  • Report:  #192035

Complaint Review: John Becks Free And Clear Real Estate - Van Nuys California

Reported By:
- newark, New Jersey,

John Becks Free And Clear Real Estate
7030 Hayvenhurst Avenue Van Nuys, 91406 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
one of the biggest mistakes i have ever made was to beleive in a real estate rip-off scheme such as john beck's. i guess i should have done my research first, but i did not and now i am out of thousands of dollars which i paid to this company. everyone seemed very concerned until they got the money and then it was just a matter of time before the coaches stopped calling for scheduled sessions or anyone else for that matter. however i am seeking legal help currently to attempt to recover at least some of my losses.


Newark, New Jersey

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Yet More. You're not going to beleive this.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 13, 2006

Again, my comments are not some made up hype, bologne, nonsense, or BS I just made up for no reason. No, these are all my REAL first hand personal experiences with this bogus John Beck Mentoring of America program two years ago. IT'S HARD TO BELEIVE, BUT IT'S TRUE. I was initially promised and guaranteed that I would make $12,000 in the next 40 days by a JAYDER SALAZAR, or my money back guaranteed. I had previously requested a change of coaches in favor of DAVE YATES after the first coach, MICHELLE MOTA gave me COMPLETELY FALSE information on calls 1 and 2. Calls 3-10 were done with DAVE YATES. ON CALL 1 OF 10: MICHELLE MOTA told me I first needed to establish a good credit history right away. Since I had absolutely no credit history, she told me to go to 3 different banks and take out a $1,000 loan from each one. She told me to just hold on to that money and not spend it. She told me I must go ahead and pay back all 3 loans BEFORE my first monthly bill arrived, in about 3 weeks time. By doing this, MICHELLE MOTA told me I would NOT pay any interest on the loans, since I am paying it all back in full BEFORE my first bill arrived. She told me this was a quick and fast way to establish a good credit history without interests and at no cost to me. Well, I found this to be FALSE once I began to call my local banks to do just that. Each bank told me that I will incurr 18% interest the moment I take possesion of the loan no matter how soon I paid it back. They told me that it makes no difference if I pay it back the next day, I incurr some type of interest for the loans. Again, this is what each individual local bank told me on the phone. And on top of that, no bank would approve me for a $1,000 loan since I had no credit history at all anyway. I told MICHELLE MOTA about this the next week on call 2. She them simply told me to apply for a credit card like Capital One, and make small purchases with it. She told me to pay the monthly payment on time to build a credit history that way. She made no comments or defense about her previous false instructions to me. I just went with the flow with a serious doubt looming over me, about what I just paid more than $7,000 for. So then MICHELLE MOTA tells me that the second thing I needed to do this week was to register online for any of the top popular forclosure listing website out there. She told me to compile a list of forclosed properties in my city. I did excatly as she told me. Then she told me to go to hardmoneylenders.com for loans. She did not explain what it was, what to do, nothing. All she said was "go here for your loans". ON CALL 2 OF 10: I tell MICHELLE MOTA I had completed my list of local forclosed properites to look at in my area. I have the list in front of me. I begin to read her some of the forclusure houses I found on my very own street, just a few doors down. I had them sorted by dollar ammount, all under $30K. Remember, I am completely new to all of this. I asked MICHELLE MOTA if the dollar ammount listed on the forclosure websites is the actual price to own the house or what? She said YES. That the dollar ammount listed on these forclosure listing websites is the default remainder of the mortgage the current owner owes the lender. She told me that all the lender or bank wants is for someone like me to step in and pay off the remanider (the price listed on the forclosure websites), and that the house becomes mine free and clear. Remember now, I live in a city where at the time of this program, the averege moderate 3 bed 2 bath, one story house on my very block costed over $400,000 at minimum. And she knew this because I told her. MICHELLE MOTA here is telling me on the phone, that I can buy these houses I found on my same block and street on a forclosure website for under $30,000 outright!! I was very excited and told here that this was almost too good to be true. Her exact words to me where "Well, that's what were are all about here, showing people how to do this." Being new to all this, I really beleived I was about to buy a house just a few doors down my same street for under $30,000. I was like, "Wow, I'm going to actually move into my own home with only a $30,000 mortgage when the guy next door to me with the exact same house design is paying a $430,000 mortgage. I would be paying about $300 a month while the guy next door pays over $3,000 a month on his mortgage and an identical house. Afterall, MICHELLE MOTA told me this is exactly what I would be doing and I beleived her. She told me I could live in the first house I bought myself, and the second house I bought, I would list and sell at market value with a local realtor for a huge profit. Basically buying a forclosure house for less than $30,000 that in this city sells for $430,000. I could not wait I was so excited. So she told me to call the individual bank lender of the houses on my street that are listed on the forclosure listing websites. The list a phone number to the lender there so I did. And this is when it really hit hard me that I have just been scammed out of $7,000 plus dollars. I was basically laughed at and ridiculed by the lenders over the phone when I called them about buying the forclosed houses. Just like MICHELLE MOTA had just told me to do. I told them I found the house on a forclosure website and I wanted to buy the house right now. That I wanted to pay off in full the remainding mortgage ($30,000 and less) of what the current owner has failed to pay and take over. Every single of the dozens of lender of local forclosed houses in my city that I called told me I was crazy and laughed at me. I'm dead serious. They told me that the houses are not sold outright like that. They told me that the default ammount, the price shown on popular forclosure listing websites is simply the starting bid of a local auction to be held. They told me that I had to show up to a local public auction where there will be many other people present bidding on these houses. They told me that every house ends up selling for very near market value at the auctions anyway, sometimes more. These forclosure auction are advertised in the local newspapers, so a lot of people find out about it, and a lot of people show up. I went and picked up a copy of the local paper, and sure enough right here in the "Announcement" section of the classifieds is the time, location, date, ect. of the same local forclosure auctions being mentioned to the entire public. I was furious at this point and began to demand a full refund from Mentoring of America. Of course they denied me in every way. They only offered to change coaches, but no refund. Untill just recently I got all my money back after I filed a complaint with the Utah Divison of Consumer Protection. Folks, this company and this program is a complete and utter rip-off. It is absolute fraud.


