  • Report:  #1076397

Complaint Review: LEHMAN COLLEGE - New York New York

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 PROFESSOR DOCTOR EDAWRD KENNELLY AT LEHMAN COLLEGE, EXPERT IN PLAGIARISM , VERBAL AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT, DICRIMINATION ! THE LEHMAN COLLEGE DISCRIMINATION! I am a victim of Lehman College discrimination, sexual harassment, abuses. In 1997, I had an accident at work , and I could not work anymore in medical area because I developed phobia, and PTSD. On 2001-2002, I was full-time teacher at a private High School in Manhattan. After 9/11, many students stop attending schools in Manhattan. I and other teachers were layer off. Desperate to find a job, I went at Department of Education . Also in 2003 I broke my left ankle and hip in my building due the landlord’s negligence. In May 2003, my unemployment insurance finished, and because I couldn’t find a job, I decided to go to school as a fulltime student to cover the deficiency with courses in education, to complete a master degree, to have a recognized diploma and to find a work. In my country I Graduate the University for Zoothecny and Veterinary Medicine- Farm Animals, and I worked for many years as a Scientific Researcher in Farm Animals. The New York State , equivalent my diploma with many credits in Biology and General Science for High School . However, to work as a teacher for Department of Education, I must to take 21 Credits in Education, state exams, and mandatory to have a master degree in 5 years. On June 9, 2003, I received a letter from the Biology Department- Lehman College, signed by program adviser, Dr. Kincaid, where he informed me I was admitted as a graduate student at Lehman College. In Fall 2003 I started as matriculated student, a master in Biological Science at Lehman College. For fall 2003 I took the following courses : BIO 501, BIO 618, BIO 74501, and BIO 74502. I decided to take education master courses to cover the deficiency. I therefore 15 master and PhD credits in education with , Hunter , Touro, and San Rose College. I got A and B grades. At Hunter College a PhD course in Cell Biology, I earned a B. On November 11, 2003,DR. Kincaid approved to transfer 12 from 19, master credits at Lehman College. 26. Later Dr. Kincaid demonstrate to be a big racist ( not only my opinion), falsified my grade, and ignored my student's rights to cover the Dr. Kennelly illegal acts. Same with Dr. Bradley, Dr. Zuchetto. Mr. EDWARD KENNELLY DISCRIMINATION AND SEXUAL AND VERBAL HARASSMENT, ABUSES, BREACH OF TRUST, INTENTIONAL HARM I took with Mr. Kennelly two Phytochemistry classes: Phytochemistry lecture course, 2 credits, and Phytochemistry Laboratory 3 credits. From the beginning I started to have problems with Mr. Kennelly. I did everything to avoid any contact with him. After an incident at Botanical Garden where we had a laboratory, Mr. Kennelly became very abusive, and create an hostile environment at his courses. During the laboratiry classes Mr. Kennelly made bad remarks to me in front of class. He complaint about my English, my accent, my origin, my competence as teacher (I was on 2001-2002 full time teacher at a private HS), about my notebooks. It was a very humiliating situation. He was unable to control his hate toward me because I rejected his sexual advances. The young students didn’t understand what is going on. In another time , when Mr. Kennelly again insulted her me for my accent, I told him: ” Sir, Science is Science. Is like music universal. If you are on a trip in a foreign country and you have an accident, and need surgery what do you prefer, a good surgeon who doesn’t speak well your language, but gives you guarantee 98%, or one who speak your language, gave you guarantee 51% ? “. His answer was the second one. He became, more and more abusive. Deleted my work from blackboard, gave wrong directions, tried to humiliate me. I will support my accusation with fragments from Mr. Kennelly’s deposition. Ms. …..: Do you recognize this paper? Is it a Lehman College acceptation? Mr. Kennelly: I do not believe I’ve even seen that. Ms. …….: It’s a Lehman College by which I was accepted in master. Do you have something against the paper? Mr. Kennelly: It appears to be a Lehman College document. Ms. ………: Do you have something against this paper? Mr. Kennelly: I am not sure what you mean. Ms. ……..: In this paper I was accepted at master in biology of science. Do you have something against this paper which accepted me? Mr. Kennelly: Do I have something against the paper, no. ( Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition Page 4, line 15 to 25, and Page 5, line 1 to 6). One day I arrived home from October 24, 2003, very depressed and I felt if I will continue in this environment, I will lose all money which I loaded from Government, and I will fall all exams. At that time didn’t have a job, I didn’t have an insurance. I went at my doctors, and I explained my problems, cannot sleep, and I felt more depressed. My power to stay focus was less, I was upset the entire day, and had no motivation to be alive, and to have faith anymore. Becauise Mr. Kennelly refused to change his attitude, I wrote him an email where I said“ If at 49 years old I borrowed money from government and I am full time student, it is because I want to do something for this country. I do not came in this Academic institution to be humiliate by your students from and by you in Phytochemistry class I do not have this problem m in another two classes”. My doctor [S. C] M.D., wrote to College a letter when he informed the college about my heath problems> I was patient from 1999, and treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Chronic migraine, and Angina Pectoris, broken ankle and hip. He wrote: ”PATIENT STATUS POST SEVERE STRESS SYNDROME. CANNOT FUNCTION UNDER STRESS OF ANY KIND. CANNOT TAKE CLASSES WHERE SHE IS VERBALLY ABUSED. FOR FUTURE INFORMATION PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT OUR OFFICE. November 3, 2003 I studied very hard from massive amount of materials , but it was imposable to assimilate all. I went to exam and left after 30 minutes. I tried to ask something Mr. Kennelly during the exam , but he refused to answer me, instead he was amiable with another student. I left the exam because I was petrified about Mr. Kennelly “honesty and professionalism”. I got failing grade. Finally, I decided to withdrew his courses for medical reason. Mr. Kennelly, and Dr, Zucchetto _ Vice President with student’s affaire refused my legal right . Mr. Zucchetto illegally wrote to Mr.Kennelly: He wrote: ” the e-mail you received from Ms. ......... would suggest that the real reasons for her stopping attending your class are really not medical……she is subject of attendance….because she does not meet the conditions for granting an INC grade, you may have to enter a WU grade if she was doing passing work or an F if her work was poor”. In another words, to have the right to withdrawn a Phytochemistry courses I must to have “ passing work”. So, I was forced to prepare a assignment, even I was sick and I stopped to attend his classes. Mr. Kennelly, for all this orchestrate a “ pretending help” where gave me direction to copy and paste conform his directions. After he accused me for plagiarism, and from November until December 2003, did not inform me about his suspicion” BECAUSE WAS HIS CALCULATE WRONG DIRECTIONS “, and in December 23, 2003 he sent me his final Decision , WHICHOUT TO RESPECT THE PROTOCOL OF GRADUATE STUDENT PROTOCOL. MR. KENNELLY “THE PROFESSOR” SHOULD HAVE SHAME BECAUSE MADE ALL STUDENTS AT “HIS MERCY”. HE GAVE TO STUDENTS MATERIALS TO STUDY FOR TEST NOT ELIGIBLE, FROM NOWHERE, HE PLAGIARIZED, AND HE CAN’T HAVE ANY IDEA FROM WHERE HE COPY. AT HIS DEPOSITION, HE CANNOT FIND FROM WHERE HE After, I asked him what means to plagiarize because I effectively followed his direction. On 2004, when I asked him the definition of “plagiarism “ he refused to give me, because he knew what he did to me. At Deposition he didn’t answer clearly even he knew he is an EXPERT in plagiarism. Ms. .........: Which grade I got? Mr. Kennelly: You received a failing grade on that assignment. Ms. .........: Why did I receive a failing grade? Mr. Kennelly: As I explained this assignment was plagiarized. Ms. .........: Can you tell me what means plagiarized? Mr. Kennelly: Plagiarism as Dr. Kincaid spelled out earlier described in the bulletin there, the graduate Lehman College, graduate bulletin in which it says it’s the copying of, I can’t remember exactly how it’s worded. Basically to take someone’ s words, or ideas and use them as your own. . It’s spelled out more clearly I would point you to the graduate bulletin. (From Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 17, line 15 to 25, and Pg.18, line 2 to 6). December 6, 2003. Me wrote to Mr. Kennelly an e-mail and asked:” Thank you for your response. Please tell me when I can meet you to know what is all requirements in Phytochemistry courses in this unfamiliar and unpleasant situation for me. Thank you" NO ANSWER!. December 10, 2003. Me tried again to meet Mr. Kennelly, “ for additional questions regarding the academic requirement for the course in this novelty situation" NO ANSWER! December 15, 2003, I met with Mr. Kennelly, and even he knew before December 5, 2003, when he wrote to Dr. Zucchetto an e-mail and told about accusation of plagiarism, he didn’t tell to me anything about plagiarism. Me also contacted defendant Bradley, and he promised he and Mr. Kennelly will fix the problem, and will send me by mail the appeal form to withdrawal the courses. Mr. Kennelly don’t accepted my medical withdrawal, and in revenge he wrong directed me in doing my assignment, and disrespected the Graduate Bulletin Policy, and the students’ rights. He