  • Report:  #1086481

Complaint Review: H2 Global - Addison Texas

Reported By:
Bo - Addison, Texas,

H2 Global
4575 Westgrove Drive, Suite 515 Addison, 76016 Texas, USA
(972) 857-7777
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Report Attachments

I worked at H2Global under the owner ( Mohammad Rafiqul Hoque ) from August 12th 2013 to August 19th

2013 before I was abruptly and wrongfully terminated based on not only false allegations but also illegal employment discrimination. The owner was extremely hateful, vindictive and bad mouthed not only me but all his former employees.

I had applied to a systems and network engineer position posted by H2 Global on craigslist. The owner wrote back asking for my minimum SALARY requirements to which I replied at least $45k. He interviews me and gives me the job but instead of emailing or mailing the job offer for me to review, he forced me to view and immediately sign the offer in-person at his office. He also never gave me a copy of the sign job offer and only kept his copy for himself. On my start date the owner hands me a W-9 form to fill out, saying that he can’t afford to hire me on as a full time employee and that I must work as an independent contractor on 1099 and that I will be paying all the taxes myself and that he didn’t want to shoulder any of the employer tax burden at all. He also decreases my pay to $21.50 from the agreed upon $45k, when I should have at least be making $21.64 if not more. He said there would be no health benefits, no PTO, and no other benefits that would be otherwise enjoyed by a real employee.


Not only that, to makes matters worse, he expected me to work a strict 9am to 6pm schedule and refused to give me a lunch or any breaks in-between. He asked that I work late on Fridays (which I did) and also that I come work for him on the weekends for free (which I refused). He wanted to work me like a salaried employee but pay me like a dirt cheap contractor so he can skim out on taxes while exploiting my labor and subjecting me to extremely long hours. When I refused to work on the weekends for free, he got really mad and started calling me names and then promptly terminated me without pay, then vindictively contacted the police department to file a false complaint against me.

To this day I have not received a single penny for the 43 hours that I worked and labored.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Bo Chen

H2Global scams, lies, and deciept

#2Author of original report

Tue, December 24, 2013

In my opinion Mohammad Rafiq Hoque and H2 Global  ( h2.net ) should be investigated by the FBI for possession and distribution of child pornography. He has a self-admitted obsession with taking pictures of young underage girls, including showing me very suggestive and sexually charged photos of extremely young girls that he had on his Nikon DSLR and Google Nexus tablet.  And he also confessed to me that he had seriously contemplated hosting online pornography on his company network servers at H2 Global and Airnet Access. Several clients asked him about hosting porn on their behalf and Mohammad said that if there was a way he could find a legal loophole that he would do it.

After the news of the Snowden leaks broke out Mohammad Rafiq Hoque said to me that he was paranoid that the NSA could be spying on him. He also stated that several years after 9/11 there was a period of time where he was flagged on a ‘no fly list’ and that he was on some sort of terrorism watchlist. When I shared with him my “intermittent fasting” and “reverse pyramid” diet and exercise habits and suggested that he try it out (he said he wanted to lose 5 pounds) he accused me of being a spy and asked me if someone had set me up to take him out. While we both shared a passion for photography, he seemed to be obsessed with photography of underage girls and when I confronted him about that he asked rhetorically if I thought that he was really a pervert?

One day at work he asked me straight up if I could download a “crack” for him so that he could use the latest version of Adobe Lightroom without having the pay for it. At several client sites he was running pirated and unlicensed versions of Microsoft Windows and when I complained to him that this seriously inhibits my systems administration efforts (even the server OS he was running was pirated) he instructed me to “just use the crack” to get rid of Microsoft Activation nag screens and limitations. For programs that he was too lazy to pirate and crack himself, he simply asked me to use my personal laptop (because he knew I had personal licenses of that software on my personal machine) to produce work for his clients on his behalf.

