  • Report:  #319895

Complaint Review: Impact Training Aka Impact Trainings Since 1985 Impact Bluffdale Utah Quest Summit Lift-Off - Bluffdale Utah

Reported By:
- Kearns, Utah,

Impact Training Aka Impact Trainings Since 1985 Impact Bluffdale Utah Quest Summit Lift-Off
14823 S Heritagecrest Way Bluffdale, 84065 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

REVIEW UPDATE: May 16, 2018: Impact Training remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Impact Training is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Impact Training has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Ripoff Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, Impact Training has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Impact Training remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected].

Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

EDitor’s UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to Impact Training for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Report’s discussions with Impact Training uncovered a real focus by Impact Training on 100% client satisfaction. Although thousands of customers attended their trainings, Impact Training notes only a small percentage did not fully enjoy or find value in their experience. This represents just a fraction of 100,000+ seats filled since 1985 in Impact Trainings; yet the company remains concerned and committed to individually review each case. Their follow up with each trainee is extensive and thorough.

The feedback gathered is taken very seriously at Impact Training, leading to a number of improvements. Impact Training's success is based 100% on word of mouth growth, relying completely on positive client experiences. Without overwhelmingly positive customer reactions, Impact Training would have been out of business a long time ago. If anyone has a negative experience, Impact Training works diligently to integrate constructive changes to infuse more quality into their trainings. Impact continually polls students to have most current client opinions. Most recently, Impact Training hired an outside company to conduct reviews and collect feedback about each training. Over a span of four months, upon the completion of each session, the students were asked to complete a short survey about their experience. After those four months, the review company reportedly shocked with the results. They had never seen a company receive as much positive feedback as Impact did. With the exception of 2 reviews (one was 3 out of 5 stars and one was 4 out of 5 stars) every review was 5 out 5 stars. In their experience, this level of customer satisfaction was unheard of. Although the majority of trainees complete Impact Training with a positive experience, if you have had a negative experience, Impact would like you to call them at 801-572-9700 and find a resolution.

Based on a thorough review of Impact Training, it is Ripoff Report's expectation that new customers will have a positive and life changing experience with Impact Training. Since opening their doors in 1985, Impact Training has consistently sought customer feedback to improve every facet of their operation and achieve full client satisfaction.

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by David Berger during an on-site inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Impact Training.

Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Impact Training is a company specializing in providing training to help people grow in both their personal and professional lives. “[We] help people get rid of self-imposed limitations,” explains David Berger, a representative of the company. Impact Training “provides educational experiences to empower the human spirit towards free unconditional loving and harmonious living,” he states. Leads are acquired solely through word of mouth referrals, they do not conduct cold calling. Every Tuesday, Impact Training hosts an informational session and invite the referrals to attend and learn about the services offered. “We also call potential seekers and educate them on our offerings,” explains Mr. Berger.


At times, a customer may fee dissatisfied or unhappy with the service they’ve received. “We essentially have people ‘look in the mirror.’ Sometimes people don’t really like what they see. There could be certain situations where people feel uncomfortable being called out for things, say being late. We make punctuality a very important part of our trainings and if you are late, you will be called out in front of everyone. This could be a scary situation for some people,” explains Mr. Berger. However, he states that this is not a common occurrence and they only have a 1% dissatisfaction rating. To resolve the situation if a customer feels uncomfortable or unhappy, the team at Impact Training focuses on face-to-face interaction, to determine what the customer is learning and invite them to re-commit to the training. Mr. Berger states that the customers usually resolve the situation very civilly; however, refunds are not given once a customer begins the training process. If a problem exists, the team at Impact Training follows up with the customer within 24-48 hours after resolution of the issue, to ensure their continued satisfaction.

Since receiving complaints on Ripoff Report, Impact Training has focused on weekly trainings conducted by the manager to update the employees and keep them current on their training. They’ve also employed the use of a coach/mentor system, which is a one-on-one system between the mentor and the customer. “Before, you would come to class each day and be expected to come back the next day. We now have a coach that follows up every day with you,” explains Mr. Berger. However, no one at Impact Training has any credentials or accreditations, but Mr. Berger states that this is not necessary. “We train with life’s experience because we educate about life,” he explains.

Mr. Berger and the team at Impact Training recognize the value of working with Ripoff Report and the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, and the platform it provides for businesses and clients to interact and resolve issues. “It means reputation repair – it gives us a chance to get the truth out there about what we really do and how we help people every day,” he states.


"We have included a sampling of what real students actually say about their Impact Training experience:”

"I'm learning to live in the moment and to lean in to my life! I'm creating love and trust in my world and to be my word.”

“It took me 7 years to go to Impact. I cannot believe I was so skeptical. Impact Training is a series of experiences that assisted me to look inward and release bad experiences from my past and to appreciate life. Appreciation in good times and bad. My experience started in January 2013; life still gets better every day. It sounds strange but I see issues that come up with a clearer outlook. Everyone seems to receive different gifts about themselves because it is individual learning. It isn't a lecture it is a different learning experience I have ever know. I am thankful everyday that I went through their doors! I have lifelong friends across the country now that I consider family! All I can say is don't be like me and waste 7 years - go to a free Tuesday class or phone conference. Sit in the back of the room or be silent on the phone and just listen...listen to your heart and you will know if this is right for you!”

