  • Report:  #365907

Complaint Review: Gary Abigt Richard Clements Juan Felan Select Models RC Photo Flashbox Studios - Chino California

Reported By:
- Orange, California,

Gary Abigt Richard Clements Juan Felan Select Models RC Photo Flashbox Studios
Select Models Studio Chino, 91710 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is one of the scariest things that ever happened to me. I was contacted by Gary to model at a group photoshoot to be held at Flashbox Studios a few months ago. I was invited to the studio to meet with Gary Abigt and Richard Clements. I went to studio and Gary, Richard and Juan Felan were all there. I was asked to shoot in lingerie.

While I was shooting, Juan came up from behind me, put his arms around me and grabbed my breasts. I protested. That was when Richard told me that if I wanted to work, I had to play. He came up and started to fondle me from the front.

It was then that I looked over and Gary was over in the corner of the studio with his pants down, masturbating.

I grabbed my clothes, ran out and went right to the police. They told me it would be difficult, but that this wasn't the first complaint. They did some research and found one prior complaint about Richard. They also discovered that Gary had been arrested and cited once in Riverside country for doing photography in a park without a license and had been cited at a home before. They also found a report of underaged girls posing nude at his events.

I left it to them and they took a report. They hoped to get more comoplaints so that they could make a stronger case.

Last week I was invited to go to a place in Chino called the Select Models Studio. I didn't connect it because I was at Flashbox the last time. Aparently Gary didn't realize it was me.

He opened the door, made a sexual comment and I immediately realized that it was him. I walked out again.

Gary is the worst. I can't believe he was masturbating. Richard and Juan aren't much better.

Stay away from them. They are dangerous.


Orange, California


23 Updates & Rebuttals


Rancho Cucamonga,
My personal experience...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 19, 2009

I attended a shoot that Gary hosted about a year and a half ago. There were about 15 models and a slew of photogs at the event and there was a small fee to attend. Other than the fact that there were too many photogs per model, it was a good experience. I shot next to Gary at times and saw him interact with several models. I neither saw nor heard ANYTHING inappropriate from Gary before, during or after the shoot. I myself am a photographer and have worked with hundreds of models both clothed and nude, a good photographer always compliments and jokes with the model to make him/her more relaxed. Also, touching is never appropriate, unless you ask before you touch. I.E. I need to move your hair to the left a bit, is that OK? I do not know Gary well, and I can only comment about the one time I worked with him. If these allegations are true, then that is very sad. If they are not true, then that is sad as well.


Beverly Hills,
Jessika, I have to disagree

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

Jessika, people used to say nothing but praise for Gary Whitside, and of course, he now sits in jail. People admired Martin Sorano. He worked for Playboy, but then too, he was arrested and convicted in Arizona for sexual misconduct. Let's not forget Linda Sobek, killed by Charles Rathburn, a well known photographer who booked her from an agency. And of course, Anand Jon was just convicted this week of fourteen felonies. The best you can say is that you have dealt with these guys and you've had great experiences. It is wrong to totally brush off this complaint. You call these guys the best of the best, let's look at that. I have never heard a sexual complaint about RC, but I've heard many in the past about Juan. Girls have frequently commented on his inappropriate sexual remarks and behavior. Gary is another matter. His conduct is legendary. I am an attorney so I probably look at these things differently than others, but Gary has been sued eight times for fraud. Court records show that he lost most of the time and no court ever found judgment in his favor. There were settlements of the ones he didn't lose. Gary has been arrested for code violations (being put in handcuffs and then ordered to court is called Cite and Release) and has had multiple bench warrants for failure to appear (contempt of court). None of these things speak well of him. If you want to be charitable, you could just say he is stupid and a terrible businessman. As an attorney, I would call him a crook. As a photographer, my fear would be that he is both a pervert and a crook. In any case, I can't see how you characterize any of these guys as the best of the best. If this is the best that the industry can produce, we are all in trouble. I do, however, agree with Wayne. This is just a website and anybody can write anything that they want. I am concerned though since there was a police report. I disagree with Wayne where he says that they must be innocent or they would have been arrested. These allegations are misdemeanors. The police can only arrest you for a misdemeanor if it happens in their presence. I read that the OP went to the police immediately, not that they called them to the scene. I didn't read where she waited as Wayne suggests, only that she waited to make the complaint here. I doubt very much that any of them would be charged with a crime, even if the allegations are true. The District Attorney would need more evidence to Long Form this. What we are left with are complaints that will never be resolved. We are never going to know what is true and what is not. From my perspective, this is something that shouldn't be ignored but also shouldn't be regarded as proven. It is something that you keep in mind but also recognize that could be either true or false.

