  • Report:  #676443

Complaint Review: goodmortgage.com - Charlotte North Carolina

Reported By:
Too Outspoken - Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America

3325 S Tryon St Charlotte, 28217 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

goodmortgage.com's business model is designed for success but only for the man sitting behind the big desk in the fourth office down the hall: Keith Leudeman. His plan is to become likened to the "big boys" IE: BofA, Wells, etc and he really doesn't care who is stepped on, belittled or drained along the way! From beginning to end, the program is NOT designed to make successful Loan Originators rather the design is to make a very successful CEO. The initial training is at best haphazard in design, poorly organized and even more poorly executed. The training manager has one sales style and would prefer to hear himself talk rather than really teach the new guy or gal somethingof any substance. He has very little product knowledge and rather than learn it in an effort to teach it: Call the lender!Ifyouneed helpwith software:It's in myelementary written manual (and usually, itisn't...so be prepared towing it!) He will tell you that most clients are idiots and could care less to be educated on the mortgage product you are selling them.

The LO's purpose here is plain and simple: Dial for Dollars. You will be hawked and shadowed on your computer. You will be micro managed. and your opinion won't matter.

Be prepared to be treated as a mushroom for the first 90 days: kept in the dark on your files and fed a line of crap about why it is taking them soooo long to get them through their processing dept. Which leads me to another disaster: Processing. The first area this dept would benefit from is the firing of the current incompetent manager. Secondly, uniform training and processes to be applied by each processor. There shouldn't be "one processor does things one way and another one does it this way"

You will be met with an attitude of "who the he** do you think you are" if you question a processor. You will learn that if you want to get something even halfwaydone right or on time, you'll have to suck up to your processor. You will be lied to with regard to what is considered an incomplete file from the lending standpoint, your file will be in the hands of the processor for no less than 7-14 business days. Your conditions will sit in the lender pipeline for several days before the processor pulls them and begins working on them. The delays will cost the LO agreat deal of moneyin rate lock extensions.Ahhh, rate lock extensions: You will then be expected to contact your client and ask them to pay for the incompetency of the overall goodmortgage.com process or you will pay for it. There are three buckets at goodmortgage.com out of which money couldcome from to cover any losses in fees: The Owners, The Clients and The LO's. It will be made very clear to you that it will NEVER come out of The Owner's bucket.

Should you grow a brain and attempt to buck his highness, Keith Leudeman, you will most certainly be sent to the principal's office for a good old fashioned paddling! There you will be met with disdain and an overall indignant attitude that you should question not only his authority but his 11 years of experience. He will also make every attempt to find something wrong with the file caused by the LO and use that as the excuse for the slow down in processing. If you are green, you'll sit there wide eyed in awe applauding his coaching. If you are seasoned, you'll sit there wide eyed in awe wondering how he could possibly think you are that stupid.

Why, my goodness, according to Mr. Leudeman, all of the articles and awards that "I" have obtained along with our near perfect rating in Customer Surveys should speak for themselves.Well Mr. Leudeman, let me explain a little something to you:First, any self serving ambitious salesperson knows that in order to gain recognition and branding in their industry, they set themselves apart as an expert: google "how to get your name in the media and win industry awards" What an imbecile you truly areifyoudon't realize that we aren't all a bunch of idiotic robots who know nothing about howyour previous recruiting manager "did the driving" when the "Best Place To Work In Charlotte" surveys were being completed by the LO's in the company, that we don't realize that knowing the right person to call at the Charlotte Observer will get you white space and the mortgage industry magazines are always begging for article and editorial contribution.

Then there are the upper management and operations "yes" employees: you know who you are and enough said.

The several "happy" employees that have been with the company for the past 2-3 years? Yeah, Hitler had his loyal followers too. There also quite a few of the same employees that know every word in this complaint is true, they have quite a bit of resentment for their boss and at some point will get over the "comfortableness" of their current job, start looking and realize that while the "salary" they are getting is pretty good...their splits and bonuses are way below average...and no, I am NOT talking about Wyndam or Roundpoint! Oh, and the salary isn't, that is false advertisement and goodmortgage.com will get busted on that one very soon. It is a Draw, plain and simple. Don't care how many crafty attorneys tell you otherwise.

Am I disgruntled, you betcha! Am I down for the count, not by a long shot. I was looking for a job when I found this one and have another one waiting. Never in all of the years that I have been someone's employee have I been treated as rudely as I was at goodmortgage.com. While Mr. Leudeman is reviewing his awards and surveys, perhaps he should look at the number of LO's NOT renewing or coming in the industry. We are the commodity, NOT goodmortgage.com! When he is finished running up the middle of the few good ones left out there, where will he be? Selling the company or dialing for his own dollars...wonder who will send out his call report?

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Piling On

North Carolina,
United States of America
Changes occured?

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 29, 2011

New processing manager, two processors fired, new in house underwriters- I think he's listening!

An unlikely source

North Carolina,
United States of America
Sad to say....