He had hired me on and put me in charge of growing his business and revamping his technological infrastructure through the acquisition of new tools and platforms and methodologies; and I was tasked with several initiatives including upgrading his ticketing system from “Excel spreadsheets” to “AutoTask”, from manual labor to RMM (Remote Management tools) such as “N-able”, and I was tasked with pricing, and installing other tools such as a full-disk-encryption initiatives (TrueCrypt)  for both internal and external (client) desktop and laptop machines, an Instant Messaging platform (Lync 2013) for both internal and external  end-users, and setting up a Linux syslog server (due to the fact that he said that for several months prior to my start date that his servers were always crashing and restarting on their own for “no apparent reason”).  He asked me to wear many hats and also tasked me with the sales, marketing and promotion side of things. I spent many hours editing digital pamphlets and creating new promotional information and coming up with advertisement solutions for his business. He remarked to me that he hadn’t updated his website in decades and needed a professional such as myself to do a total rebranding of his company logo and create a new website from scratch to replace the old rusty AOL looking website that he currently has up.

I was also put in charge of contacting, via email, phone and conference calls, the sales, marketing and technical experts at AutoTask, at Solarwinds, N-Able, and Microsoft in efforts to get price quotes, demos, trials on the above initiatives and projects.

Mohammad hatched up an illegal plan to unlawfully “resell” 1,000 sublicensed “Essential licenses” that were given to him for free by N-able/SolarWinds to his friend and partner at another company (JACK CRAIN of Airnet Access) to make extra income. The Essential licenses were given to him for free but he was prohibited from “reselling” them, and yet Mohammad said he was going to pitch it to all his friends and sell as much of the Essential licenses as he could. The most supremely ironic part of it all was on his own website at h2global.com Mohammad explicitly prohibits specifically this same type of unlawful reselling of accounts and puts a stern warning that if he ever caught one of this clients reselling accounts that he would immediately terminate their account and contact law enforcement.

He also asked me to contact N-able to get a “on-premise” (as opposed to online “hosted”) version of N-able because he said the N-able server is a linux .iso file and that he had a “crack” that could “crack” linux administrator accounts and that he would be able to reverse engineer the software so that he could use it locally and not have to pay N-able a single cent for the monthly subscriptions and account licenses. I told him I wanted no part in that but he said he was skilled enough to crack it himself when it came to Linux stuff.

He also admitted to having on several occasions misused and abused Microsoft MSDN licenses and illegally installed and deployed MSDN licenses to outside, external, third party clients in a production environment. He told me it wasn’t a big deal as long as he could count on me not to snitch on him. I joked that I might call the BSA (Business Software Alliance) and report a piracy anonymously but then he shot back that if I dared he would call the cops and make false allegations to get me into legal troubles. I reported this to Detective Imran Khan at the Addison Police department but he told me that he didn’t care and that I should just report it to the BBB instead.

The sales guys at AutoTask were trying to close a deal and contacted us back.  Mohammad was pissed that there would be a non-negotiable one-time setup fee of about $900 dollars. He said he didn’t have that kind of money since he could barely afford to pay me. He tried to coerce me into playing mind games with the reps at Autotask and he said that as the end of the month approached and the sales guys got desperate that they will “break” and will be eager to negotiate with him. He actually succeeded partially and got the one-time fee reduced from $900 to about $500 dollars. That deal and offer was contingent upon the assumption and agreement that Mohammad would buy three licenses (one for himself, one for me, and one for his part-time work from home QuickBooks lady Cathy Sistrunk) but as often happens, Mohammad fraudulently tricks the other party into accepting a deal and then he unilaterally changes the terms and force a re-negotiation after the fact. For example, he had hired me on at a certain pay rate and then lowered it after I accepted the offer, he also hired me on as a full time employee but then made me an independent contractor after I had already started. And he was also cheating the IRS in that he was using me as an integral part of his business (as a full time employee) but paying me as a contractor without benefits.  So in this case, he calls back the AutoTask guy and told him that we will only be purchasing ONE license as opposed to the agreed upon three licenses. When I objected he said that we could all three of us SHARE that same license (which was illegal).