"When I started my first training with Impact Training, it was completely different than what I thought it would be. Six years later I honestly can't believe (or I can) how the trainings have positively affected my life. Relationships are better. Businesses are better and I can create peace in my life at any moment I choose...amazing experience...I love experiential learning...go for it!”

“As I have attended courses at Impact Training, my life has been dramatically improved in a positive way! I have gained clarity for my life's purpose, who I am, and why I am here. I have released guilt, regret, and resentment towards others and myself that I had upon entering Impact. I gained a new-found gratitude for a 5 year relationship with my ex-husband that I used to feel pain and sorrow towards; I often victimized myself. I learned to be accountable for me and my life. Impact worked based on how well I kept my word and trusted the process. I came up with all of my own profound answers and most of the time it felt like I wasn't learning something new, but rather remembering.”

“My experiences at Impact Training continue to improve my relationship with others every day. I was very shy and mad about negative things that had hurt me or betrayed me. I would smile through life but suffer in silence. Impact has brought out the positive happy side and assisted me to appreciate everyday as a gift no matter what. I am so grateful for my angels Diana and Kelly for introducing me to this beautiful place. It holds a special place in my heart :)”

"It was amazing. I was inspired when I saw my sister graduate from Quest and then Summit and seeing the huge changes. I have known her all of my life. My biggest break through was letting go of all the pain and feel weightless filled with light of love. And by looking into someone's eyes seeing their spirit; not by outward appearance - but the inside. Letting myself go being fearless, finding my voice. Being me and only me and I love me. Sharing my love with everyone even strangers. And now I truly see and the world is so much brighter than it has been in a long time. And I am happier then I have been in a long time. I can be happy for no reason at all just because it’s my choice. I will never forget Quest - it was a breakthrough for me. I would recommend Quest for anyone wanting a change and feel that there is more to life. I am so excited to do SUMMIT!!”

“Walking through the doors at the Impact Training Center I felt swallowed up by my insecurities. I would spend my days replaying all of my failures through my head and worrying about how I was supposed to fix my future. Then I stepped into the loving, accepting environment there and had the opportunity to take an honest look at myself and to take on my life. That act alone has empowered me to claim freedom, clarity, and passion for life again! I know who I am. I know my purpose in life. I know that I have a valuable contribution to this world that is unique to me. And what's more I know that I am deserving of these amazing miracles in my life .I literally can't stop smiling these days!" ~ D

"My experience was great! I shifted several times during ropes, I had the time of my life and want to experience it again and I know I can throughout my life. Thank you so much for creating this program, I'm so grateful.”

"My experience with Impact Training’s courses was fantastic! I have learned many new tools show up to life positive manner reflecting my own magnificence! It was amazing. I learned to forgive myself. To love myself. To trust myself. I learned who I was. I had a spiritual and uplifting experience. I learned to live in the moment and to be my Inner child.”

“I went through Impact Training in 2006. It was the best thing I have ever done not only for myself but the change it had on my family and other relationships in life. Impact opened my eyes to who I really am and that everyone has a purpose in life to fulfill. Impact, I feel, is a very inspired program. GO impact!”

"My Impact Transformation started in August 2013 and now after completing all the training I am living a life based on LOVE and not fear or anger. It has brought me a true sense of peace knowing who I truly am and always have been. I started my training with no trust and a body that was recently diagnosed with some confused cells (cancer). I completed my training in March 2014 and was recently blessed with the news that I had NO detectable cancer in my body and I left my doctors scratching their heads. I can't really say Impact cured me but I can say that as a result of it I was able to do what we are all able to do and that is healing from within. All my relationships in my life have so much more depth and meaning now and I once again am able to LOVE and TRUST as I have always deserved to. I will forever be in gratitude to the amazing staff and one-of-a-kind trainers at Impact Training that do this out of pure love and inspire me to continue my spiritual, physical and emotional growth. The beauty of the Impact vision is that they were not there to fix or change me, but rather they have been and always will be there to wake me up and take accountability for my life and the way I show up for others. No two people come in or out of the training the same way, it was all based on me and how I was willing to take it on. To share this life journey with so many of the most amazing new friends has been one of the most powerful heartwarming moments in my life. These are not just passing friendships but lifelong relationships with beautiful people that will always be there as a part of my life. Thank you thank you thank you Impact trainings for the tools you have given me to take on my life and come from my heart.”

“I started my training at Impact Training in May of 2013. Since then, I have had two very important relationships healed. As soon as my perspective changed…meaning that I stopped judging others, and accepted them exactly as they are…shifts began to happen and so did the miracles. My relationships in my family have been greatly improved and I attribute all of that to the shifting of my perspective….letting go of the stinkin’ thinkin’. Although a lot of these principles may seem simple, and certainly not new, oftentimes they are were not EASY to CONSISTENTLY apply in my life. It seems almost magical the way my view of my life has changed. What always seemed like a chore, no longer does. I see the good in things. I think of things to do that bring me joy. Lots of it! My life and its purpose are more clearly defined than ever before. I am more confident from within and have more trust and faith in my choices, I am excited about life and the possibilities I have to create a wonderful life for myself…A LIFE FILLED WITH LOVE, LAUGHTER, FULFILLMENT AND JOY! “

“My work with Impact Training has made many positive changes in my life. All of my relationships have improved immensely, including my relationship with myself. Prior to my trainings I lived with fear of the future and regret of the past. I now have an expanded understanding of who I am. My past, present and future are now clear and all positive. I have made lifelong friends and am excited to share this experience with others. I would recommend Impact Training to anyone who wishes to expand their life!”

