  • Report:  #549382

Complaint Review: Morgan Properties - Camp Hill Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Eilm690 - Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Morgan Properties
121 November Drive Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, United States of America
(717) 737-4081
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Last year, I filed ongoing noise complaints with Pam Donbach, former manager of Camp Hill Plaza Apartments.  Pam gave the appearance she was dealing with the complaints until I signed the renewal agreement for another year.  After I signed the renewal agreement, Pam sent an email saying it was okay for the same residents I had been complaining about to keep up the noise. 

Same thing happened when I signed the recent renewal.  After I signed the lease renewal, a new manager, Andy Kaehler, moved in another tenant who moved in out of a taxi cab.  This tenant instantaneously appeared immediately after I signed the lease renewal and he is constantly banging and slamming doors and cabinets.  After I complained to Andy about the tenant, the tenant got louder and louder.

I had been sending Andy email after email about the disruptive tenant and could not believe he responded one day asking me what type of noise the tenant was causing.  So I copied and pasted each complaint I had been sending to him.  When Andy responded that he was going to send the tenant a letter to "resolve" the matter, that next day, I thought a plane had crashed into this building because that is exactly how loud that tenant was banging and slamming things.  Would you believe he was even throwing things against the ceiling in his apartment and literally and downright harassing me in my apartment!

If any normal person is notified by the manager of an apartment complex about keeping the noise levels down, any normal person to respond accordingly.  But these are not normal tenants and I could be wrong -- but I do not believe I am -- that this rude tenant was brought here specifically to make me move.

Moreover, instead of dealing with the noise, Andy wrote me an email saying I had complained about other tenants and that he did not believe I "was happy" living here.  Now I had already provided notice to Camp Hill Plaza Apartments before this tenant moved in that I was renewing the lease agreement.  However, instead of Andy dealing with the disruptive tenant, he chose instead to grant me additional time to change my mind and move.

Furthermore by now, I would have received my rental bill.  But I have not received a bill for January 2010 and not only is my rent is due tomorrow but I signed the renewal and for them not to send my bill is certainly a violation.  So I have contacted an attorney.  It is a pitiful shame a person cannot reside in a rental unit in these United States of America without legal representation!

On many, many occasions, I have requested the name of the owner, Mitchell Morgan, and I have yet to receive his contact information because they refuse to give it to me.  Let me tell you . . . I have seen the other reports posted by tenants in other Morgan Properties locations and it is amazing how Morgan Properties continues to receive "Best Apartment" awards year-after-year.  These apartments are not the best but are rather some of the worst instead.


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Camp Hill,
United States of America
Ongoing, unresolved complaints regarding noise at Camp Hill Plaza Apartments

#2Author of original report

Fri, February 12, 2010

The management stinks!  Take a look at this ongoing chain of correspondence and how they are blaming me for their tenant's behavioral patterns.  Never seen anything like this before in my life.

Sent: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:43 pm
Subject: Fwd: Camp Hill Plaza

You people need to be ashamed of yourselves.  While you state that one resident broke her lease because of me, your apartment manager, Andy, otherwise told me a completely different story in that Camp Hill Apartments was dealing with her legally for breaking her lease on her own volition.  Prior to her moving in, another resident playing loud music broke his lease, too, and moved after I received an email from Andy saying he had "given notice" to move.  And I am sure with a subpoena of your rental records, it can be without a shadow of doubt that many of your renters break their leases.

Since I have lived here for the past three years, no resident has been as loud as the current one.  But you should know; as soon as I renewed the lease, you people moved him in.  I can also prove that when Pam Donbach was the property manager, as soon as I renewed the lease, she gave them full reign to continue making noise.  As a matter of fact, this email you conjured up must have been in the making within the last several days because that loud tenant on the first floor is unusually quiet and I believe you two are working hand-in-hand with one another. 
I am pretty much sick and tired of this apartment complex's false accusations against me and believe me, I regretted that I had to pay you rent for February because of the noise I am being subjected to in this apartment that violates PA law.
I will contact my attorney and you will hear from him. 

