  • Report:  #270299

Complaint Review: Mike And Pat Movers - Hamilton Ontario

Reported By:
- hamilton, Ontario,

Mike And Pat Movers
428 L.c.D.-1 Hamiltn,Ontario 3068 Hwy #2 Hamilton, L8L7w2 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
False advertisement. First of all they showed up in an old Hamilton Spectator Truck, which clearly would not pass any mechanical test. All 3 movers were rude. The driver(guy in charge) swore regularily. I was told that I would need to give a $300.00 deposit.

The charge was to be 65.00/hour for 3 drivers. Plus klms. I clocked the klms at 8 from the storage space to my home. I was charged for 42 klms at 3.00/klms. What they had to move was a couch, love seat, dining room table and a bed. Very simple move.

They told me because I was paying "cash" they would give me a good deal. I figured at most the bill would be $180.00 for 2 hours and klms. What they did was drag time on, then left my couch in the hallway of the apartment saying they could not do it!!

The final charge for this disaster was $391.00. This is because they also tacked on one hour travelling time???? They filled in this information at the end of the move when I was left sitting there by myself with a couch and no more money. To summarize a 8klms trip cost $126.00, when the poor person before me would have paid the klms as well to their next trip...then they did a two hour job that sould have taken one hour, and charged me for an extra hour travelling time????? Not indicated. They then took off with my $$$ . I plan to report this to Better Business Bureau and as many local newspapers as possible. Beware!!!


hamilton, Ontario


2 Updates & Rebuttals

Pat & Mike

The SERVICE AGREEMENT Tina Rogano Signed & Accepted from PAT & MIKE and why a CASH Discount is not a TAX Discount.

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 01, 2011

The attached document is a true copy of Tina Roganos actual SERVICE AGREEMENT with PAT & MIKE # 340223 from Aug. 25, 2007.

The FIVE highlighted yellow circled areas are Tina Roganos four acceptance initials and one acceptance signature to the same terms and conditions Tina Rogano was previously informed of. If there were any discrepancy to what she was told, compared to what she read, claiming to understand and agree to, she very easily could have sent PAT & MIKE away. At NO CHARGE to her.

Tina Rogano was under no duress or obligation from anyone or anything telling her she had to move that day, but her own desire.

If Tina Rogano chose, she had at least to the end of the month to remove from storage that meager amount of furnishings using anyone else she wanted to hire. Tina Rogano did not have to spend a cent on PAT & MIKE until she agreed and signed the agreement.

Showing how already well prepared Tina Rogano was on that infamous day and showing she understood her terms clearly, Rogano had an envelope which she claimed held $295. I (Pat) took her word for it and didnt count it until much latter.

No one from PAT & MIKE ever told or demanded anything from Tina Rogano. PAT & MIKE only inform.

The envelope turned out to only have $290. This is why I claim she owes $50.26 and her contract shows she owes $45.26. I know this is my, Oops.

It was Tina Rogano that told and demanded PAT & MIKE to stop at 3:50 PM, leaving her sofa in the foyer of her building. I think she was afraid to go into the next hour and pay for it. It shows Rogano understood her terms very well indeed. PAT & MIKE have to eat too but PAT & MIKE have never charged, a nice person, for going Over-Hour by as much as twenty minutes. The sofa would have taken 10 to 15 minutes more.

Tina Rogano did not strike me as an ignorant person. In fact I have discovered from her internet persona that she has university in some sort of business areas and indeed works in that field. If Tina Ragano were illiterate I could understand her claim of, false advertisement. I would also understand that she would not understand that, The Devil is in the detail. Tina Rogano glosses over any detail in her complaint as if she were illiterate, all the while hiding her copy of the Agreement.

Tina Rogano is far from illiterate. She is very, very, shrewd. Which brings me all the way back to, A woman scorned.

Thank you.

Pat from,


Report Attachments

Pat & Mike

PAT & MIKE movers answer Tina Rogano's FALSE ADVERTISEMENT libel

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 29, 2011

It is fantastic today that you can libel a hard working businessman with nothing but your opinion and then hide behind an alias because you dont have the ovaries to identify yourself. I and many others think thats being a phony.

Hi, My names is Pat Canini. I am the Pat in PAT & MIKE and I like poetry.