refused to call Mr. Bradley ( the Graduate stuadent advizer), even me I left him Mr. Bradley’s business card. His answers were ambiguous. Ms. .........: But you know I tried to fix this problem and I ran from office to office for a elementary student’s right to take off the course for medical reasons, yes? Mr. Kennelly: What is the question? Ms. .........: Do you remember I tried to fix this problem? Mr. Kennelly: Fix what problem? MS. .........: To withdrawal. Mr. Kennelly: Withdrawal from the course? I don’t remember all that details about that. I remember you were having problems, you stopped coming. I do not remember the specifics about the withdrawal with dr. Bradley. Ms. .........: You don’t remember? Mr. Kennelly: What specifically do you want me to remember? If you ask a specific question. Ms. .........: Do you remember I tried to withdraw the course? Mr. Kennelly: I know that you tried to withdraw from the course, yes, I guess. I’ m not sure where information came from. I can’t remember exactly what the series of events were. Ms. .........: This is my correspondence with you regarding this matter. Do you recognize? Mr. Kennelly: These are two- e- mails from us, copies of two e-mails. Ms. .........: On December 19, 2003, I still do not know about plagiarism, about your accusation. I still ran from Dr, Bradley and from your office, from building to building and I sent this e-mails. Do you recognize this e-mail? Mr. Kennelly: This is a document that says it’s an e-mail between you and me in which you ask whether I contacted Dr. Bradley. Ms. .........: Yes. Did you contact? Mr. Kennelly: I don’t remember. Ms. .........: Why you didn’t contact? Mr. Kennelly: I don’t remember if I contacted or not. Ms. .........: Why you didn’t contact? You don’t remember? Mr. Collucci: He said he doesn’t remember whether he contacted. Ms. .........: So my problem, you started a student’s problem, and why you didn’t tell me hey, don’t run because whatever you felt, because you have my accusation for plagiarism. December 22, and I still do not know _ _ why you didn’t tell me? Mr. Kennelly: Why didn’t I tell you what? Ms. .........: Your accusation for plagiarism. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 69, line 13 to 25, Pg.70, Pg. 71, line 2 to 21). Mr. Kennelly refused to answer at Me ’s e-mail from December 22, 2003where she asked since her medical problems aren’t recognize, to complete his course on Fall 2004. Ms. .........: Could you read? Mr. Kennelly: “ I would like to complete the last four lectures photochemistry lab with the next class, where I hope will not be the same abusive atmosphere that makes me sick”. Ms. .........: Me, I still try to do , to start your course in fall 2004, so you hide everything for laughing, for your pleasure to make me very dependently. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 72, line 14 to 22). Mr. KENNELLY’S MERCY LAW, IS ABOVE THE GRADUTE BULLETIN POLICY AND STUDENT’S RIGHTS Mr. Kennelly do not respect anything. He has his “ Mercy law”. Nothing is above his desire. I continued to ask him if he respected GRADUATE PROGRAM AND POLICY, the steps regarding plagiarism. I asked him to read from Graduate Bulletin where the bulletin tell him what he must to do , but he ignored all , he was above the law. Ms. .........: What was the steps which you have to follow? Mr. Kennelly: This is aimed, I’m reading here from the Graduate Bulletin 2002-2004. They outline in a number of steps, this is what you can do.” Most common when academic dishonesty is suspected the instructor will inform the student’ s right to”_ _ _ Ms. .........: Stop Please. Did you inform me? Mr. Kennelly: I informed you. Ms. .........: When did you inform me? Mr. Kennelly: In a letter in the end of semester because you stopped coming to class. Ms. .........: I stopped coming to class on November 7. You informed me on December 24 when I received a letter from you. Last day for school was December 23, 2003. Continue please. You refused to inform me. Ms. .........: So you didn’t inform me. Mr. Colucci: That’s testifying. Mr. Kennelly: I did inform you in writing on December 28. Ms. .........: That follows Lehman College’s steps? When? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 73, line 13 to 25, and Pg. 74, line 2 to 22). I requested Mr. Kennelly to read all steps from Graduate Bulletin, but he skipped intentionally a first step in student’s right for dishonesty :- “RECEIVE ANY CHARGES IN WRITING” ( Graduate Bulletin Page 22) , because he didn’t gave in writing anything to me . He became very nervous and with bad intention didn‘t read all steps. Mr. Kennelly: “ When academic dishonesty is suspected the instructor will inform the student of his suspicious and the student’s right to: remain silent without assumption of guilt , receive from instructor a copy of the academic integrity statement and be advised of the instructor’s intended sanction”. Ms .........: Continue please, what I received from you your decision - fell? Mr. Collucci: He told you. Mr. Kennelly: You failed that assignment. Ms. .........: Did you talk with me before? Mr. Kennelly: You stopping coming to class. I couldn’t speak with you. Ms. .........: We met in Lehman building. You have my fax, my telephone number, my e-mail. We have all this contacts Did you inform me? Mr. Kennelly: I informed you in writing . Ms. .........: Sir _ _ Mr. Colucci: He answered the question. Ms. .........: You informed me your decision. Did you inform me about your suspicions? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 74, line 23 to 25, and Pg.75, line 2 to 21). I asked him to continue to read from Graduate Bulletin, even Mr. Kennelly and his lawyer didn‘t like. He finally “didn’t remember talking to you about this”. Ms. .........: Please continue. Mr. Kennelly: I finished that” the instructor and student may resolve the situation either by agreeing that the suspicions are unfounded or agreeing upon the sanctions” Ms. .........: Did I have any chance regarding this matter to talk together to understand? I said you gave me a wrong direction so I totally followed your instructions. Why you didn’t say listen, this is my accusation? Did you tell me, do you have any conversation? Did you have any conversation with me? Mr. Kennelly: I simply sent you a letter information you. Ms . .........: We talk together? Mr. Kennelly: I don’t remember talking to you about this. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 75, line 24 25, and Pg.76, line 2 to17). I asked Mr. Kennelly to continue to read, and he again with bad intention skip this to read”: Any sanctions agreed upon at this point must be reported, together with the charges, to the department chair and to the Office of Graduate Studies. The instructor must report these fact in writing”. He skipped because he wasand is guilty, he never wrote something about this. He used his “HIS MERCY LAW”. Ms. .........: Please continue. Mr. Kennelly: “If no agreement is reached between the student and instructor the instructor must report in writing his intended sanction to the department chair and to the student as soon as possible’. Ms. .........: Did you write to the department and to me about your intention? Mr. Kennelly: I sent you a letter on December 23. Mr. Colucci: That’s the answer to the question. You may not like it. Ms. .........: That is the decision. Please continue. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 76, line 17 to 25, and Pg.77, line 2 to 5). I asked Mr. Kennelly to continue to read : ” Than: The student may appeal in writing to the department chair within three weeks of receiving notice of the intended sanction, If the chair is the instructor in question, the senior member of the department’s Personnel and Budget Committee will act for the chair”. He knew he didn’t write any notice, he didn’t talk with the studemt [me], he didn’t gave to student [me] the chance to appeal. NOTHING. Only his “MERCY LAW”. His final motivation is “that is not my view”, is not his view to respect the bulletin, the student’ rights, and do not sexually harass me. His attorney, tried to cover him” that’s right here”, and finally took abusive out his client from deposition many times very abusive. Mr. Kennelly didn’t have any correspondence between him and superior level regarding plagiarism. Ms. .........: That is the decision. Please continue Mr. Kennelly: Which one? “ The chair will appoint a committee of three Lehman members from his/her department to adjudicate the matter within three weeks by majority vote” Ms. .........: Could you provide me a copy from this letter between you and chair so you didn’t contact?. Mr. Colucci: That’s right in there. Ms. .........: It’s not. Mr. Kennelly: I didn’t write to the chair? That is not my view. Ms. .........: He told he did not write. So you skip the step to talk with me, you skip the step to write to the chair, and you go to the fellow. Mr. Kennelly: The chair was written to here. The chair is copied here. Ms. .........: This is the final step. Please read from bulletin. Mr. Kennelly: This is my decision. Ms. .........: I asked you clear; did you have a copy between you and the chair department of biology? Mr. Kennelly: Yes. It’s Me Exhibit 11 _ _ Ms. .........: Sir, here you are under oath. Don‘t allow your mercy law. Mr. Collusion: Time out. Ms. .........: Which one is the first step? You inform the student; you didn’t. Second step to inform the chair person; you didn’t. Read the third. You arrived at third: Mr. Kennelly: “ The committee will send a written notification of its decision to the department chair, the student, the instructor and the office of graduate studies”. Ms……….: Do you have_ _ _ Mr. Colucci: What committee? Ms……….. Do you have some correspondence or a copy? I was informed? