  • Report:  #67074

Complaint Review: First Consumers National Bank - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
- Jersey City, New Jersey,

First Consumers National Bank
P.O. Box 2210 Portland, 97208-2210 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so fed up with FCNB this company is so deceptive in August I did not receive a statement therefore I made a payment by phone which costs$8.00. Now it's mid September and guess what I still have not received a statement I spoke with a representative today he tells me that my statement was mailed on September 5th well where is it.

The statements are mailed from New York and I live in New Jeresy this is unbelievable I can't beleive my account was transferred from one fradulant company (FCNB) to another Card Processing Services).


Jersey City, New Jersey

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Jersey City,
New Jersey,
Spegiel Account handled by Card Processing Center in Hicksville NY finally some answers

#2Author of original report

Tue, February 24, 2004

I contacted Card Processing Service again regarding my monthly statements because I was not receiving statements for my Spegiel account, a representative finally told me the reason I didn't receive statements was because my statements were on hold. I ask her why would they do something like that, becasue I did not request such a thing she did not answer the question she assured me that she would correct it and she did, a month later I finally started to receive my statements. I know this sounds crazy but I advise anyone who have a problem with late fees because they did not receive a statement to ask them whether or not if they have your statemnts on hold and not printing them to send to you.

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