  • Report:  #826322

Complaint Review: EZ OWN Auto Source - Scottsdale Arizona

Reported By:
Aaron - Fountain Hills, Arizona, United States of America

EZ OWN Auto Source
1723 N Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, 85257 Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On December 10, 2011. My wife and I chose to go with the EZ Own program which almost felt too good to be true. We returned the truck after 42 days, a lot of money wasted and much stress. First of all the salesman who we dealt with was nice at first. As soon as we got the vehicle it started having starting problems and the service disappeared. After 3 days back with them all they did was change the battery and blamed it on their "GPS" Anti - Theft system. After I got the truck back my wife and I left for our Anniversary trip up north in Show Low on December 24, 2011. After arriving in Payson, the truck would not start again. We called EZ own and spoke to our sales representative who accused me of tampering with the GPS Device. Why would I mess with an anti-theft system just before going on my anniversary?! I was very offended by this! My wife was in tears after three hours of back and forth on the phone asking for their help since we were stranded almost 100 miles away from home, no way to get a rental and on our Anniversary! On top of all of this the sales representative stated that we were interrupting his holiday with his family. After I finally figured out how to start the car myself with no help from EZ OWN, the problem was never fixed. After "leasing" the truck, they also never give us a license plate, which we were charged for and after repeatedly asking for it to be done. 

   My wife and I came to the decision to return the vehicle on January 21, 2012. Upon returning the vehicle we never got an apology from anyone about the events that transpired. In fact, the sales representative was making more accusations to me and my wife. I will never do business with this company again, nor will I recommend them to anyone. In fact I am going to do everything in my power to expose their corrupt business ethics, lack of a quality product and customer service so that no one else will have to go through what we did. In all we spent over $2,000 in 42 days not including insurance and gas! I hope this helps someone in their decision. Thank you for listening

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2012

All I have to say to that is...goes to show you how reputable you are and youre on ripoffreport trying to justify yourself! The RIPOFF with EZ OWN AUTO is the CARS! They are garbage! I went through 3 different cars, for the mere fact all of them had something wrong with them! And then turn around and want me to bring it back to you to fix for an additional fee! There are so many hidden fees and sideline add-ons no wonder you had to work with me so much.  I got charged to get out of the first car that quite literally fell apart! I was then put in a car to expensive for me! AND I SAID...THIS CAR IS TOO EXPENSIVE!!! But, my option was well you can stay in the car that is falling apart....Ok then EZ OWN! When I then requested to be put into my 3rd car I was charged another fee! And it was another sh*t car! And the excuse for that was, well it's a used car what do you expect...according to the girls in the EZ OWN in Mesa!  I am now walking and taking the bus and riding with people to where I need to go, because I would rather do all of that then deal with EZ OWN a second longer.  They charge full face value for cars that have been in accidents...multiple...are broken down and in poor condition, with absolutely no regard for customer safety! I don't care about the money...if you want to go there EZ OWN since the payments were lowered, I made every payment on time every time....and my first car I paid every week every time on time.  So much so I paid the first cars down payment in no time and was suppose to be able to swap cars with no fee!!!! Which by the way, come to find out later I got charged....In 2 out of the 3 cars I drove I almost died!!! Due to constantly popping tires, windshield wipers that didn't work, loose steering, and poor alignment.  All of these things should have been taken into account before putting someone into a car.  When I asked for the inspection prior to putting me in the last car, all that was on there was air freaking freshener!  What about the alignment, what about fluids, what about tire checks.  

Get over yourself EZ OWN because you "work with people" on payments doesn't make your program good...All it does is tricks people in the false notion that what you want to do is help them! When the fact is you are a company out for money, worse youre a car company out for money, and hide behind terms of security!  You are a horrible company because you do not take the time to make sure your cars of quality.  If that was the case I would have done everything in my power to praise and commend you for your good deeds and work with the community.  But instead you get the opposite.  Your company sucks and I will do everything in my power to let it be known....thanks!