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 04, 2011

I am currently anemployee of goodmortgage.com and I have been with the company long enough to seperate fact from fiction. Although I don't wish the owner any ill will, I am at this time inclined to authenticate the accusations brought on by the writer of the original post becauseI found the post to be largely accurate and have seen many solid loan originators come and go due solely to thebusiness practices of our owner and CEO, Keith Leudeman. I too am preparing to leave the organization within the next few months, not because of the ongoing operational difficulties, but due to the owner's refusal to recognize the financial tole it has taken on the employees he claims to respect.

First, let mesay that I don't think Keith is a bad guy whoINTENTIONALLY set out to create a business model that chews and spits out loan officers like a piece of Fruit Stripe gum. Frankly, I think he is a hard working guy with lofty ambitions who overinvested in a building and is now stuck with substantial overhead for years to come.He is desperate to make his business "work". What he has failed to recognize though is that the employees who ultimately fund his salery andeveryone elses in the organizationneed to get paid a decent and timely wage AND need to have a modicum of CONTROL over their earnings. Simply put: the people in sales need to get paid on their sales.... not the fraction ofthe originalsale that is left over once the processing department delays the loan closing into costly lock extensions.

It is true that there is a MAJOR problem within the processing department that hasgone unresolvedfor a long time. It is also true thatthis problem has resulted in lock extensions that are either passed on to the borrower or to the individualloan officer. It is also true that this issue has lost theCOMPANY serious money....by losing some great sales people who should have been retained but chose to leave because of the CEOs shortsighted policies.

This is just badbusiness.

Too Outspoken

North Carolina,
United States of America
Pompous Rhetoric abounds at goodmortgage.com

#4Author of original report

Mon, January 03, 2011

From the top to the "floor"...which is very apparent in the above "rebuttal".

The complaints have nothing to do with a willingness to work. They are only directed at the ostentatious attitude with which many individuals have been met when questioning the incompentency and inefficiency of OPS. When you have more to exit than to stay: there is an obvious problem and it isn't in those that are no longer there, plain and simple!

With regard to the crisp, new $100 bills that were passed out the day of the Christmas Party...wooo h*o...that doesn't BEGIN to cover the amount of commission lost in needless rate lock extensions. Nor does it help the dragging out of processing files that not only resulted in the extensions but also causes the loan to close and fund in the following month which affects the LO's bottom line for the month. Funny, that bottom line determines: commissionable loans and whether or not you owe or are in the black, bonuses, etc. Don't understand why that should bother anyone.

Beer Friday? who gives a rat's a*s? If I want a beer on one Friday a month at 3:30 in the afternoon, there are numerous pubs where I can partake. and guess what, I'll gladly pay for it with the money NOTLOST on needless rate lock extensions and untimley loan processing/closings.

As for the Angel Tree, it was the efforts of several employee's that purchased bicycles and other nice gifts for the needy children not just Mr. Leudeman. Surely you aren't suggesting thatthe purchase ofa 49.00 bike to be utilized as a tax write off should earn him some respect?

You seem to suggest that the "disgruntled" comes from a desire to slack off, lay back and still get paid. Couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't care to be associated with a company that is led by someone hiding behind pompous rhetoric.

goodmortgage.com likens to old direct sales saying: Recruit 'em in masses, put 'em through classes and kick 'em out on their asses!

and I know that there are plenty still there trying to fake it til they make it...good for you! Happy New Year's! May it be filled with integrity and prosperity!

Piling On

North Carolina,
United States of America
You know that's right

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 31, 2010

I heard that Keith is now installing electricalarms in the office chairs. If you are sitting at your desk and not working you can now be shocked! What's next? Air sirens?

And recently he did a $100 day where each employee got a new $100 bill. They had to be fake! My bank took it - the jokes on them. When Keith makes this fake money for free, he should be handing out more, not just the $7000 he did. Shame on him.

And when the company had an Angel Tree to help the United Way families, he bought a pink bike.A PINK ONE! No body wants a pink bike. Keith doesn't like charities. I have seen him kick puppies. Skinny puppies.

And the beer fridays the company has - a joke. They even have Smirnoff Ice - that's not a beer. That's not right. And the best beer they have is Seirra Navada. That's a crazy import. Buy american! you jerk!

And see the note about paddling above - I have to tell you that Keith seems to be obsessed a bit. Recently there is a lot of talk in the office about Fannie approval. He claims it's about Fannie Mae, but I don't know her. I think he has a thing for fannies. Shocking!

And I agree with dis-gruntled above. Keith does dis-gruntle his folks. I believe everyone has the right to be gruntled. He should let us be gruntled. Quit dis-gruntling us! Lay some of us off! I know you've never had a layoff even through the ups and downs - but come on. We want to live off the government unemployment for a while. Quit making me work!

Especially some of the crazy people with wierd ears. They need to be laid off. They make funny noises. Keith - you have to make this a better place to work!

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