  • Report:  #864182

Complaint Review: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries - Baton Rouge Louisiana

Reported By:
TasteandSee.. - Sunnyside, Washington, U.S.A.

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
8919 World Ministries Ave Baton Rouge, 70810 Louisiana, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
JSM (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries), Jimmy Swaggart and Donnie Swaggart scam hundreds of millions of unwitting well intentioned folks who identify as Christian, in almost everything they do! Put aside (for the moment) the individual "sins" of Jimmy's little perverted sexual scandals..put aside (for the moment) Donnie's little pompous ignorance... For now, lets just talk about them taking good peoples money and failing to deliver goods purchased on their show. My parents are but ONE example.

They made their "donation" (required to obtain a book that ole "brother" Jimmy was pumpin) only to have them not send it. My parents are well intentioned and weren't going to say anything about it. I called jsm repeatedly and sent several letters attempting to get them to provide the books..all to no avail. If ANYONE you care about is considering doing business with JSM or making donations to them... simply research all of the lawsuits and scams that follow jimmy around! See what he does with all of those donated widows' mites. In his peak, he has been proven to have misallocated funds for his own mansions, private jets etc... Yeah..like Im sure Jesus would have had a Gulfstream if they around back then... ...but I digress!

I would hate for anyone to think that swindling my parents is the primary reason I write this. After the  money grab, I tuned into one of their broadcasts. I used to watch Jimmy as a kid. I always knew he was a judgemental money grabbing guy with great acting skills..., but I thought he likely believed much of what he said. When jimmys little run ins with his perverted little whores was made public, and he goes back into actor mode and gets all teared up asking for forgiveness...I assumed that any future broadcasts (if there were to be any) would be a bit more humbled..a bit more Christ like.

So imagine my surprise when I tuned in to see him and his little donnie making such claims of ignorance about others faiths, creating "problems" with anyones understanding of the bible..other than his and then pumping more of his worthless garbage for "donations". He pumps their fake claims to have a patent on the cross of Jesus Christ...and of even knowing what musical instruments please God. He actually said that "you dont have a choice in who your preacher is"... then little Donnie gets up and tells us what kind of musical instruments God likes...and little Donnie knows..just ask him!!

Someone sent him an e mail claiming that God can be praised with guitars and drums and rock music. Little Donnie gets all studly..looks close into the camera and says that the writer should have the guts to put his name on such a letter... Well, I DID send him more letters and gave him my name and contact info and the guy didnt have the stones to even respond! These folks are as ignorant and hypocritical as they get! Believe in God but dont trust these folks with your money and dont waste your time getting pulled in by them!

23 Updates & Rebuttals

Swaggart is a cult

United States
Sorry but you are wrong

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 17, 2023

So what you a saying is that at the time the bible was written Jimmy's fire and brimstone style of sining was around and that God approved of this? Jimmy's style would be c ompared to rock like Elvis was compared to rock back in the 50's and satanic. This man is correct in his asse3rtion of Swaggart. Swaggart byhis own deffiention is a cult led by satan.  His doctrine of the cross is of a satanic nature since it takes the focus off of Christ crucified. ANY slight deviation is the devils work. 


Las Vegas,
United States
You have failed to prove your case

#3General Comment

Fri, December 04, 2020

A simple logical mind can see you have failed to prove your case. If you bought a book and wasn't delivered, there may be many reasons. You probably would have to prove you have not received if they had proof that it was sent via post office and without that proof, you won't get the reimbursement you so deried. Yes, rock and roll is not the way to praise God. Some 'would be Christians" defend Christian rock and roll and Christian pornography, but there is no such a thing.

The bible is. very clear in how to worship God and the kind of music accpeted to God. It is true that Jimmy Swagart had a stronghold that he was delivered from, but can you cast the first stone? Becasue you didn't receive a book you paid for and, obviously the ministry had proof that it was handed to the post office, otherwise they would have to reimburse you and your bank would have taken care of this for you, so, obviously you were given the proof that the post office received the book to deliver to you. And if not, bring to your bank and you will be reimbursed, but I think you know that .

Now, if we dig into people's past mistakes and private lives, I think we will find a lot of closet sins...the important part is to repent and change with the help of the HOly Spirit and if you are in the rock and roll worship of God, I invite you to check your bible and repent. To condom and entire ministry because your mom didn't receive a book that can be reimbursed by your bank...it is a bit...unfair,  woudln't you say so? Are they perfect, as a ministry? probably not...do Christians agree with everything about other ministries...I think not...but Christian rock and roll is the same as Christian pornography...it doens't exist and if you practice the rock roll stuff...check your bible and take Donny's advice...it is offensive to God because it is in the Bible


United States
People (fools) like you keep him rich. Read article.