"Impact Training has changed my life and my relationships with my family and friends. The biggest change since I began my trainings is in my relationships with myself and others. I am a better father, husband and friend. I also have a greater spirituality in my life. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with any aspect of you then you deserve to visit Impact Training.”

“The most heartfelt experience I have ever had in regards to myself”

"This experience was miraculous, this is the first time in memory I can say I love myself. I'm perfect! It's amazing to feel this way and because I love myself I can love other people. It's the greatest gift I could receive.”

"My experience at Quest was real love throughout. Support from other Quest trainees to those who have completed them and are still there to serve, to assist, to support. It was quite moving and I have and will continue to recommend this to everyone that wants more out of life. Thanks to all the wonderful people on staff!”

“My experience at first was really hard to take in and didn't know if it was worth my money - then after opening my mind to the possibilities and trusting, I can't put into words how amazing it was. I was able to find who I really am and loving every minute! I also can see the beauty in the little things in life that I always overlooked and I would pay countless dollars to feel the way I get to! I wish everyone was brave enough to take the biggest challenge of their own life!!!!”

"My experience at Impact Training has been empowering!!! I have felt such an amazing shift in my life and will be forever grateful. My trainer was such an inspiration and the staff insightful and 110% loving and supportive in all the right ways. Thank you!”

"Impact Training is the best thing that has ever happened to me! It has been life changing and life saving, to say the least. Through my trainings I have learned how to let go of my past, freeing me from holding back in life. I gained such confidence with myself and confidence in my purpose in life. I was able to start loving me for the first time in my life. I have had such a huge amount of healing from my past that I have been able to create an amazing future for myself. I found my true beauty through the work I put in at Impact Training. Impact Training guided me to find my own answers and to be accountable for who I am. When I walked into their doors for the first time I was nervous and shy and had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn't think it was possible to change my life, attitude, confidence, strength, love, and life in just a matter of days but it did. All of that has changed and more. For the first time in my life I am really living! So many members of my family, friends, and even co-workers have seen a complete transformation in me that it has inspired them to go through Impact trainings as well. It has been an amazing experience to see them gain all of those things too. One of the things I like the most about Impact is they don't force any opinions on you. They just give you the tools and exercises to come to your own conclusions and to have your own breakthroughs. You immediately feel safe, respected, and unconditionally loved there. The minute you step into their doors you have a huge new family of supporters that are there for you without any expectations. It was a feeling I had never felt before. It has been only a year since I started my first training and I have created huge miracles for not only myself, but for my family and friends and even for my community. I believe that if we taught this kind of training in our schools, the world would be an entirely different place. But, they don't teach about confidence, love, self-worth, individuality, or purpose in school so I am just glad I learned it so I can guide my son through life with those lessons. Thank you, thank you, thank you Impact!!!!”


Impact Training recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Report’s Review, Impact Training has improved its operations and trainings.

In summary, after our review, which included discussions with Impact Training and many of its past and current associates, Ripoff Report is convinced that Impact Training is serious about delivering high quality services resulting in total client satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. Sadly, the author of the complaint below never responded to our request so Impact Training could have the opportunity to make things right with them.


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. Sadly, the author of the complaint below never responded to our request so Impact Training could have the opportunity to make things right with them.



Impact Training, Aka Impact Trainings Since 1985, Impact Bluffdale Utah, Hans Berger, Sally Berger Since 1985, Impact Bluffdale Utah, Quest, Summit, Lift-Off Impact Trainings uses humiliation, degradation, and mental abuse to hurt people emotionally and steal their money through high-pressure sales tactics. Literally forcing people to pay them thousands of dollars. Shouls be shut down by the Utah Attorney Generals Office Imnmediately!! Please Help!!! Bluffdale Utah

Impact is also known by the following terms:
Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help

My Impact Trainings Experience - Exposing the Training as nothing more than mind control and mental humiliation!

Ever been told by a person that has attended Impact Training in Bluffdale, Utah that they cant tell you about the processes and activities that occur in Impact Trainings?

Well, that's because Impact knows that if anyone really knew what happens inside the training room, nobody would sign-up. Who pays to be insulted, humiliated, degraded? Below you will find an account of many of the processes that occur in Impact Training.



Having recently done the Impact Trainings "Quest" course I thought I would take the opportunity to write about the experience.

LGAT stands for Large Group Awareness Training. Most of these have their roots in a course called "Mind Dynamics" which was taught in California in the late 60s and early 70s. From this came the two largest LGATs;
est/WEA/Landmark Forum founded by Werner Erhardt, and Lifespring founded by John Hanley. Other LGATs include Insight Seminars, Actualizations, PSI World and many other smaller trainings which basically use a similar process.

An LGAT experience can be summarized as following a three step

1) Psychological breakdown/opening up the subconscious mind.

2) Catharsis or the releasing of repressed emotions usually caused by
interpretations of childhood events.

