  • Report:  #610099

Complaint Review: Lisa Falkman Duane Tvenge Biggestrocks.com and D. Tvenge Designs - mendota heights Minnesota

Reported By:
kevin - minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America

Lisa Falkman Duane Tvenge Biggestrocks.com and D. Tvenge Designs
2271 waters dr mendota heights, 55120 Minnesota, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

We bought an engagement ring for $9330.00 from Lisa Falkman. I presented the remaining $6330.00 to her husband, per her suggestion, David, who works at Carousel Audi in Minneapolis MN on 5-25-10 at appx 435PM. No receipt was given even though I had requested one from Lisa the day before, but I was given an appraisal document and the ring for my cash. David called Lisa right there and she said she would email it to me in an attachment. Nine days later, nothing. Going on, this ring, produced by Lisa's Jeweler, Duane Tvenge (651-454-5363), was not what we wanted despite two wax moldings, which we could not even try on. We signed no papers, and were told of no return policy except from Dave that if we were not happy within 30 days, we can talk with him and make it work.

Well, here I am NINE days later, not happy, and Lisa tells me there is NO return policy. I spoke with Duane yesterday, and he wanted an additional night to sleep on it and let me know today. He never did. Lisa, again, called me and said she would give me $2455 of our $3800 paid for the setting. What? Thats $1345 we lose on a nine day return? I never was able to hear more from Duane as Lisa told me she called him today and that he felt threatened and did not want to deal with this. I did call his assistance, Marcus, today, and told him that I need to speak with him, NOT Lisa, and would appreciate a call back. I left my name and number and moved on. Again, no call back. Ok, so I'm talking with Lisa some more and she is saying that she is feeling threatened as well! I NEVER used profanity, threatened her verbally, or the like EVER. Not sure why she is threatened. Regardless, I tell her I am not cool with this great loss of money for us. She tells me she has NEVER heard of a custom return, Duane tells me the same, in 32 years, NEVER a return. Hard for me to believe. We presented Duane a sketch as he said that would be sufficient and has done MANY custom pieces from sketches or pictures. Lisa said there is NO return policy. I told her Duane told us to speak to him within 30 days if we were not happy. I told Lisa this and she denied it, said I was getting my stores mixed up, that Bergstrom's probably told me that. I have a witness, my fiance Tricia as well as Duane himself.

So today, Lisa tells me due to her and Duane feeling threatened, that I am to go to another city, speak to another Jeweler we met briefly, have him deal with the return, with returning a ruby/diamond ring Tricia was having Lisa try to sell, and that's that. He, Dave, is in Rogers area I beliieve. At first, Lisa had told me to drop off ring at Duanes, before he felt threatened and that she would mail you your refund check in a few days. I obviously disagreed to that.

Lisa has been very unprofessional, untruthful, unhelpful, putting this problem back on us, saying, do you know how much time I put into this?, and exhibiting more concern about herself than us, the paying customers.

In addition, Tricia had initially told Lisa that her gut feeling tells me to go with Bergstrom's. Lisa told Tricia that she would save money with Duane and could use that money towards a ring for me. We are grown adults and made out choice but this is representative of Lisa thinking of herself and her own agenda. When I first called Lisa with my displeasure with this ring, she said, boy, I really wish Tricia just would have went with Bergstom's. The nerve!!

I emailed Lisa twice, today asking for the sales receipt that she never did email me. I also emailed her husband at Carousel Audi. No responses from either after 3 efforts, civil efforts, on my behalf.

Lisa was continually rude, cutting me off, not answering my questions, and saying that she just wants this to be done with and that she has already spent so much time on this issue. I told Lisa that we waited over TWO MONTHS for this custom ring, that Duane did not have right the first time, and then overcompensated the second time and we are the ones who wasted her and Duane's time? I disagree.

Lisa verbally pushed us into what we did not feel comfortable doing, and Duane was not able to replicate our desire, despite Lisa's rave reviews and confidence in him.