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2018

People (fools) like you keep him rich. Read article.





You are a fool

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 16, 2016

JSM is a blessed, annointed by God ministry. The fact that you can't forgive him as God already has for his sins speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof. These are wonderful people who truly have been doing God's work for many years. They have built 152 schools worldwide in the poorest of areas. These are schools that are actual functioning buildings and each one serves poor, hungry children hot meals every day. Do you know who did all this? The Swaggarts who you malign. Get a clue about what you're talking about. God has provided miracle after miracle through this ministry. Read "A Passport To The Impossible" by Jim Woolsey if you want to see what the Mighty Hand of God has done through them.


clinton township,
jimmy sawaggert is a blessing

#6General Comment

Fri, April 01, 2016


Where do I "infer" all Christians fall for anything?

#7Author of original report

Thu, January 14, 2016

 Fact: ism took my parents money and failed to deliver the product. Fact: they failed to simply send the book and failed to address my complaints..both in the form of multiple phone calls and three letters as I recall. It was sufficient that I was upset enough to create an account here to report them! How you come up with that equating to me labeling all Christians as falling for anything is ridiculous!

If you bothered to read my report you will notice that I I think it is pompous and inaccurate for Donnie to make claims as to his knowledge of what musical instruments God likes and dislikes! This ministry claims to have a patent on the cross. That is a joke! The last couple paragraphs happen to be my opinion. The first few are facts! Know the difference before you make another stupid assumption much like Donnie and Jimmy do with each appearance!


South Carolina,
Purchased from JSM for 7 years

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, January 14, 2016

I purchased many products from Jimmy Swaggart Ministries for about 7 and a half years, I have most of his commentaries, quite a few of his books as well and have 3 more arriving that I just ordered as well as his Expositors Bible, Study Guides and some daily devotionals, I also receive his magazine each month and enjoy reading it too, I have nothing against brother Swaggart or his family.


words of hate

#9General Comment

Sun, July 26, 2015

 If you were a GOD loving person you in no way be using the hate toned language you have used. It is none of your business how many rooms he has or what he spends the money that is donated to him and the his family. I do know that he has been able to expand his ministry around the world and to places that have not had the chance to hear the good news that he preaches that we are saved by grace because of the finished work of Jesus. I really can't see what is wrong with that.


Christians fall for anything

#10General Comment

Sun, November 02, 2014

I am a Christion who does read the Word of God daily.  God commands us to "study, to show yourselves approved," that we may know the truth from a lie when we hear it. I take offence at your assumption that all Christians are so stupid that they will follow anything coming out of a preacher's mouth, (implying wrong doctrine), and that our faith is misplaced....If that were the case, I would could not be saved.  For it is by Grace, through Faith in Who Jesus is and What He has done for us on Calvery, and not in any person.  In your description of Christians, if you have found that to be the case, in your time as a minister, then the fault can only be laid at your feet, for the Lord says, "my people perish for lack of knowledge", and it is your responsibility to see that they revieve a proper understanding of God's Word; as Paul plainly puts it "It's Christ and Him Crucified."  From your comment, there are only two assumptions I can come away with.  Either you were never called and annointed to preach/teach the Word of God, or if you were, you have lost  your way.  Go back to the Cross, repent, and get back on the right path. 




Eldon ,
wolves in sheeps clothing swaggart ministeries

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 12, 2014

 People need to beware of men like these they are ravening wolves in sheeps clothing . There show time religion entertainment to steal money is ridcules, but like Jesus said they have their reward. Matthew 6 Jesus was poor he never owned a mansion, worn the nice suits ... The will end up like the richman in the end so those who want to support them have fun now. 