3) A rebirthing or psychological buildup with processes designed to make participants
feel good about themselves, the trainer and the course.

These processes are not proprietary and can be found in a variety of books. For the most part I can document just about every process or a variation thereof used in the Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off!

DAY 1, Thursday evening. Agree or Else

The participants sign an agreement which includes non-disclosure of the processes used. It is my understanding that mental/therapeutic processess are not proprietary, and cannot be covered by patent, copyright or trade secret laws and thus violating nondisclosure
cannot hold up in court. I will refrain from mentioning the name of the specific training I experienced and any process used in the training that cannot be documented elsewhere.

Dr. Margaret Singer writes about LGATs in her book, "Cults in Our Midst".

"The program trainers and leaders typically get agreement from participants that they will not tell anyone about the processes that occur. To do so "will spoil it for your friends, family, co-workers
etc, when they take the course. Tell them what you got out of it trainers advise. This means be vague about the actual content and provide glowing endorsements telling others that the training turned your life around but do not tell them how emotional, dramatic, confrontational, and unnerving the sessions can be for some people.
Because of this promise, consumers who buy and attend these seminars do so without information about how psychologically, socially, and sometimes physically stressing the event can be."

"Day one is usually devoted to demonstrating the leader's absolute authority. The leader, or trainer immediately takes control of the setting with a demeanor that suggests he is a powerful, in-charge person and no one is to challenge what he says. He remains totally
in charge, acts knowledgeable, and is practiced in verbal skills so that he never loses an encounter. Anyone who challenges the trainer will be humiliated and verbally mashed."

The first day started Thursday evening around 7. After some introductory stuff welcoming people, etc. the trainer brings up *THE AGREEMENT*. The attitude and tone of voice of the trainer predictably becomes stern and unyielding in a way to purposely provoke a response from the attendees.

The first point brought up is about not revealing the processes or personal information that is shared. Since people will be sharing some very deep personal secrets then this is common sense but people do not know this in advance. The processes are not unique to the course and not proprietary but people do not know this.

The second point was about attending all the course including the followup session and also being on time. Several people objected to this stating they had other commitments family or otherwise. There were some people from out of town who could not make the next
Tuesday evening followup.

Everyone of them was was met with unyielding harshness from the trainer. One of the arguments the trainer makes was if they would only "get it" they could make the space for the course in their schedule and "getting it" would also keep others from interrupting their attendance. "Getting it", of course means that we create our own reality or experience by our thinking and interpretation.
However, this is not explained at this point and is designed only to provoke more responses from attendees. Several people storm out of the room. However there are ample staff people to handle those who leave. Outside, people are pressured by the staff to return to the
course. Most end up coming back in the room while a few never return.

Other rules include not talking unless called upon, not sitting next to anyone you knew prior to the training, no eating, drinking, gum chewing, etc. Some people saw fit to argue with that. At this point the show begins to get quite boring as it had been over 3 hours that
we were in the ballroom. At least we were allowed potty breaks as needed so I took one. When I got back the trainer was finishing up the agreements and we were asked to stand if we agreed. So we did.
Then we were allowed a 20 minute break. We were reminded to be in our seats (precisely arranged and marked with tape on the floor) on time for the next part.

When we come back there is lecture which include some of the basic philosophy/pop psychology of LGATs. One can certainly read about the philosophy in John Hanley's book, Lifespring available from Lifespring (www.lifespringinc.com)

Later we were asked to pair off into a diad (one on one exercises). What we did was an awareness exercise of staring into the other persons eyes in silence for several minutes. Then we were asked to introduce ourselves and have a conversation. At the end of the
exercise we were guided to close our eyes and remind ourselves of how we behaved in the exercise, did we open up and share or did we talk superficially.

Then we did "The Trust Exercise". This consists of milling around the
room, looking people in the eyes for a minute and stating one of only
three things.

1) I trust you.
2) I don't trust you.
3) I don't know if I trust you.

This goes on for ten or fifteen minutes. At the end we were again
instructed to close our eyes and review what we did from the vantage
point of being above the crowd. Let me point out that there is a lot of closed eye guided exercises in these courses. By closing your eyes and going within one usually enters an alpha or hypnotic state and is much more suggestible then normal.

These courses also use popular music to set the mood. After the trust process we were instructed to sit on the floor and we listened to Jackson Browne's "The Pretender".


I'm going to rent myself a house
In the shade of the freeway
I'm going to pack my lunch in the morning
And go to work each day
And when the evening rolls around
I'll go on home and lay my body down
And when the morning light comes streaming in
I'll get up and do it again
Say it again

I want to know what became of the changes
We waited for love to bring
Were they only the fitful dreams
Of some greater awakening
I've been aware of the time going by
They say in the end it's the wink of an eye
And when the morning light comes streaming in
You'll get up and do it again

Caught between the longing for love
And the struggle for the legal tender
Where the sirens sing and the church bells ring
And the junk man pounds his fender
Where the veterans dream of the fight
Fast asleep at the traffic light
And the children solemnly wait
For the ice cream vendor
Out into the cool of the evening
Strolls the Pretender
He knows that all his hopes and dreams
Begin and end there