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 77, line 5to 25, and Pg.78, line 2 to 19). Mr. Kennelly ’ attorney intervention was totally disturbing and always ready to go. I asked Mr. Kennelly to continue to read from Graduate Bulletin rules in academic integrity. Mr. Kennelly had an answer at everything “ That’s not my view”. Actually was his view. Because he implicate entire college with his “mercy law” Mr. Kennelly: “Either the instructor or the student has a right within three weeks of receipt of notification to appeal the department decision in writing to the Senate on graduate studies”. Ms. ….: It was three weeks? Mr. Kennelly: I wasn’t part of this appeal process. That’s not my view. Ms. …….: No more questions. Mr. Colucci: Than we can leave. Ms. ……..: On this subject. So you didn’t respect this bulletin. From beginning you said you recognize this bulletin. Defendant Bradley was correct when he said to me “you are at Mr. Kennelly’s mercy”? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 79, line 7 to 20). Also in Graduate Bulletin said the appeal must to be in maximum 6 week, not after 200 days. Defendant Bradley advised the student for appeal in middle of second semester: “ The decision of this committee is final. No further appeals are permitted. The committee will notify the department chair, the student, the instructor, and the Office of Graduate Studies of its decision. If any part of the three-week period falls outside the regular semester, the first three weeks of the next regular semester shall apply”. In his sick desire to harass the me he gave me absolutely wrong direction for unwanted assignment. MR. EDWARD KENNELLY EXPERT IN PLAGIARISM. He gave us soem material to study for mid term exam mandatory. He didn’t know from where he copy and paste, he pretend his students to knows for midterm exam. He didn’t gave the source from where he copy and paste. His attorney started to be totally impolite during the deposition, when saw his client mute at his “own work“. He threatened me all time to leave the depsoition, he was like “grand papa with his nephew“. Starting with first 20 minutes, he want to “ get out of here”. the deposition under pressure was 112 pages, and Mr. Colluci wants out when arrived at page 27. Mr. .........: Mr. Colucci, please. Ms. .........: From where did you copy this picture? Mr. Kennelly: I do not know own where that slide came from. I do not remember. Ms. .........: So you plagiarized? Mr. Kennelly: Did I plagiarize? Ms. .........: Yes. From where? You said it’s your own work. From where? Mr. Kennelly: This is a slide I use for teaching. Ms. .........: You gave this material for student’s test, middle term exam you say. From where did you gave this papers? Mr. Kennelly: This slide comes from. Ms. .........: From where? Mr. Kennelly: From collaborators. Ms. .........: Excuses-me? You gave from where? Mr. Colucci: He told you where. If you don’t like the answer…. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 27, line 11 to 25, Pg.28, Line 2 to 9). This is Mr. Kennelly, Professor Doctor Kennelly, who intentionally gave on October 2003, to me wrong direction, who told her “I will help you because you are ill” and marked oh my materials received from Sigma Company from where to copy and paste, and after to accuse me for plagiarism. God help me to show who is Mr. Kennelly. Ms. .........: Sir, you accuse me for plagiarism. You destroyed my life. Please did you plagiarize or not? From where you provided. Mr. Kennelly: I provided from a collaborator. Ms. .........: What is the name? Give me the source. I can’t understand, anyone cannot understand. I have to prepare for exam. I have to study and this entire.. Mr. Colluci: If you have question ask it. Ms. .........: In 490-500 pages I can’t find so you copy. You put here and it’s own work. Mr. Colucci: Let’s have a question and maybe we can out of here . Ms. .........: You plagiarized? Mr. Kennelly: No. Mr. Colluci: He said no. Ask your next question. Ms. .........: From where is this plant cell? Give me the source, the name? Mr. Kennelly: This looks like a slide that I used to teach. Ms. .........: Give me the source. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 28, line 10 to 25, Pg. 29, line 2 to 8). Again his attorney not only coordinate by his head and hands Mr. Kennelly’s answer, after because his client was in delicate situation stopped the deposition, and took out his client and said to me ”take a few breaths…if you are ready to carry on like an adult “. He tried to do everything to disturb me who take for first time a deposition. Ms. .........: Give me the source. From where? Mr. Kennelly: I believe this came from my biochemistry book with is Horton, et al., by Apprentice Hall which provides a set of besides for their slide for their instructor to use for instruction purpose. Ms. .........: Why you didn’t write? You gave to everybody materials for midterm exam and nobody knows from where. What is this one? Did you plagiarize here? What is here? Mr. Kennelly: This is one says vertical slide. Ms. .........: First two slides. Mr. Kennelly: That is my own writing. Ms. .........: Sir , you have your course here and you can find from where because you study, you gave us to study for two credits this book, so do not, you cannot _ _ _ Mr. Colucci: If you have a question ask it. Ms. .........: Do you have any source from where you provide ? Mr. Colucci: He said he can tell you. Ms, .........: I can’t tell from the paper. Which source? Chapter3? Mr. Kennelly: I ‘d like to finish the question. Mr. Colucci: We’re taking a break. We’re giving her time out until she can compose herself. We’ll be back in five minutes. If you’ re ready to carry on like an adult in five minutes. Ms. .........: Mr. Colucci, please do not sabotage the deposition. I will inform the judge. Mr. Colucci: We ‘re in back in five minutes. And left. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 29, line 9 to 25, Pg. 30, Pg.31 line 2 ). I continued to ask Mr. Kennelly regarding another papers gave by him to the students to prepare for exam. That is not only copy and paste, but there are some you can’t read, you can’t find with the index. He give as source Chapter 3, which is not true. His attorney lost control, and started to throw my books, exhibits, digital recorder. He created a constant stress at deposition. He started to answer in Mr. Kennelly ‘s place. The atmosphere at deposition became so under pressure. Ms. .........: So give me the source from this paper which you gave me to prepare for test. This paper came from chapter3? Mr. Kennelly: This footer is not correct. Ms. .........: From Where? Mr. Kennelly: I believe this one is from the book. Ms. .........: Could you find_ _ _ Mr. Colucci: He’s not going to look through the book to find a chart for you. Ms. .........: Mr. Colucci, please be polite. Don’t throw the book. Ms. .........: First of all you have the obligation to give the source. In this situation you copy and paste. You plagiarized? Mr. Colucci: Is there a question? Ms. .........: Is plagiarized or not? Mr. Colucci: He said no. Mr. Kennelly: This is taken from the_ _ _ Ms. .........: Mr. Colucci _ _ _ Mr. Colucci: He has answered the question. Ms. .........: Is this plagiarized? Mr. Kennelly: this is a common practice that we take information from a text book that we’re using so we can project it. Ms. .........: Don’t tell me the procedure. Do you have a source here? Mr. Kennelly: I don’t have a source here. Mr.Colluci: You’re arguing with the witness. Ask a question or we’re going back out Ms. .........: So you do not have sources so you copy and paste? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 31, line 24, 25, Pg. 32, and Pg. 33, line 2 to 9). After Mr. Kennelly can’t indicate any source , and Mr. Colucci threatening me with another “ going back out”. Mr. Collucci tried all time to intimidate the me. They didn’t like the questions? This “immaculate professor” , Mr. Kennelly, who abused me and did everything to expel me from the master program as a retaliation because I disd not answer at his sexual advances. He could not justify his “own work”. I was educate to respect my rofessors, but some of them as Dr. Kincaid and Kennelly do not deserve any respect. So if Mr. Kennelly “do not know “ from where provide his materials for exam, how a student who passed his exam knew? I continued to ask Mr. Kennelly about his “own work” gave for students as help for middle term exam. He can’t answer. His answers is “ maybe” “I do not know”. Ms. .........: From where is this material? Mr. Kennelly: Maybe from the next page , actually no. Ms. .........: From Chapter 3? Also copy and paste plagiarize? Mr. Colucci: Do you have a question for witness? Ms. .........: Question. Mr.Colucci: Ask a question, get an answer, then ask the question. Ms. .........: From where did you copy? Mr. Kennelly: This is a figure that comes from a scientific paper that I use in class and I use as demonstration. Ms. .........: You have to provide the source. Mr. Kennelly: It’s in syllabus. Ms. .........: It’s plagiarism? Mr. Collucci: Is it a question? Do you understand the concept of question Ms. .........? Ms. .........: From where did you provide this materials? Mr. Kennelly: I do not know. Ms. .........: Copy and paste, plagiarized? Mr. Colucci: Is that a question Ms. .........? Ms. .........: Yes, I asked from where? Mr. Colucci: And then you got a answer and you said copy and paste is plagiarize. Ms. .........: I asked from him. Mr. Colucci please. Don’t try to intimidate me. