  • Report:  #913499

Complaint Review: MSI Credit Solutions - Frisco Texas

Reported By:
James - Fort Morgan, Colorado, United States of America

MSI Credit Solutions
2811 Internet Blvd. Suite 250 Frisco, 75034 Texas, United States of America
1 (866) 217-9841
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They play games and make statements about how and what they will do.. I paid the up front fee of 3600.00 (1800 per person) I paid that 3600 all at once, to buy a home, and they tell you they will give it back to you when you buy thu them.. Guess what.. YOU will never purchase a month, they want you to pay the 100 aa month fee for the rest of your life I guess.. These guys could pass a lie detector test no problem..

Yes 3600 dollars, then they will charge you another 50 dollars a month per person.. Most married couples have two people so thats 100 a month.. I was promised certain things and the such.. I got nothing, actually my credit scores went down during this time.. Some things came off.. But some where things that naturally dropped off and some were

So today 7/17/2012 after a better part of a year I am trying to get my money back for both me and my wife.. At 1800 dollars each.. They state NO..

They say we raised your score at one place a few points and will try claiming all of that as something they did.. And some scores are completely the same.. They consider this a positive thing of their doing.. I will fight them until I get a refund.. With the money I have spent with MSI, I could have paid the bills and been happier.. Dont use these guys.. More of a scam, with some so called fancy things..

During the start, they will be instantly ready to talk to you and help you.. But after they get your money, trying to get a hold of them is almost impossible without a wait of a week or more..

I score them at 1 or worst, for their play with you type games. And the money back guarantee.. Thats a lie, they find everything as I mentioned above to skate around doing crap for you.. And getting the money back.. You will never see that home you are trying to buy.. I was able to purchase two brand new vehicles, just as they started, NOW, I cant even trade my 2011 in on a 2012, and my credit has gotten so bad.. When I have paid almost 10 grand off the truck alone.. AND THE KICKER is Im using the same dealer and Toyota as the same people.. That is what the worst thing..Is I might as well just not pay anything and see if that will raise my scores, after I cancel MSI..

To add to my issue:

The person with the user score of 7 (JDavyboi). I think he might be a person that works for MSI.. I cant NOT confirm this, but yes, they are well trained in the verbal judo. After a 6 month period, I requested that they pull my credit score again.. when they compared them.. they showed no differance went down or went up a few points, but in the end.. Our scores went down.. Now after spending almost 5000 dollars, a person my think, they would have a better score.. they posted on the their website the newest credit report.. the two placed next to each other, it appeared the newest one was the one that I started with but it wasnt .. Thats how bad they are.. I had things that were on my credit report listed twice, and they couldnt fix that.. My wife had things that were reported on her acct. twice.. they couldnt fix anything.. We wasted alot of money .. I would have gotten more out of the money we spent, if we video taped us burning 5000 dollars in 20's.. Just a pile of ashes.. Thats what you will get.. I have started a case with the FTC.. Anyone else that has been screwed by these people (and when doing this they use sand) .. Save you mind and money.. Do it yourself or find another place.. I have been started paying the issues one by one, to fix my credit myself.. and I feel better paying them straight out then letting MSI take another 100 bucks a month of me..

You are a fool if you use them..

7 Updates & Rebuttals

I got screwed by MSI and they even

Fort Morgan,
United States of America
MSI Credit Solutions - MSI Credit Violated federal and state laws by taking money before then got the job done.

#2Author of original report

Sat, July 21, 2012

  Thanks for your information, Yes as for Neal I think his name is Robert Neal..

