  • Report:  #1452837

Complaint Review: LG Truck Group - Gulfport Mississippi

Reported By:
Owner op - Highlands Ranch, CO, United States

LG Truck Group
14057 Fastway Lane Gulfport, 39501 Mississippi, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Our company got 2 Peterbilts from LG Trucks. One 2004 and one 2005. We put $10,000 down and our payments were $617/week. We had a little trouble at first because our job got delayed so we let LG know what we were up against. After all we had just given them $10,000 and drove across country to get them. It was immediately clear that LG did not care to even pretend to work with us so we contacted our lawyer. We ended up filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy to try and salvage our business. We then started our job so we decided to try and salvage things by not completing the bankruptcy process and paying directly. Well, in a 30 day span LG started claiming $16,000 in lawyer fees. And we were charged thousands in late fees. We immediately gave LG $5,000 and then started doubling up payments.

Every week we did this. We were notified into this process by our yard where we park our trucks that Garlon Pemberton (owner of LG) had contacted them and wanted access to the yard to repossess the trucks. Our landlord told him to come back with a court order and he called us. We were caught way off guard by this because we had just given LG lawyer fees, late fees and double payments and according to Garlon we were good. Keep in mind that there was not a lack of communication and with every payment we were told that everything was fine. We continued to pay LG every week doubling payments and they continued to try and repossess the trucks until our landlord grew tired of it and gave us notice to leave. We called LG and they said that we hadn’t provided maintenance records so that’s why they were looking for them. I immediately sent LG all of the records.

We realized there were GPS trackers on the trucks and we decided to just keep paying and we’d pull out of this by forking over every penny we earned to LG and eventually we would catch all of the fees. We ignored house payments, car payments and all of our other obligations because these trucks were what made the money so they were priority. My husband was sick daily that even though we had paid they were still after our trucks. One double payment was 2 days late and we were charged $240 for late fees.

In a 5 month span we paid $45,000 to LG Truck Group and on the final week they withdrew 8, you read that right EIGHT payments from our account and picked the trucks up on that day. We didn’t owe 8 payments, we only owed their fees. We were current on payments. My bank is handeling the fraud that took place but they got our trucks right off of our job site. We will be suing but it doesn’t matter because we lost our house and our cars. I want to put the word out wherever I can to warn others to not fall victim to this. If your credit is bad don’t let them steal your life because of it. There were at least 3 other trucking companies names sun faded lettering on the truck doors of both of the trucks that should have been our warning to run but we were desperate. I had asked Garlon what it would take to refinance the trucks and his response was $80,000 EACH! These trucks are worth about $45,000 each and we had paid around $20,000 each on them already.

So, LG wanted $100,000 EACH for these trucks. The trucks came equipped with a bible in each glove box and Garlon will tell you God bless in every conversation but I have realized that he must do that to sleep at night. Trucking is hard enough people- don’t be desperate like us and please don’t use this company unless ending your business is your end goal. LG Truck Group are all thieves and liars! Lynn Hammons is the investor on these trucks with LG and will be added to our suit and bank fraud case as well.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Half-Truths & Misleading comments...

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Mon, July 30, 2018

The few things I can understand in lessee’s recent comments, I will address.

Lessee states 19 weeks at $618 for 2 trucks equals a total amount due of $23,484.  So far so good!  However, Lessee seems to have forgotten about the $6,000 deposit per truck ($12,000 in total) that they were required to pay.  So, if of the $28K in ACH returns and late fees weren’t charged, they would still be $7,038 behind in payments.  Obviously NO OVERPAYMENT.  Don’t let “Half Truths” mislead you.

How investors are ripped-off is almost comical.  Investors are nothing more than a means to finance, and unlike this lessee, our investors are paid on-time every time without fail.  Yes, even when lessee’s like this do not pay and end up costing us money.  That’s how we do business, by doing what we say we will do.

$28,491.71 in repossession fees?  No idea where they got this figure.  However, the repossession companies (yes, more than one tried) that we had to pay, had to stay on this trail for several weeks before we actually got the trucks back.  This is an expensive process. 

Trucks were stored in Wyoming.  Not sure where they were picked-up and really don’t care.  We have now flown 2 CDL licenses drivers to Wyoming and they are driving the two trucks back to MS.  Not sure where Lessee got that I state trucks were in MS.  However, I did know the cost to transport the trucks back to MS.  Again, half-truths skewed to make the lessee the victim.  As for a $45 difference, all the numbers presented by lessee were inaccurate, other than total amount they paid, which we provided to them.  Remember, they originally stated that they paid over $45,000!!  Why aren’t they adamantly arguing the $17K difference?