P.S. I never told anyone I lost my job and couldn't make payments.  I told them the payments were too high...400+ (almost 500) a month and I couldn't afford it and was bringing the car back in...They then gave me to option to bring it in and swap for a cheaper car...I did so and they charged a fee for that along with the first fee from swapping out of the initial death trap! Keeping my payments around 400+ a month! The car was crap and I didn't feel like paying a car note for a brand new crap car not even close to worth 400+ a month, so I was going to bring it back in. They then gave me the option to lower the payments to said 200 a week! Thanks EZ OWN (Is anyone doing the math here?).  So Yay EZ OWN! Pat on the back, since that's what you needed, for spreading out the sideways fees you tried to lay on me,  and not really doing anything....

EZ OWN Auto Source

United States of America
Company reponse to concerns raised by Bhoogz818

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 28, 2012

EZ OWN Auto Source would like to respond to the most recent comment by user Bhoogz818. We worked to keep this customer (Bhoogz818) in our program for 15 months, and tried three different vehicles, but the customer reported to
us that she had lost her job and she simply could not afford making car payments. We worked very closely and very attentively with the customer to try to accommodate her unfortunate situation. We split her payments into very small increments, wrote off a payment and we made deferments and reschedules six different times. We allowed her to go as many as 35 days past due. We tried putting her into a less expensive vehicle that would be more affordable. She was not charged at all for any service done to any of her vehicles. Ultimately, the customer self-surrendered her vehicle to us, and we have since parted ways.

The benefit to our program is that customers can return their cars to us if they can no longer afford them, and they are not on the hook for a huge car loan, as they would be if they had purchased a vehicle from a traditional car lot. Instead, with Rent-To-Own, if a customer loses his or her job, as what happened to this customer, he or she simply returns the
vehicle. We do not go after the balance of the contract, nor do we do any kind of negative reporting to credit bureaus. Our rent-to-own program helps many credit-challenged consumers get into a vehicle without burying them in debt. It is based on a national model operating in 48 states.

We wish this customer well, and hope to spread the word that EZ OWN Auto Source is a very reputable and caring
business with hundreds of happy customers.


United States of America

#4General Comment

Tue, August 28, 2012

So I would like to know what someone not paying THEIR bills has to do with horrible customer service and disregard for safety and well being.  This is supposed to a business a service! I have also been privileged to work with Matt and Sonja and Leslie and John.  All of them!  They are fine until you owe them money and nonchalant and uncaring when it comes to a problem with the vehicle.  I am new to Arizona originally from LA.  A car is not really necessary out there and it became very evident very fast that I needed a car once I moved out here!  I do have bad credit...but really, who doesn't in this economy.  I never came from money nor has am not on any government assistance.  I am riding solo!

So anyway I go to EZ Own Auto and the car they give me is a little run down, the doors don't lock and there are some clear indications of an accident but am assured that the car runs fine.  Anything cosmetic they won't fix. I request a car fax and I am ignored.  I move forward with buying the car and within hours I notice that the car runs very funny.  I am told that within 30days anything wrong with the car will be fixed.    I asked if the locks can be changed so they lock.  I bring it in and leave my car there for up to a week.  When I get the car back...the doors still don't lock!!!  By this time the 30days are up and my doors don't lock and the car is wobbly and the drivers side is starting to warp in.  30days!!!! The car wouldn't go over 60 without out becoming almost uncontrollable.  I complain my agent at the time and I am told to call the maitenace department. I am told that since it is past the 30days I have to pay the $100 "deductable" in order for them to even look at the car again and this does not include what needs to be fixed.  In the meantime I would again not have a car!

 Finally, with no help from EZ Own the car progressively got worse.  By this time the drivers side door won't even close without me having to lift it up and slam it! The paint was chipping off of it and I am on a weekly visit to the gas station to fill my tires! Finally one of the tires goes flat on the way home from work one day, the insides spilling out!  I put my spare on.  I have only had the car now for about 3 months.  I call EZ Own frustrated and confused looking for some kind of explanation.  I was told that I could switch into another car for $350 fee or wait until my deductable is up and use what I paid to get into another vehicle.  I decided to endure.  The minute my deductable was paid up I switched into another vehicle.  I decided on a Black Honda Sonata.  This time a brought a mechanic with me.  He went through the entire car with a fine tooth comb.  Then I was told the payments would be...later to find out once I had to switch into another vehicle that I got charge the $350 fee my payments were raised.  The car shook so bad that I had to take it back in.  I left it there for about a week while they say they fixed it.  It still shook.  I had to switch out of that car because the payments were to much fully aware of the transfer fee and was put in a run down Saturn Ion.  This car is the worst!!! And the payments are so outrageous. 