Jeska Vardinski

this has got to be the most ridiculous statement EVER!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 08, 2008

I am a professional model and i have worked with all of them. accusing any of them of anything less than professional is a joke. I have had nothing but good experiences with all of them. i have been friends with rc, gary and juan for 4 years and none of them have ever even made a pass at me. this s**t is bogus!!! I have no idea who could be this insanely jealous but i tell you this.... me and my model friends have never encountered anything of the sort. RC, Gary and Jaun ARE THE greatest OF the GREAT!! This statement is retarded.. If anyone listens to the post that was spread they are restarted!!!! I would be an reference for all of them. I have known each and everyone one of them for 4 years and i am completely happy knowing them. this statement is BOGUS!! THINK PEOPLE think

Wayne C

El Segundo,

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, October 25, 2008

I know and have shot with all three men named here and I have never seen any of them do anything inappropriate with models. What is unbelievable is this "model" reported this months after the event. You would think that the "model" would have called the police immediately. The problem with the Internet is that anyone can get on it and say anything about anyone they please without proof. Easy way to character assassinate and ruin someone's life. If the "model's" allegations were true, wouldn't these men have been arrested and go to trial? They haven't been arrested and they're not going to trial. In closing, I would tell any model that these three men are totally professional and very respective with the models they work with. I hope that this report is taken off ASAP. Wayne C Los Angeles, CA


This is a very sad complaint

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

This whole thing is kind of sad. It is sad for Gary because he has been embarrassed publicly about things from his past, some of which, have little to do with modeling. It is sad because Gary is behaving as if he won an argument, when the truth is that he has admitted almost everything, most of it has been common knowledge and the court records are there to speak for themselves. It is sad because Gary seems to think that people don't read and understand the things that have been written. He doesn't give credit to people for being smart. My suggestion is for this thread to come to an end. Nothing more will be accomplished by beating the dead horse anymore. This complaint will be with Gary for years, there is no point in embarrassing him anymore. There is a question here though and I doubt that we will ever know the answer. The question is what prompted this complaint to begin with? Someone had to be very mad at Gary, Richard and Juan. I would like to know why. Gary is taking this whole thing as an attack on him, it is really a complaint about all three of them. I don't believe that it is an irate photographer thrown out of an event. That makes no sense because it doesn't explain why there are three people in the complaint. I have no doubt that there is a police report because if someone was angry enough to do this, they were angry enough to file a police report. I just don't know if the assault really happened. I guess we will never know the truth nor will we know what prompted the complaint to begin with. That is the story here, not Gary's past. We all knew most of it anyhow.


This is a very sad complaint

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

This whole thing is kind of sad. It is sad for Gary because he has been embarrassed publicly about things from his past, some of which, have little to do with modeling. It is sad because Gary is behaving as if he won an argument, when the truth is that he has admitted almost everything, most of it has been common knowledge and the court records are there to speak for themselves. It is sad because Gary seems to think that people don't read and understand the things that have been written. He doesn't give credit to people for being smart. My suggestion is for this thread to come to an end. Nothing more will be accomplished by beating the dead horse anymore. This complaint will be with Gary for years, there is no point in embarrassing him anymore. There is a question here though and I doubt that we will ever know the answer. The question is what prompted this complaint to begin with? Someone had to be very mad at Gary, Richard and Juan. I would like to know why. Gary is taking this whole thing as an attack on him, it is really a complaint about all three of them. I don't believe that it is an irate photographer thrown out of an event. That makes no sense because it doesn't explain why there are three people in the complaint. I have no doubt that there is a police report because if someone was angry enough to do this, they were angry enough to file a police report. I just don't know if the assault really happened. I guess we will never know the truth nor will we know what prompted the complaint to begin with. That is the story here, not Gary's past. We all knew most of it anyhow.