Born Again via The Blood of the Lamb

Jimmy Swaggart Ripoff/Scams

#12General Comment

Wed, July 09, 2014

I would like to say to all the negative comments about Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and how they go about keeping their God give ministry on the air. Everything in this world you do has to be paid for. Why do you keep bringing up his past. Focus on the Message, not the messenger`This ministry is truly preaching the Word of God, which is Christ and Christ crucified. That is why you keep tuning in, you're trying to find fault and excuses and you can't because you know what they're preaching is the true word of God. You are so worried about them asking for money. You seem just to be a tight wad that does not like to contribute to the work of the Lord. It's not your money, their money, it's Gods money. When you don't support Gods workers, you're telling the Lord that you don't owe him anything. They should not have to ask for money if the owners of these cable netowrks had love for God, but they as everyone and everything else have to pay for any kind of services in this wold. If God has forgiven and forgot his past, it is not important nor does it matter what you bring to rememberance. I pray for and support this ministry . If you don't like what they stand for which is the message of the cross, then you have a remote maybe, and a tv that has the ability for the channel to be changed. And you can change it to another preaching channel. Bottom line is they all ask for money to stay on the air. People should be thankful that thier is tv ministry. But beware of false prophets as there are many of them on tv, but not Sonlife Broadcasting Network. It's like going to Bible College for FREE!!!```


North Highlands,
Regarding Jsm

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 04, 2013

        If you find it is hard for you to get so over excited regarding any ministry just don't watch.

When one gives of their time, money etc remember you are giving from your heart and leave it there.

If you get all worked up it will eat you uo.Jesus knows our intentions, so if any church, or leaders abuse any thing of evil intentions, just trust the Lord to they that abuse.


God Bless and be bless

Donna C

R.K. Sprau

Las Cruces,
New Mexico,

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 23, 2013

What I find interesting is the comment Christians aren't fools.  I've been in as a minister in the AG's for around 30 years.  It is one of the world worst kept secrets.  Christians will believe anything from the man behind the pulpit. I know for I've been there and I'm guilty of it. Christians believe we are Gods chosen so we can never be wrong, never question us, we are the ultimate authority. When you surrender your freewill over to your pastor, well you are what you said. No one actually studies the bible so no one will dare call us on anything.


Mount Airy,
North Carolina,
I Have Purchased Jimmy Swaggert Products For Over 47 Years

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, March 27, 2013

I started purchasing Jimmy Swaggert Albums in 1965. I purchased his Expositors Bible just 2 months ago.In all these 47 years I have not had a problem with a single purchase. Just last week my neighbor's Son who is serving time in prison, was saved through the Jimmy Swaggert telecast. He wrote and asked for a Bible. Jimmy Swaggart personally autographed one and sent it to him totally free.

Since I have never lived a life of perfection, I do not feel qualified to criticise and condemn someone who has done a lot more for God's work than I have. It is a great honor to read comments from someone like yourself who is so Holy and Righteous that you are qualified to admonish us poor ignorant individuals who are less fortunate than you to possess your great wisdom.

I have been saved for 65 years, graduated from America's oldest Pentecostal Bible College with a Bachelors Degree, Evangelized, Built Churches and Supported Mission Works arround the World, but God has not seen fit to bless me with the great wisdom that He has imparted to you.

Perhaps you can pray for me that the Good Lord will grant me the power to live a life of perfection, as I am sure you have, and impart to me the tremendous wisdom that you seem to think you possess.


United States of America

#16General Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

  1. As a Born-Again Christian for over 35 years your article is foolishness. There is not a soul alive that at anytime has to do the following.

  2. LISTEN  ot WATCH  any programming form SBN-Jimmy Swaggart or Donnie Swaggart.

  3. Never have to purchase or buy any music CDs or DVDS or books or anything from this miniostry

  4. NEVER donate a dime to the Swaggart Ministries.

So now you have all of hte above choices what is still the problem. I have been following this Christian Ministry for over 30 years now not the man called Jimmy Swaggart. That is why when we choose to follow a man or a preacher instead of Jesus you lose sight of Gods mission. There a few if any good Christian ministries that are "PREACHING THE CROSS" message. Without that message "SHUT THE CHURCH DOORS" . Please stop wasting the good Christians that fill up our churches each and every Sunday. We as Christians are not stupid as you suggest and most of the preachers on televison also pastor churches as well.  Not all of them I agree with and choose not to watch them again my choice to do so.  I truly enjoy listening to all the Swaggarts preach Jimmy, Donnie and Gabriel and especially enjoy Jimmy Swaggart at the piano. Just allow your heart to open and you also can receive from this ministry. Just look how God is using this ministry. Television programing now available to over 100 million viewers. Yes sir God is alive and well and surely you have a depressed heart and take some time to look in the mirror at yourselves and your personal lives??? Is God happy with the way you live?? Are you ready to meet the Lord in the air?? Probably don''t understand that last statement?? Prayer is the key here and you need a lot of prayer. You can continue to look for that perfect church or that perfect preacher or pastor but your wasting your time. Preachers, Pastors and Evangelists as well as every Born- Again Christian can fall at anytime and we need to be aware of that as Christians we are in the restoration business not the judgement and condemnation business.