One evening we were driving around in his blue ford pickup truck at work (going to different client sites to deploy software) and he shared with me a story on how recently his other car was involved in a bad accident and was totaled. He said that a woman on the other side of the lane of the highway was crossing traffic and ran into him, but that technically it was his fault because he was speeding and he was supposed to be yielding to traffic… but that somehow through his social and coercive tactics he convinced the woman to falsely confess and falsely admit to it being her fault rather than his.  That same evening he was driving around like a madman. Swerving in and out of lanes on the highway and honking everyone that got in his way or pissed him off and at one point we were about to collide with a semi that couldn’t see us (we were in his blind spot and he was merging) instead of slowing down and giving the semi the right of way, Mohammad put my life at risk by racing ahead of the semi, honking his horns repeatedly and then when he saw the truck driver was African American he gave him the middle finger and called him “stupid N-word”s”… I felt that from that experience that Mohammad was a really barbaric and hateful individual with a lot of vile filled in his heart. That wasn’t the first time he made hateful racial slurs, he also referred to his previous contractor (Johnathan) as a “stupid f---ing n-word”. He said “blacks are all lazy and stupid” and that he was seduced and conned/tricked by Johnathan.

He told me all kinds of ways he was “Legally cheating the IRS” and seemed to get off and get high on that sort of stuff. He said he knew all the loopholes and all the many tricks in tax laws. He said for something to count as a “business expense” a lunch for example had to include at least two people. Usually when he took Cathy out to lunch he would classify it as a business expense. Since Cathy worked from home a lot, whenever he went to lunch alone he would often eat more and then pretend that it was two person’s worth of food and still classify it as a business expense (even though he admits that he wasn’t conducting business and it was just a lunch by himself). He even tried to involve me into the scam, feeding me schemes like how he would invite me out to lunch every day and that he would deduct it straight from my paycheck so that I would not be paying taxes on the lunch and that he could then find an excuse to classify all his lunches as “business lunches”.  He talked about other elaborate scams involving his car and mileage that I didn’t even understand.

Report Attachments

Bo Chen

H2Global, Mohammad Rafiq Hoque Deceptive hiring practices, wrongful termination, false and malicious allegations, illegal wage garnishment, never paid for work, tax evasion, piracy, Addison Texas

#3Author of original report

Sat, November 30, 2013

I was unfortunate enough to have been briefly acquainted with Mr. Hoque and the result is he set out to defraud and harm me and to ruin the rest of my life. If I had the chance to do it over again I would have seen through his façade and never have been as gullible and trusting as to have been getting myself involved with a shady figure like Mohammad Rafiqul Hoque and a “company” like H2Global

I should have seen the red flags during the job interview when he started talking trash about all the other previous employees and contractors that he once upon a time hired and then promptly fired. When he found out that I went to UNT, he and his “officer manager / HR accountant” lady Catherine Cathy Sistrunk promptly informed me that they had previously hired two UNT computer major interns who almost destroyed their entire company.  I asked him what had happened and he said that the interns swapped out the wrong harddrives when repair a failing RAID configuration and as a result crashed one of this major client’s ( H & D Distributors, BAV, Custom Chenille ) servers and he almost went out of business. He kept saying how he was stupid to hire them and wouldn’t let it go. Then he asked since I also went to UNT what did I learn and was I going to screw him up in the same way? Then he proceeded to tell me how the last contractor he hired seduced him with his salesmanship skills but ended up being a lazy “black” N-word that didn’t ever want to show up to work, and he disclosed a lot of personal private stuff with the contractor’s life (Johnathan) and remarked how he was a player that was cheating on his wife and having a mistress on the side. He told me how he was impressed that back in the day if Ross Perot caught one of his employees being unfaithful in their marriage he would terminate them as employees because they couldn’t be counted upon to be loyal. He told me that if anyone ever did him wrong that that person would be sorry and would pay for it. He then said that Johnathan eventually stopped showing up for work and he (Rafiq Hoque) simply kept his last few weeks of paycheck and never paid the guy – and he knew the guy wasn’t going to do anything about it so he got away with it.