Again, comical on how lessee believes an investor owes us or is getting ripped-off.  Maybe by naming the investor they believe we will somehow pay them to be quiet?  As for the owners’ other businesses, they can investigate all they want.  He is a stand-up guy who goes overboard to ensure what he does is legal, ethical and right.  His has an excellent reputation as a person and a businessman along the MS Coast.  This threat of investigating and providing proof of "shady business practices" is yet another attack on his character.  Lessee has been warned about character defamation comments without fact to back up comments.

Moving forward, we simply do not have time to waste on rebuttals to these types of half-truths and misleading comments.  It’s obvious through the lessee’s own comments that they don’t comprehend their own wrong-doing, default of lease, short-payments, etc.  We will not be rebutting future comments.  Feel free to contact us directly and make any decisions to do business with us based on your interaction with us.  Thank you!


Highlands Ranch,
United States
Try to keep up.

#3Author of original report

Fri, July 27, 2018

 I attached the spreadsheets sent to me straight from LG. It CLEARLY states the repossession costs at $14,000 and some change for EACH unit. I’m unsure if the rip-off report requires back up before posting but, I hoped it was available for the public to click on. I now have in writing that they clearly have denied their own numbers so that’s great for court! Another thing you just put in writing is this...You asked who stated the trucks were in Mississippi? You did! In your demand for payment I attached to this report. You demanded I pay $40,000 which included repossession fees to get the trucks back to Mississippi! Are you demanding I pay charges that haven’t even occurred yet? Yes, you sure did- in writing! Great thing is that these reports and your email are all time and date stamped! Bet our lawyer wouldn’t even need cash down to win this slam dunk! I will also update that I was able to stop the 8 payments that they tried to fraudently withdraw from my bank. So I paid over $28,000 in payments PLUS $10,000 down which equalls over $38,000 and had they got the 8 payments equaling over $5,000 that would have meant I had paid $43,000 AND they had our trucks. I was off on saying $45,000- it was actually $43,000 at the time. Unfortunately, I now see why our trucks are gone because they can’t even agree on their own numbers! All the more reason for everyone reading this to please don’t make the mistake we did in thinking our hard earned money would not be misplaced and mismanaged! Garlon you can deny all you want but our Lord was my witness that the last words I had with you were- "are we good?” Your response- "we’re good.” Rest your head knowing that I forgive you. Our Lord is already showing us the reason he took you out of our lives! God bless!


United States

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 27, 2018

Your $28,000 of NSF payments significantly damages your credibility. It’s highly likely your attorney will require a cash payment in advance.


Highlands Ranch,
United States
Investors also beware of LG Truck Group

#5Author of original report

Thu, July 26, 2018

 I will put this very plain and simple and then potential customers or investors can make an informed decision before they sign up for failure with LG Truck Group. The attachments I am going to add to this are numbers directly from LG themselves. We had both trucks for a total of 19 weeks. March 12th through July 21st Payments are $618.00 per week each for a total of $23,484 We paid a total of $28,445.96 Fees charged by LG Truck Group are $32,283.07 $4,961.96 Overpayment by us!? You were never interested in us paying for the trucks were you? You are using your customers to rip off your investors! So here is a warning to investors- RUN! $28,491.71 in repossession fees? The trucks are TEN MILES from where they got picked up not in Mississippi as LG’s CFO Rick Foretich falsely states and has already charged us for. Is it a coincidence that there is only a $45 difference between our repossession fees and what we’ve paid? Nope! Here’s where their investor Lynn Hammons needs to pay attention! Lynn, you now owe LG $45 and you get nothing for your investment because they have ate it up in fees that go back into their pocket! We are also currently investigating Garlons possible other businesses that have also participated in shady business practices. I will update that as I get proof.


United States

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, July 24, 2018

This is a LONG response, but if you give value to the original RipOff Report, you should consider the rebuttal. – Thank you! 

I am the CFO of the company referenced in this RipOff Report.  More than anyone, I know what is fact and what a significantly distorted post from a Lessee who is upset they lost their trucks.  I will share the reality of each comment made by this person.  As I was trying to type, I realized there was SO much just in their first paragraph, that I have to break up my response to not have a massive paragraph! 

Lessee did lease two Peterbilt trucks, one a 2004 and one a 2005.  They did put $10,000 down... (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  $10,000of the $12,000 down payment that was required and agreed to pay $250 per week, per truck to make up the difference.  All of this was thoroughly explained, in-writing and signed by each party.  Unfortunately, I am not able to insert a snippet of what was signed but feel free to contact me and I will gladly provide proof that what I state is fact.)  Payments were $617.00/week.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  Lease payment only was $618/week, not $617.  First four payments to include $250 payment to make up for deposit shortage so first four payments were actually $868.00)  As stated:  "We had a little trouble at first..."  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  First payment was due 03/12/18.  They didn't pay March 12th, did pay March 19th... but the 19th payment was returned NSF, paid April 2nd but again, the April 2nd payment was returned NSF, paid again April 9th.. but April 9th payment was returned NSF... , paid again on April 13th but April 13th payment was returned NSF, paid again on April 17th payment was returned NSF.  If you are counting, that is SIX times between March 19th and April 17th that the Lessee told us to draft their account (THEY TOLD US TO DRAFT ACCOUNT) that came back every time.  First payment due March 12th, didn't receive an actual weekly lease payment that wasn't returned until April 24th, a month and 12 days after the original due date!)  