No anger is worse than that of a jilted woman.

Heaven has no rage like love, hatred turned nor Hell a fury like a women scorned. (The Mourning Bride, by William Congreve 1697). Movers know both, hatred and fury.

At times I wonder who the poor sap was that suffered the wrath of that Mourning Bride back in 1697.

I would have been here sooner but I just discovered this wonderful Site, RIPPOFF.com and the not-so-wonderful things Lady Teena , AKA Tina Rogano, wrote about her move and movers.

Not since 1697, but Ive been around for a long, long time too, and have lifted and laid many a mans sole possessions and waste. (Sorry, I love The Stones.) Womens possessions too.

Please consider me, The devil you know.

Clever minds tell us that the devil you know is preferred over the devil you dont know. Tina would like you to believe PAT and MIKE are devils with a dolly instead of a pitchfork.

I think there is nothing PAT and MIKE, or anyone for that matter, can do to please a scorned woman. I believe Tina, the day of her move, was that scorned woman. She had a HATE-ON for someone. Perhaps it was for her estranged better-half for making her move out and place her furniture into storage and now, having to move it out again. Perhaps she vented that rage on PAT and MIKE. And perhaps she had rage-blindness because she certainly did not seem to understand anything on her simple, fully authorized and signed SERVICE AGREEMENT.

For example, in her complaint, Tina calls us MIKE and PAT. The business is called PAT and MIKE. Details do not seem to get in her way or bother Ms Rogano. In retrospect I ask how well could Tina Rogano possibly have been reading that day?

Lady Tinas SERVICE AGREEMENT was signed off at 3:50 pm August 25, 2007. At 8:20 pm that same day, Tina Rogano trashed PAT and MIKE on RIPOFF.com without a word to PAT and MIKE. In my opinion, that is an indications that not only does Tina Rogano have, Something Stuck Somewhere, but it is broken off in there too. Not only did she refuse to pay the balance on her services, she refused to pay the taxes owing. Tina Rogano still owes $50.26 from her move on August 25, 2007.

I consider myself a very good judge of human nature so when some people strike me as people who want to get even for something and they really dont care who they get even with. I am usually right. Tina Rogano struck me this way.

Tina Rogano is correct to say that the articles that were actually moved, were a meager number of articles. Those items however were just the items that were actually moved by her truck. What she conveniently failed to acknowledge was that these items were all located behind dozens of other pieces of furniture and crap that were piled high and haphazardly into her large storage facility.

This meant that PAT & MIKE had to carefully empty her storage facility to obtain her wanted items, then put all the unwanted items back in, without damage.

Arent the facts convoluted?

In my 35 years experience as a mover, clients will always call the mover that put you into storage, to take you out of storage. It leaves me wondering what happened to Ms Roganos first movers?

Did she insult them to death?

You may be asking yourself, how can Pat remember all this after all those years?

Ill tell you.

PAT and MIKE has moved well over 5,000 people since 1975. Pat was on EVERY move. Of all those people and moves, there were less than 20 complaints. All of those complaints were rejected by credit card companies, the government and toothless tigers that have all those Bs in their name. Why? Because complaints had no merit. It turned out that complainants were, in one way or another, trying to get something for nothing. I remember everyone that complained because I was there, breaking my back at the lowest moving charges of any, tax collecting, registered and licensed mover in Ontario.

I take it personally. So I remember.

20 out of 5,000 is less than one half of one per cent. I call that a perfect performance record. So does Ebay.

To recap. PAT and MIKE has never had a false advertisements.

Tina Roganos mechanical prowess is no doubt as astute as her understanding of a simple commercial contract. In other words she knows nothing about trucks and understanding nothing of what she signs.

Kilometers are charged from the time the truck leaves the truck bay and comes back (That is standard practice.) It is not just the kilometers used for her or any job. Rogano was aware of this and signed for it before she spent any money.

Anybody of Ms Roganos advanced age would understand that in a +40 degree C humidex weather, Rude usually gets as rude does.

Ms Rogano told me she was connected and The Hamilton Spectator and the chamber of commerce came up on her lips. To instill FEAR might have been her motive.

If you would like a little more reading titillation please visit THE MOVING STORY at...


Dont be afraid to drop me an email and say, HI.

All the best and see you on moving day.


from PAT & MIKE

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