This is a very sad complaint

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

This whole thing is kind of sad. It is sad for Gary because he has been embarrassed publicly about things from his past, some of which, have little to do with modeling. It is sad because Gary is behaving as if he won an argument, when the truth is that he has admitted almost everything, most of it has been common knowledge and the court records are there to speak for themselves. It is sad because Gary seems to think that people don't read and understand the things that have been written. He doesn't give credit to people for being smart. My suggestion is for this thread to come to an end. Nothing more will be accomplished by beating the dead horse anymore. This complaint will be with Gary for years, there is no point in embarrassing him anymore. There is a question here though and I doubt that we will ever know the answer. The question is what prompted this complaint to begin with? Someone had to be very mad at Gary, Richard and Juan. I would like to know why. Gary is taking this whole thing as an attack on him, it is really a complaint about all three of them. I don't believe that it is an irate photographer thrown out of an event. That makes no sense because it doesn't explain why there are three people in the complaint. I have no doubt that there is a police report because if someone was angry enough to do this, they were angry enough to file a police report. I just don't know if the assault really happened. I guess we will never know the truth nor will we know what prompted the complaint to begin with. That is the story here, not Gary's past. We all knew most of it anyhow.


To 'A Well Known Model'... you're full of it!

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, October 07, 2008

Contrary to your allegations... I was NEVER arrested... and NEVER led off anywhere in handcuffs. I was handcuffed mommentarily (for approx 10 minutes) at a private property photoshoot in Encino in 1999 by an LA County Sheriff's officer while a 'wants and warrents' check was radioed in. I was promptly released with ZERO wants and warrents against me, and I was issued a citation for failure to secure a residential parking permit for the photoshoot event I organized. I went to court on this citation, paid a small fine, and cleared the citation. I have NEVER been arrested in my life. Unlike you anonymous posting losers... you can do a search of my name on any 'sex offenders list' anywhere in the world, and you will NOT find my name or photo anywhere... but YOUR names and photos could easily be there. You're obviously NOT a model, cause you have NO IDEA was transpires at the events I host. You claim to be 'a former employee' of mine... but the reality is... I have ZERO employees... as all the models and photographers who attend my photo events are independent contractors. No nudity has EVER been allowed at ANY outdoor and semi-public photo event I have ever hosted... and if you can prove me wrong, post your proof here. The reason you slanderous low-lifes are posting ANONOMOUSLY is because you don't want to be put under a scrutinizing microscope, and be exposed for who and what you REALLY are... for I am quite sure it is YOU that has something to hide. You claim that there was all these 'bench warrents' filed against me, but after going to the link you provided, there are ZERO bench warrents currently listed at that link location. It is true that for a brief moment during one case, a bench warrant was issued against me for failure to attend a small claims court case that involved me. I knew NOTHING of the case until I was informed about the bench warrant in an email from a friend. I made that court appearance, and the warrant was resolved and dropped without incident or arrest. You claim that there's some alleged police report filed against me by some model accusing me of sexual wrongdoing... or harrassment or whatever... but you FAILED to produce any proof, any judicial website link, or any identification of a person who may have made such a file or claim. Your slanderous motives are obvious, and until you can honestly identify yourself, or come up with ANY proof of your 'underage nude photoshoot or sexual misconduct claims'... your false allegations and accusations continue to hold ZERO validity and credibility. So why don't you step forward and identify yourself... so I can post false accusations about YOU... or you can just crawl back underneath that rock you crawled out from. As we have all discovered by now... this website will unfortunately post any and all scandalous lies and false accusations of wrongdoing that anyone can drum up against you. Other than typing rebuttals, you will have NO way of suing anyone for libel or slander... or pursuing anyone who passes on such blasphemous bull... which may include sexual harrassment, physical or mental abuse, bad business practices, rape or murder... you name it... and sadly but truly... it's all fair game here. So go ahead... leave me your TRUE name so I can slander the hell out of YOU. Then when someone Googles your name, they'll see all these terrible things said about you. The 'Repair your Reputation' link on this site is A DEAD LINK... it does not work... HAHA... what a joke... kinda like this website and all these accusations.

A Well Known Model

Gary just doesn't seem to get it.

