showing payment credited to my account at 5:49PM, then payment VOIDED from my account, then payment credited back to my account at 9:57PM on May 2, 2009. I also possess a copy of my reservation confirmation and lodging fee rate for the months of May, June, and July 2009.

Please note that at 1PM on May 2, 2009, after having attempted to pay lodging fees before 11AM for the month of May 2009, card key access to my room was de-activated.

Over the past 5 days, before seeking assistance directly from Extended Stay corporate office, I had offered Mohammad Z the opportunity to assist me with resolution of the matter that took place on May 2, 2009. Rather than provide assistance, he demonstrated that his efforts were not to assist me, but rather to exacerbate my distress by attempting to justify the hostile and retaliatory actions recently taken against me by Denise Y, and to antagonize me by continuing to demand I meet with both him and Denise Y. In fact, just yesterday, after making myself clear for the third time this week, that I would not speak with the offending party, Denise Y, Mohammad Z, with intent to antagonize me, took the liberty without invitation, to call me at my hotel room to tell me he had me on speaker phone with Denise Y present for a conversation.

FYI, here is a copy of an email I sent to Mohammed Z on March 28, 2009, regarding problems I encountered during my stay, prior to the incident that took place on May 2, 2009:

from A. ****

to Mohammed Z, Regional Manager

date Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:18 PM

subject Complaints RE: Jose Delgado

Hello Mohammed,

As a guest staying long term on business at your Northridge location, I've experienced multiple problems over the past month and a half, which the new manager, Jose has either neglected or refused to resolve.

On the first day I checked into the hotel, I discovered semen stained bedding. When I brought the matter to the attention of Denise, who identified herself as the district manager, and asked that she switch out the mattress, she told me that my expectations were unreasonable, and that I should go stay at another hotel. It was only until I brought it to her attention that providing semen stained bedding for guests to sleep on was a health violation, she offered to switch out the mattress. Also, on the day I checked in, the carpet and floors had not been cleaned in who knows how long, and some of the towels had hairs adhered to them, and were smudged with what looked like black mascara. I had to clean the floors in the kitchen and bathroom myself. After contacting you about the problem, you instructed Jose to have the floors cleaned immediately, but the floors weren't cleaned until three days later. The excuse I was given for the run around was that the maintenance man was on vacation.

To make matters even worse, a couple days after the floors were cleaned, one of the cleaning girls, a girl by the name of Erika, entered my room and stole my jacket, when I had left the room briefly to go downstairs to the front desk. She was the cleaning girl who I saw standing in front of the room located on the opposite end of the hallway, just one door down from my room. When I brought the matter to the attention of Jose, I let him know that my greatest concern was that my space had been violated, and I no longer felt by belongings would be safe here. He assured me that he would investigate the matter, and ensure that the same cleaning girl is re-assigned to other floors. The very next day, and to this day, the same girl continues to be assigned to clean the rooms nearby and next door to my room. Today, Jose had assigned her to clean the room right next door to mine. She knows that I know she stole my jacket. It is completely unacceptable that she continues to have card key access to my room, and continues to be assigned to clean the rooms on the second floor next to my room.

Also, today when Erika was in the room next door to my room, she had the television on while she was in there, and the volume was loud, which was very disruptive. Aren't the cleaning people supposed to be cleaning, rather than watching television?

Other issues:

Over a month ago, I brought it to Jose's attention that the washers weren't working properly, and that all but one of the dryers had gum stuck inside. Three weeks ago, he contacted the company who services the machines, but the problems were never resolved. Two weeks ago, I brought this matter to Jose's attention, and he responded by telling me that providing the use of the washers and dryers was an optional service offered to guests, or in other words, that Extended Stay is not obligated to provide laundry facilities to guests, implying that I should be thankful that there's at least one gum-free dryer, and broken down washing machines to use. The problem with the washing machines is that they don't spin the clothes completely and the machines continue to drip water onto the clothes after the final rinse cycle. Regardless of the ongoing problems with the machines, Jose has refused to do what he's supposed to do to replace the broken down machines, and get the machine repair company to either scrape the gum out of the dryers, or provide new dryers. What's the problem with asking your cleaning people to inspect the dryers, scrape off gum, clean the inside of the dryers, and mop the floors in the laundry room once a day?

More than two weeks ago, I reported seeing spilled coffee with cream splattered all over the floor and wall of the east stairwell. The spill was never cleaned up, and began causing a foul odor of rotting milk. Because the spill was never cleaned up, I had to call the front desk numerous times. Last week on Saturday, I called the front desk to once again report the spill, and was told that Jose was not available. I told the new front desk person to give Jose the message about the spill and need for clean up. By 2PM, since the spill had still not been cleaned up, I called the front desk again and was told that Jose had left for the day. I then told the front desk person to call Jose to let him know that if the spill isn't cleaned up by today, that I would contact Mohammed to let him know what's going on. Within 15 minutes afterwards, the spill was cleaned up. What's the problem with asking your cleaning people or maintenance man to keep the stairwells mopped and cleaned? Maintaining clean facilities is the easiest task to accomplish in the hospitality industry, and considering the bad economy, there are plenty of people looking for maintenance jobs who are willing to work hard and actually do the job they get paid to do.