Ah the laughter of the lovers
As they run through the night
Leaving nothing for the others
But to choose off and fight
And tear at the world with all their might
While the ships bearing their dreams
Sail out of sight

I'm going to find myself a girl
Who can show me what laughter means
And we'll fill in the missing colors
In each other's paint-by-number dreams
And then we'll put our dark glasses on
And we'll make love until our strength is gone
And when the morning light comes streaming in
We'll get up and do it again
Get it up again

I'm going to be a happy idiot
And struggle for the legal tender
Where the ads take aim and lay their claim
To the heart and the soul of the spender
And believe in whatever may lie
In those things that money can buy
Thought true love could have been a contender
Are you there?
Say a prayer for the Pretender
Who started out so young and strong
Only to surrender


(You can get the lyrics to d**n near anything off the web :-)

During the song the trainer periodically lowers the volume and
instructs people to focus on their inauthentic, pretending
behaviors. The tone of the trainer's voice is negative and rebuking
like we are worthless pitiful pretending creatures. "Are you there?
Or are you just pretending."

In my conscious mind I am somewhat amused by all of this. In my
subconscious I can feel awareness of all my senses increasing. One
cannot resist the psychological opening that occurs in these courses.

After the exercises the group has to rearrange the chairs to the
tape on the floor. The group is timed and encouraged to beat the
previous time. This is just another way to get the group to respond
to the trainer on demand. By this point nobody resists the trainer.

After this it is 1 AM and time to go home being reminded to be there the next night at 7. If people go to work the next day which I did, it makes for a night of very little sleep.

Friday Evening - Psychological Breakdown

The second evening starts again at 7 P.M. By this time the class is trained to get to their seats when a particular piece of music is played. The agreement is to be in your seat and ready to begin when the music ends.

However a major traffic jam into the city has caused several people to be late myself included. This is a trainer's dream come true. One by one people were told to stand up and explain why they were late.
No excuse was accepted. Every person was made to admit total responsibility for being late often revealing other patterns in their life where they were supposedly irresponsible. This often brought people to tears.

Dr. Singer writes in "Cults in Our Midst"

"Having observed a number of LGATs and having interviewed many persons who attended variants of these programs as part of their work assignments, I am astonished at the gross childishness and unkindness of humiliating anyone under the guise of education,
experiential learning, or the claim that participation in such travesties enhances work performance. Nor do all participants find sessions of "sharing" personal details helpful."

Because I was late too I got "called to task" for breaking the agreement. Since I knew how that stupid game is played it irritated me. So the trainer was trying to get me to admit breaking the agreement and I said "that is your context not mine". The trainer
hollered at me some more and finally I said "OK, I broke the agreement" and sat down. The trainer ordered me to stand up I said "No, I decide to sit". The trainer ordered me again and I said "I decide". So the trainer said "well just leave then". So I got up and left (my mistake, Doh!). See how the trainer wins every encounter?

Of course then the "handling" begins. When people get pissed off and walk out the door there is a staff member outside to "handle" you. I bitched a bit about it being all too predictable and that I didn't want to be right about this course but looks like I am anyway. I brought out the copy of Singer's chapter on LGATs and started
quoting it to the handler. I also made comments like "How come every sentence you say starts with 'Are you open to the possibility...'"
Finally I said just leave me alone for a few minutes and I sat and cleared away ALL the anger I was feeling with a little meditation trick I learned. Then I really had fun with the handler.

The handler asks me to come back in the course. I said "Hey, the trainer asked me to leave. Guess I'm not welcome in the course."

The handler says "What would it take to get you to come back in the room?"

I said "An Invitation".

"Well, I invite you to come back in"

I said "From the trainer"

She said "Well, I'm on the staff and I invite you back in"

I said "Let me get a glass of water and think about it."

So I hung out for about 15 minutes purposely having fun with that handler. I even made her open the door and hold it for me going back in.

When I got back in the trainer was in the middle of another one of those fast paced lectures showing all the negative things in people's life and how it keeps them isolated from the possibilities outside their box.

Then the awareness exercises begin again; diads, open body posture, closed-eye reflections etc.

The victim game: Tell your partner a story about which you think you were a victim. Then your partner tells you one. After this the trainer instructs you to retell your story from the point of view that you were responsible and admitting your role in what happened.

They made me do it: This process involves stating as fast as you can things you were *made* to do. My mom made me clean my room. The IRS made me pay my taxes. My boss made me work. The traffic made me late. etc. etc.

I have to: This process involves finding out why you *have* to do things. It is a progression to the underlying cause of why you do things. I have to work. If I don't work, then I don't get paid. If I
don't get paid then I can't make the house payment. If I can't make the house payment then the bank will foreclose. If the bank forecloses then I have no where to live. If I don't have a place to live then I'll freeze in winter. If I freeze in winter then I get
sick. If I get sick then I die. THEREFORE, I would RATHER work then die.

The Red/Black game: After several of these types of processes it was time for the Red/Black game. In this game people are divided into 2 teams and sent to separate rooms. Instructions were given to get the
most number of points, elect a captain who will tally the votes, everyone has to vote and the count has to be taken exactly or it will be declared invalid.