STILL FIRST PARAGRAPH OF LESSEE:  They did file chapter 13 bankruptcy.  Their attorney e-mailed LG Truck Group on March 22nd that they were now protected under Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  We noticed in the filing from the attorney that lessee had attempted to file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in July, 2017, but it was not approved.  Having not delt with bankruptcy of lessee's at this point, we contacted our attorney, forwarded all leases, documents signed, e-mails, bankruptcy info from Lessee's attorney, etc., for review & our protection.  I don't know if you've ever hired an attorney, but they are NOT cheap!)  Lessee states they "decided to try and salvage things by not completing the bankruptcy process".  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  As per the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado, the United States Bankruptcy Judge (I am not including name) the bankruptcy was dismissed but this Lessee filed an Objection to the Motion to Dismiss but later withdrew their Objection.  Lessee did NOT "decide"... a Federal Judge Ruled for Dismissal!  We received the Notice of Dismissal on May 3rd, 2018.  At this point Lessee was no longer protected by Bankruptcy Law and we began attempting to repossess the trucks, as Lessee was well over $13,000 behind in payments.)  

STILL ON FIRST PARAGRAPH OF LESSEE:  Lessee claims within a 30-day span we informed them of $16,000 in lawyer fees.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  In reality, the report that was sent to them stated $3,099.69 in "Paid" attorney cost.  It also stated at $2,500 retainer that every attorney requires and estimated current billing by attorney of $1,200.  The total of all three of these amounts is $6,799.69 NOT $16,000!  Also, this total was provided to Lessee on May 10th.)  Gotta love the "Thousands in late fees."  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  As per our lease agreement which was thoroughly explained to the Lessee, there is a 10% Late Payment Fee for any payment not received on the due date specified.  In total, through May 7th payment due date, Lessee was charged $1,312.40 in Late Fees as we did not get any payments when they were due.)  Lessee states they "immediately" gave LG $5,000 and then started doubling up on payments.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  It wasn’t until Lessee realized that we were actually going to repossess the trucks because bankruptcy was no longer a shield, that they got serious about trying to pay.  Lessee purposefully tried to put trucks to an inaccessible area to avoid repossession.  On May 8th, they did make double payments that actually cleared the bank.  Two weeks later (payments are due weekly), they did make double payments again AND $5,000 lump sum payment to start catching up on past due amounts. They agreed to making $5,000 each month until current but no other $5,000 payment was ever made that actually cleared the bank!)

SECOND PARAGRAPH:  Lessee states every week we did this.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  As mentioned above, two weeks after the first double payment, they made another double payment.  These double payments were made two weeks apart.  That simply kept them from getting further behind, it didn’t catch them up on anything!  It total from May 8th to June 29th, Lessee made 4 double payments that cleared the bank.  That’s 8-1/2 weeks of lease time and they made 8 payments (4 double payments).  None of that was catching them up, just not getting further behind!)


STILL PARAGRAPH 2:  Lessee (summarizing) states they made double payments every week (NOT), that communication was good (It was OK, spotty at times, but OK), and that Garlon told them everything was good (NOT!).  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  Lessee made Several promises to pay to get caught up.  IF Lessee would have met the payments they said they were going to make, things would have been good.  IN TOTAL, Lessee made $28,134.00 in promised payments that were returned!!  Yes, you read that correctly!  This Lessee is NOT a poor little victim.  They were given WAY too many chances and simply never delivered like they said they would.)  Lessee states we kept trying to repossess the trucks.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  They are 100% accurate on this statement!  We tried to give them opportunities but as we saw a very consistent pattern of them not doing what they said they would do, or $28K in returned payments, we kept trying to get the trucks.  They were using them to make a living and not paying us, would you expect anything less?One of the reasons stated in our lease that we can repossess is lack of providing maintenance records, showing that you are taking care of the truck.  Lessee did provide some maintenance records but nothing consistent as they were supposed to do per the lease.


PARAGRAPH 3:  Lessee states we have GPS’s in trucks, no one denied that, and this Lessee is the reason we have GPS’s.  Lessee tells of their personal financials trials which are tough.  We’ve all been through tough times and it’s not fun.  However, as the Lessor, we cannot let any lessee get anywhere near that far behind and stay in business.  Lessee states $240 in late fees.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  ACH’s were set-up for weekly payments.  When they attempted to pay a double payment and it was returned, that was two weekly lease payments per truck and one late payment ACH per truck (6 transactions in all).  ACH return fees are $40 per return.  $40 x 6 equals $240.  No one hid that fact from them and THEY are the ones who said to draft their account.  Not our fault the money wasn’t in the account.)