 I feel Lisa Falkman is a dangerous imitation of a salesperson, has a crooked agenda, and that her Jewelry Designer, Duane Tvenge has been completely irresponsible, not called me back today as he said he would, and has chosen to react cowardly by telling Lisa he feels threatened and designates her to communicate with us when Lisa herself instructed me to go through Duane.

I apologize for occupying your time with this matter. I am affected by how these two individuals have let us down, lied to us about a 30 day ability to work with you and have acted criminally thru and thru. I've never proposed to a woman before and now I am facing this disgusting, crooked situation.

  Lisa Falkman and Duane Tvenge should be held accountable, and do the right thing by refunding me my money. In addition, I am willing to compensate Duane for one of the moldings, and his shop hours, but I am disinterested in losing such a large amount of my hard earned money! I even asked Lisa and Duane's assistant what the labor rate is. He did not know, and Lisa ignored me. I was told that a wax molding, in which two were made for us to view, go from $165 to $1500. Again, Duane refused to call me and inform me of these rates.

We signed no papers agreeing to getting such a rip of for a return. We were not told, and did not sign anything showing that we told or shown a return policy. Therefore, it logically follows that if a thing is returned, we should be given our half of the transaction, namely our money back, less Duane's work. Which I don't believe in more than $1000 of what I paid.



ps- I did call Duane twice tonight, at 806PM and 811PM and left. The first asking Duane what his rates are for work done and in particular, for our ring. The second voicemail was asking if indeed he did or did not say that he would work with us and make it work as myself and Tricia can verify. This question I forgot when I called the first time. I left my cell number and email address and asked that indeed he get back to me sooner than later.

Report Attachments

7 Updates & Rebuttals


The Resolution.....

#2Author of original report

Mon, August 16, 2010

On 8-11-10, lisa falkman and myself appeared in court. we were able to reach an agreement. we are getting half of our money recovered. this will be the end of our matter. i am appreciative of this gesture. i have emailed Ed, at this site, ripoffreport.com, and he says he will not remove this post. isn't that right, ed? you say this is your property. well, thats fine as this post shows resolution.

 however, i have asked you to take off lisa's picture and i'm asking you nicely. there is NO way for me personally to edit my original posting. Ed, this is frustrating because when i posted i did not care of what i posted as i had a legitimate concern. now, legally, we are settled. lisa wants to recover her name and business. this is part of our agreement to have this settled on here. does this make sense?

i am appreciative of lisa and her efforts to settle this matter with me.

this is the end of this matter.



lisa falkman...

#3Author of original report

Wed, June 30, 2010

i still have not heard from you. barb g, from the Better Business Bureau, says you have also not contacted her. i respect your choice. i look forward to having legal mediators assist us with our differences. all the best.
kevin christopher baisley


still no response from lisa falkman...

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 22, 2010

well, ladies and gentleman, here we are SEVERAL days later, and still no response from Lisa Falkman. Barb G of BBB has been exceedingly helpful, but lisa falkman continues to be uncooperative. lisa, if you have nothing to hide, have been forthright, and are an honest businesswoman, why have you not presented what happened to the over $1400 you did not return to us, even when we returned to u a 2-day worn( and not all day) ring? why? do u have something to hide?

lack of communication, ignoring simple requests, ignoring the BBB, lying, lying, lying.

Lies of lisa falkman:

no sales tax if u pay cash. lie. indeed ur recipt shows us paying the FULL tax amount.

that i swore and threatened her. laughable lie. present ONE shred of evidence of this.

that i received ring from her and cried. big lie. i got ring from her hubby at his dealership and didnt shed a signal tear. i dont get down like that.

that there is no such thing as a 30 day return policy and duane t never said that. LIE. indeed he did say that in the presence of myself and my fiance. own up, duane, you know you said that. it irks me when people make up such contrary lies to what they themselves spoke.

lisa, lisa, lisa, i could go on. why dont you own up that you have been dishonest, selfish, and stole over $1400 from ME? why? and u can be mad at me for taking the time to make a report on here, create a papertrail, and involve BBB and attorney general lori swanson, but im a social worker. i believe in ethics. i believe in doing whatever is legal, ethical, and correct to fight a wrong. i dont care that you think its "creepy" that i posted your mug along with my report. far be it from me to ignore this and let u swindle another human being. thats not how i carry myself. i would do the same to any other fraudulant person.