There are 10 frames in this game like a bowling sheet. The 5th frame is double points, the 10th frame is triple points. Points are accumulated from frame to frame. There is no communication to the other team other than a staffer runs back and forth between rooms
and tells you how the other team voted. between frames. Each team votes on a color red or black with a simple majority. The trainer goes back and forth between the rooms and observes. There is absolutely no help from the staff.

Scoring is as follows:

Team A vote Team B vote Team A scores Team B scores

Black Black +3 +3
Red Black +5 -5
Black Red -5 +5
Red Red -5 -5

It should be obvious that the scenario is win/win win/lose lose/win and lose/lose. There are people in each group that have figured the game out and tell the others the object of the game. The first frame
is voted black/black. In the second frame red/black. The third frame black/red. From then on its red/red the whole way out resulting in a negative score to a negative score. Little did we know there was
hell to pay...

By this time it was after 1 AM and we were told to file back into the main ballroom in silence. The trainer had a look that would kill. When we got to our seats we were ordered to close our eyes and the trainer yelled at us for 30 minutes straight. We were told that what we did in the game amounted to war and the way we played that
game was the way we lived our lives. That lecture was filled with just about every negative behavior imaginable. You would have thought we were the leaders of Russia and America who just fired off an all-out nuclear exchange at each other and were now being called
to account for it in hell.

After a night of sleep deprivation and now another late night plus all the psychological opening exercises, this screaming lecture sends thunderbolts through your subconscious. I felt like with every sentence that a powerful jolt of electricity was sent through my
nervous system.

We were told to leave in silence and were given an assignment to spend an hour reflecting on what we just did and to be back at 10 AM. This is in addition to written homework due the next day. By this time it is going on 2 in the morning.

How to win the game? Refuse to vote unless the whole team votes for the win-win scenario.

Day 3, Saturday - What are YOU pretending not to know?

I did not get a good night sleep Friday night. Opening up the subconscious will keep you awake. I had a feeling of anxiousness for getting there on time Saturday morning. Boy were we trained good. I knew all of this consciously yet could do nothing about it.
After driving around the parking garage looking for a space I ran to the hotel to make it on time and did with only two minutes to spare.
(Oh God the music is playing, I better get to my seat.)

The session started off with another closed eye exercise in which we were reminded of more negative things about ourselves. I kept my eyes cracked open and was muttering things like "NOT", "No way baby", "Not in my universe", etc. in order to help counteract the effect of the exercise.

What these negative exercises do is to pull up the negative things that are buried in the subconscious. This is not necessarily wrong, but people do not realize that this is what happens.

Then we listened to this wailing blues song to put us in the mood. After this the trainer asks

"Who wants to share?"

By this time there are several people in the group who have been opened up psychologically and put in a sufficiently altered state of consciousness that they are having things surface out of their

A row of chairs has been placed on the stage and several people come forward to fill them.

The first one to stand up to be processed is a woman who confesses being sexually molested as a child. The woman tells the story and appears to be reliving the experience.

Woman: "My father is sticking his tongue in me, I don't like it."

Trainer: "Uh huh. What else is he doing?"

The trainer speaks coldly and authoritatively with no trace of compassion in the voice. The woman confesses the entire story of being raped by her father and is crying like a little child. The trainer nods and acts like they have heard it all before. Several
people in the room (myself included) are crying in sympathy. The emotion is way too intense. Tension is extremely high in the room.

The trainer walks up on stage next to the woman and screams in her face "TELL YOUR FATHER HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS! TELL HIM!. The woman screams out "I HATE YOU! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?"

The trainer yells "WHAT ARE YOU FEELING? WHERE IS THAT ENERGY IN YOUR BODY?" The woman points to her solar plexus. The trainer demands "HAVE THAT ENERGY MAKE A SOUND AND LET IT OUT". The woman lets out a long scream into the mike and then bursts into tears. One
of the assistants helps her back to her seat.

Another grown man around 50 years old gets up and starts relating the story of how his he and his brother were playing hide and seek.
While he was hiding, the father called them in and he didn't hear him. The father went out to look for him and when found, the father beat him mercilessly. While telling the story, the man is crying uncontrollably. Again the trainer asks what he was feeling and where
it was in his body. The trainer aggressively coaches out another long scream into the mike.

Another man gets up and confesses that he feels numb and can't feel love. The trainer asks him to have that numbness make a sound. He hums into the mike for a while and eventually breaks down crying like a baby.

Person after person gets processed in this fashion by the trainer.
They all end up screaming and crying into the microphone. Amplified by a PA system it has a powerful effect on the rest of us. This type of "sharing", more accurately described as " catharsis " is what the previous two days of aggressive awareness exercises produces in the participants. These exercises, along with the sleep deprivation have opened people up psychologically and have produced a strong altered
state of consciousness such that the childhood traumas that have been long buried in the subconscious are now surfacing.

One man confesses that he never told his mother that he loved her. The trainer tells him to get on his knees and visualize his mother and tell her. While he is on his knees the staff in the back of the room play a song about "Mommy being there to tie your shoes and dry your eyes" through the PA system. I am thinking, "Man, they have a song for every occasion". During one of the breaks I check out the PA system and there are dozens of tapes in a rack.

After about 3-4 hours of this it is time for the "What do you want?" process.