PARAGRAPH 4:  Lessee states paying $45,000 to LG Truck Group.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  Including all payments for lease, fees, deposits, etc., the total amount received prior to repossession was $28,845.96.  NOW, ON June 5th, 11th and 18th, Lessee instructed us to draft double payments from their account.  EVERY payment was returned NSF.  They also instructed us to draft $5,000 to help get caught up and payment was returned NSFAGAIN, on July 6th and July 13th, Lessee instructed us to draft double payments from their account, AGAIN payments were returned NSF!  We basically were trying to repossess our trucks the whole time but were hoping Lessee could get it turned around on a consistent basis and do what they kept saying they were going to do, but as you can see, that never happened.)


PARAGRAPH 4 STILL:  Lessee states we withdrew 8 payments from their account.  They state they didn’t owe anything but fees and they were current.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  If you read any of this post, you realize that we had as much in returned payments as we had actual payments!!  Lessee could not be more wrong and has NO proof to the contrary.  Lessee instructed us to re-run the ACH returned payments (double payments) of July 13th and we did.  They also instructed us to draft double payments on July 20th, which we did.  In reality, we didn’t (and still aren’t sure) these payments will clear based on their history with us.  They may or may not clear but we hope they do as it will pay for “some” of the repossession fees anyway!  No payment was drafted from Lessee’s account without their written, text or e-mail approval.)


PARAGRAPH 4 STILL:  Lessee states “Fraud that took place”.  This is a fine line for slander as the definition of “Fraud” is:   “intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.” – No truth has been perverted in order to induce lessee to part with anything.  We look forward to hearing from Lessee’s bank and providing all documentation backing up that lessee was in default of lease and instructed us to draft every penny for which the drafts were set-up.  Lessee is setting themselves up for continued failure. 


PARAGRAPH 4 STILL:  These two trucks were purchased from two different individuals.  These two trucks were leased for the first time from LG Truck Group to the Lessee.  Prior decals of other trucking companies had nothing to do with us.  Grabbing at straws now.  Lessee states we gave them a high refinance amount on the trucks.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  To-date, we lease mostly 2007 & older Pete 379’s and Kenworth W900’s.  We go through the trucks we get and try hard to ensure these are good trucks for the Lessee.  We spend a lot of time and money of these trucks to set the Lessee up for success.  Of course, they are used trucks and they have breakdowns, but it’s not from lack of trying.  Notice in this RipOff Report that the Lessee did not ONCE mention the trucks being bad trucks or thousands of dollars in repair cost!  After they read this, they will probably start bashing the trucks as well.  WE LEASE trucks.  We are not a lending institution, there is no loan balance on the truck.  If you lease, it’s more expensive than buying, period.  A lot of banks won’t lend much money on these older trucks so leasing is the option on the table if someone wants these trucks.  No RipOff here, it’s reality.)


LESSEE FINAL PARAGRAPH!  Lessee attacks our character, faith and accuses us of not being genuine.  (A LITTLE INSIGHT:  IF you are a person of faith, you aren’t perfect.  None of us are.  As individuals and as a company, we treat people right.  However, sometimes no matter what you try to do for someone, they will always look for a reason why it’s not their fault when things don’t go the way they want them to go.  Yes, we do try to share a little through our business but sometimes, if things don’t go as planned, victims can blame anyone, including attacking our character.  We absolutely KNOW we have done no wrong to this Lessee.  However, we understand that do to their financial position which doesn’t seem to be very good at all, they will blame others.  Despite their bashing of us and this RipOff Report, our prayer is that the good Lord can lead and guide them back to prosperity and joy.  That’s not lip-service, that’s our heart!)


To close this rebuttal, we run a small leasing company and try to put quality trucks on the road for lessee’s.  We abide by what we tell lessee’s and what we sign with the lessee’s.  As long as the Lessee abides by what they say they will do in the lease documents, we will have the best of relationships.  We have Several happy lessee’s, many are repeat customers who have more than one truck.  We will be happy to provide to RipOff Report, or any other reporting entity, references as to how we do business.  Not once has a lessee said we don’t do what we stated we will do in a lease.  Any who may complain can typically look at themselves and realize that any problems they are having are NOT because LG Truck Group didn’t do as stated, but the Lessee didn’t do what they said they would do. As for a lawsuit, I can't remotely comprehend how anyone can look at our lease and their payments and say they have a case.  However, we will provide everything necessary to their attorney and let them make that decision.  -  Thank you!



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