Then he talked about pipe dreams like going over to Asia (specially Thailand) and getting cheap labor to handle the IT support calls he gets over in the US for his H2Global company. He also mentioned wanting to hire more interns and pay them minimum wage and use them just like full time employees. Later I found out he runs a side business called Airnet Access  through the exact same building/suite and partnered with JACK CRAIN who was the “CEO” and he was the “VP”, when in reality the company was all in the ether and it was just he and himself, but he bragged online that this was a 20 people company . Funny because the desk he gave me to use was a glass coffee table, the computer he gave me was a junkyard desktop that belonged to another client who specifically instructed him to dispose of that machine, instead he reformatted the harddrive and put a pirated copy of Windows 7 on that box and gave it to me for use. The square footage area of his own business was smaller than the living room of most people’s houses and it felt extremely cramped and there was no walls, separate rooms or any privacy at all whatsoever.  This Mohammad Rafiq guy was extremely petty, egoistical, insecure, vengeful and vindictive. He would curse all the time and acted like a child throwing a fit. If he ever so much as perceived (whether right or wrong) that you might have rubbed him the wrong way he will be all after you and never let it go.

He told me one of the only reason he was hiring me was because he had a girlfriend/mistress in Thailand and he wanted to take a three month vacation to Thailand at the end of the year and he needed someone at the wheel to drive his company while he was out on leisure. He invited me to a Japan’s restaurant (sushi) one day at lunch and half the time he was chatting on skype or something with his mistress in Thailand and disgustingly saying things like “oh good night my honey”, and then the very next day he hinted that I had better invite him back out to lunch or else… So I took him to Outback Steakhouse and he gorged on the most expensive steak dishes there was and ate like there was no tomorrow and never even gave me so much as a “thank you”. This guy was a cheapskate’s cheapskate and kept saying how I should be thankful that he was paying me as high as $21/hr to work for him as a senior systems administrator and network engineer and how that it was such a privilege for me to have been hired to work under him and gain so much valuable experience and to be given so much latitude to “grow the business as you wish”. In reality he was exploiting my labor (paying at a capped salary level of $44k and asking me to work late on the evenings, to skip my lunch and skip my breaks and also to come work for him for free on the weekends but then when it came to benefits like health insurance, PTO, he treated me like an independent contractor and gave me nothing at all, in fact he was using me like an integral part of his business as a full time employee but paying me as an independent contractor so he can skim out on having to pay taxes and put the tax burden entirely on me.) On top of that he made me sign a “non-compete agreement” stating that I could not work at any other job in the IT industry after being terminated by him for a period of no less than five years and a radius of no less than 100 miles. This was ridiculous and totally unenforceable given that he hired me only as an independent contractor and the fact that he never paid me one cent or penny for the work that I produced for him.  

During the whole week that I got to know him he kept bragging about how great his Nikon DSLR camera was and how he gets to shoot beauty pageants and weddings and perv at all the pretty little girls. When I told him I had a much better Canon camera he got hopping mad and accused me of fabricating lies.

Towards the end of the first week he hinted that there would be work that needs to be done on the weekend, he also hinted that my “salary” was capped (even though I was paid hourly) meaning that I would be working on the weekends for free. I had implied I might show up on Saturday, but on Friday he suggested that if I work late Friday then I wouldn’t have to drive back all the way out to Addison (I live in Arlington) on a weekend to work for him (he lived less than one mile from where he works). I tentatively agreed to that and I didn’t even get home on Friday night until after 8PM, as I worked late hours for him. Then unbeknownst to me (I had my phone off) he had called and txted me several times on the weekend asking why I didn’t show up to work for him on the weekend as well!  

Come that following Monday morning he was extremely angry and pissed off and already waiting for me at the door when I showed up for work (which was odd given that he likes to sleep in late and not even show up to work until around 10am) and kept asking me why I didn’t come to work for him during the weekend for free.  I told him I had my phone off and didn’t get his messages, he didn’t believe me and wouldn’t let it go and kept cursing under his breath the entire time and accusing me of hacking into his paypal debit card account. 

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