  • Report:  #328091

Complaint Review: Midland Credit Management - San Diego California

Reported By:
- Ishpeming, Michigan,

Midland Credit Management
8875 AERO DR 200 San Diego, 92123 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Quite awhile ago, I received a letter from Midland Credit Management about a credit card that they claimed I had not paid. I went to my credit report and found an entry, from Main Street Acquisition, with the same account number, which was marked paid. I asked MCM about that and they claimed that Main Street Acquisition may report anything they like, but that MCM had been hired by HSBC to collect this debt.

Now, I am not a person with stellar credit. I am on disability and, for a while, was not receiving checks. I defaulted on a LOT of things. However, once I started receiving checks again, I did make an effort to find what was on my credit report and to pay my bills. Capitol One has taken me to court, rightfully so, and have gotten judgements against me. I have paid one and am trying to pay the other.

Still, this account, for some reason, just didn't seem right. I had a fraudulent account reported to my credit report once, but I did not make the connection, as that account was from Household Bank. When I called HSBC, to verify the debt, as MCM refused to, I was directed to their fraud department who informed me that this "HSBC" account that MCM was trying to collect was the same "Household Bank" account that had been verified fraudulent.

Further, HSBC immediatly sent me a letter stating the results of their investigation and also stating that all creditors should ignore any reference on my credit report. MCM removed the account, which was under the credit card number, only to place it back on my report weeks later under their internal file number. Again, I asked for proof of debt and was denied. I was called several times, to which I always replied that I had spoken to HSBC and that I have no doubt that this account is not mine and therefore I am not concerned about anything MCM may threaten me with. (threats ranged from garnishment, to attaching liens to property, to attaching my wife's wages, to legal action)

Finally, they stopped calling. Good thing, right ??? Wrong. They hired a lawyer. They hired Stillman Law Offices, which will be the subject of my next report, who filed papers and took me to court. My court pre-trial was earlier today. Despite proof of the debt being false, the judge has ordered another hearing in 60-90 days. He did so because he wants Stillman Law Offices to have every opportunity to form a case. He actually said so in court.

People wonder why the legal system is a mess. It is crap like this, lawyers like Stillman Law Offices, and judges like Judge Girrard, that clogs up our legal system, letting real criminals remain free longer because they cannot get into court. I find this whole thing laughable, but I will say that they accomplished one thing, I now have a lawyer of my own, one who doesn't find this funny at all, and who has assured me that I will quite enjoy the money they shall be paying to me.


Ishpeming, Michigan


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