In this process people pair off in chairs facing one another. One person is the coach and screams in the other person's face at the top of his lungs "WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" The second person screams at the top of his lungs anything that pops up "LOVE,
LIFE, HAPPINESS, FREEDOM, etc". Sometimes something negative will come up spontaneously. "HATE" I don't think that is what the person wants it is just what comes up.

The lights are dimmed and the process begins. The trainer and the staff cruise the room shouting in people's faces too. Whenever one comes by me I scream out "QUIET" or "A REFUND" or "PRIMAL SCREAM THERAPY". (I gotta have some fun with this). During this process
there are a few shivers of emotional release. I don't know what I am releasing. Guess it doesn't matter.

This process went on for an ungodly amount of time. At the end we were coached to let out several screams (no words). Over 100 people in a hotel ballroom screaming at the top of their lungs. At the end we are to hug the other person and listen to another song.

I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner

I gotta take a little time, a little time to think things over I better read between the lines, in case I need it when I'm older

Now this mountain I must climb, feels like the world upon my shoulders

Through the clouds I see love shine, it keeps me warm as life grows

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me

I'm gonna take a little time, a little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide, it looks like love has finally found me

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've travelled so far, to change this lonely life

I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is, I want you to show me
(And I wanna feel) I want to feel what love is
(And I know) I know you can show me

Let's talk about love - I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside - I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love - I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide - I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can
show me
I wanna feel it too - I want to feel what love is
I wanna feel it too, and I know and I know - I know you can show me
Show me love is real, yeah - I want to know what love is...

After this we were instructed to find a spot in the room and sit or lay down on the floor. The trainer starts another closed eye process. (Jeez, can't we take a break? We keep getting slammed with
process after process.)

This process starts out with "walking down a spiral staircase into the darkness". This is a classic hypnotic induction technique. We are led through dark passageways in a maze like fashion. After being led through the catacombs of our consciousness we come to a door. At
this point the tunnels we have been led through collapse behind us.

The only way out is through the door. There is a saying in hypnosis that you have to go through the basement to get to the attic.

When we open the door we are led into a room of bright light. After ascending a golden staircase we sit down on a special chair. We are guided to pick up a photo album representing our lives.

When we look up from the album, standing there is your mother. We were told to say anything we wanted to our mother. Some people were crying, others were screaming, others were having conversations with their mothers. We repeated this with our fathers. Then we repeated
this with other family members. I found that I didn't have any buried resentments against my parents. It was emotional though. Pass the kleenex.

Next we were led through a process where we meet our inner child and the child gives us a gift. The gifts are different for each person and reflect something in their consciousness. This is a very moving and touching experience. These types of processes are done in
seminars done by John Bradshaw and others. However I don't believe Bradshaw does this aggressive breakdown stuff beforehand. One of the staffers was next to me on the floor and she was boo-hooing big time. She had done Lifespring. I asked her if she had done this
process before. She said no. Apparently Lifespring does not have an inner child process. I found a link for a similar type of inner child meditation that we did.

We setup the chairs and sit back in our seats. Now the trainer becomes "seductive and charming" and invites people to share what they experienced. I was wondering when the changeover to "nice" would take place.

After this we took a meal break for an hour and a half. When we came back the music is cranked up and there is an hour of dancing. I will point out here that this type of physical exertion is helpful at this point. People have just released major emotional stuff. It also releases a lot of the tension and gets your energy flowing again.

The moving meditation, hug line, or love bomb process - This process involves a long snaking circular line. Where we are given the opportunity to silently interact with every person in the room including the staff. We are instructed to vote with our fingers: one finger means no contact, Two means to look the other person in the eyes, three fingers for a handshake, and four to give a full body hug. None of this lean over and keep your pelvis away type of hug stuff. This is full contact head to toe. Most everyone votes to hug.
It is a very moving experience.

We are dismissed early (before 10) in comparison to the last two nights. Homework was given to try to reconnect with a family member or someone from the past.

Day 4 Sunday - Graduation

We were told to attend the fourth day being "dressed for success". There was dancing when we came in as well as after each break. We had been given homework to do a "completion" or reconciliation of a past relationship. People shared their experiences of contacting parents and other relatives to heal old wounds. There was also
sharing from the "hold-backs" or people who needed further catharsis.

Much of the morning focused on goal setting. An exercise was performed where we were to visualize and write goals for 10 years, 5 years, 2 years, 1 year, 1 month, 1 week. After this we did an exercise where we were given two weeks to live and were to write goals for that.

During the lunch break we were given an exercise to give hugs to strangers and perform random acts of kindness. After we came back the numbers of hugs and acts of kindness were tallied.

During the afternoon there was a sales pitch for the advanced course. It was presented like the good feelings we had would not stick and we would fall back into our old ways of doing things unless we signed up for advanced. We were also asked how many people we would bring to the Tuesday night guest event. There was an
exercise where one is to define what one stands for. Share your stand with the other participants.

The Graduation - At the end of the day is a candle lighting ceremony where the trainer lights her candle and then lights the staff's candles. The staff then lights the candles of the participants. At
the end is an emotional reunion with friends and family members who have come to the graduation. It seems like all the trauma and catharsis is somehow magically forgotten.