my sweetheart and i got engaged and this WHOLE process, the entire time since, has been me fighting you to return our money. is that fair? is that cool? should newly engaged folks have to deal with theft during whats supposed to be a special preperation time for a life long commitment? and all you shared was how this was so much of YOUR time, and you wish my fiance would have followed her gut instead of been persuaded by YOU and your pushiness. never ONCE have u been sympathetic to us and OUR TIME and expectations as paying customers.

you should be ashamed of yourself, lisa falkman.

and again, i invite you to speak with police or an attorney if you feel i have "sworn" or "threatened" you in any way, shape or form. i mean that. i want the right thing to be done, so if ive been wrong i should pay a fine or whatever is legally correct for my actions. i have a feeling none of that will be happening.

lisa falkman, again, and again, and again, you have the opportunity to make this right. you threatening legal action against me if i dont remove these communications is not the right thing. what is the right thing, is returning my money as i returned duanes clunky, inaccurate, sized incorrectly setting. again, how hard is this? is this so hard, lisa? what do you not understand? lisa, is there anything i can do to help you understand?

anything i can do to aid you in returning my money? would u like me to speak to a peace officer, attorney? what can i do? i mean this. it appears to be very, very difficult for you to answer legitimate, simple questions, and im not sure why that is. so i can do whatever you need to assist you, to aid you in swift resolution of this matter.

lisa, im sure you want to clear your good name. who wouldn't? let me help you.

the over $1400 you have not returned is money my fiance and i could definitely use. we have a wedding coming up. these are not cheap. every cent helps. dont deny us money that is needed and righfully mine. you know we returned the ring. please, return me my money. i am asking this of you, simply and politely.

and you already know, indeed i will not drop this until this matter is resolved. your attitude of lack of communication, lying, dishonesty, pushiness and selfishness only further compound within me, the desire to fight for what is right, no matter the stress and strain on me. and my free time that i freely invest in this matter.

ive always enjoyed a challenge, especially when its the right thing to do. it teaches me a lot and makes me proud of myself. sooner or later, it is totally up to you.

this is all i have for now. indeed i wish our paths never crossed as well, but they have. lets have peace and resolve all of this, lisa falkman. do the right thing.

thank you for your time and understanding,


Kevin Baisley



receipt proof of lisa's lies

#5Author of original report

Thu, June 17, 2010

ladies and gentleman, here is the basic receipt that was finally, after 11 days, and Barb from BBB's muscle, sent to us:

Reciept for Tricia Syke, Kevin Baisley 10/25-2010  (Receipt from Lisa Falkman)

$3880 custom wedding band
$3000 trade credit
$800 for ladditional abor
Ring was returned for labor and wear since it was a custom piece we have to scrap all materials at cost. This is a rare and once first and last return on a custom piece.
$2455 was paid back on returned date of 6/3/2010 at D Thomas Jewelers.

By the way, Lisa Falkman, what is with the 10-25-2010 receipt date? That date has not even happened yet. How do u time travel?

So, as everyone can see, there is NO BREAKDOWN for OUR UNREFUNDED $1,425. Lisa, i thought u typed, above, that u refunded us and for all to view BBB on this. well, I heard from Barb today, Wednesday June 16th, that still "No word from Lisa." 

This is my point: there is NO BREAKDOWN of the $1,425 that you kept of my money. Tricia, myself and BBB have requested this breakdown multiple times. still no response from you. Why is that? lisa, why no answer?  if you did provide  y it please post a copy on here so as to clear your "good" name. post it with the original email date of when you provided this information, as we have yet to receive it. pretty simple, huh? thats what we think. instead, u sit there and accuse me of harassing and swearing at you, both on my sweet grandmothers grave I DID NEITHER. 

Lets qualify dates:  I picked up the ring from your husband at his workplace on Tuesday, May 25th.  I presented the ring to my fiancee Wednesday, May 26th.   She never sent you an e-mail telling you how much she loves the ring and thanking you.  If you insist she did, please materialize that correspondence.  She did talk to you the day after receiving the ring and told you it was too small.  She also mentioned that the ring was heavier than she anticipated, as well as the cathedral part being MUCH higher than she anticipated too.  