#10UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 07, 2008

Gary, and I am speaking to you, you just don't get it. I am a model who has been to some of your shoots. Up until now, the worst thing I have seen are some adult models posing nude when teens are present (which did concern me) and a few inappropriate comments from you. It is strange how you always say there is no nudity at your shoots when you are winking at the same time. The point though is that you haven't been perfect, but I would have gladly given you a reference. You have treated me fine and I can excuse a few things. The more you talk now, the more I wonder. This challenge to Mr. Anonymous is just a little bit too much. It is a scam to tell someone that he has to post a link to your police report. It only took me one telephone call to find out that police reports are public record and that no police department posts them online. It is illegal in California. I also found out where it was located and how to go view it. You need to produce ID, explain why you want to see it and pay a small fee, but it is public record. I have to believe that you knew that so why the childish challenge? You wanted a link to your warrants. You should be careful or you will get what you wish for. Here are two examples: http://public-access.riverside.courts.ca.gov/OpenAccess/logon.asp?forcelogon=Y&mcnmgotopage=default.asp&mcnmcourtcode=&mcnmcasenumber=&mcnmcasetype=&system=CIVIL All you need to do is to enter GUEST as the Operator Code then search for Gary Abigt. Your company, GT Photography is listed as well. Case: TES028627 - ASCONEGUY VS ABIGT on September 3rd, there was a warrant issued for your arrest. On September 29th, you finally went to court and tried to have the judgment against you vacated but the motion was denied. Case MVS151837 - WEAVER VS GT PHOTOGRAPHY (Gary Abigt) Another warrant was issued in that case as well as a writ of execution to seize your property. I won't go on, there are more. You say that these things were resolved in court, they were. You lost nearly all of them and they were all for the same thing. They said that you took their money and never gave them their pictures. But, as I said, you are missing the point. Everybody already knew that you didn't get permits and were led off in handcuffs. We know you have nude girls at your events. Many of us knew you had been sued. This isn't the first time it has been written about. I'm not sure we knew about the warrants, but the warrants are for not going to court. They aren't about sexually assaulting a model. What you are doing now is lying and saying that these things are not true, but they are true. Even though they are true, people keep doing business with you. You don't need to lie and you shouldn't be lying. You shouldn't be spinning it. We don't want to hear things like they were resolved in court, we want to know why you ended up in court to begin with. We want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you are the one making it hard. When someone lies to me once, I don't know if they are lying to me just once or a hundred times. What we are trying to figure out is if you stroked the banana with this girl. Did you? I believe that there is a police report, but I would like to believe that the story isn't true. I believe that you made a girl angry, but I don't want to believe that you made her angry for this. If you want this to go away, the best thing you can do is to be honest about everything else and stop with the childish challenges. If we think you are honest, then we will believe you when you tell us you didn't do this. If we think you are lying about everything else, then a lot of people will simply decide that you are a pervert as well. I want to believe you. Can you give me a reason to work with you again?


Concerning allegations listed by 'Mr Anonymous'... HaHa!

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 01, 2008

Hey Mr. Anonymous... gee... I wonder why you're ANONYMOUS! You listed that there's a PUBLIC police report indicating sexual abuse, misbehavior and wrongdoing on my behalf. Can you provide a web-link to such a report? Of course you cant. You mentioned that I have several warrants of arrest against me. And since they are public record also... can you provide weblink to all these warrants? Of course you can't AGAIN. I have NEVER been arrested and have ZERO wants or warrants against me... and that's a fact that can be proven by 'public records'. And if there IS warrants against me... why don't you send the police up to my house and have them put me in jail. Just about EVERYONE knows where I live, as I've had several photoshoots here. And for that matter, why aren't I in jail right now?... LOL! Over the last 20+ years of being a wedding photographer (and over 600 weddings), I have had less than 2% of my clients (8 total since 1994-far less than 2%-a matter of public record) who were dissatified with their photos or services rendered. They attempted to pursue bogus judgements against me for their dissatisfaction, and all have been resolved thru the court system. Hey Mr. Anonymous... you are some half-witted hate monger who's decided to sling bogus accusations in my direction... and leave yourself ANONYMOUS. WHY?... because you have no proof of your slanderous remarks and allegations... simple as that!


