  • Report:  #1245643

Complaint Review: Gadget Fix - Marietta Georgia

Reported By:
Leo Williams - Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Gadget Fix
2856 Delk Rd Ste 311 Marietta, 30067 Georgia, USA
(678) 856-5444
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What is sad is that I had been here and purchased other items, at least ten times with no issues. However, I had never bought a phone from them and I needed a new one. So I made the mistake, I feel, of trusting these guys. That said. BUYER BEWARE! When you walk into this establishment, please take careful note of the sign that says, "No refunds or exchanges." That's not just on parts. It's also on services. Point blank. If you buy a device from this store and it doesn't work, the owner may ultimately point you to the sign. I made, what I feel to be, the horrible mistake of purchasing a 64 bit Iphone 4s from these individuals. They charged me to unlock the phone and told me that it would be completed in 24 hours. Two weeks went by, and after restoring the phone many times hoping to see the message, "Congratulations, your phone has been unlocked", it never happened. Instead the device got stuck with an i-tunes error in the middle of restore attempt. I took the phone back to the owner and explained what happened. He assured me he would take care of it. This was when the store had several people present, attempting to make purchases. I didn't realize it then, but I feel this now appears to have been simply a ploy to deceive not only me, but possibly the unsuspecting customers. At one point they even looked up the phone in their computer to see if it was ever unlocked. The representative, whose name is Josh, then confirmed the unlock was rejected. Now you would think that if you charge someone for a service that you didn't deliver, the responsible and correct thing would be to at least refund the money for the service. We're not even talking about the equipment at this point. However, this was not to be the case.

I came back and forth to the store a total of approximately ten times. I was told many times to come by and pick up the phone, only to be told on arrival, "We're in the middle of working on something. Can you come back in a couple hours?" Each time I patiently obliged and was cordial. However, after the tenth time, I simply asked, "If you can't give me what I paid for, can you at least refund my money?" The owner responded, "We don't have any money in the store." I was then promised by Josh a 16gb phone, having paid for a 64gb phone, and told that it would be unlocked. However, after calling to confirm that the phone was ready, I was told by Josh, the African American with his thumbs up in the image above, to come in and discuss the  matter. Little did I know that the owner brought me in to start an argument, spit in my face while talking in a belligerent tone, parade around me like a lunatic and tell me, after what now would amount to be countless lies, he had no intention of refunding my money or giving me a functional device. Why didn't you just say that to begin with? Why would you waste my time and tell me that you were going to take care of it?  I ending up having to actually call the police after the owner told me leave the store, saying I threatened to break his neck, and refused to refund my money.

The officer arrived and stated to me that it was a civil matter and I needed to take him to court. However, the officer, being a just person, was nice enough to step into the store with me and see if he could have a discussion and resolve the issue. The guy went berserk on the officer, telling him he didn't want me in the store and that the officer had no right to be there if he didn't want him there. The officer had to tell him several times to calm down and listen, after which he wisely calmed down and began to have a discussion. Even the officer I felt appeared to pick up on the fact that the owner was a low life scumbag who couldn't keep his lies straight. He even tried to give me a phone, stating it was the one he gave me that was only 8gb! I simply apologized to the officer for wasting his time and thanked him for trying. Lesson learned.

Buy your devices from a reputable corporation and avoid low budget low life scum, which is what I feel he is in my opinion. You get what you pay for, and sometimes you don't even get that. They even had the nerve to tell me they fired the guy who sold me the phone, Eddy, because he was ripping customers off! How does a rational human being even digest that. I was planning to give this phone to my daughter for here 12th birthday. She was heart broken and in tears, but I'll stop by (((REDACTED))) and purchase from, what I would deem, a reputable corporation. I have filed a report with the BBB with these details.

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