After some back and forth with you and Duane, I personally delivered the ring back to Dave Thomas Jewelers on Thursday, June 3rd as your receipt states as well.  He pulled the center stone out that we had purchased from you BEFORE the custom ring was made, and gave me $2,455 back of the $3,880 cash we gave you for the setting.  That makes a difference of $1,425 that is not accounted for in terms of your refund to us.  Again, please justify keeping that much of my hard earned money....

Not to mention- if you look at your receipt, we owed you $3,800 for the setting, not the $3,880 you asked us for and we paid.  Do the math.  Had we seen the receipt before we purchased the setting, we would have caught this $80 error, but we didn't get the receipt from you until eleven days after the purchase, despite our multiple requests.

That is hardly a two week time frame that my fiancee wore the ring  She wore it one day, and then put it in the box to show people the next day, as it was so uncomfortable to wear. This hardly constitutes us to pay a fee for ring "wear."  She has witnesses that saw her present the ring in the box to them on Friday, May 28th.   She never once put it on after she took if off on Thursday evening, May 27th.  Her finger was red and irritated by the ring, plus it was too small- not even the size it was supposed to be, and Duane measured her finger multiple times for a comfort fit that we never got. That leaves one day of wearing it- Thursday- May 27th- not two weeks Lisa.  We didn't even physically have the ring for two weeks!  Again, do the math.......   

In addition, you told Tricia that if we paid in cash, you would NOT charge us sales tax on the center stone, but you did.  Is this the way you do business Lisa??
that sales tax was in the amount of $369.00.

lisa, also, from a customer standpoint, you and duane have never ONCE considered this situation from the customers point of view. not ONCE. its been completely about the time you and duane have put into this and the money in your pocket. how do you stay in business not caring about customer satisfaction or trying to resolve issues. how? it was not only you and duane who had a lot of time invested in this. tricia and i had nearly THREE MONTHS invested into designing and waiting for this piece yet we were not compensated for our time in terms of a beautiful finished prodcut, ever. sales 101, lisa, customer satisfaction first- number one.

Honestly, I can't stop laughing about the part you wrote about me crying when I picked up the ring from "you" when indeed, I picked it up from your husband and there were NO TEARS- how do you make this stuff up??  Did you excel in creative writing classes in school by any chance?  If you did, A+ to you girl!

from now on, please, dont just use ur words, present PROOF, such as actual, authentic emails. does that make sense, lisa? as we are trying to present the TRUTH, not fictions. im not on here for my health. no more lies. proof and truth, please. thanks

lastly, lisa let me remind you there was nothing in writing or signed by me, tricia, you or duane. mistake number one. if you refund us the $1425 you kept of my money, then resolution will have been achieved, i will clear your name, and this can be done and we can all just move on, lessons learned.

your call, lisa falkman. what is your decision?
heres your chance that you are an ethical, customer caring, business woman, or that your not. up for the challenge? 

Kevin Christopher Baisley (as you so fondly refer to me as......)


lisa falkman's continual lies. wow.

#6Author of original report

Wed, June 16, 2010

wow, where to begin with lisa falkmans LIES.

true, i put ur picture from facebook on here. u ROBBED us, why wouldnt i alert the public? duh.

next,  i NEVER threatened you, lisa falkman, you liar. never swore at you, never cussed, i was assertive and standing up for my hard working social work dollars that YOU stole! furthermore, duane tvenge DID say we had 30 days to be happy with the ring. ask my fiance who was there with me. duane was doing no one a favor when he lied and said he never said that. you and he both have been DISHONEST. plain and simple.

next lie, 2 weeks we asked for return?? ha! try 2 days, lisa, you liar! the day after i propsed which was 2 days after i got the ring from your husband, i contacted you. two days. two days, lisa. not two WEEKS TWO DAYS. just for the record, two days.

