  • Report:  #369111

Complaint Review: Indiana Child Protective Services (Cass County) Etal - Logansport Indiana

Reported By:
- Elwood, Indiana,

Indiana Child Protective Services (Cass County) Etal
1714 Dividend Drive Logansport, 46947 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To be able to understand what happened, a few background facts of the situation we lived in needs to be told first.

My ex-husband is a classic psychopath, if you met him, you would think he was one of the nicest people you ever met, churchgoer, everything right on the surface. But nobody ever saw what happened behind closed doors. I filed for divorce after the kids and I spent most of a terrified weekend hidng from him as he went on a rampage, cussing, calling us awful names, throwing things, breaking things, taking our son into my ex's room for a 2-hr "bible session" where he verbally abused our son and even made him kneel and pray to the tv set as part of a twisted bible lecture on idol worship. The kids were told not to do any work because "you kids aren't the housewife, your mom is and you don't have to do her work." My ex considered all the work in the house to be my work, he and the kids even threw their trash on the floor or just left it around the house for me to pick up. Nobody was allowed to move anything around or throw anything away unless my ex gave permission first. Once I put a pan in the pots and pans cabinet and my ex smashed me on the head with it because he wanted me to put the pan in the oven (which didn't work so he had decided to store pans in it.) My ex did all the grocery shopping (mostly hot dogs!) and if I would go get pizza or something to break the monotony of constant hot dogs, he would cuss me out ,throw open the freezer and throw hot dogs at me saying "Here, I bought this nutritious food so you guys would eat it!"

My ex grew marijuana and I found out about his growing pot one day when I went out to kill some poison ivy and nettles with Roundup and he came screaming and cussing out of the house and knocked me flat on the ground, furiously threatening to kill me if I sprayed his plants.

He shot my son's cat the boy had grown up with, because the cat peed on the sidewalk. HE STOMPED MY ELDEST DAUGHTER's PET CAT FLAT ONE DAY BEFORE GOING TO WORK BECAUSE THE CAT POOPED IN THE YARD, leaving the fresh body for the kids and me to find....I will never forget how our daughter screamed when she saw what her dad did to her beloved pet. He poisoned the kids favorite pet dogs. He shot some of our other cats, and after we had looked for them for weeks, bragged about shooting them. He poisoned me over a period of almost two years with thallium and most of that time the skin was peeled off my hands and feet and they were bloody and I had to keep them wrapped to be able to do any work. I would be so weak I could hardly get to the bathroom and back, and my ex would be yelling at me about how I was too lazy to get the work done.

When I filed for divorce, my ex swore he would jsut call CPS and make sure that they took the kids and I would never see them again if I went through with the divorce. He laughed and bragged how easy it is to anonymously call authorities and then let the authorities get revenge on people for him. He repeatedly called any authority he could call to harass me and the kids. I HAVE HIM ON TAPE SAYING THOSE THINGS.

(The kids and I wwere all scared to death to cross him before I filed for divorce and after filing, I had a restraining order on him (and he tried to break in the house that very night, and stood outside the house threatening and laughing at me when I called the police on him, while the kids terrified, all hid in the back of the closet.)

On my audio tapes of my ex that I made during the last week when he was there, in only 3 days of taping I have several hours of him shouting horrible verbal abuse at all of us, the kids hiding with me while he screams and cusses and threatens to shoot me and then claims our son has Satan in him, etc, and you can hear his ranting and the kids terrified whispers on tape,I got hours of tape in just 5 days by hiding recorder in the bed. I taped him because I knew that nobody would ever believe this side of him existed unless I proved it. He never let this side of himself show outside the house, in front of other people, he was the clean-cut, charming polite soft spoken gentleman good citizen churchgoer. I offered to let CPS listen to the tapes. They responded they didn't care because he had been gone over a year so what he did, didn't matter. They totally ignored the fact that the kids and I were all attending psychotherapy and the older two and I were also seeing a psychiatrist and on medication prescribed by the psychiatrist.

These are just a small FRACTION of the horrors the kids and I had to endure behind closed doors. I have tangible physical evidence and witnesses to some of the horrors we had to endure, as well as all the records during the time I was taking the kids for regular psychiatric care and psychotherapy from the time my ex left (he wouldn't allow me to take kids for counseling before that), right up to the day CPS suddenly broke into the house and stole the kids.