Los Angeles,
This isn't about more information, it is about legitimate concerns

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2008

Lacie has made some comments which bear discussion. She points out, quite correctly, that all there is right now are allegations of sexual impropriety, there is no proof. I happen to agree. There is a POLICE REPORT however and it is public record. Anyone can go read it. So while it is unproven that these guys misbehaved, somebody was upset enough to go to the police. Whether this person is named Cindy we'll never know since the police don't tell the name of a victim of a sexual crime. They may also not have enough evidence to proceed since it was, apparently, one girl alone in a room with three guys. It would be one word against three. Quite frankly, none of that really resonates with me. Models should be concerned that a police report has been filed, but it is just an accusation. I am sure that there are many who have had good experiences with Gary. I will tell you what did resonate with me though; those are the voluminous court records, arrest warrants and convictions. These are not the subject of discussion. They are public record. Somewhere, somehow, Gary has lost his moral compass. I was struck by the lawsuits. Ten times Gary has been sued for taking deposits for photographs, not delivering the pictures and then keeping the money. Ten times he has lost in court. How do you run a business where you take money and then not give the client the pictures? Gary says there is no proof? No proof of what? He lost every case. Then of course, he never went to court. Perhaps he says there is no proof because he skipped the trial. It is so bad that three times a judge had to issue an arrest warrant for Gary for failure to appear in court. There is an arrest warrant outstanding right now. If he gets stopped fro a ticket, he goes to jail.. Gary says that most were vacated. The warrants probably were recalled after they got him into court. The question is why didn't he go in the first place? Three times the courts issued writs ordering the marshal to seize his house and personal property to pay judgments. Why didn't he pay when he was ordered by the court? That is scary. Gary seems to have no respect for the words Right and Wrong and no respect for the court system. Perhaps that is why he was criminally convicted of operating without a permit. And that is really what resonates with me. If I were a photographer or a model or a client, I would have no reason to believe that Gary tells the truth or that he will treat me fairly. I would be afraid to go to a shoot because he probably has no permit. If I go to a beach shoot or public park, where a permit is required, he either has to get a permit for the event or each one of us would have to get our own permits individually. They could cite me as well as him, and they probably would. It scares me that I could go to one of his events, have him get in trouble with the police and then find myself ending up with a criminal record. There is something really wrong with that. What do you think a cop would do if he got there and discovered there was an arrest warrant for the organizer? With Gary's record, he could be hauled away at any time and he could easily decide to write as many citations as he could. Gary complains that people are trying to assassinate his character. I don't think anybody has to do that. He has done a good enough job of that himself. My suggestion is simple. Gary needs to stop complaining so much about everyone else and take responsibility for his own actions. If he learned to respect others, perhaps they would start to respect him.

Lacie Marie

Beverly Hills,
More Information Should Be Provided

#13UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 29, 2008

This entry seems fishy to me. If anyone was molested by 2 different people and exposed to someone else masturbating, I do not see the police waiting to "make a stronger case", especially if there have been "prior complaints". I know that if it were me, and I were invited to another event by someone that molested me AND I had made a police report against, there would be no way that I would forget and not be able to "connect" with the name of the company and then show up to another event. I mean, it's one thing for someone to get in trouble for not having a permit to shoot or for someone to sleep with a model [I'm not sure how this is even an issue...sex between 2 consenting adults is not a crime (ref. to "Julie's" post)], but to accuse someone of an unwanted sexual act is very serious. If you are trying to create a case against an individual, I'd think that you'd want to try and remain as factual as possible, such as, providing something valid and tangible that people can research. Or, by keeping mum on such details until the police can "make a stronger case". I have worked with Gary for over 2 years and I have never experienced anything like what has been described in regards to molestation or lewd remarks. These are very serious accusations and on Gary's behalf, I can say, without hesitation, that I don't feel threatened by working with him. As for Richard, I have also worked with this photographer on multiple occasions...again, no negative feedback. He has never been inappropriate or made sexual advances to me. I do not know Juan, therefore, I cannot refer to his character. I know I may be opening a can of worms with this entry, but as a model who has first hand experience with Gary, I think it was necessary. Sinerely, Lacie By the way, I think it is notable that Gary would provide his correct contact information on this thread.