Impact is also known by the following terms:
Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help, Impact Trainings in Bluffdale, Utah throughout Quest, Summit, or Lift-off, Impact Utah, Impact Since 1985, Impact Traininers, Impact Ropes Course, Impact Hans Berger, Impact Sally Berger, Impact Help

Johnathon berger
Kearns, Utah

6 Updates & Rebuttals


West Jordan,
sounds like life

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, October 22, 2009

Everyone says this Impact is a cult. How unconsious are you all.

I been reading all the reports doing my own research as to wheher or not impact is for me and they all come down to the same thing. Impact is a cult. In what ways, another report said these 5 things:

1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;

2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;

3. They receive unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from the leader;

4. They get a new identity based on the group; Alternate nicknames,

5. They are subject to entrapment and their access to information is severely controlled.

As i read that it came to me. Unless you grew up in a utopia, these sound like a normal everyday life.

1. birth

2.when little kids get hurt they have a big huge story to tell so you cut to the chase and get the bottom line.

3. That souns like a parent, grandparent, spouse, sibling

4. How many nicknames have you been given by kids at school or family?

5. Welcome to the government, parental controls, firewalls, security, etc

Based on both accounts my life is a huge cult so i'm gunna dig a bit deeper and see if i cant talk with this.. hans or someone. thank u


Truth Teller


#3General Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

Everyone that says this is an okay program, is basically screaming don't do any research on this.  Just go and see for yourself.  If we were to apply this same behavior to anything else destructive, say drugs, everyone would be screaming, that's insane.  Please do your research, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of stories on the internet regarding Hans and his merry group of brain washers.  Impact Training has far reaching, and negative impact.  Those of LDS faith, should take heed, and that this kind of organization is not only not endorsed in any way, shape or form, but any time this is mentioned at an Impact meeting that they say it doesn't apply to them and that it should be ignored.  ldschurchnews.com/articles/40005/Members-counseled-about-self-awareness-groups.htm That link is a direct link to the church news, and the statement from the first presidency regarding so called "Self-Awareness Groups".


Ceder Hills,
This article isn't very accurate and is very misleading

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

This article is very misleading. As I read it over, nothing fits what I experienced. A lot of it is inaccurate. Although a few of the processes are the same as what I went through, they are being twisted to make them look hateful, mean and destructive. That was not my experience of Impact. I thought it was Amazing. I went through a few years ago and it changed my life. I love the results I got out of this program. This program not only improved my personal life, but my professional life as well. About 6 month after completing the program, my boss gave me a big promotion into management and $13,000 pay raise. When he told me why he had selected me for the promotion, it was directly tied to the things I had worked on during and after the program. If you are considering going, don't wait or let people you don't even know talk you out of it. Go, work hard and you will benefit.


Salt Lake City,
Trust your friends and family, not internet strangers!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2009

I would be surprised if people reading this trust total strangers more than their friends and family. Talk to your friends and family who have gone through this program. After talking to them, make your own decision. I trusted my wife so I went and I can't think of any aspect of my life that hasn't improved. If you want to check it out before going, you can go to one of their free guest presentations on Tuesday nights. It's free and takes about 2 hours. The first level training is $495 and 4 days. If you don't like it, don't do the other levels! My personal experience is that most people love it. If you want to do the second level it is $695 and 4 more days. The third level is $695 and 5 weekends (1/2 of Friday and all Saturday). The weekends are spread apart by about 2 to 4 weeks. It is a busy 3 months and it takes commitment, but it is well worth it. I can't promise you that you will love it as much as I did and if you are reading this, you have probably read the rest of this site, so you have read some very negative things. I believe that these experiences are the exception. I am not knocking what they feel or what they have experienced, but ALL the people that I personally know that have gone through this program, feel they have benefited; even those that only did the first level. Trust the people you know and love. Talk to them. They most likely won't talk about other people in the training or the processes they went through, so don't get frustrated if you ask about these things and they don't want to talk about them. There are plenty of questions that most would be happy to answer. Ask them questions like: Why did you go? What is different in your life now compared to before you went through this program? How long ago did you go through? What did you learn about you? Are you happier after going through? Are you happy that you went through? Knowing what you now know, would you do it all over? What was the biggest thing you got out of the program? What are your relationships like now? If they asked you to go, ask them why you feel I should go? Are you asking me because you think I need fixing? What benefit do you feel I will receive by going? Was it easy? Was it worth it? These types of questions won't tell you what they did, but will definitely let you know what they have experienced and how it has affected their lives. Trust your friends and family. If you want to see my personal experience visit www.fastcompany.com/user/impact-trainings-0 Steve


Thanx for the accurate info

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 28, 2009

My ex-girlfriend is a graduate of the whole spectrum of Impact Trainings and she volunteers to "staff." There were some very quirky behaviors and some really odd things that she would say. More than anything, she seemed to feel that her Impact Training made her somehow superior and enlightened as compared to most folks. Your report shed a lot of light on what happened to her and the reasons she is so religiously devoted to Impact. Thank you for breaking the silence. It makes me wonder what she was like before Impact Training damaged her mind.


The example listed is not about Impact

#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 25, 2009

The example above is not about Impact. For example, it says that the training started on Thursday evening, Impact starts on a Wednesday afternoon. Although some of these processes are similar, much of what is listed isn't. My experience was very different than what he has described. This example does not appear to be from Impact.

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