Good rebuttal, Anon

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, September 12, 2006

Anonymous, Thank you for taking the time to detail your experience, thereby showing step-by-step why this program is a joke. No home-flipper who has any desire to actually succeed will buy a property without knowing whether the title is good or whether the property is encumbered in some way. But the only two ways to get this information are to either go to the recorder's office (and probably the auditor and assessor as well) and look it up yourself (and that's assuming that you actually know how to undertake this complicated task), or to hire a title agent to do it for you, at a substantial cost. The people at the recorder's office are NEVER going to do this work for you, and it's ridiculous of JB to state that they will. Asking the people at the recorder's office to perform a title search is like asking the court clerk to try your lawsuit. They have neither the time to do it nor the willingness to accept the liability that could flow from a mistake. And assuming that you will be checking on far more properties than you end up purchasing, you will be shelling out alot of dough for title searches.


Their website, "John Beck Success Stories" is a complete JOKE.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 09, 2006

If you go to the site (JohnBeckSuccessStories.com) that Lincoln/Matt or whatever his name is mentioned above, you will find that all of the testimonials fail to provide the full last names of any of these people. You have no way of verifying their claims, who they are, or if they even exists. Also, this website (JohnBeckSuccessStories.com) has numerous spelling and grammar errors that make it look as if a child put that website together. I have copied and pasted some of the EXACT text from JohnBeckSuccessStories.com Here they are: 1. "Tax liens are growing day by day, discover how tax lines purchase" What? Can you say that again Mentoring of America? What's a "tax line"? 2. "Collection of john beck's success stories amazed many peoples" Amazed many "peoples" hu? You mean like the ones on ripoffreport.com? 3. "Tax foreclosures has all types of solution for your tax carrying property" All types of solution? Can you repeat that in english? AND MY FAVORITE 4. "John beck has been specialized in real estate since a long time." Since a long time hu? Wow, I'm impressed. Your website makes you people at Mentoring of America sound illiterate.


My personal experience with the John Beck Mentoring of America coaching program. I worked it for severa months as instructed by a coach.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 09, 2006

