  • Report:  #294734

Complaint Review: Kasamba Iris The Messenger Spirit Sister - Spiritual Reading - Metafizzical - Beaverton Internet

Reported By:
- somewhere, Texas,

Kasamba Iris The Messenger Spirit Sister - Spiritual Reading - Metafizzical
Www.kasamba.com/iris-the-messenger Beaverton, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This expert thinks its ethical to go from 99 cents a minute to 20 a minute rips clients off unethical.


somewhere, Texas


17 Updates & Rebuttals

Got Me

Iris at $20 per minute again ?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

iris said she would never be $20 a min again because kasamba told her it doesnt help her ratings. Yet today the 28th she is 20 a minute again If its not going to help her ranking then she is obviously out for the money. She also claimed she NEVER charged a client $20 per minute, that kasamba told her it does not help her rankings on the pages...........so why is she priced at $20 per minute, am I missing something here or old dogs always lie with their own fleas?

Got Me

Iris at $20 per minute again ?

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

iris said she would never be $20 a min again because kasamba told her it doesnt help her ratings. Yet today the 28th she is 20 a minute again If its not going to help her ranking then she is obviously out for the money. She also claimed she NEVER charged a client $20 per minute, that kasamba told her it does not help her rankings on the pages...........so why is she priced at $20 per minute, am I missing something here or old dogs always lie with their own fleas?

Got Me

Iris at $20 per minute again ?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

iris said she would never be $20 a min again because kasamba told her it doesnt help her ratings. Yet today the 28th she is 20 a minute again If its not going to help her ranking then she is obviously out for the money. She also claimed she NEVER charged a client $20 per minute, that kasamba told her it does not help her rankings on the pages...........so why is she priced at $20 per minute, am I missing something here or old dogs always lie with their own fleas?

Got Me

Iris at $20 per minute again ?

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2008

iris said she would never be $20 a min again because kasamba told her it doesnt help her ratings. Yet today the 28th she is 20 a minute again If its not going to help her ranking then she is obviously out for the money. She also claimed she NEVER charged a client $20 per minute, that kasamba told her it does not help her rankings on the pages...........so why is she priced at $20 per minute, am I missing something here or old dogs always lie with their own fleas?



#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 02, 2008

Psychics are scams, liars and rip offs. Anyone who gives these parasites a dime is crazy!


Who's on First...?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, January 02, 2008

For lack of a better title to my response but really to back up the fact that no one here knows who's who anymore than we know who they are on Kasamba. What does anyone care if someone changes their picture/name/fee? It would seem to me that one who cares this much about said changes is a tad paranoid at the very least


Beverly Hills,
PsychicVisions is right

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 01, 2008

Hi XPsychicVisionsx - Thanks for your post. I had already come to the conclusion that "Cinstress" on here is not really the client posting, and I wrote a response to that effect but it has not seemed to appear here. Whoever wrote the post, took the time to go to my listing, search my ratings history, pluck one from June that had given me a 1-star, and then run here pretending to be Cinstress. I now know of course that it was Jasper, based on the Sally/Jaden/kennethjohnson and other identities. GotMe - we all know about you, and crazy IS a good word for you. The difference between my pictures and Jasper's is that MINE are really me. Jasper finds photos of models and uses fake pictures. Yes, mine changed. It used to be a younger glam shot of me from when I was in my 20s. Then it was one of me in my 30s. I finally put one up of me in my 40s, although wow it was painful to do that. LOL. I have never denied updating my photo. But updating MY photo is not the same as being a blonde with one fact, and then a redhead with an entirely different face (as Jasper has done). I have also NEVER denied changing screen names, and explained why in a thread about 4 months ago when YOU accused me of being Janice. At one point, another expert took a name too similar to mine, and it was confusing, which is why it changed. Then when it was "metafizzical" I realized that Kasamba might have a problem with my using a name that was the same as my own website address, which is why I went BACK to Iris. I have also never lowered my price to "bury a bad rating." I have so few bad ratings, that it's not necessary. Most clients are very happy with my services. There will always be a few dissatisfied people. People change their prices all the time, to remain competitive with the market. It's always what the market will bear. Really GotMe, don't you have something better to do than to keep stalking me?

Got Me

Paranoid or just crazy?

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 01, 2008

Sounds to me like a good case of paranoia. I agree visions, very common on kasmaba to change names, pictures. Iris has changed her name and picture numerous times so this is like the pot calling the kettle black, makes no sense. As a client I do think its unethical to change your prices ranging from 99 cents per minute to $20 per min and everything in between? I would never hire a reader if I saw her prices going up and down constantly. I can understand a "special" once in a while but to go down to 99 cents per minute to bury a bad rating, then back to 2.99, then 7.77 then 20, then 1.85 is crazy.



#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 01, 2008

Cinstress a.k.a "LuckyMe" was a client of mine at one point, and was nothing but a wonderful, positive person. I don't want to step in the middle of a warzone here, but does anyone know if this "person" posting is even the real Cinstress? Please consider the validity of this website and that anyone can make up a name. For the record, both experts in question (Jasper, and Iris) have been there since god knows when, does it really matter if they change their picture/name/rate? Really now...


Beverly Hills,
How many identities does "Cinstress" have?