Sent: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:48 pm
Subject: Camp Hill Plaza

Thank you once again for contacting Morgan Properties through our website.  I apologize that it has taken me some time to respond to you.  Over the past year, you have spoken with me and have worked with both Property Managers appointed to your property.  In each situation that has been brought forward regarding the noise occurring in the residence beneath you, each has been investigated and management has found no evidence of unreasonable disturbances or violations of
the lease.  Over the past several months, two sets of residents that lived beneath you have moved out because of your continued banging on the walls and disturbing nature that has occurred while they were in their home.  Both had indicated that they could no longer live beneath you and in a home where they felt so uncomfortable.  The last resident broke her lease within one month of
move-in for that is how upset she was regarding your behavior.  At the time of your most recent renewal and before the last reside nt moved out, you were given the opportunity and extension on your renewal to really consider if you wanted to continue residing at Camp Hill Plaza.  While we were happy that you made the decision to renew your lease, we were and are still concerned that Camp Hill Plaza and possibly community living is never going to meet your needs and expectations for as soon as the next resident moved in beneath you, you complaints started again.  Morgan Properties believes in delivering exceptional customer service and we want our customers to have great experiences when living with us.   While I believe in upholding the lease which states that Tenant will not act in any way, which unreasonably disturbs the peace and quiet of other residents, I believe that your standard of quiet enjoyment is unreasonable and will never be met while living at Camp Hill Plaza. 
While I have valued our relationship over the past several years as Tenant and Landlord, the continued complaining without reasonable cause, banging on the walls and disturbing behavior to the residence beneath you needs to cease.  You claim in your email that you have banged on
your walls so hard that you now have put holes in them.  This clearly identifies that the unreasonable behavior reported by those living beneath you is true by your own words.  As Andy has stated in previous emails to you, if you would like to end your lease at Camp Hill Plaza, we would honor a 30 day written notice from you to terminate the lease.

Thank you again for taking the time to provide your feedback through our website.  Have a nice evening.

Christine Beechan
Regional Manager
Morgan Properties

*** Original Feedback ***

Shortly after giving notice to continue renting from Camp Hill Apartments last
year, an extremely rude, loud and disrespectful tenant moved into the apartment
directly below my apartment.  The same happened the year prior when Pam Donbach
was the manager.  After complaining to Pam about other tenants playing loud
music, shortly after I signed the lease renewal, Pam sent a letter saying the
same tenants could continue with the same noise I complained to her about.

On December 14, 2009, a new property manager, Andy, sent the following email
saying he would send a letter to the tenant below me to "resolve" the noise
issue after I submitted repeated complaints:

Date: 12/14/2009 8:52:28 AM Eastern Standard Time 

Please let me know the noises that you heard at 1:02 am on Saturday morning.  I
will then send a letter to the resident below to "resolve" the noise issues.


Afterwards, instead of Andy asking me if the situation had been "resolved", he
instead sent the following email saying the noise that tenant on the first floor
is keeping up is "reasonable" and "acceptable"and encouraged me to move with an
extremely short notice that other apartment communities could not accommodate:

Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:40:43 -0500 (EST)

Although I recognize your concerns with noise, it is necessary for me to state
that Camp Hill Plaza Apartments is a multi-family community.  In such a
community, there can be no gurantee that no noise will be heard in neighboring
apartments.  The past three previous residents have had complaints of noise
mentioned against them from you.  After thoroughly reviewing the files and
consulting with previous management as well as my supervisor, we want to be
clear that everyday reasonable noise is acceptable.  We will not tolerate loud
parties and gatherings but everyday activities are within the norm.  Your
current lease is to expire on January 31,2010.  You have already expressed your
desire to renew.  I want to give you an opportunity to reconsider that decision
based on this communication.  We will release you from your renewal if written
notice is given by January 1, 2010.  It is our desire to have satisfied
residents in our community but it seems that you are not totally sati
sfied here.  Please let me know your decision and I am available for further
discussion of this matter. 


Andy Kaehler
Property Manager

On December 28, I submitted a request via Morgan-Properties.com's website for an
extension.  However, none of the apartment communities could accommodate my
short notice requesting other housing.

Since that time, in an effort to keep that tenant from disturbing me in my
apartment, I have banged on the walls and not knowing my own strength from the
frustration I am experiencing, I have accidently knocked several holes into the
walls that I am not paying for because Andy's letter did not "resolve" anything
and I have had to deal with that loud tenant on my own because of the short
notice to find other housing.  I also must sleep with earplugs in my ears and
have been late to my job on several occasions because I cannot hear my alarm
clock.  Moreover that tenant bangs and slams things so loud that the walls in my
apartment literally shake.

I am writing to find out what you people are going to do about this problem. 
Although I cannot recall whether the lease agreement mentions anything regarding
noise, Pennsylvania law certainly mandates that tenants have a right to a quiet
and peaceable environment and Andy's email correspondence indicated the noise
issue would be "resolved," which it has not been.

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