This horrible CPS invasion all started when my daughter told me and a friend about her dad sneaking in her bed at night, when he lived with us, and said she didn't want to visit him because last summer when she was at his house (he lived in Wis by then) my ex kept putting his hands down her swimsuit bottoms and squeezing her butt and rubbing her. Unfortunately, my friend told my ex that our daughter had told what her did was doing to her, to explain why our daughter didn't want to go to her dad's to visit again.

When my ex found out she had told on him, he called Pulaski County CPS and lied to them claiming our daughter was pregnant by my friend (which was definitely and provably IMPOSSIBLE.). In CPS own report, on a different page of the same report, my ex later changed his story and claimed our son was the one who said his sister was pregnant...(the truth is, she was tall and slender, not fat at all although she did tend to slouch instead of standing up straight). My ex then told them lies about me (some of this can be cross referenced in CPS written reports). CPS's accusations against me vary and contradict each other in their case reports! AFter that he called Cass County CPS and claimed our son was molesting his sister. At the time, I was trying to get things ready to move because the landlord had died and we had to move to a new place. Naturally between kids that had been taught not to pick up anything and me trying to sort and pack for the move, the house was a mess. CPS SNEAKED IN WHILE I WAS GONE DEALING WITH THE PULASKI SITUATION, because I had been told I couldn't take my youngest child with me and for the first time ever, I had to leave her home alone, she was 9 at the time. My ex called on the phone and had her open the door for CPS to come in. He also told her to not tell me about it so I knew nothing at all about CPS sneaking in and going through the entire house taking photos while I was gone (for about two hours and the time on the caller id showed my ex's call just a few minutes after I left to go to my appointment with Pulaski CPS.

Next day, suddenly CPS came down our lane with a bunch of police cars, and terrified, we all huddled in the closet scared to death, not knowing what to do. CPS busted into the house (never knocked or anything just busted in) and took the kids, claiming they got a complaint the house was a mess. They later claimed they entered when I wasn't home because of dire circumstances, but they didn't take my child with them that day, which proves the circumstances were safe enough that they left the child! IN THEIR OWN CASE REPORT THEY ADMITTED THE CHILD HAS A COMMUNICATION DISORDER and has trouble comprehending things and has speech impediments. SHE IN NO WAY WAS ABLE TO AUTHORIZE THEM TO ENTER AND SEARCH AND PHOTOGRAPH THE ENTIRE HOUSE WHILE I WASNT HOME! This was a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution but CPS didn't care. I've been told by an attorney that there very likely were other constitutional rights violated by CPS sneaking into the house without any kind of search warrant and nobody in the house except for the 9 year old.

In court, its not like normal court. CPS just presents their case and you don't get to present anything. You don't get to ask any questions, the judge doesn't even listen to you at all. And before court, the judge and CPS workers were all laughing about something they all did together the prior weekend...so its obvious that the judge wasn't neutral. In fact, the CPS workers were referred to around the courthouse as Judge ------'s girls!

As CPS presented the case, they altered or selectively omitted many facts. They claimed all that was in the house to eat was frozen pizzas....thats all that was in the small freezer aboue a stocked refrigerator. There was also a big pantry stocked with food and a chest freezer full of food, but they didn't mention any of that. My ex called CPS every day to talk to them during all this I found that out from his gf when they split up after he tore her necklace off and busted her pics of her kids and other things of hers. The girlfriend ALSO CONFIRMED THE STORY MY ELDEST DAUGHTER HAD TOLD ABOUT HER DAD HAVING HIS HANDS DOWN HER PANTS THE PREVIOUS SUMMER, because my eldest daughter had gone to the girlfriend to try to get her help to make her dad stop doing it.

I wrote a letter to the girlfriend shortly after that, sent it restricted, meaning only the person its addressed to, should be able to sign for it. My ex stole it from her mailbox, forged her signature and the stolen documents later turned up in the CPS Case files! When I reported it to USPS, they said the person who was the recipient of mail had to be the one to file the complaint. HOW COULD SHE FILE A COMPLAINT WHEN THE MAIL WAS STOLEN AND SHE NEVER KNEW IT EXISTED?

I still have the original signed forged receipts for the mail, as well as a good number of handwriting samples of all parties involved. CPS forged documents that were claimed to have been written by the kids, the handwriting was not at all similar to any of the kids handwriting. They contradicted themselves within their case reports. NEVER ONCE WERE THEY EVER WILLING TO LOOK AT ANY OF MY EVIDENCE, LISTEN TO ANYTHING I HAD TO SAY, OR CARE AT ALL ABOUT MY SIDE OF THE STORY. All this evidence on paper as well as additional evidence, and the audio evidence are all still available, with additional backup copies elsewhere instead of in my possession.