I agree.

#17General Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

 But the answer to this is very simple, if they are not on the up and up, it is up to you to move on. Don't have any dealings with them, go to a different church. Whatever it takes, if they are false they will be revealed just by people moving on. But don't let them blur your walk with Jesus, it is not worth it.

  Again, God Bless.


United States of America
I agree to some extent

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

I agree with you to some extent as to it is none of mine or anyone else's business what he does with his money.  But I do have a problem when they claim to be living like "Jesus" but yet don't back to our community.  I realize you can't help everyone and there are many monsters that live in our society today that will take advantage of the system and not care - but there are truly people here that need help.  My point really is that I wish that people would act more like Jesus and give back - I lost my job when I was pregnant 2 years ago - I went to the church that I had been attending for quite some time - they had just built a billion dollar empire with fountains and chandeliers - (which again is fine - I can't spend your money) but to tell me I am going to hell and send me on my way because my husband is of a different religious belief was outright insulting. 

 Donnie has also on many occasions said we don't do community events and give anything away anymore - and made very racial inferences regarding the black community in how "they" bring their mommas and baby mommas and take take take - even talking in an African dialect - that is insulting, and Jesus wouldn't do that.  I do also have a problem when he breaks out into his false crying and his outright fake speaking in tongues.  The whole group of them are haughty self righteous bigots and only care about themselves and their money.  Donnie being the worst of them.  They are mean and outright rude to the callers - it's not so much that I have a problem with how they spend their money - I have a problem with how they go about preying on the elderly and those who are in a bad time in their life - Jesus would never had preyed on these people making them feel guilty.

I just hope that one day God will reveal the wolf in sheep's clothing that this ministry is.  I am very saddened by how they treat people and how they viciously attack other religious beliefs.  Jesus was born, lived, and died a Jew - he did not viciously attack the gentiles or any group of people.


It's Gods Money.

#19General Comment

Tue, December 04, 2012

   He is just checking to see what you are going to do with it.

   If someone on the street ask for the price of a cup of coffee, do you avoid them and justify it by saying they will just go get some drugs or maybe wine or a beer. That is not your concern friend, it is our responsibilty to take care of our brothers and sisters. Once you have given the rest is up to God, I would wonder how many of us has walked right past Jesus .

   As with JSM, it is not our concern what they do with the money once we have sent it, it is only our intent that Jesus is interested in. Mr Swagart can live in a 100 milliom dollar mansion, that is also not our concern, that is between him and Jesus.

   As far as the original comment, I don't know what is going on there, something isn't right for sure.It just so happens that I had a pastor come to my house today and he had a Bible from JSM and I'm sure they didn't just give it to him.

   But if you don't want to give, don't give, and if every time you are going to worry about what they are going to do with it, you probably shouldn't give, because it is all about intent. God don't need your money.

   God Bless all.


United States of America
Jimmy Swaggart Scandal

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2012

I don't really know why I subject myself to listening to these slanderous lying bigots on JSM but for some reason I can't stop tuning in.  After seeing the initial rebuttal and reading the threads I see that other people feel the same way I do.  I just can't see how so many people are sucked into his begging and pleading for money and his outright lies about the bible.  Years ago when Jimmy was caught with his prostitute in California, he stated he lived in a "modest" 2 bedroom home - well he was right about it being 2 bedrooms but its no where near modest - being as though I am in his backyard many people talk and just so everyone knows his closet is the size of a "modest" home. 

