  • Report:  #715553

Complaint Review: Judge Timothy J. Lawliss/Attorny Merdith Neverth - Plattsburgh New York

Reported By:
Patti - Lufkin, Texas, United States of America

Judge Timothy J. Lawliss/Attorny Merdith Neverth
Margret Street Plattsburgh, New York, United States of America
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In 2004 after 12 years of an extremly abusive relatonship with my childrens father an on the advice from the Stop domestic Violence staff I made the decision to leave with my children after the last violent episode with my childrens father. He was not living with the kids and I and he came into the house  went up the stairs to my bed room and pulled out one of the several loaded guns from the safe, grabed me by my throat shoved me on the bed squeezing my neck tighter and pointed the gun to my face then dragged the barell of the gun across my left cheek to my temple and he told me I was a F@#$ing  B&^ch and how he would love to see my brains and blood scattered across the wooden floor.

I did nothing to tic him off i didnt talk to him that day but a few days before I told him I wanted nothing to do with him his abuse his non involvement with the kids. He left the house after that. I called his guarden  Kevin. Who took control of Tim when he was an out of control teenager and was going to serve time for 3 felony convections. I thought Kevin could do something considering Kevin knew how abusive Tim was to me an He was also a Special Senior Agent with the DEA. He didnt give me any advice so that is when I decided to pack some belongings of mine and my childrens. When I went to pick my son up from school when it was out and my daughter from daycare we left out of state to my sisters house in South Carolina.

When I got there I spoke to the Spartinburgh Police Cheif and told him my situation to make him aware if they recieved a call. I also got an Attorny Tom Lamb to see what rights a single woman with two children has after leaving an abusive relationship. everything was fine for a week or so. I did allow my children to call their dad and Kevin to let them know that they are with their mom and they are allright. One evening I recieved a call from my stepmom saying Al Bowling one of Kevins friends in the DEA when he was in Houston was staking out my dads house in houston an had told them that I had a warent out for my arrest. I asked for what she said she didnt know.

The next day I called Attory Tom Lamb an he said I should get an Attorny in New York because he doesnt know New York Law. I had just got a job as an RN on the cardiac floor and had to explain to them what was going on. I didnt want to get into trouble with the law so I found an Attorny in Plattsburgh New York Mardith Neverth. She took my case and told me that she would meet with me once I came back to New York an I turned myself into the police. She said that the police would not arrest me if I brought the kids back. Well that was not true I was arrested in front of my kids their dad wasnt their it was Kevin who took my kids at the police station. I was put in jail and while in their I was gropped upon by one of the male guards.

I made a phone call to my dad and step mom she said my bail was 250 thousand dollars an there was no way they could come up with that kind of money. I called my lawyer and she said she doesnt see clients on the weekend and she will meet me in court. I sat in jail all weekend till monday morning at court. Judge Timothy Lawliss family court. He didnt want to hear what I had to say I was condimed and raped of my rights. Bascily all from a prior incident when the Judges son came across the boarder one night messed up and Kevin was there and placed the incident under the rug. quote un quote from what Kevin had said to me years prior. So this was the favor pay back from years before. When I left the court room I could have no contact with my children no phone calls no sending them gifts. and I had to have supervised visitation at the family center on the old Air Force base. 1 hour a week.

I told my attorny that I want a different court because Kevin knows Judge Lawliss on a personal and professional level as well as the childrens leazion Mr. Leweski. I told her I feel I will not get treated fair. She didnt even try. During the visitation Their dad didnt bring them not one time Kevin brought them twice. Tim was mandated by the court to bring them and didnt. there was once when he didnt show up or call the center. I sat there for 2 hours hoping I could see my children. I call my attory and she stated to me May be he is running late or there was an emergency. then she asked me well did you call him. I told her you know I cant call him. I want him in contempt of court he just broke the Judges order and she refused to file the order.

I was fighting for a better life for me and my children. I made it clear to my attorny that I want full custody, but my plea was ignored. I had a psych and full drug eval on her asking me too. then I bring back the papers and she asked me why I did that I said to her you told me to. You said that his attorny said to you that I was mentaly unstable and on drugs per TIM which is not true the papers prove that plus why would a facility hire an RN with thoses issuse? I asked her to have him evaluated on the fact that Tims biological father was admitted years ago to a facility for bipolar and abusive / self destructive behavior. because Tim has thoses same behaviors and genetics plays apart. My requst was ignored. She said it was not nessary for him to be evaluated.

Then I asked her did she get my files from Stop Domestic violence she told me The judge doesnt was to hear about a poor me victum case. I told her I am not a poor victum I am a single woman who is tried of the mental and physical abuse and who wants a normal life with her children. I am an RN and can support them. A few weeks went by and she proposed to me about a joint custody settlement. We both would have custody. I told her NO and she replyed if you was full custody I will need 2,500 up front. I told her that was the whole reason I am fighting for my kids not joint I told her from the very begining when I was still in South Carolina.

I didnt have the money up front to give her and I asked for a payment plan and she said attornys dont work like that and since she already has my case no other attorny will take my case. I need to settle for joint custody because Judge Lawliss will give me joint not full custody. She also stated that I know Judge Lawliss and Judge Lawliss is for the fathers not the mothers and I wont win my case and I would have more rights by setteling with joint than full. I was so confused and all I wanted was to hear my childrens voices hold them love them. I felt trapped and mis lead into a decision that was unsettling to me. I tried to explain to my attorny how controlling Tim is, but she ignored me.

So now it is 2011 and I still have no rights Tim has all the control and to top it off my children dont live with him they live with Kevin who is no blood relation to them what so ever. I have made several requests to get my children but they are ignored by Tim and Kevin. Tim got married is not divorced and has a restraining order aginst him by his ex wife which they still see each other. I am still denied my rights to my children. For years my children wanted to live with me and their dad says NO!! I ask this question why do we encourage women who are abused to leave if the consequence is they loose their children in the process to the one who is abusive and my children dont even live with him ? Where is the JUSTICE in that??   

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