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 33, line 25, Pg. 34, and Pg. 35, line 2to 7). For two credit’s a book Photochemistry course 500 pages, it is impossible to assimilate even by GENIUS. The students in Mr. Kennelly’s class must also to fight and with his “personal work”, who came from nowhere. Everyone was at his mercy. Ms. .........: What is this? Mr. Kennelly: A slide that says carcinogen acid. Ms. .........: Each book has something like that. Could you tell me what is this? Mr. Kennelly: This is a index. Ms. .........: What do you find in index? Mr. Kennelly: Can I find that in here? Ms. .........: Yes. Mr. Kennelly No, it’s not. Ms. .........: So the student has professor’s materials and do not find. Mr. Colucci: Do you have a question? Ms. .........: Yes. Could you find this one? You copy and paste. I need to know from where?. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 35, line 11to 25). Mr. Kennelly do not have any idea from where he copy and paste materials. He believe chemistry is copy and paste, his own work. He intimidated all students. EVERYBODY WAS AT HIS MERCY! Mr. Colucci, didn’t show any respect for deposition. He continue d to answer for his client. He approved by hands the defendant’s answer. I continued with more materials provided by Mr. Kennelly for his students for exam , even this exasperate the Assistant of Attorney General Mr. Colucci. Ms. .........: Sir, I have a book. It’s two credits and photochemistry wasn’t only your course. So in index could you find in the index , do you have from where it is here? Do you have any source? Mr. Kennelly: Source for what? Ms. .........: For what is provides. Mr. Colucci: For what? Ms. .........: For Prostratin. Mr. Kennelly: So I took notes, I read the article and I took notes and make slide. Mr. Colucci: He just said her wrote it himself. Ms. .........: Sir could you find you said in chapter 3. Mr. Colucci: He’s already told you that doesn’t have anything to do with anything. Mr. Kennelly: This footer is an error. Ms. .........: From where is it? Mr. Colucci: He just told you. Ms. .........: Why you don’t put the source? From where? (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 38, line 5 to 25). Mr. Kennelly refused to answer at me ’ e-mails where I asked what is the definition of “ plagiarism”, because he knew he wrong directs her for assignment. He knew what is plagiarism, BY BEIING AN EXPERT, he loved to play , loved to induce everybody with his” ACADEMIC INTEGRITY” with his “SERIOSITRY“, and he was sure I will abandon the fight. I continued to ask questions from his “own work” signed each page with his name and as source he false indicate” chapter 3”, and pretend to be “ learned for his student at exam. Ms. .........: Let’ s move because I pay for this. From where is this source? You don’t draw this to be your own work. Mr. Kennelly: I got this from the internet. Ms. .........: Do you have any source here? So you copy, paste and plagiarized and give to us to discover America. Mr. Kennelly: What’s the question? Ms. .........: From where? Mr. Kennelly: This came from websites. Ms. .........: Where is the website from where? Mr. Kennelly: I don’t remember what website. Ms. .........: So you plagiarize? It’s your own work, with your signature. (Mr. Colluci only to disturb) Mr.: Colucci: I don’t think he was passing off that Monet painting at his work. Ms. .........: What is here? Mr. Kennelly: This are a slide that shows the passing types of fatty acids that are produced by cells. Ms. .........: I can’t read and even honorable judge cannot read You have to give me the source. From where? I have to go through to know from where these three slides came? Ms. Kennelly: What is the question? Ms. .........: What is the source? Which source did you use? Mr. Colucci: he said he wrote it. Ms. .........: Show me in index where he used some chemicals, you said you wrote it. It’s not going to be in the book and he wrote it. When the professor use some notes you should use scientific words to be comprehensible to understand. If I don’t understand I have ether right to go in the index to understand. Mr. Kennelly: You do not know where this came from? Ms. .........: Yes. Mr. Kennelly: I can show you on the syllabus where it cams from. Ms. .........: Give me the source from here. Mr. Kennelly: Acidogenics come from this here. These two readings are on this subject matter. Mr. Collucci: Time out. Ms. .........: Not time out. Mr. Colucci: Into the corner. We’re going to take another five -minutes break until you get control of you motion. (Mr. Kennelly’s Dep. Pg. 39, line 23to 25, Pg.40, Pg. 41, and Pg 42. Line 2 to 14) . And again after a few minutes deposition, his attorney took his client outside. Me didn’t manifest any emotions. Mr. Colucci pretend “emotions“ and can afford to be above than law because was the ASSISTENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL . Mr. Kennelly grade was an abusive grade, was given only in retaliation of his abnormal sexual advances, to make my life miserable, to depend on him, hopping I will be at “his mercy“ as all his students. No ine could pass his exam by merit. Ms. .........: You use this book medicinal Natural Product only to intimidate the students? Mr. Kennelly: What’s the question? Ms. .........: Do you use this book to intimidate the students? Ms. Kennelly: No. Ms. .........: Sir, no one in your class takes eth exam, passed the exam with this book and with what you teach. Mr. Colucci: Is there a question pending? Ms. .........: Yes. Did you take money, presents from all students? Mr. Kennelly: No. I will say that you once gave me a present and I refused it and. Ms. .........: You took. Mr. Kennelly: Let me clarify this please. Ms. .........: Not only one present. Mr. Colucci: You are interrupting the witness. Mr. .........: It’s my deposition. Mr. Colucci: The witness is in the middle of answering a question .He’s entitle to finish. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 43, line10 to 25, and Pg.44, Line 2 to 10) . MR. KENNELLY SEXUAL HARASSMENT After I asked Mr. Kennelly to read the definition of sexual harassment, because he consider “normal” to disregard the Graduate Bulletin and he can afford to do what he wants. (EXHIBIT 40, Page 122,123). Ms. .........: - _ _ _ Read the definition. Mr. Kennelly: “ For purpose of this policy sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other oral or written communications or physical conduct of a sexual nature when one’s submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly term or a condition of an individual’s employment or academic standing.; 2, submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decision affecting such.” Ms. .........: So your academic decision was by your rejection by me? Mr. Colucci: Is that a question? Ms. .........: Yes. Mr. Kennelly: What is the question? Ms. .........: Your academic grade. Mr. Kennelly: Was my grade what? Ms. .........: My grade at your academic course was a consequence of sexual rejection? Mr. Kennelly: Absolutely not. Ms. .........: Continue please. Mr. Kennelly: “ Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably influencing with an individual’s work or academic performance or creating…” (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 90, line 11 to 25). After I filed my complaint with his sexual harassment AT ON;Y 10-15 MINUTES SOMEBODY LEFT AM TRETENING MESSAGE: " [ MY NAME] , I WILL CARE ABOUT YOU!" And it is posible4 Lehman College to be accoplices with Glencord Building Corporation who poisoned me with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases at diverse leves for years. I INFORMED THE COLLEGE AT THAT TIME. Mr. Kennelly denied everything, he didn’t plagiarize, he did anything wrong, he didn’t have disrespect for Students’ Rights , he everything ignore everything and consider all “his pure view“. He likes to humiliate the me. I asked him: Ms. .........: Did you gave me a fair job? Mr. Kennelly: Did I gave you a fair grade? Ms. .........: Not fair grade, fair directions when came with Sigma materials in your office and I said they faxed me materials and I asked what I have to do. You gave me correct direction when you told me copy from here and paste? Mr. Kennelly: I didn’t tell you copy and paste. Ms. .........: Continue please. Mr. Kennelly: “ Other types of unwelcome conduct of sexual nature can be sufficiently severe or persuasive that the target does find responsible person would find intimidating, hostile or abusive work or academic environment has been graded“. Ms. .........: So in your class I left your class in tears. In your class always you try to put me down. Why? Why you create this so unhealthy environment? Why? I want to know why? Mr. Kennelly: Why did I create an unhealthy environment ? Ms. .........: Yes. Mr. Kennelly: I was teaching a laboratory and I treat all students fairly in the laboratory. (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 91, line 8 to 25, Pg. 92, line 2 to 7). Even in my bad dreams I couldn’t imagine something like could happen to me. I NEVER could believe, people with High Level of Education can be so sadistically, so fully of disrespect for human been and the law. At Lehman College some professors ( Dr. KENNELLY, KINCAID, BRADLEY, ZUCHETO, FERNANDEZ), had a dense and torpid pleasure to run a student at 49 years old ( me ), from door to door, for “pretended approvals” only to satisfy their fun, enjoyment. They put me in illegal probation in middle of exams, to harass her with their mercy. I declares without any reserve a student who wants to have a diploma, to have a job, to have a life , will do every humiliation to survive at Lehman College. No other way. Some professors lost the limit. I tried to study, to have e a job. But I got a student loan, a bankruptcy, only because at Lehman College THE LAW DOES NOT EXHIST and the some professors want to prejudice the American Government for their ilegal and criminal interests. INJUSTICE HURTS! " INJUSTICE ANYWHERE IS A THREAT TO JUSTICE EVERYWHERE" -M. L. KING. I take reposibility for all affirmations. Sincerely,