CPS took our son off his Adderall, he had ADHD and was excelling in the top 5 percent of his class in school until the worker stopped his meds. After they took him off Adderall WITHOUT CONSULTING A DOCTOR AND THE CPS WORKER ADMITTED THIS DURING A COURT SESSION (and I had offered to sign releases for him to be taken to his regular psychiatrist and therapy sessions), his grades plummeted from straight A's to D's and F's. Our youngest excelled in gymnastics and the instructor said she had Olympic potential, she loved gymnastics and would laugh as she did her routines....that all ended when CPS stole the kids. I got to visit them for a while, once a week I would drive an hour and a half one way to see them an hour. While in foster care, they were always complaining about not having enough to eat, their things were stolen by other kids (I bought a game boy advance for the youngest's birthday, four days before CPS suddenly busted in the house and took the kids, no warning, no notice, nothing, and some kid at the first foster home stole her game boy advance and I asked the foster mom about it and she said it was kid responsibility to find their things...and the kids all told me about one of the other foster kids stealing things from them and other people. But CPS didn't care about that or any other truth.

I attended one "family session" with some psychologist they wanted me to go to, "so I could get the kids back" as they claimed. Our eldest daughter admitted her dad would sneak in her bed in only underwear and breathe hard and was touching her wrongly the summer before, BUT THE PSYCHOLOGISTS REPORT SAID THE EXACT OPPOSITE! During the session the psychologist would interrupt and then lead my daughter away from talking about what her father had done. The report criticized me for upsetting our son because our youngest, a girl had said her brother held her underwater in the pool at the foster home behind the foster mother's back and she was scared she would drown. He claimed he only held her under for 5 seconds, so the psych report criticized me for upsetting him over it! He was 14, she had just turned 9. He weighed 165 pounds and stood 6 feet tall, she weighed barely 70 pounds. He had been caught hurting the girls and abusing animals behind my back before, but nobody cared about the facts. The psychologist wouldn't allow me to tape the session and wouldn't allow me to have a copy of the transcript of her tape even though I offered to pay for it. When my copy of the short report was sent to me, I saw clearly the reason they didn't want me to tape it was because their report that was turned in to CPS and the court, didn't resemble the truth at all!

Instead of ever being willing to look at concrete evidence I have, to back up what I say, CPS talked to my ex every day and let him use them for his purposes of revenge and for his purpose of silencing anybody who might get him into trouble for his molestations of our daughter...even handing the girls over to him and claiming that they denied being molested when CPS ASKED THEM IN HIS PRESENCE., Naturally they would deny it when they were in his presence and when they knew they would be helpless with him behind closed doors later, where he could make them pay if they dared say anything wrong about him.

FINALLY CPS TURNED THE KIDS OVER TO THEIR FATHER, handed the girls over to their molester who had manipulated CPS to help him discredit and silence everyone who knew the truth of what he had done..he got the girlfriend to go back to him and give him another chance and he had the girls under his control CPS never once was willing to look or listen to anything at all from my side of the story, and so the kids were handed over to their who lived in Wisconsin by this time, and even though the divorce judge ordered that I was to have visitation, contact information, and their school records, I was never given the info and for 4 years now, I've been trying to get my attorney to get the info, but my ex's attorney won't even answer mine. I've spent untold hours on the net trying to find out where the kids are at. Our son would have graduated from high school this last spring, if he's still alive. I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THE KIDS ARE ALIVE OR DEAD, I know my ex took them up to the Lac du Flambeau reservation and I've always been very afraid that the girls would end up "accidentally" dead in hunting accident or something, should their father need to make sure they wouldn't ever be able to tell on him.

I have copies of all documents, the tapes of my ex, copies of things the kids wrote, copies of nasty birthday cards my ex wrote to the kids right after the divorce, copies of the forged documents supposedly written by the kids that CPS used in court against me, the forged restricted mail receipts when my ex stole mail from his gf and her mother's shared mailbox (and he used his dad's box in a different town for his own mail!), as well as all the case files, notes highlighting contradictions, handwriting samples, records showing the kids were under psychiatric care from the time my ex left until CPS stole them and didn't keep their appointments. There are also other people who witnessed a number of the situations I tell here and can vouch for the things they saw.

Reality check

Elwood, Indiana


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