This is my personal experience from completing all 10 coaching calls, and doing what the coach, Dave Yates told me to go out and do. THE COACHING PROGRAM IN SUMMARY It's basically this: Buy land off Bid4Assets.com and then sell it on Ebay. Try to borrow the money to buy land from your family first, then a bank or credit card if that does not work. 1. The main focus of the entire coaching program was to simply to direct me to go to a free public website called Bid4Assets.com. It's a website where forclosed and reposessed property is sold off. In this site, there is a tax sale section. They told me to go there, register for free, and bid on tax sale properties that different states and counties auction off there every few months. These are either undesireable peices of land or homes in wrecked condition that the county has taken from the owners for not paying taxes, debts, ect and is selling off here online. I was supposed to buy land for cheap here, and then immediately turn right around and sell it on Ebay for a profit. 2. They told me to use a "Sniping" technique to bid on these properties. This means waiting to throw in my bid only at the last possible minutes or seconds before the auction ends. Just like people do on Ebay. This technique is used to avoid a bidding war with the current high bidder, and give him no time to come back with a higher bid than yours. 3. They told me to call the state's county that is auctioning these properties to do a "Title Seach" on each one listed, to see if I should bid on it or not. This means finding out if there are any unpaid debts, liens, mortgages, ect. attached to the properity from the previous owner. You need to know this, because once you buy the property, you legally inherit any unpaid debts, liens, or mortgages from the previous owner that you did not know about. THE PROBLEMS AND WHY BID4ASSETS DOES NOT WORK I did everything I was told and this was my personal experince after several months of work: 1. It's extremely time consuming to make a list of all potential properties, call each county to determine it's value, it's phycical location, description, and it's title history before bidding. You need to do all this for each property before you decide to bid on anything. 2. Every county/state that was selling land on Bid4Assets that I called over the phone, told me that their laws say that I as the new owner, would have to own and pay tax on the property for at least 1 year before I could sell it off to someone else. I was supposed to be buying this land and then immediately turning around and sell it on Ebay like the coach told me. The county told me I had to own it a full year and pay taxes on it before I could sell it to anyone. You also must pay the entire default tax ammount (the ammount of tax the previous owner has not paid) the property has on top of the ending auction price. Just getting the title to your name takes several months in some states after you win and buy it. Then you have to own it for a whole year before you can sell it. 3. Bid4Assets used to be free to be able to bid in the county tax sale section. But a good while back, during the time I was working the program, they changed that. Now you have to put down an up front deposit sometimes of about $4,500 just to be able to bid on properties belonging to some of these counties and states selling on this site. It's still like this today. 4. Bid4Assets did not like people using a "Sniping" bid technique. The eliminated your ability to do this by making a change to the auction's end time. Now, the auction will not end on the end time shown, only untill 5 full minutes pass with no bid activities. So now the "Sniping" technique they teach you won't work and can't be used at all. 5. Doing a "Title Seach" on the properties before you bid on them is not possible or will cost you a lot of money to do. 6. Every county/state that I called who was autioning off property on Bid4Assets that I was looking to bid on was not local to me. Either out of state of far away. I called all the different counties/states by phone just like I was told to do for a "Title Seach" on the properties. Each state has it's own rules and laws. But they all either told me they have no way of telling me if there are any any unpaid debts on the titles of their properties listed on Bid4Assets that I would inherit and take over. Or they told me that the only way I could find that out is to walk into the local recorder's office and pull the property files personally. They told me that you can't do that if you don't live there, and they can't tell you this information over the phone anyway. I then told the person that they are basically auctioning off other people's debts and problems for someone else to inherit. That they don't provide a way for people to know about anything on the title they will inherit from the previous owner. 7. If you call a title company in the same county were the properties are to do your "Title Seaches", and give them the parcel numbers of the properites, they either won't be able to do it for you at all, or you have to pay $150 for each single "Title Seach" done. $150 dollars each when there are literally hundreds of properties you need to reseach at a time to determine if you should bid or not. This is not possible. So basically, the county can't or won't want to tell you about the title of the properties, you need to be local and research hundreds of public records, or a title company will do it but will charge you a sizeable fee for each one you want done. When there are hundreds you need to be doing at one time, this is not something you can do or afford. I told the coach, Dave Yates about the difficulty I was having with reaseaching the titles to these properties prior to bidding. He did not have an answer for me. He simply did not know what I should do. He did not know what to tell me. 8. All of the properties sold on Bid4Assets end up selling for very high prices. I'm talking tens of thosands of dollars each. You are competing with every other bidder who knows about this site, and every property will and do get bid up way past your budget anyway. 9. All the decent properties get bid up well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's far from pennies on the dollar as you where told in the infomercial


The hire their so called professional real estate coaches through local General Help Wanted Classified Ads in Utah Newspapers

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 09, 2006

Here's how they hire these so called "Professional, Experienced" real estate coaches. Mentoring of America LLC places numerous General Help Wanted ads like the one below, in the classified section of their local Utah newspapers such as the Daily Herald. In fact, I have copied and pasted one of their actual classified ads below. They offer people a job as a real estate coach over the phone. General Help Wanted Mentoring of America LLC Real Estate Coaching Inside Sales Hot Buyer leads / No cold calling Call: 877-704-6346 ext 4003 This is where these so called "knowledgeable, professional, experienced, successfull, ect." coaches come from. You are mislead by a sleazy John Beck employee into paying thousands of dollars based on your credit limits, only to have some regular person who was hired through the local Utah classified ads looking for a job, teach you already free and general public knowledge. All information that you can find free online or the local library. Seriously. These coaches are people who work a JOB, have a boss that tells them what to do and determines their salaries, their work hours, drive to work each day, probably have never done any type of real estate before, and follow scripts and a training call curriculum to tell you what to do on the phone. It's all free general public knowledge that they teach you. Honestly, you will learn far more about making money with real estate by watching just one single hour long episode of the the TV show "Property Ladder" of "Flip This House" on TLC, than you will from this entire coaching program from Mentoring of America. I've been throught it and did everything they told me to do, so I know from experience. The price of this program is always based on how much open credit line you have on yor credit cards, or how much money you have in the bank. That's why everyone on this site has paid a different price. Anywhere between $1,500 and $15,000 for the exact same coaching program. It has no set price. It's fraud.