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
New York,

#2Author of original report

Wed, August 21, 2013



New York,
New York,

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 21, 2013























#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 20, 2013

 Due to the lack of your comprehension of the English language, the inability to form proper paragraphs and your ongoing rambling I am happy this school would not give you any degree!!


New York,
New York,

#5Author of original report

Mon, August 19, 2013

Dear Sir/ Madame


PLease when you readin my report " she"or  " her" please replace with " I" , "Me", " My" .

I thank you in advance.




New York,
New York,

#6Author of original report

Sat, August 17, 2013




I am  a victim of Lehman College discrimination, sexual harassment, abuses.

On 1997, I had an accident at work , and I could not work anymore in medical area because I developed phobia, and PTSD.

On 2001-2002, I was  full-time teacher at a private  High School in Manhattan. After 9/11, many students stop attending schools in Manhattan.  I and other  teachers were layer off. Desperate to find a job, I went at Department of Education .

Also in 2003 I broke my left ankle and hip in my building due the landlord’s negligence.

In May 2003, my  unemployment insurance finished, and because I couldn’t find a job,  I  decided to go to school as a fulltime student to cover the deficiency with  courses in education, to complete  a master degree, to have a recognized diploma and to find a  work.

In my  country  I Graduate the University for Zoothecny and Veterinary  Medicine- Farm  Animals,  and I worked for many years as a Scientific Researcher in Farm Animals. The  New York State , equivalent my  diploma with many credits in Biology and General Science for High School .  However,  to work as a teacher for Department  of Education, I must to take 21 Credits in Education, state exams, and  mandatory  to have a master degree in 5 years.

On June 9, 2003, I  received a letter from the Biology Department signed by program adviser, Dr.  Kincaid, where he informed  me I  was admitted as a graduate student at LehmanCollege. 

In Fall 2003 I  started as matriculated student, a master in Biological Science at         LehmanCollege. For fall 2003 she took the following courses : BIO 501, BIO 618, BIO 74501, and BIO 74502.

I  decided to take education master courses to cover the deficiency.  I therefore  15 master  and PhD credits in education with , Hunter , Touro,  and SanRoseCollege. I  got A and B grades. At HunterCollege a PhD course in Cell Biology, earned  her a B.

On November 11, 2003, defendant Kincaid approved to transfer  12 from 19, master credits at LehmanCollege.  26. Later Dr. Kincaid demonstrate to be a big racist ( not only my opinion), falsified my grade, and ignored my student rights to cover the Dr. Kennelly illegal acts. Same with Dr. Bradley, Dr. Zuchetto.  


 I  took with  Mr.  Kennelly two Phytochemistry classes:         Phytochemistry lecture course, 2 credits, and Phytochemistry Laboratory 3 credits.

From the beginning I started to have problems with Mr. Kennelly.  I did everything to avoid any contact with him. After an incident at Botanical Garden where  we had a laboratory, Mr. Kennelly  became very abusive, and create an hostile environment at his courses. During the laboratory  classes  Mr.   Kennelly made bad remarks to me  in front of class. He complaint about my English, my  accent, my origin, my competence as teacher (I was on 2001-2002 full time teacher at a private HS), about  my notebooks. It was a very humiliating situation. He was unable to control his hate toward me because I rejected his sexual advances. The young students didn’t  understand what is going on

In another time , when Mr. Kennelly again insulted her  me for my  accent, I told him:

” Sir, Science is Science. Is like music  universal. If you are on a trip in a foreign country  and you have an accident,  and need surgery what do you prefer, a good surgeon who doesn’t speak  well your language, but gives you guarantee 98%, or one who speak your language, gave you  guarantee 51% ? “

 His answer was the second one. He became, more and more abusive. Deleted my work from blackboard, gave wrong directions, tried to humiliate me.

I will support my accusation with fragments from Mr. Kennelly’s deposition.

Ms. …..:          Do you recognize this paper? Is it a Lehman College acceptation?

Mr. Kennelly:  I do not believe I’ve even seen that.

Ms. …….:        It’s a Lehman College by which I was accepted in master. Do you have                                 something against the paper?

Mr. Kennelly:  It appears to be a Lehman College document.

Ms. ………:     Do you have something against this paper?

Mr. Kennelly:  I am not sure what you mean.

 Ms. ……..:      In this paper I was accepted at master in biology of science. Do you have                                        something against this paper which accepted me?

Mr. Kennelly:  Do I have something against the paper, no.


( Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition Page 4, line 15 to 25,  and  Page 5, line 1 to 6).


One day I  arrived home from October 24, 2003, very            depressed and I felt if I  will continue in this environment, I will lose all money which I loaded  from Government, and I  will fall all exams. At that time didn’t have a job, I didn’t have insurance. I went at my  doctors, and I explained my  problems,  cannot  sleep, and I felt  more depressed.

 My  power to stay focus was  less, I was  upset the entire day, and had no motivation to be alive, and to have faith anymore. Mr. Kennelly refused  to change his  attitude and in this   situation  I  wrote him an email where I said:

“  If at 49 years old I borrowed money from government  and I am full time student, it is because I want to do something for this country. I do not came in this Academic institution to be humiliate by your students from and by you in Phytochemistry class  I do not have this problem m in another two classes”.

            My  doctor [S. C]  M.D., wrote to College a letter when he informed the college about my heath problems> I was  patient from 1999, and treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Chronic migraine, and Angina Pectoris, broken ankle and hip. He wrote:


            On November 3, 2003            I studied very hard from massive amount of materials , but    it was imposable to assimilate all. I went to exam and left after 30 minutes. I  tried to ask something Mr.  Kennelly during the  exam , but he refused to answer me,  instead he was amiable with another student.

I left  the exam because I was  petrified  about Mr.  Kennelly  “honesty and professionalism”.  I got failing  grade.

Finally, I decided  to withdrew his courses for medical reason. MR. Kennelly, and Dr,  Zucchetto _ Vice  President  with student’s affaire refused my legal right . Mr. Zucchetto illegally wrote to Mr. Kennelly:

” the e-mail you received from Ms. ......... would suggest that the real reasons for her stopping attending your class are really not medical……she is subject of attendance….because she does not meet the conditions for granting an INC grade, you may have to enter a WU grade if she was doing passing work or an F if her work was poor”.

In another words, to have the right to withdrawn  a Phytochemistry courses I must to have passing work”.   So, I was forced to prepare a assignment, even I was sick and I stopped to attend his classes.

Mr. Kennelly, for all this orchestrate a “pretending help” where gave me direction to copy and paste conform his directions. After he accused me for plagiarism, and from November until December 2003, did not inform me about his suspicion” BECAUSE WAS HIS CALCULATE WRONG DIRECTIONS “, and in December 23, 2003 he sent me his final Decision, WHICHOUT TO RESPECT THE PROTOCOL OF GRADUATE STUDENT PROTOCOL.



After, me I asked him what means to plagiarize because I effectively followed his direction? On 2004, when I asked him the definition of “plagiarism “ he refused to give me, because  he knew what he did to me. At Deposition he didn’t answer clearly even he knew he is an EXPERT in plagiarism.


Ms. .........:       Which grade I got?

Mr. Kennelly:  You received a failing grade on that assignment.

Ms. .........:       Why did I receive a failing grade?

Mr. Kennelly:  As I explained this assignment was plagiarized.

Ms. .........:       Can you tell me what means plagiarized?

Mr. Kennelly:  Plagiarism as Dr. Kincaid spelled out earlier described in the bulletin there, the graduate Lehman College, graduate bulletin in which it says it’s the copying of, I can’t remember exactly how it’s worded. Basically to    take someone’ s words, or ideas and use them as your own. That’s the gist   of plagiarism. It’s spelled out more clearly I would point you to the graduate bulletin.


(From Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 17, line 15 to 25, and Pg.18, line 2 to 6).


December 6, 2003.      Me  wrote to Mr. Kennelly an e-mail and asked” Thank you for your response. Please tell me when I can meet you to know what is all requirements in Phytochemistry courses in this unfamiliar and unpleasant situation for me. Thank you No answer.

            December 10, 2003.    Me  tried again to meet Mr. Kennelly,  “ for additional questions regarding the academic  requirement for the course in this novelty situation. No ANSWER.

            December 15, 2003,       I  met with Mr. Kennelly, and even he knew              before December 5, 2003, when he wrote to Dr. Zucchetto an e-mail and told about accusation of plagiarism, he didn’t tell to me  anything about plagiarism. I  also contacted  Mr.  Bradley, and he promised he and Mr. Kennelly will fix the problem, and will send me by mail the appeal form to withdrawal the courses.

            Mr. Kennelly don’t accepted my medical withdrawal, and in revenge he        wrong directed me in doing my assignment, and disrespect the Graduate Bulletin Policy,  and the students’ rights. He refused to call Mr. Bradley ( Graduate student adviser), even me I   left him Mr. Bradley’s business card. His answers were ambiguous. 

Ms. .........:       But you know I tried to fix this problem and I ran from office to office for                         a elementary student’s right to take off the course for medical reasons, yes?

Mr. Kennelly: What is the question?

Ms. .........:       Do you remember I tried to fix this problem?

Mr. Kennelly:  Fix what problem?

MS. .........:       To withdrawal.

Mr. Kennelly:  Withdrawal from the course? I don’t remember all that details about that. I                                                 remember you were having problems, you stopped coming. I do not                                                             remember the specifics about the withdrawal with dr. Bradley.

Ms. .........:       You don’t remember?

Mr. Kennelly:  What specifically do you want me to remember? If you ask a specific                                                           question.

Ms. .........:       Do you remember I tried to withdraw the course?

Mr. Kennelly:  I know that you tried to withdraw from the course, yes, I guess. I’ m not                                           sure where information came from. I can’t remember  exactly what the                           series of events were.