next lie, i picked up ring from your husband NOT YOU! and i was not in tears! ha. im a calm dude with composure and i dont cry about anything, so me in tears is completely FALSE. how many lies do you tell a day, lisa falkman? how many?

tricia told u within DAYS not weeks of me giving her ring. dont lie.

we didnt still buy the diamond. we kept it as we went to get a setting that wasnt as heavy as the Titanic. so we didnt buy anything from you after u robbed us. u refunded PARTIAL money, lisa falkman. u stole over $1400 that u DID NOT return, did not provide a breakdown of this money, and this can be verified with: Barb Grieman, vice president of the BBB, phone number 651 695 2459. in addition, if i harrassed you in words or emails, which i can prove i DID NOT, then call the police, take me to court and hold me accountable! what? you wont? no kidding, because that IS A LIE. grow up lisa falkman.

indeed we would never do business with duane tvenge again anyways. what a joke. wont even return a call back.

so, in closing, i even received an email from a woman on craigslist who said she was going to do business with lisa falkman but didnt as lisa was pushy, kept pushing her out of her cmofort zone by $800-$1000 for a diamond, despite that clients sharing of what her budget was, and then wanted to meet client in a Rogers, MN parking lot. this client said she was creeped out and uncomfortable by lisa falkman and her business handlings. this womans testimony is verifiable through BBB as well.

so here is the clarification and truth. lisa falkman is a liar. she has demonstrated BLATANT LIES. why would i get on here to lie? really?

get a clue, lisa falkman.

i look forward to your further lies. i appreciate documenting all of this for the larger community to view and take heed to as well as holding lisa falkman accountable.



Biggestrocks LLC

United States of America
Refund given, Slander needs to be removed

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 16, 2010

I sold Kevin Chrstopher Baisley and Tricia Sykes and diamond and a custom designed ring. Duane Tvenge is MY designer who kindly met with Kevin and Tricia to show them the wax model before the ring that they ordered was casted. Duane has been in business for over 33 years and has never had anyone not LOVE his pieces. Kevin was intears when he picked up the ring from me, he LOVED IT!!!

Tricia called me the next day and told me how much she LOVED the ring and I have emails from her saying so as well.

2 weeks went by and she said the ring was too heavy and exhausting to carry around all of that nearly 5 carats of ring. (Theres women's envy, not sympathy).

She wanted to keep the diamond and return the ring. I stated to both Kevin and Tricia as my website says on the FAQ's, all cusom pieces, worn or altered pieces are not refundable. Anyone want to buy Tricias used ring? This is rediculous. ANY jeweler wouldnt put up with this.

Kevin got upset and called swearing at me and threatening me. I was afraid of how irate he was, so I still gave them a refund hoping they would just stop harrassing me and my designer Duane. I guess some people can never be pleased.

They still bought a diamond from me, go figure.

I have been in business for over 20 years and have never had come across people with such time and energy to slander and harrass even after they got a refund.

Kevin has gone to my facebook to copy my picture and list it on here. Thats really CREEPY!

I have a wonderful family business and you may have emails from these people, which I have saved and will be more than happy to forward to anyone.  Duane Tvenge has no promises and dealings with either of Tricia Sykes or Kevin Christopher Baisley.

Please check me out on the Better Business Bureau.

Complete satisfaction and customer service as always from biggestrocks.com

Thanks for reading, Lisa Falkman

Biggestrocks LLC

United States of America

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 16, 2010

Tricia Syke and Kevin Christopher Baisley bought a ring CUSTOM MADE and approved the wax model before it was casted. I can send any emails from them bosting about how great the ring was and thanks for all of my help and MY desugner Duane Tvenge's work he did for me. They wore the custom ring for 2 weeks and wanted to return it because 5 carst worth of diamonds was too heavy and it was exhausting to wear. As always and custom pieces or worn or altered pieces are never refundable. And as far as Duane goes, he was there to show the wax only as a favor to me to meet my customers. I still gave them a refund. People like this are never please no matter what you do.  He was threatening to me as stated by Kevin himself. I have never in 20 years had a customer like these. This is slander and should be removed. Please check the Better Business Bureau . Thanks for reading, Lisa

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