  • Report:  #1395199

Complaint Review: Kanoa - Internet

Reported By:
sendtakerstodevnull - Grass Valley, California, USA

Internet, USA
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 Next level SCAM, promoted by professional athletes and cnet! Google " kanoa headphones" and you will see YEARS of polished videos, sponsored athletes, and even an app on Apples App Store . You will even find video reviews of the physical product, from YouTube review stars. What you will not find is a single customer who actually received their 200+ dollar vaporware product. Yesterday I received this email, after a year of delays... "While we are proud of our team for taking the company this far, without the necessary capital to continue, all employees have been let go; this means that customer support and social media are unmanned or have been shut down. This is not the outcome we had foreseen, and with the quick turn of events, we are emotionally overwhelmed. We know you are disappointed, and can only ask that you understand that we genuinely tried" So...basically.....so long, and thanks for all the fish! And by fish, I mean 7+ million dollars based on researched web traffic,backlinks, and preorder numbers scraped from the Internet. This was NOT pitched as a kickstarter of a future technology. This was pitched as a production ready product, that just needed money for production. Even CNET reviewed the headphones and STILL has the review up, and as of today the product is still for sale on several sites. The only thing that was produced was marketing hype, and a boatload of cash. Kanoa support communicated until you asked for a refund, as promised when purchasing. The truthful comments on social media accounts were moderated/ filtered, and were followed by a last ditch email blast for more preorders. I called wellsfargo this morning and started the chargeback process, but being as their accounts are closed, the money is probably offshore by now. Who else is tired of being fleeced? They sold hope for 200 dollars, and I want a f@cking refund. ----- Hey #anonymous, how about an op to track down these wolves? #huntkanoa

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