I wish there was a way in which I could remove him from this on air broadcast and him stealing all this naive people's money - it is truly disheartening.  This morning I really have had enough - now he's begged for the money for the generators he begged for the new equipment for the outdated and broken sound system that cost half a million dollars, and he begs month after month for the "share-a-thon" or I like to say "steal a thon" but today oooohhh today was the straw that broke the camels back - he seriously got on his prerecorded message and says that his goal is to fulfill what Jesus Christ set out to do and reach all nations with the work of the lord - (ok thats fine) then he continues that he must make another room for the equipment needed as they have expanded - he then goes on to say how expensive the ministry is and that they can't afford new equipment but they desperately need this to fulfill prophecy and need you to help because they can't afford this equipment alone and that you need to find it in your hearts to support the ministry.  They only need 1.5 million dollars from you to pay for this equipment - and the best part is they already ordered it!! And now they must pay for it - and since they at JSM can't pay for it because they have to pay payroll and airtime they need you the listener to pay - and as a prize for your payment - they will even throw in a free book written by yours truly JIMMY SWAGGART! Seriously??!!! Unfreaking believable! How can they get away with this? I was so sick after hearing this today!! If anyone knows of anyway to help stop these greedy bigots let me know! My 90 year old grandfather has been sucked into the jimmy swaggart abyss and takes the little bit of money he has and gives it to this monster!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Amazing... Truely Amazing

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, August 05, 2012

This is not a rebuttal but it is a comment and observation.  I have found that no matter how few or many times you "tune" into Jimmy Swaggerts television station JSM, especially his show, they are constantly asking for money  Its either somethings going to break(or already has) or they must get their message to the rest of the world etc....  So many of his viewers are widows, widowers, just down and out people that are living on fixed incomes.  They are barely scraping by-keeping a roof over their head-eating once a day etc.  They have no money  They have tuned him in to try to find some hope  They then end up getting guilted into sending in a donation  I just do not think this is how the Lord (that I thank and praise) intended things to be.  I also tuned into a religious radio station the other day(while in the car) and the FIRST thing I heard= Please send us money(and they make sure you know its tax deductible) because our building needs something done to it.  I am sorry I am SO tired of these people begging for the all mighty buck.  I  would LOVE to know what these so called Reverends, ministers etc. salarys, net worth etc. are...  Would like to see how and where they live.  How many vacatipns THEY take a year etc. etc...  I bet we could guarantee their lifestyle its a WHOLE lot better than these poor widows and widowers that they prey upon.                                                                                                                       


"Not every pastor" is so deceitfully criminal

#22Author of original report

Fri, April 06, 2012

My initial report isn't about "any" random or "every" minister... Its about the wretched cowards that "brother" jimmy and his son little donnie are. Its about how they try to claim a monopoly on the cross! Its about how they systemically take well intentioned peoples money and use it for their own worldly pleasures and misappropriate it. Its about trying to post some facts for discerning individuals whose only source for information is in watching JSM or "sonlife"... I posted my experience and I strongly encourage people to do their research if they are even THINKING of giving these hucksters a penny! They are rotten to the core! They are cowardly punks! Search the web and see how they treat people who have given their whole lives to them.

Want a real funny experience? Ignore all of their documented lifelong history of hypocrisy and focus on their attempt to blame his hiring hookers on the followers who failed to protect him in prayer... SERIOUSLY..THATS WHAT HE DID! If you want to counter the laughter... Watch little donnie in recent days, tell us that he knows what music God likes and what music He hates. What arrogance! What ignorance! If thats not enough... look at how hard these folks try to make a buck on selling the bible done THEIR way... You'll note that jimmy's words are written in read. Funny, that many bibles I've seen have the red words used on The One who died on that cross jimmy is trying to claim a patent on.... Well jimmy & donnie..., Im glad that on this Good Friday, it is Christ who is being worshipped around the world by His followers...inspite of your attempts to make it all about you! It hasnt yet dawned on them that Jesus wasn't very fond of the organized religions of His day!
..and I doubt He is real happy with your attempts to distort his message. It won't work and is DANGEROUSLY close to committing that one sin the bible says won't be forgiven... but thats not for me to call. I just want others to be warned and not give these people a dime without dooing their homework!


North Carolina,
United States of America
Don't paint all TV preachers like that

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, April 05, 2012

Not every pastor who takes to the airwaves at a certain point is a crook looking to con people.

A lot of preachers on TV, especially local stations, are simply looking to extend their reach beyond those who can make it to their brick and mortar service locations.

And there's nothing wrong with truly honest donation requests. All church buildings need money to pay for maintenance. Growing congregations, or those looking to grow, need expansion funds.

Those already engaged in media technology to extend their reach via TV, remote video feeds or internet, need funds to deal with that technology.



#24Consumer Comment

Thu, April 05, 2012

Please be aware that all televangelists are scam artists and are after only one thing, money.  Surely you are aware of that.

I am not religious at all but if you feel some uncontrollable desire to give money to a church, why wouldn't you donate to a small local church that's trying to to good and help people in your own community.  Televangelists only help themselves, no one else.

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