Lacie Marie

Beverly Hills,
More Information Should Be Provided

#14UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 29, 2008

This entry seems fishy to me. If anyone was molested by 2 different people and exposed to someone else masturbating, I do not see the police waiting to "make a stronger case", especially if there have been "prior complaints". I know that if it were me, and I were invited to another event by someone that molested me AND I had made a police report against, there would be no way that I would forget and not be able to "connect" with the name of the company and then show up to another event. I mean, it's one thing for someone to get in trouble for not having a permit to shoot or for someone to sleep with a model [I'm not sure how this is even an issue...sex between 2 consenting adults is not a crime (ref. to "Julie's" post)], but to accuse someone of an unwanted sexual act is very serious. If you are trying to create a case against an individual, I'd think that you'd want to try and remain as factual as possible, such as, providing something valid and tangible that people can research. Or, by keeping mum on such details until the police can "make a stronger case". I have worked with Gary for over 2 years and I have never experienced anything like what has been described in regards to molestation or lewd remarks. These are very serious accusations and on Gary's behalf, I can say, without hesitation, that I don't feel threatened by working with him. As for Richard, I have also worked with this photographer on multiple occasions...again, no negative feedback. He has never been inappropriate or made sexual advances to me. I do not know Juan, therefore, I cannot refer to his character. I know I may be opening a can of worms with this entry, but as a model who has first hand experience with Gary, I think it was necessary. Sinerely, Lacie Marie [email protected] By the way, I think it is notable that Gary would provide his correct contact information on this thread.


Another fictious individual making a lame attempt at character assassination.

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

The 'Daniel' individual listed above has no proof of minors posing nude at any event I've sponsored or conducted, or if he did, he'd provide exact names and linked photos for all the world to see. No such individual named Julie (listed as ex-employee/bull) has ever been to my studio, or in my house for that matter. All the references to legal suits filed against me were either vacated (dropped without further pursuit because they were bogus), dismissed by the court, or are off calendar because the plaintiff failed to appear, and one was a traffic accident where some jerk sued my insurance company, and they settled out of court with him at a fraction of the settlement he was attempting to obtain. I honestly didn't know about the Temecula case referenced, and I'm going down to that courthouse to clear that matter also, as I was never informed that I even had to appear, as I received no summons. These individuals listed above (Daniel & Julie) refuse to post their TRUE identities or contact information for fear of legal action on slander and libel. There has been three photographers (names available on request) that I've banned from attending the events I host for perverted acts, mistreating models and unfair business practices, and I'm quite sure the individual (or individuals) posting these comments are indeed one of those three disturbed and perverted losers. Why don't you post your TRUE identities, instead of posting ludicrous lies and slanderous comments behind some fictitious identity.


Another fictious individual making a lame attempt at character assassination.

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

The 'Daniel' individual listed above has no proof of minors posing nude at any event I've sponsored or conducted, or if he did, he'd provide exact names and linked photos for all the world to see. No such individual named Julie (listed as ex-employee/bull) has ever been to my studio, or in my house for that matter. All the references to legal suits filed against me were either vacated (dropped without further pursuit because they were bogus), dismissed by the court, or are off calendar because the plaintiff failed to appear, and one was a traffic accident where some jerk sued my insurance company, and they settled out of court with him at a fraction of the settlement he was attempting to obtain. I honestly didn't know about the Temecula case referenced, and I'm going down to that courthouse to clear that matter also, as I was never informed that I even had to appear, as I received no summons. These individuals listed above (Daniel & Julie) refuse to post their TRUE identities or contact information for fear of legal action on slander and libel. There has been three photographers (names available on request) that I've banned from attending the events I host for perverted acts, mistreating models and unfair business practices, and I'm quite sure the individual (or individuals) posting these comments are indeed one of those three disturbed and perverted losers. Why don't you post your TRUE identities, instead of posting ludicrous lies and slanderous comments behind some fictitious identity.


Another fictious individual making a lame attempt at character assassination.

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

The 'Daniel' individual listed above has no proof of minors posing nude at any event I've sponsored or conducted, or if he did, he'd provide exact names and linked photos for all the world to see. No such individual named Julie (listed as ex-employee/bull) has ever been to my studio, or in my house for that matter. All the references to legal suits filed against me were either vacated (dropped without further pursuit because they were bogus), dismissed by the court, or are off calendar because the plaintiff failed to appear, and one was a traffic accident where some jerk sued my insurance company, and they settled out of court with him at a fraction of the settlement he was attempting to obtain. I honestly didn't know about the Temecula case referenced, and I'm going down to that courthouse to clear that matter also, as I was never informed that I even had to appear, as I received no summons. These individuals listed above (Daniel & Julie) refuse to post their TRUE identities or contact information for fear of legal action on slander and libel. There has been three photographers (names available on request) that I've banned from attending the events I host for perverted acts, mistreating models and unfair business practices, and I'm quite sure the individual (or individuals) posting these comments are indeed one of those three disturbed and perverted losers. Why don't you post your TRUE identities, instead of posting ludicrous lies and slanderous comments behind some fictitious identity.


