  • Report:  #720986

Complaint Review: HEATHER MARIE SHAND - DOB: 12/10/82 - ESCAPES MENTAL WARD - N & D CONSULTING - DR.DAVID PODELL - cliffside park New Jersey

Reported By:

558 Anderson Ave Ste.A cliffside park, 07010 New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
N&D Consulting, LLC
1 Bridge Plaza N, Suite 275
Fort Lee, NJ 07024-7586

N&D Consulting, LLC
558 Anderson Ave.  Ste.A
Cliffside Park N.J. 07010

(201)840-8552   (201)926-0329   (201)838-2237   (866)585-1131

The owner of this company HEATHER MARIE SHAND (DOB: 12/10/82) has a extensive criminal record. She has had numerous articles written about her in the BERGEN RECORD, and a copy of her mug shot was printed on the cover of the newspaper.

According to the articles:

She first tried to escape from authorities at the Bergen County court house in Hackensack N.J. She was incarcerated at the time, in a half way house in Maine for charges of credit card fraud, harassment, assault & violating her probation & was appearing in family court that day to resolve child custody issues, for her son who was in foster care, after being taken by DYFES.

She then asulted a sheriff's officer & tried to make a run for it. She made it less then 100 yards, before she was caught. She was charged with aggravated assault & brought before Judge Wilson where he ordered her to undergo a psychological examination at the Bergen Regional Medical Center.

Not even three days later, she escaped from a secure psychiatric ward at the county hospital, by scaling a perimeter fence.

Her mug shot was printed on the cover of the BERGEN RECORD as authorities searched for her. She was captured almost two weeks later in Fairview N.J. & booked on escape charges.

Before starting this company she worked for Dr.Davis Podell in Fort Lee N.J. I had personally seen her steal money from this doctors office & she had the key to the time clock (which she had told him was lost) so she could rig her time card & get paid for more hours then she was actually working.

There are two addresses listed online for N & D consulting one in Fort Lee & one in Cliffside Park. Neither one is a valid address. If you google these addresses you will find that:

1 Bridge Plaza N, Suite 275
Fort Lee, NJ 07024-7586

Is actually the office of: Better Homes Reality  (800)355-1728


558 Anderson Ave.  Ste.A
Cliffside Park N.J. 07010

Is a residential address

I have uploaded a couple of the articles from the BERGEN RECORD to this report, including the one with her mug shot. But, you can view all of them by going to the bergenrecord.com & searching the archives for: Heather Shand

I will also include a link to the archives below:


If you are thinking about doing business with Heather Shand or N & D consulting I would think twice. She clearly is a troubled girl & has some psychatric issues. On top of that she has been charged & convicted of assult, harassment, theft & credit card fraud. Do you really want to have to worry about what is being done with your personal information? Or what scam she'll be up to next?

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Fort Lee,
New Jersey,

#2Author of original report

Tue, April 26, 2011

Heather Shand has wrote reports here on Rip Of Report defaming other
peoples businesses, pretending to be a customer, when she never has
been. Claiming they sell stolen items in there stores, when that's far
from the truth (And can be proved to be NOT TRUE). Claiming her husbands
a police officer, when she's not even married.

People should know the TRUTH about this women. She thinks it's o.k. to
make-up whatever stories shes wants to defame peoples businesses, but
people can't write the truth about her? Someone with so many skeletons
in her closet, really shouldn't go around making up stories about

I'm not jealous at all, far from it. And if you actually knew the girl
you were commenting on you would already know that. She's definitely
nothing to be jealous of.


This City,

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 25, 2011

You said

"Before starting this company she worked for Dr.Davis Podell in Fort Lee N.J. I had personally seen her steal money from this doctors office & she had the key to the time clock (which she had told him was lost) so she could rig her time card & get paid for more hours then she was actually working."

Where is your proof that this happened?  If you do not have proof, it is slander that you can be sued for.

What she did as a 17 year old, again, that was 11 years ago. She is trying to run a medical billing company now.

Are you jealous that she fixed her life, or is she sleeping with your husband?


fort lee,
New Jersey,

#4Author of original report

Sat, April 23, 2011

Defination Of Slander:

slander /'slnd?r/ Show Spelled[slan-der] Show IPA noun

1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

3. Law . defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.


LIBEL AND SLANDER occur when a person or entity communicates false information that damages the reputation of another person or entity. Slander occurs when the false and defamatory communication is spoken and heard. Libel occurs when the false and defamatory communication is written and seen. The laws governing libel and slander, which are collectively known as DEFAMATION, are identical.
A plaintiff who wishes to sue an individual or entity for libel or slander has the burden of proving four claims to a court: First, the plaintiff must show that the DEFENDANT communicated a defamatory statement. Second, the plaintiff must show
that the statement was published or communicated to at least one other person besides the plaintiff. Third, the plaintiff must show that the communication was about the plaintiff and that another party receiving the communication could identify the plaintiff as the subject of the defamatory message. Fourth, the plaintiff must show that the
communication injured the plaintiff's reputation.
There are four general defenses to slander and libel. Truth is an absolute defense. Consent by the plaintiff for the publication of the defamatory statement is a defense. Accidental publication of the statement is a defense. Finally, the statements of certain defendants in certain circumstances, such as lawyers, judges, jurors, and witnesses,
are protected from defamation for PUBLIC POLICY reasons. This type of protection is known as privilege.

These statements are not slander as they are all true & backed-up & documented in public newpaper publications. All of the above information has already been read by thousands of newspaper subscribers & is available online at the BERGEN RECORD.com where countless people can access it everyday.

Report Attachments


This City,

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2011

Not defending her because I don't know her, but from the link you left, that was 2000 and she was 17 years old. She is 28 years old now.

What is your point?  You should be very careful, you are slandering her today about her life when she was 17 years old.

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