How to get your money back from Mentoring of America

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 09, 2006

First of all, the person who just posted above from SNL, Utah is a poser. This person has been on this site using different names. This person has called himself Lincoln and Matt on different complaints. On this site, he/she was caught double posting as two diffrent people with the same name, Matt from SNL, Utah. Once as an employee of Mentoring of America. Then on the same page now as a satisfied customer claiming to have been able to easily get a refund from Mentoring of America just by asking for one. See the lies and double posting as different people here: www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff194020.htm HOW TO GET ALL YOUR MONEY BACK FROM MENTORING OF AMERICA: By following my suggestions below, there have been several people just in the last few weeks get full refunds from Mentoring of America. They received a response from the company within about 4 weeks of filing this complaint. Myself included. On this site, people have paid anywhere between $1,500 to $15,00 for this same exact John Beck coaching program done by Mentoring of America LLC out of Utah. The reason for this huge variation in price eveyone pays is because the set the price based on the credit limits of your credit cards. Or on how much money you tell them you have in the bank. I got my $7,000 plus dollars back from Mentoring of America very recently. Here's how to do the same. It does not matter how long ago anyone was cheated, you can get your money back. Print this form out. Fill it in and sent it to the address that's on it. Copy and paste: www.consumerprotection.utah.gov/downloads/complaintform.pdf Keep on contact with Utah investigator Ao Pauga at 801-530-6601 after you complaint is received by them in the mail. His first name is pronounced "Al". He is the investigator who is handling the complaints against Mentoring of America. Mentoring of America has numerous different offices throughout Utah. No matter which office you are getting coaching from, use this address below on your consumer complaint form. Their main corporate office is: Mentoring of America LLC 752 East 1180 South Suite #200 American Fork, Utah 84003 Phone: 877-704-6346 See this news report video that recently aired on the lawsuits against Mentoring of America in Utah. Copy and paste: www.wkrc.com/mediacenter/?videoId=10945=9 Mentoring of America has been facing more lawsuits since the news report was aired. Be sure you staple a copy of your credit card/bank account statements with the charges highlighted. Staple a copy of the "Enrollment Confirmation" page Mentoring of America should have sent you for you to sign and return to them, if you still have it. VERBAL AGREEMENT AND VERBAL CONTRACTS DON'T COUNT IN UTAH Any verbal agreements or verbal contracts done over the phone are NOT CONSIDERED VALID IN UTAH. Mentoring of America knows this but the think that you won't know it. Mentoring of America likes to tell people that they have you recorded on audio tape agreeing to their terms and conditons of a no refund policy. Remember, any verbal agreements or verbal contracts done over the phone are NOT CONSIDERED VALID IN UTAH. If you ask Mentoring of America to let you listed to this recording that supposedly has you on tape agreeing to a no refund policy, they will come up with excuses as to why they can't. But they will keep saying that they do have it on tape, and that they can't and won't give you a refund no matter what. Come back here after you get a refund or a refund agreement in the mail. You can expect something in the mail directly from Mentoring of America within about 4 weeks of filing the above complaint, just as I mentioned how. For more information, type "Mentoring of America" in the seach box of this site and read the most recent complaints that come up. There have been several people just in the last few weeks alone get a full refund by filing the above consumer complaint form with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection. Remember to come back here and give us an update.


It is deeds not words that bring rewards

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 18, 2006

All training courses, be it college, university, a study at home program or a program like the John Beck course all have a similar component--you only get out of it what you put into it. In this case, Robert states, "it was just a matter of time before the coaches stopped calling for scheduled sessions" in his complaint. And yet I have looked up his record in our system and have seen numerous entries showing someone working with him to get him scheduled or rescheduled for sessions. In fact, we went out of our way to accomodate him by allowing him to schedule his sessions on a Saturday when we don't normally hold coaching session on the weekend. Our coaches can only help people who make themselves avaiable by attending the scheduled sessions on time and also by having phone numbers and other contact information that works so the coach is able to communicate as necessary to help the student become successful. Our coaches do have a sincere desire to help people implement thisi program successfully. John Beck is working to share his success in this arena with anyone who will listen to the program, break out of their rut and implement the training. Please go to johnbeckssuccessstories to see examples of people who have made this program work and have made themselves available to their coaches and who did what they were asked to do to succeed. The program does work. But it only works to the level that you work it.

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