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 01, 2008

When this post was first created, it said SALLY at the top, and then signed by "Jaden." It has now changed to CINSTRESS at the top, but still signed by "Jaden." Clearly this person changed their "screen name" here. Another thread was also started by CINSTRESS, and that one is signed "Kennethjohnson." LOL Goodness, you can't even keep track of all your multiple identities anymore. I now wonder if the Cinstress thread was even started by my ex-client. It's more likely that this person went through my ratings back to June, looked for a 1-star rating and comment, then ran here and pretended to be that client. The post was very generic and made no real reference to the actual reading. What kind of person would take the time to do that? Scour my history for an old rating... pretend to be that person... then create MULTIPLE identities here, as Sally, Jaden, Kennethjohnson, and Cinstress, ALL OF WHOM only target me and no other psychics? It's either more personalities of GotMe, or it's the rival psychic who has been targeting me for quite some time. It now also makes sense that this person posted as "Cinstress," because that's the screen name they found in my ratings history. If it were TRULY "Cinstress," (a) she wouldn't have used her Kas name... or (b) she would've used her current name, not the one from June 2007. It now is perfectly clear this person has a vendetta and an agenda, and is quite a bit cuckoo. Either way, it's VERY SAD that this person has this much time on their hands. Now THAT is what I call someone working from darkness.


Beverly Hills,
Are you kidding me Jasper?

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

I see that you posted this on MULTIPLE post threads on ROR. I would have hoped that ROR would consider that spamming, but I guess they allow it. That is simply fanatical and out of control! It's bad enough you attacked and slandered me on the one thread, but now you're posting this in multiple places? My dear, THAT is "unprofessional." Good luck with your new name change. Water seeks its own level.


Beverly Hills,
Logging off is the right answer

#13UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 30, 2007

Hello P - Here's my view on your post about logging off. I used to raise my price because I was under the impression that availability somehow kept my spot. (That information had been given to me by another expert.) However I sent an email to Kasamba and asked. It turns out that I was mistaken. Logging off does not lower one's position in the ranking. I don't do email reads, but you are correct, in that you can do emails without showing as logged on. I have heard that that some psychics jack the price up "when they don't want to be bothered." I was only doing it because I thought it helped my position or spot on the page. Now that Kasamba gave me an answer, you will not see my price up at $20 again.



#14Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

I must add to what I said previously because while I do get why they jack the price up to limit reads I have to wonder why the heck they bother to stay logged on. Does logging off mess with their spot? I dunno. I just think that if they're too busy to be online to do reads then perhaps logging off is the option if they're too busy doing other things. Certainly staying logged in while doing e-mail reads is one thing but, I believe they can do that without showing as logged on. That's just a guess though. So while I do understand why they jack the price up during those times I also DON'T get it either...*shrugs*


This change is specifically for you Iris:) although the previous ones werent you helped me along my journey>

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

It has been brought to my attention again this post, how my name is being slandered. If you notice I have never in any of my post tossed names out. I view it as unprofessional. Never have I cursed at a client, its not in my nature that's something only a dark person would do. As you can tell from iris's and all her fake names on ror previous post name calling is something she does do. I havent called names nor do I feel I need to sink to that level. Which brings me to my next point. I have been searching for a more personal name than just jasper thus the name change after 5 years. Which thanks to this dark person, Iris under many assaulting names here I have finally found! SO you will hear it from me instead of the grapevine. Bummer I stole Iris's thunder lol. Here's how I found my name. This is simply a case of the darkness attacking the light. Iris is the darkness im the light. One tiny ray of the light can and will pierce even a dark night. Light always wins in the end Iris. So to symbolize this victory over this dark, stalking person, I will now become Jaspers light. Quite a fitting name. I will not respond any further than this one last time no matter if my clients or associates contact me about this. I WILL not give into your dark demented plan. For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute. I treat my clients with respect and dedication. I offer a card free in all live sessions. Try for yourself and see the light I can shed on your path or destiny. What can it hurt when its free to try and see. You will see the truth of what im saying. Thank you G-d bless u.


P is right

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

P says other readers do the same thing and s/he is right. So why single this reader out? Jasper/True Insight does this all the time, as did ChrisP when he was on. They said on Wahm that they do this if they are "busy doing other things" or sleeping! That their time is valuable and that if you bother them for a reading while they need to do other things -then you need to pay them higher. What an absurd notion!!! That alone should tell you they are not psychic, gee whiz they are doing the dishes now but will gladly stop and tell you your future for more money than normal. Or even to hold a position! What does that tell you? That they are in it for the money/ego. Go to readers who come on when they are READY TO READ and have a fair price. Never over 10 dollars as P says - it truly is not worth it!


Um yeah...

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, December 29, 2007

Why are we singling out just one reader? I see MANY when I surf on there that go up to $20.00/minute from their original lower price. Often times readers do this not only to hold their spot kind of where they are listed but also when they have e-mail reads to get to that they are bombarded with and need to answer. While some are still willing to pay $20/min (I'm not one of them) it DOES keep the calls to a minimum while they answer e-mails. Additionally -- this goes back to CHOICE. Clients HAVE A CHOICE. Hire/don't hire. If you click that ol' hire button on the notion that you're paying $20 per minute then sweetheart that's YOUR problem you have NO business whining about. Don't single out just one reader. If you must complain, complain about all of them because I think any of them over $10 a minute is ABSURD! And quite frankly that's like 80% if not more of the entire site.


The Bayou,
Rival expert uses many names

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, December 29, 2007

Are you Sally or Jaden? You don't even keep track of your many names within the same post. This is so clearly a false report, I don't know why this website even allows this sort of nonsense. You are a rival expert out to cause trouble. You keep creating multiple threads with the same bogus complaints and claims. I have been to Iris and have never paid 20 a minute. I have never seen her go from 99 cents to 20 dollars. I did see her down at 99 cents over Christmas. But I saw many psychics down at 99 cents at the same time. Many wrote the words -holiday special- or something like that on their listings. Your ripoffreport is silly. And b.s.

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