A week ago, I let Jose know that one of the guests, who looked like a gang member, was loitering right next to my door and talking on his cell phone for two hours from 12 midnight to 2AM. I asked Jose what help was available to me after-hours, should this happen again, and should I ever feel my safety was in danger. He told me that the security guard is off duty at 12 midnight, and that the guy who works at the front desk is only Spanish speaking. I responded, so in other words, there are no after-hours security measures in place at this hotel. He replied "I'll keep an eye on things." Last night, I was awakened at 4AM by the same guest who was standing outside my door, loudly yelling at someone on his cell phone. Then, later in the day, I saw graffiti scratched into the inside panel of the glass door that leads out to the east end of the parking lot. When I attempted to reach Jose to report last nights disturbance, and the coffee spill mess, I was told by the new front desk person that Jose was not available.

The carpets in many high traffic areas of the hotel are extremely dirty and have been in need of cleaning for over a month. Due to the dirty carpets and stairwells, graffiti, and disruptive, loitering guests, it's embarrassing to invite business associates or guests to meet with me at the hotel.

For over a month, Jose has neglected to send the maintenance man to replace a burned out light bulb for the desk lamp in my room. Over a month ago when I reported the matter to Jose, he told me he didn't have any replacement bulbs.

Over a week ago, someones dog pooped in the laundry room, and people started tracking the poop all over the floor in the laundry room, and carpet in the hallway leading to the laundry room. Over a week later, regardless that I reported the problem, the floors were never cleaned, and the laundry room has smelled like poop.

When Jose was newly hired, he told me that his plan was to get rid of all the existing front desk people, and hire his "own people." Within less than two months, he's hired two new employees. Sounds to me like he's strategically hiring people to watch his back, so that he can just kick back and collect a paycheck. I can tell from my encounters with him that he's not a conscientious, hard working person. Considering the state of the economy, apparently, Jose does not realize that there are thousands of more qualified applicants waiting in line to take over his job. Applicants that are more than eager to provide customers with a high level of quality service.

Early on in my stay, after communicating my initial complaints to Mohammed, Jose asked that I communicate my complaints directly to him, rather than to you, assuring me that he would promptly and courteously handle any problem that I may encounter during my stay. I agreed at the time, but almost two months later, Jose has repeatedly neglected to assume his managerial responsibilities. Today, when I came to the front desk to complain about the dog poop that had never been cleaned up in the laundry room, I heard Jose laughing and speaking Spanish on the phone. After 5 minutes, he finally got off the phone when he realized that there was someone waiting at the front desk. This is not the first time this has happened.

I have a knee problem that makes it difficult and painful for me to walk down to the front desk to voice my complaints, so when I do, I need my complaints resolved to prevent the need for multiple, frustrating visits to the front desk.

It is also important that I inform you about an inappropriate question Jose recently asked me. Three weeks ago, Jose asked me the question "What kind of a car do you drive? Is it a new car? Is it a nice car?"

Since Jose had never arranged for me to fill out a complaint form or incident report about my stolen jacket, I also ask that you assist me to do this.

Thank you,

A. ***

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: A. ****

Date: Tue, May 5, 2009 at 4:53 PM

Subject: Disclosure of Facts

To: "Muhammad Z"


In response to your email, you state that "Denise did not show up since she was off for the weekend." To the contrary, when I called the front desk at 10:30AM on Saturday, May 2, 2009, Kevin said that Denise told him she would be coming into the office sometime between 12noon-2PM. When I visited the front desk at 2:30PM, I was told by Kevin that he relayed my message to Denise in the morning, but she never showed up. Not only did Denise never show up at the property as she said she would, she never attempted to call me. That's exactly what she did when I first checked into the hotel on February 1, 2009, and discovered semen stained bedding. After voicing my complaint, she assured me she would inspect other rooms in search of a clean mattress and bedding, then provide me with a key to another room within no more than a half hour. After an hour had elapsed, I called the front desk, and was told by Carmen that Denise left the property without giving her any instructions about issuing me a key to another room.

In response to your claim that "currently this hotel is no longer a participant" of the Long-term Lodging Program, I was in fact presented with a new lodging agreement that had been left up at the front desk for me to sign as of May 2, 2009. My problem is that after paying my lodging fee for the month of May 2009, Denise has neglected to sign it.

In response to your claim that "a month ago the program prices were also gone up to $1399 monthly," the new lodging agreement states that my monthly rate remains the same at $1,100.

In response to your statement "Even though you might have shown your intent to extend your stay it is beyond hotel management control to make commitments on the Long-term Lodging rate prior to the renewal date of the contract." Once again, I was in fact presented with a new lodging agreement that had been left up at the front desk for me to sign as of May 2, 2009.