Another fictious individual making a lame attempt at character assassination.

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

The 'Daniel' individual listed above has no proof of minors posing nude at any event I've sponsored or conducted, or if he did, he'd provide exact names and linked photos for all the world to see. No such individual named Julie (listed as ex-employee/bull) has ever been to my studio, or in my house for that matter. All the references to legal suits filed against me were either vacated (dropped without further pursuit because they were bogus), dismissed by the court, or are off calendar because the plaintiff failed to appear, and one was a traffic accident where some jerk sued my insurance company, and they settled out of court with him at a fraction of the settlement he was attempting to obtain. I honestly didn't know about the Temecula case referenced, and I'm going down to that courthouse to clear that matter also, as I was never informed that I even had to appear, as I received no summons. These individuals listed above (Daniel & Julie) refuse to post their TRUE identities or contact information for fear of legal action on slander and libel. There has been three photographers (names available on request) that I've banned from attending the events I host for perverted acts, mistreating models and unfair business practices, and I'm quite sure the individual (or individuals) posting these comments are indeed one of those three disturbed and perverted losers. Why don't you post your TRUE identities, instead of posting ludicrous lies and slanderous comments behind some fictitious identity.

Model Julie

Studio City,
Gary does sleep with his models and now he has a warrant for his arrest in Temecula

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2008

I have modeled for Gary in the past at his photoshoots. One time, after it was over, I realized that I forgot something in the bedroom we were using to change. I went back into the house and there was Gary with a model. She was naked, he had his hands all over her and they were getting down to business. I walked out. When I saw this Ripoff Report, I decided to Google Gary's name. I can't believe that I never did this before. I was totally shocked. Gary is all over the records at the Riverside County Superior Court in Temecula. You can look him up at ww.riverside.courts.ca.gov. I had no trouble finding all of the lawsuits against him. Look at this case: TES028627 - ASCONEGUY VS ABIGT. Gary gets sued from his other business, GT Photography all the time. This one is the latest, but he always loses! How can somebody get sued by so many people and still be in business? He was supposed to be in court last Wednesday on September 3rd, didn't show up and they issued a warrant for his arrest. He's had warrants before, that wasn't the first time. Had I known that Gary was such a low life, I never would have worked for him!


This complaint appears to be true. I have suggestions, but Gary has a history of these kinds of things.

#20Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 01, 2008

I saw this complaint a couple of days ago and simply ignored it. Then I read Gary's response and realized that he just didn't get it. Whether or not he masturbated doesn't really matter. Most of what is in the complaint is absolutely true, but more importantly, once again Gary got someone angry enough to do this. Gary simply doesn't know how to treat people, how to be honest nor does he understand that you can't go around trying to assassinate everyone all the time and not get someone angry. This time he crossed the line and really pissed someone off.. Cindy complained that there were under-aged nude girls at some of Gary's shoots. Gary claims no nudity is allowed. Gary is simply a liar. He lives his life telling half-truths. I am a photographer and have been to two of his shoots. The first was at the house with the guitar shaped pool. Midway through the shoot, there was a girl in the pool in a wet t-shirt. After a while, she took it off and was posing topless. It turns out she was only sixteen. When I heard that, I high-tail it out of there. Gary insisted that it was a mistake. Some time later I decided to try again because Tavia was going to be there. Gary promised that there would be no nudity since there would be teen models there. There were plenty of teens, but Tavia spent the day modeling nude. One of the parents got furious and went by the sheriff's office. After a while, there was a girl doing implied topless. You guessed it, she was only seventeen. I asked her mother why and she told me she thought it was harmless and Tavia was doing nudes. I left and never went back. It is just another one of Gary's lies. Cindy complained that Gary has a police record for holding events without a permit. Gary claims that her entire complaint is false. That is yet another lie. Here are Gary's own words from the Southern California Photographer's Forum: I was never arrested and placed in any patrol car. I was 'momentarily detained '(NOT arrested but placed in handcuffs) in the backyard of a shoot location in Encino, until a 'wants and warrants' check was made on me, at which time the police released me. An officer on the scene issued me a citation for failure to secure a residential parking permit for the streets surrounding the event location. I appeared in court, paid an extremely small fine, and currently have a spotless record. This is another example of Gary telling a half-truth. Gary was cuffed, cited and then released. That is what they do for most non-violent misdemeanors. Gary pleaded guilty and paid the fine. The idea that he has a spotless record is nonsense. He has a conviction that will be with him for life. I am not surprised that the police found the conviction when they ran his name. I find it laughable now that he claims he was arrested for a parking violation. He doesn't get it, he has a conviction on his records. Again Gary's words: A code enforcement representative working for the city paid us a visit at this shoot, Once again, Gary held an event without a permit, but this time, got off with a warning. It is obvious, Cindy hasn't lied about anything else, the question is whether she lied about Gary masturbating? This isn't the first time someone has complained about Gary misbehaving with a model.