Ms. .........:       This is my correspondence with you regarding this matter. Do you                                                    recognize?

Mr. Kennelly:  These   are two- e- mails from us, copies of two e-mails.

Ms. .........:     On December 19, 2003, I still do not know about plagiarism, about your                                         accusation. I still ran from Dr, Bradley and from your office, from                                building to building and I sent this e-mails. Do you recognize this e-mail?

Mr. Kennelly: This is a document that says it’s an e-mail between you and me in which                                             you ask whether I contacted Dr. Bradley.

Ms. .........:       Yes. Did you contact?

Mr. Kennelly:   I don’t remember.

Ms. .........:     Why you didn’t contact?

Mr. Kennelly:  I don’t remember  if I contacted or not.

Ms. .........:      Why you didn’t contact? You don’t remember?

Mr. Collucci:     He said he doesn’t remember whether he contacted.

Ms. .........:       So my problem, you started a student’s problem, and why you  didn’t tell                                           me hey, don’t run because whatever you felt, because you have my                            accusation for plagiarism. December 22, and I still do not know _ _ why                              you didn’t tell me?

Mr. Kennelly:  Why didn’t I tell you what?

Ms. .........:       Your accusation for plagiarism.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 69, line 13 to 25,  Pg.70, Pg. 71, line 2 to 21).


            Mr. Kennelly refused to answer at Me ’s e-mail from December 22,   2003 ( Exhibit 29 B),  where she asked since her medical problems aren’t recognize, to complete his course on Fall 2004.


Ms. .........:       Could you read?

Mr. Kennelly:  “ I would like to complete the last four lectures photochemistry lab with                               the next class, where I hope will not be the same abusive atmosphere that                              makes me sick”.

Ms. .........:       Me, I still try to do , to start your course in fall 2004, so you hide                                          everything for laughing, for your pleasure to make me very dependently.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 72, line 14 to 22).



Mr. Kennelly did  not respect anything. He has his “ Mercy law”. Nothing is above his desire. I  continued to ask him if he respected GRADUATE PROGRAM AND POLICY, the steps regarding plagiarism. Me  put him to read from Graduate Bulletin where the  bulletin  tell him what he must to do , but he ignored all , he is above the law.

Ms. .........:       What were the steps which you have to follow?

Mr. Kennelly:  This is aimed, I’m reading here from the Graduate Bulletin 2002-2004.                                          They outline in a number of steps, this is what you can do.” Most  common when   academic dishonesty is suspected the instructor will inform the student’ s right to”_ _ _


Ms. .........:       Stop Please. Did you inform me?

Mr. Kennelly:  I informed you.

Ms. .........:       When did you inform me?

Mr. Kennelly:  In a letter in the end of semester because you stopped coming to class.

Ms. .........:       I stopped coming to class on November 7. You informed me on                                            December 24 when I received a letter from you. Last day for school was                                    December 23, 2003. Continue please. You refused to inform me.                  

Ms. .........:       So you didn’t inform me.

Mr. Colucci:    That’s testifying.

Mr. Kennelly: I did inform you in writing on December 28.

Ms. .........:       That follows Lehman College’s steps? When?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 73, line 13 to 25, and Pg. 74, line 2 to 22).


I requested Mr. Kennelly to read all steps from Graduate Bulletin, but he skipped intentionally a first step in student’s right for dishonesty - “RECEIVE ANY CHARGES IN WRITING” ( Graduate Bulletin Page 22) , because he didn’t gave in writing anything to me . He became very  nervous and with bad intention  didn‘t read all steps.


Mr. Kennelly:  “ When academic dishonesty is suspected the instructor will inform the student of his suspicious and the student’s right to:   remain silent    without assumption of guilt , receive from instructor a copy of the academic integrity statement and be advised of the instructor’s intended sanction”

Ms .........:        Continue please, what I received from you your decision - fell?

Mr. Collucci:  He told you.

Mr. Kennelly: You failed that assignment.

Ms. .........:       Did you talk with me  before?

Mr. Kennelly: You stopping coming to class. I couldn’t speak with you.

Ms. .........:       We met in Lehman building. You have my fax, my telephone number, my                                          e-mail. We have all this contacts Did you inform me?

Mr. Kennelly:  I informed you in writing .

Ms. .........:       Sir _ _

Mr. Colucci:    He answered the question.

Ms. .........:       You informed me your decision. Did you inform me about your suspicions?

                                           (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 74, line 23 to 25, and Pg.75, line 2 to 21).


            I  asked  him to continue to read from Graduate Bulletin, even  Mr. Kennelly and his lawyer didn‘t like. He finally “didn’t  remember talking to you about this”.


Ms. .........:       Please continue.

Mr. Kennelly:  I finished that” the instructor and  student may resolve the situation either by agreeing         that the suspicions are unfounded or agreeing upon   the sanctions”

Ms. .........:       Did I have any chance regarding this matter to talk together to understand?                           I said you gave me a wrong direction so I totally followed your             instructions. Why you didn’t say listen, this is my accusation? Did you  tell me, do you have any conversation? Did you have any conversation             with me?

Mr. Kennelly:  I simply sent you a letter information you.

Ms . .........:      We talk together?

Mr. Kennelly:  I don’t remember talking to you about this.

                                                     (Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 75, line 24 25, and Pg.76, line 2 to17).


 I asked Mr. Kennelly to continue to read, and he again with bad        intention skip this to read:



”  Any sanctions agreed upon at this point must be reported, together with the charges, to the department chair and to the Office of Graduate Studies. The instructor must report these fact in writing”.


 He skipped  because he is guilty, he  never wrote something about this. He used his “HIS MERCY LAW”.


Ms. .........:       Please continue.

Mr. Kennelly:  “If no agreement is reached between the student and instructor                                            the instructor must report in writing his intended sanction to the                                      department chair and to the student as soon as possible’.

Ms.  .........:      Did you write to the department and to me about your intention?

Mr. Kennelly: I sent you a letter on December 23.

Mr. Colucci:    That’s the answer to the question. You may not like it.

Ms. .........:       That is the decision. Please continue.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 76, line 17 to 25, and Pg.77, line 2 to 5).


I asked Mr. Kennelly :

”  Than: The student may appeal in writing to the department chair within three weeks of receiving notice of the intended sanction, If the chair is the instructor in question, the senior member of the department’s Personnel and Budget Committee will act for the chair”.

He knew he didn’t write any notice, he didn’t talk with the student [me], he didn’t gave to student [me] the chance to appeal. NOTHING. Only his “MERCY LAW”. His final motivation is “that is not my view”, is not his view to respect the bulletin, the student’ rights, and do not sexually harass me. His attorney, tried to cover him” that’s right here”, and  finally took abusive out his client from deposition many times very abusive.  Mr. Kennelly didn’t have any correspondence between him and superior level regarding plagiarism.

Ms. .........:       That is the decision. Please continue

Mr. Kennelly:  Which one? “ The chair will appoint a committee of three Lehman  members from his/her department to adjudicate the matter within three weeks by majority vote”

Ms. .........:       Could you provide me a copy from this letter  between you and chair so                                          you didn’t contact?.

Mr. Colucci:    That’s right in there.

Ms. .........:       It’s not.

Mr. Kennelly:  I didn’t write to the chair? That is not my view.

Ms. .........:       He told he did not write. So  you skip the step to talk with me, you skip the                                       step to write to the chair, and you go to the fellow.

Mr. Kennelly:  The chair was written to here. The chair is copied here.

Ms. .........:       This is the final step. Please read from bulletin.

Mr. Kennelly:  This is my decision.

Ms. .........:       I asked you clear; did you have a copy between you and the chair                                                    department of biology?

Mr. Kennelly:  Yes. It’s Me  Exhibit 11 _ _

Ms. .........:       Sir, here you are under oath. Don‘t allow your mercy law.

Mr. Collusion: Time out.

Ms. .........:       Which one is the first step? You inform the student; you didn’t. Second                                             step to inform the chair person; you didn’t. Read the third. You arrived at third:

Mr. Kennelly:  “ The committee will send a written notification of its decision to the                                                             department chair, the student, the instructor and the office of graduate           studies”.

Ms……….:      Do you have_ _ _

Mr. Colucci:    What committee?

Ms………..      Do you have some correspondence or a copy? I was informed?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 77, line 5to 25, and Pg.78, line 2 to 19).


            Mr. Kennelly ’ attorney intervention was totally disturbing and always ready to go. I  asked Mr.  Kennelly to continue to read from Graduate Bulletin rules in academic integrity. Mr.  Kennelly had an answer at everything “ That’s not my view”. Actually was his view. Because he implicate entire college with his “mercy law”

Mr. Kennelly:  “Either the instructor or the student has a right within three weeks of receipt of notification to appeal the department decision in writing to the Senate on graduate studies”.

Ms. ….:           It was three weeks?

Mr. Kennelly:  I wasn’t part of this appeal process. That’s not my view.

Ms. …….:        No more questions.

Mr. Colucci:    Than we can leave.