In an affidavit statement signed by Ryan B, and notarized on May 5, 2009, he states as follows:

"I am not sure of the exact time, but Denise told me that I was not to accept any payments from Ms. ****, nor was I allowed to extend her reservation. I then told Denise that I had already accepted a payment and extended the reservation prior to her phone call. At that point I was instructed to void the cash payment and call Ms. **** to inform her that I was not authorized to extend her reservation."

"Denise was upset that I had extended the contract, but since no one had relayed that message to me prior (and since this was the first time that I was informed that I needed a manager's approval before extending a guest), she really could not justify any reason to be mad at me. Denise said, F*ck! Now I have to deal with that b*tch for another few months. She calls Mohammed about every little thing. She (Ms. ****) called him (Mohammed) earlier saying that it is 12:00 and Denise is no where to be found.

"Denise communicated the following message by text on May 2nd 9:57PM Put **** payment back on her account please. That was the extent of the communication. She did not mention anything about the extension, so I left Ms.**** reservation for the 180 days stay (total)."

Based upon the above disclosure of facts, and before handing the matter over to my attorney, I will agree to meet with you alone, to enable you to assist me with a resolution.

I am available to meet with you anytime tomorrow between 2-3PM. In the event, you or Denise attempt to intimidate, threaten, or terminate the employment of my witness, Ryan B, I will move forward with a lawsuit.

Thank you,

A. ****

from P. Graybeal, Senior Guest Relations Manager

to A. ****

date Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:29 PM

subject Re: Fwd: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by extendedstay.com

Restricted? What the h*ll is she talking about?

P. Graybeal

Senior Guest Relations Manager

Extended Stay Hotels SM

from A. ****

to Pamela G

date Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:32 PM

subject Re: Fwd: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by gmail.com

Hello Ms. Graybeal,

I just received this email from you. Clearly, you did not intend for me to receive this email.

Please explain,

A. ****

from P. Graybeal

to A. ****

cc T. Wilkinson

date Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:38 PM

subject RE: Fwd: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by extendedstay.com

Ms. ****,

I do apologize for the e-mail. I'm sure you received my out of office notification. I am home sick with a nasty stomach flu, and was obviously still asleep. Giving the fact that you are a nurse i'm sure you can understand. So sorry.

To be honest I'm confused by the requests that our hotel management be restricted from conducting hotel business.

I have copied my boss Tami Wilkinson in my response to ensure we are all on the same page. I'm sure Tami will address your concerns tomorrow when she returns to the office. She and I both work at the home office which is located in SC.

Again i apologize for my bluntness.

from A. ****

to P. Graybeal

date Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:53 PM

subject Re: Fwd: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by gmail.com

Ms. Graybeal,

I look forward to receiving assistance from Ms. Wilkinson, and anticipate a reasonable and expeditious resolution to the pending matter.

Thank you,

A. ****

from T. Wilkinson

to A. ****

cc P. Graybeal; M. Zubair

date Fri, May 8, 2009 at 7:55 AM

subject RE: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by extendedstay.com

Ms. ****,

Thank you for your detailed emails. Your concerns have been addressed on several occasions at the property level. I am not clear on your requests at this point. Anything to do with our employees will be handled internally and unfortunately cannot be discussed with you. If you would like to explain to how I can help from this point I would be more than happy to assist.


T. Wilkinson, Director of Guest Relations

Extended Stay Hotels

from A. ****

to T. Wilkinson

date Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:00 AM

subject Re: Disclosure of Facts

mailed-by gmail.com

Dear Ms. Wilkinson,

What I need at this point is as follows:

1. Written apologies from Denise Y and Mohammad Z.

2. Refund of lodging fees I paid for the months of February, March, April, and May.

3. Waiver of lodging fees for the months of May, June, and July.

4. Written statement safe guarding my witness Ryan B from harassment or threat to terminate his employment.

5. Attorneys fees should legal assistance be required in negotiating terms 1-4.

Considering the gravity of the offenses against me, the terms are non-negotiable, nor am I open to further discussion whatsoever to allow Denise Y or Mohammad Z the opportunity to continue to explain away the assaultive actions taken against me.

Please reply by email to confirm agreement.

Thank you,

A. ****

from A. ****

to T. Wilkinson

date Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:32 PM

subject Non-response

mailed-by gmail.com

Dear Ms. Wilkinson,

Considering that I did not receive a reply to my request for assistance as outlined in my previous email, and it is now after 5PM PST, the end of the business day and work week here on the West Coast, I assume you are unwilling to meet my demands for conflict resolution.

If this is not the case, please inform me otherwise.

If I do not receive your reply by 9:00AM PST on Monday, May 11, 2009, the matter will be brought to the attention of Lightstone Corporate office, and turned over to my attorney for handling.

Thank you,

A. ****


Northridge, California


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