Response to ridiculous lies and slanderous comments by 'Cindy'.

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 29, 2008

I categorically deny ALL the slanderous accusations posted by this fictitious individual named 'Cindy', and would like to contact them in pursuit of a slander and libel case against them. These remarks against myself, Richard and Juan are DEFINITELY falsified, and I'm quite sure that the individual who posted this information will not be able to provide ANY proof of these accusations whatsoever, as it is a TOTALLY ridiculous hoax. I'm shocked that this website would even post such a blatantly ludicrous and ridiculous message without at least attempting to contact those being accused. I hearby DEMAND immediate removal of these falsely accused and inflammatory comments, or I will be contacting my attorney to pursue legal action against this website and this 'Cindy' individual in RAPID fashion. Please provide me with the contact information on 'Cindy' so this situation can be rectified. Thank you. Gary Abigt / [email protected]


Response to ridiculous lies and slanderous comments by 'Cindy'.

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 29, 2008

I categorically deny ALL the slanderous accusations posted by this fictitious individual named 'Cindy', and would like to contact them in pursuit of a slander and libel case against them. These remarks against myself, Richard and Juan are DEFINITELY falsified, and I'm quite sure that the individual who posted this information will not be able to provide ANY proof of these accusations whatsoever, as it is a TOTALLY ridiculous hoax. I'm shocked that this website would even post such a blatantly ludicrous and ridiculous message without at least attempting to contact those being accused. I hearby DEMAND immediate removal of these falsely accused and inflammatory comments, or I will be contacting my attorney to pursue legal action against this website and this 'Cindy' individual in RAPID fashion. Please provide me with the contact information on 'Cindy' so this situation can be rectified. Thank you. Gary Abigt / [email protected]


Response to ridiculous lies and slanderous comments by 'Cindy'.

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 29, 2008

I categorically deny ALL the slanderous accusations posted by this fictitious individual named 'Cindy', and would like to contact them in pursuit of a slander and libel case against them. These remarks against myself, Richard and Juan are DEFINITELY falsified, and I'm quite sure that the individual who posted this information will not be able to provide ANY proof of these accusations whatsoever, as it is a TOTALLY ridiculous hoax. I'm shocked that this website would even post such a blatantly ludicrous and ridiculous message without at least attempting to contact those being accused. I hearby DEMAND immediate removal of these falsely accused and inflammatory comments, or I will be contacting my attorney to pursue legal action against this website and this 'Cindy' individual in RAPID fashion. Please provide me with the contact information on 'Cindy' so this situation can be rectified. Thank you. Gary Abigt / [email protected]


Response to ridiculous lies and slanderous comments by 'Cindy'.

#24REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 29, 2008

I categorically deny ALL the slanderous accusations posted by this fictitious individual named 'Cindy', and would like to contact them in pursuit of a slander and libel case against them. These remarks against myself, Richard and Juan are DEFINITELY falsified, and I'm quite sure that the individual who posted this information will not be able to provide ANY proof of these accusations whatsoever, as it is a TOTALLY ridiculous hoax. I'm shocked that this website would even post such a blatantly ludicrous and ridiculous message without at least attempting to contact those being accused. I hearby DEMAND immediate removal of these falsely accused and inflammatory comments, or I will be contacting my attorney to pursue legal action against this website and this 'Cindy' individual in RAPID fashion. Please provide me with the contact information on 'Cindy' so this situation can be rectified. Thank you. Gary Abigt / [email protected]

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