Ms. ……..:       On this subject. So you didn’t respect this bulletin. From beginning you said you recognize this bulletin. Defendant Bradley was correct when he said to me “you are at Mr. Kennelly’s mercy”?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 79, line 7 to 20).


            Also in Graduate Bulletin  said  the appeal must to be  in maximum 6 week, not        after 200 days. Defendant  Bradley advised the student for appeal in middle of second semester:

“ The decision of this committee is final. No further appeals are permitted. The committee  will notify the department chair, the student, the instructor, and the Office  of Graduate  Studies of its  decision.  If any part of the three-week period falls outside the regular semester, the first three weeks of the next regular semester shall apply”.


In  his sick desire to harass the me  he gave me absolutely wrong direction for unwanted assignment.



He gave us some materials to study for mid term exam mandatory. He didn’t know from where he copy and paste, he pretend his students to know         for midterm exam. He didn’t gave the source from where he copy and paste.  His  attorney started  to be totally impolite during the deposition, when saw his client  mute at his “OWN WORK“. He threatened me  all time to leave the deposition, he was like “grand  papa with his nephew“. Starting with first 20 minutes, he want to “ get out of here”. the deposition under pressure was 112 pages, and Mr. Colluci wants out when arrived at page 27.


Mr. .........:       Mr. Colucci, please.

Ms. .........:       From where did you copy this picture?

Mr. Kennelly: I do not know own where that slide came from. I do not remember.

Ms. .........:       So you plagiarized?

Mr. Kennelly: Did I plagiarize?

Ms. .........:       Yes. From where? You said it’s your own work. From where?

Mr. Kennelly: This is a slide I use for teaching.

Ms. .........:       You gave this material for student’s test, middle term exam you say. From                                    where did you gave this papers?

Mr. Kennelly: This slide comes from.

Ms. .........:       From where?

Mr. Kennelly: From collaborators.

Ms. .........:       Excuses-me? You gave from where?

Mr. Colucci:   He told you where. If you don’t like the answer….

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Pg. 27, line 11 to 25, Pg.28, Line 2 to 9).


            This is Mr. Kennelly, professor doctor Kennelly, who  intentionally gave    on October 2003, to  Me  wrong direction, who told her “I will help you because you are ill” and marked oh her materials received from Sigma Company from where to copy and paste, and after to accuse her for plagiarism. God help her to show who is Mr. Kennelly.


Ms. .........:       Sir, you accuse me for plagiarism. You destroyed my life. Please did you                                       plagiarize or not? From where you provided.

Mr. Kennelly:             I provided from a collaborator.

Ms. .........:       What is the name? Give me the source. I can’t understand, anyone cannot                                   understand. I have to prepare for exam. I have to study and this entire..

Mr. Colluci:    If you have question ask it.

Ms. .........:       In 490-500 pages I can’t find so you copy. You put here and it’s own work.         

Mr. Colucci:   Let’s have a question and maybe we can out of here .

Ms. .........:       You plagiarized?

Mr. Kennelly: No.

Mr. Colluci:    He said no. Ask your next question.

Ms. .........:       From where is this plant cell? Give me the source, the name?

Mr. Kennelly: This looks like a slide that I used to teach.

Ms. .........:       Give me the source.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 28, line 10 to 25, Pg. 29,  line 2 to 8).


            Again his  attorney not only coordinate by his head and hands Mr. Kennelly’s answer,  and because his client was in delicate situation stopped the deposition,  and took out his client and said to me  ”take a few breaths…if you are ready to carry on like an adult “. He tried to do everything to disturb me  who take for first time a deposition.

Ms. .........:       Give me the source. From  where?

Mr. Kennelly: I believe this came from my biochemistry book with is Horton, et al., by                                         Apprentice Hall which provides a set of besides for their slide for their                                           instructor to use for instruction purpose.

Ms. .........:       Why you didn’t write? You gave to everybody materials for midterm exam and nobody knows from where. What is this one? Did you plagiarize             here? What is here?

Mr. Kennelly: This is one says vertical slide.

Ms. .........:       First two slides.

Mr. Kennelly: That is my own writing.

Ms. .........:       Sir , you have your course here and you can find from where because you                                   study, you gave us to study for two credits this book, so do not, you cannot                                    _ _ _

Mr. Colucci:   If you have a question ask it.

Ms. .........:       Do you have any source from where you provide ?

Mr. Colucci:   He said he can tell you.

Ms, .........:       I can’t tell from the paper. Which source? Chapter3?

Mr. Kennelly: I ‘d like to finish the question.

Mr. Colucci:   Mr. Colucci:   We’re taking a break. We’re giving her time out until she   can compose herself. We’ll be back in five minutes. If you’ re ready to carry on like an adult in five minutes.

Ms. .........:       Mr. Colucci, please do not sabotage the deposition. I will inform the judge.

Mr. Colucci:   We ‘re in back in five minutes.

(Whereupon , a break was taken from 11: 38 until 11:42).

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 29, line 9 to  25, Pg. 30, Pg.31  line 2 ).


            I  continued  to ask Mr. Kennelly regarding another papers gave by him      to the students to prepare for exam. That is not only copy and paste, but there are some you can’t read, you can’t find with the index. He give as source Chapter 3, which is not true.

His  attorney lost control, and started to throw my  books, exhibits, digital recorder. He created a constant stress at deposition. He started to answer in Mr. Kennelly ‘s place. The atmosphere at deposition became so under pressure. 


Ms. .........:       So give me the source from this paper which you gave me to prepare for   test. This paper came from chapter3?

Mr. Kennelly: This footer is not correct.

Ms. .........:       From Where?

Mr. Kennelly: I believe this one is from the book.

Ms. .........:       Could you find_ _ _

Mr. Colucci:   He’s not going to look through the book to find a chart for you.

Ms. .........:       Mr. Colucci, please be polite. Don’t throw the book.           

Ms. .........:       First of all you have the obligation to give the source. In this situation you                                    copy and paste. You plagiarized?

Mr. Colucci:   Is there a question?

Ms. .........:       Is plagiarized or not?

Mr. Colucci:   He said no.

Mr. Kennelly: This is taken from the_ _ _

Ms. .........:       Mr. Colucci _ _ _

Mr. Colucci:   He has answered the question.

Ms. .........:       Is this plagiarized?

Mr. Kennelly: this is a common practice that we take information from a text book that                           we’re using so we can project it.

Ms. .........:       Don’t tell me the procedure. Do you have a source here?

Mr. Kennelly: I don’t have a source here.

Mr.Colluci:     You’re arguing with the witness. Ask a question or we’re going back out

Ms. .........:       So you do not have sources so you copy and paste?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 31, line 24, 25, Pg. 32, and Pg. 33, line 2 to 9).


            After Mr. Kennelly can’t indicate any source, and Mr. Colucci threatening me   with another “ going back out”.  Mr. Collucci tried all time to intimidate the  me. They didn’t like the questions? This “immaculate professor”, Mr. Kennelly, who abused me, and did everything to expel me from  the master program as a retaliation at his sexual advances. He could not  justify his “own work”. I   was educating to respect my professors, but some of them as Dr.  Kincaid and Kennelly do not deserve any respect. So if Mr. Kennelly “do not know “ from where provide his materials for exam, how a student who passed his exam knew? 

            I   continued  to ask Mr. Kennelly about his “OWN WORKk” gave for      students as  help for middle term exam. He can’t answer. His answers is “ maybe“I do not know”.


Ms. .........:       From where is this material?

Mr. Kennelly: Maybe from the next page , actually no.

Ms. .........:       From Chapter 3? Also copy and paste plagiarize?

Mr. Colucci:   Do you have a question for witness?

Ms. .........:       Question.

Mr.Colucci:    Ask a question, get an answer, then ask the question.

Ms. .........:       From where did you copy?

Mr. Kennelly: This is a figure that comes from a scientific paper that I use in class and I                                     use as demonstration.

Ms. .........:       You have to provide the source.

Mr. Kennelly: It’s in syllabus.

Ms. .........:       It’s plagiarism?

Mr. Collucci:  Is it a question? Do you understand the concept of question Ms. .........?

Ms. .........:       From where did you provide this materials?

Mr. Kennelly:             I do not know.

Ms. .........:       Copy and paste, plagiarized?

Mr. Colucci:   Is that a question Ms. .........?

Ms. .........:       Yes, I asked from where?

Mr. Colucci:   And then you got a answer and you said copy and paste is plagiarize.

Ms. .........:       I asked from him. Mr. Colucci please. Don’t try to intimidate me.

(Mr.  Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 33,  line 25, Pg. 34, and Pg. 35, line 2to 7).


            For two credits  a book Photochemistry course 500 pages, it is impossible to           assimilate even by GENIUS. The students in Mr. Kennelly’s class must also to fight and with his “personal work”, who came from nowhere.


Ms. .........:       What is this?

Mr. Kennelly: A slide that says carcinogen acid.

Ms. .........:       Each book has something like that. Could you tell me what is this?

Mr. Kennelly: This is a index.

Ms. .........:       What do you find in index?

Mr. Kennelly: Can I find that in here?

Ms. .........:       Yes.