 I got the car fax and this car has been in about 2 accidents been through about 8 owners and runs like it.  It has over 100,000 miles already on it and makes noises! The windshield wipers don't work and didn't know this until a downpour almost killed me.  I called them the minute I was pulled over safe and told well you have to pay the $100 plus whatever is wrong with it!!!! This is your freaking previous problem!!! The air conditioning doesn't work! and I've had to change 3 out of 4 tires!  The transmission sticks and it wobbles on the freeway.  I have two jobs and an apartment and made it very clear from the beginning the payments I wanted but gradually the payments have risen and risen and I am unable to keep living like this and paying this much money on a car that is reckless and broken down.  I could DIE in this car!!! And the only one that seems to care is me and my pocket! I am tempted to call 3tvforme and give them the business on this so called. 

 DO NOT USE EZ OWN AUTO!!!! I plan on turning this car within the next week.  I would rather ride 3 hours to work in the blazing heat then deal with these people anymore, it's that bad.  They are ripping me off! And the only reason they get away with it is because they take advantage of people who either don't know better or don't have other options.  Paying your bills have nothing to do with the quality of a product or the customer service you recieve.  So that was a small minded and wasteful comment.  Do your research.  Use the program for yourself, maybe your ill informed comment may need to be changed.


More Simpletons Here!

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, March 01, 2012

You sign a contract with this SUBPRIME dealership and promise to make each and every payment on time. But you fail to do this and live up to your end of the obligation and they come after you. Because they are holding you to your worthless word they are so bad, right? You had to deal with a SUBPRIME dealership because you have a demonstrated and well documented reputation for not paying your bills on time. Here you are and you STILL haven't learned to pay your bills on time! Talk about SORRY PEOPLE!


United States of America
Parthway Financial LTD

#6Author of original report

Wed, February 29, 2012

I just received a letter in the mail today basically saying I've won $100,000 over a year ago! I obviously thought okay who is this from, really! So I went searching and all I could find was this...

Lottery Scam http://www.occ.gov/news-issuances/alerts/2012/alert-2012-3.html


United States of America
EZOWN auto source is a bad bad place for honest people.

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

hello to all here's my situation, i went to get a car at EZown auto source on scottsdale rd phoenix,az, and like you said they are all happy when you get the car, we were 80$ behind after having several payments made on time, due to this economy things can be ruff sometimes, i called and went into office to make my payment which you are on camera and talk to someone about the $80 that was past due, well instead of them helping me they cut the car off because the sale's guy matt put my pay info in wrong so it was looking like i was always late, i asked them to fix it numerous times and still to this date nonthing has got done, so now everyday lesie or sonjai call and threaten to cut the car off for reasons like "we called and you don't have a voicemail set up so we cut the car off or your payment is $80 behind and even tho you talk to someone we cut the car off, they have made it there business to call and make threats but we have been recording everything that has been said or done so i'm thinking of doing something about it. 

prime ex sample some one hit the side door with an grocery cart i reported to EZOWN auto source lesie made the claim then behind my back called my insurance company and told them to send all my documents and check to them without my consent so leslie expects me to sign after what she pulled, then when i approached her about that lesie lied in my face and hung up on me with the insurance company on three way listening to the whole conversation, this place should not be in business.

they don't fix your car right when you have problems, there very rude and way unprofessional after my 2weeks is up that i paid for they can come get the peace of cramp!!!yippee id rather walk then deal with them. for people that are thinking of dealing with them don't they are a complete fraud matt, leslie, susan all are a joke just to get your money they try to control you with the gps thing which no one cares about if your paying the bill.  what a lame company life is already hard for some people why make it harder when all people want is a car which they are paying for!!!

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