Mr. Kennelly   No, it’s not.

Ms. .........:       So the student has professor’s materials and do not find.

Mr. Colucci:   Do you have a question?

Ms. .........:       Yes. Could you find this one? You copy and paste. I need to know from where?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 35, line 11 to  25).


Mr. Kennelly do not have any idea from where he copy and paste materials. He believed chemistry is copy and paste, his own work. He intimidated all students. EVERYBODY WAS AT HIS MERCY! Mr. Colucci, didn’t show any respect for deposition. He continue d to  answer for his client. He approved  by hands the defendant’s answer.  I  continued with more materials provided by Mr. Kennelly for his students for exam , even this exasperate the Assistant of Attorney General Mr. Colucci.


Ms. .........:       Sir, I have a book. It’s two credits and photochemistry wasn’t only your                                        course. So in index could you find in the index , do you have from where it                                  is here? Do you have any source?

Mr. Kennelly: Source for what?

Ms. .........:       For what is provides.

Mr. Colucci:   For what?

Ms. .........:       For Prostratin.

Mr. Kennelly: So I took notes, I read the article and I took notes and make slide.

Mr. Colucci:   He just said her wrote it himself.

Ms. .........:       Sir could you find you said in chapter 3.

Mr. Colucci:   He’s already told you that doesn’t have anything to do with anything.

Mr. Kennelly: This footer is an error.

Ms. .........:       From where is it?

Mr. Colucci:   He just told you.

Ms. .........:       Why you don’t put the source? From where?

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 38, line 5 to 25).



            Mr. Kennelly refused to answer at me ’ e-mails where I asked what is the definition of “ plagiarism”, because he knew he wrong directs her for assignment. He knew what is plagiarism, BY BEIING AN EXPERT, he loved to play , loved  to induce everybody with his” ACADEMIC INTEGRITY” with his “SERIOSITRY“, and he was sure I will abandon the fight.  I continued to ask questions from his “own work” signed each page with his name and as source he false indicate” chapter 3”, and pretend to be “ learned for his student at exam.


Ms. .........:       Let’ s move because I pay for this. From where is this source? You don’t                          draw this to be your own work.

Mr. Kennelly: I got this from the internet.

Ms. .........:       Do you have any source here? So you copy, paste and plagiarized and give                                   to us to discover America.

Mr. Kennelly: What’s the question?

Ms. .........:       From where?

Mr. Kennelly: This came from websites.

Ms. .........:       Where is the website from where?

Mr. Kennelly: I don’t remember what website.

Ms. .........:       So you plagiarize? It’s your own work, with your signature.                      

(Mr. Colluci only to disturb)                                                                                       

Mr.: Colucci:  I don’t think he was passing off that Monet painting at his work.

Ms. .........:       What is here?

Mr. Kennelly: This are a slide that shows the passing types of fatty acids that are                                      produced by cells.                                                                                  

Ms. .........:       I can’t read and even honorable judge cannot read You have to give me the                                 source. From where? I have to go through to know from where these                                           three slides came?

Ms. Kennelly: What is the question?

Ms. .........:       What is the source? Which source did you use?

Mr. Colucci:   he said he wrote it.

Ms. .........:       Show me in index where he used some chemicals, you said you wrote it.                                       It’s not going to be  in the book and he wrote it. When the professor use                                              some notes you should use scientific words to be comprehensible to                                                 understand. If I don’t understand I have ether right to go in the index to                                   understand.

Mr. Kennelly: You do not know where this came from?

Ms. .........:       Yes.

Mr. Kennelly: I can show you on the syllabus where it cams from.

Ms. .........:       Give me the source from here.

Mr. Kennelly: Acidogenics come from this here. These two readings are on this subject                                       matter.

Mr. Collucci:  Time out.

Ms. .........:       Not time out.

Mr. Colucci:   Into the corner. We’re going to take another five -minutes break until you                                    get control of you motion.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Dep. Pg. 39, line 23to 25, Pg.40, Pg. 41, and Pg 42. Line 2 to 14) .


And again after a few minutes deposition, his attorney took his client outside. I  didn’t manifest any emotions. Mr. Colucci pretend “emotions“ and can afford to be above than law because was the ASSISTANT OD ATTORNEY GENERAL. Mr. Kennelly  grade was an abusive grade, was given only in retaliation of his abnormal sexual advances, to make my  life miserable, to depend on him, hopping I will be at “his mercy“ as all his students. No one could pass his exam by merit.            


Ms. .........:       You use this book medicinal Natural Product only to intimidate the                                               students?                                                                                            

Mr. Kennelly: What’s the question?

Ms. .........:       Do you use this book to intimidate the students?

Ms. Kennelly: No.

Ms. .........:       Sir, no one in your class takes eth exam, passed the exam with this book                           and with what you teach.                                                                     

Mr. Colucci:   Is there a question pending?

Ms. .........:       Yes. Did you take money, presents from all students?

Mr. Kennelly: No. I will say that you once gave me a present and I refused it and.

Ms. .........:       You took.

Mr. Kennelly: Let me clarify this please.

Ms. .........:       Not only one present.

Mr. Colucci:   You are interrupting the witness.

Mr. .........:       It’s my deposition.

Mr. Colucci: The witness is in the middle of answering a question .He’s entitle to finish.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 43, line10 to 25, and Pg.44, Line 2 to 10) .



            After I  asked Mr. Kennelly to read the definition of sexual harassment,     because he consider “normal” to disregard the Graduate Bulletin and he can afford to do what he wants. (EXHIBIT 40, Page 122,123).


Ms. .........:       - _ _ _ Read the definition.


Mr. Kennelly: “ For purpose of this policy sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome                sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other oral or written communications or physical conduct of a sexual nature when one’s submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly term or a condition of an individual’s employment or academic standing.; 2, submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decision affecting such.”

Ms. .........:       So your academic decision was by your rejection by me?

Mr. Colucci:   Is that a question?

Ms. .........:       Yes.

Mr. Kennelly:             What is the question?

Ms. .........:       Your academic grade.

Mr. Kennelly: Was my  grade what?

Ms. .........:       My grade at your academic course was a consequence of sexual rejection?

Mr. Kennelly: Absolutely not.

Ms. .........:       Continue please.

Mr. Kennelly: “ Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably influencing with                                  an individual’s work or academic performance or creating…”           

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 90, line 11 to 25).


After I filed my complaint with his sexual harassment AT ONLY 10-15 MINUTES SOMEBODY LEFT AN  TRETENING MESSAGE A In my answering machine ; ‘’  [ MY NAME] , I WILL CARE ABOUT YOU!I’.



And it is posible4 Lehman College to be accomplices with Glencord Building Corporation  ( my ex landlord), who poisoned me with Carbon Monoxide and toxic gases at diverse levels for years. I INFORMED THE COLLEGE AT THAT TIME.


Mr. Kennelly denied everything, he didn’t plagiarize, he did anything wrong, he didn’t have disrespect for Students’ Rights, he ignored  everything,  and consider all “his pure view“. He likes to humiliate  me.

 I asked him:


I asked him:

Ms. .........:       Did you gave me a fair job?

Mr. Kennelly: Did I gave you a fair grade?

Ms. .........:       Not fair grade, fair directions when came with Sigma materials in your                             office and I said they faxed me materials and I asked what I have to do.                                    You gave me correct direction when you told me copy from here and                                   paste?

Mr. Kennelly: I didn’t tell you copy and paste.

Ms. .........:       Continue please.

Mr. Kennelly: “ Other types of unwelcome conduct of sexual nature can be sufficiently                           severe or persuasive that the target does find responsible person would                                  find intimidating, hostile or abusive work or academic environment has                                     been graded“.

Ms. .........:       So in your class I left your class in tears. In your class always you try to                            put me down. Why? Why you create this so unhealthy environment? Why?                      I want to know why?

Mr. Kennelly: Why did I create an unhealthy environment ?

Ms. .........:       Yes.

Mr. Kennelly: I was teaching a laboratory and I treat all students fairly in the laboratory.

(Mr. Kennelly’s Deposition, Page 91, line 8 to 25, Pg. 92, line 2 to 7).



Even in my bad dreams I couldn’t imagine something like could happen to me. I NEVER could believe, people with High Level of Education can be so sadistically, so full of disrespect for human been and the law.


At Lehman College some professors ( Dr. KENNELLY, KINCAID, BRADLEY, ZUCHETTO, FERNANDEZ), had a dense and torpid pleasure to run a student at 49 years old ( me ), from door to door, for “pretended approvals” only to satisfy their fun, enjoyment.


They put me in illegal probation in middle of exams, to harass her with their mercy.


 I declares without any reserve a student who wants to have a diploma, to have a job, to have a life, will do every humiliation to survive at Lehman College. No other way.


 Some professors lost the limit. I tried to study, to have e a job. But I got a student loan, a bankruptcy, only because at Lehman College THE LAW DOES NOT EXHIST,  and the some professors want to prejudice the American Government for their illegal and criminal interests.






 I take responsibility for all affirmations. Sincerely,














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