I to was in law enforcement, and worked the streets, I dont have the contacts I did anymore, its been almost 10yrs since then.. I have tied the VAhomeloans and MSI together.  IF their is more names it would be great to add them..  You wouldnt happen to be the same who reported MSI scamming ways, where you and your husband were charged differant amounts.  I personally dont want to get "naked" on the web by placing my information on the web, Mediola, has some issues with GOD and makes those comments on his every email he has sent to me.. That aside, makes me wonder if he might be the next guy to goto the next batman movie and start shooting the place up... I place him as a modern day Jim Jones.. Jones started as a normal "pastor"  and very small church with just a couple of people and we all know what happend.. He killed a sentor and his aids and guests, and 900+ members of his church.  He is a member of  NACSO.ORG, and he is named as a board member (funny part ) hes the tresyour.. I have reported him to every place I can.. I have a few places left.  AS I stated we feel we might have been lied to by his company employees as normal business practice.. He then violated the law by trying to get me to stop.. I did get a reply back from NACSO.ORG, which oversees credit repair companies, and they seemed very interested in what I stated.. The federal law, states no company will ask for or take any money for credit repair until the job is done.. Mr. Mediola -- stated he raised my score but over 100 ppoints and my wifes by 58 points.. If that is the case, at the 50 pts we would have then been able to get a home loan via his company.. I dont believe he the ability to make any Home loans, since he dont have a home and we now dont forsee where we will be able to.. he even stated we must be one the system ofr 6 months.. We made the down payment on 10/25/2011.. Now 7/18/2012.. We are looking at 9 months, and they still want to keep taking the money.. I called the bank and killed the CC i was using for them.. I dont think they have the money to make the refund honestly and they use it for what ever they do, I would assume make payroll, see if they dont charge for fixing your credit, and the money will be used for a down payment on a home as his employee stated (Joey Perez) then why would they need the money up front.. Why would they need 3600 dollars and then the cost of the credit reports.. then the 100 per month. I think once you get into the system, they will keep you in a position where you cant go anyways (with their personalized help) so you will be making 100 a money payments for the rest of your life.. When I started to make waves a few months ago why we have even worst credit scores, our monthly payments when from 49.99 to 39.99.. I assume to try to make us feel we got some out of my barking at them..  When I spoke with his one employee, she attempted to speak over me and make statements and lies, at this point, I would no longer hold back and threw a few choice words at her, and hit the end call button.. I then went to call me wife and tell what they said, and I noticed my phone was still conected to them, and I held the phone up and her the lady still babbling. I hit the end call button again this time the call ended. 

I was called yesterday afternoon by the sound of the voice it was the same lady, and she asked me to call and speak with her about my account.  I had also informed my wife, to refuse to speak to them (they use every trick in the book, to smooth talk everything they say) when they called her, she stated MY husband called you three times today and gave you his number each time.. (which they had on record, its  the same number I have had for 7 yrs..) and she hung up.. I didnt hear again from them.. I did miss a call from them, and had a voice mail.. I have saved that with the date /time stamp.. were she requested I call her back.. Why would she call me..

** I guess MSI credit solutions, will fix your credit for free, since I dont see anything stating that after the credit repair, we will owe them anything.. WHY is that, we already paid for the credit repair on 10/25/2011 in that 30 day period (we) paid MSI 3750 dollars, then 100 per month so another 900 bucks.. and the cost of pullling another credit report, which they really were refusing to do.. this was at the 6 month time frame.. they didnt want to show what happend, the new credit scores are lower then when we started with them.. 

I would hope that NACSO.ORG will get this fixed, the dallas BBB, has 25 complaints since late 2007.  and they rate MSI credit solutions a big fat "F".  Most all of the complaints fell under the refusal to refund and poor service..

Im doing this to hopefully put them out of business or make them turn around and do what they say they will do.. Not what they have been saying.. 

IF you look at his reply, he stated he got my score a 100 pts and 58 pts for my wife.. IF that was correct, where is our home, why havent we gotten a letter from his bank for pre-approval.  ONe he is lying about the rise, and they dont have any home loan programs as he stated as in house..

But the matter at this point is the federal and state laws MSI credit Solutions have broken and violated.. Anyone that reads this should goto NACSO.ORG, their is a security place website that looks like the right place, but that isnt the place that is for actual security guards type of things.. The NACSO.org is a securies (i.e money) type of place and they are watch dogs watching credit repair companies.. 

Every one that has had trouble with MSI credit solutions, should make contact with NACSO.org and file a complaint, the more they see how corrupt they are the better.. Plus when you look for the baord members for the 2012-2013 YOU will see a profile and picture of Mr. Mediola.. He looks like a criminal in a suit.. You know like when the mason types get arrested and their mug shots are scary, but when they show for court all the hair is shaved off and they are in a suit..

Texas and other states have adopted the federal law CROA, in their stautes, so they can be charged under your local state laws.  File a small claims case, contact and file a report with the local police in your area.  also the internet fraud website (IC3.GOV) and the FTC, and since they claim they make VA loans, I would file a complaint with the VA homeloan section.. everything from everyone.. Companies work on this profile of complaints.. for every hundred or two of screwd customers, only 1 or two will file a claimand actually use their names, which you must do, trying to hide your name, or not using it, the complaint will be placed in a box, and later that day or week someone will place it in a grinder and the complaints end their.. 

** EVERYONE has to stand up and do the dirty thing, and file that complaint with everyone, when you go from one place to another, you may get a reply that is postive and they might give you soem advise and other places to file complaints.. Like I was given the IC3.Gov..

Every Veteran.. We stood together when it came to bullets flying and incoming rounds..  Time to do that again, I have some real issues of how many Vets they have screwed, and some of the older vets feeling alone will doing nothing and will take the abuse.. Like the report filed by Perez's ex-girlfriend where she gave him more money to get her money she lent him all ready.  That is sad to hear, if someone never stated that to me, I would be filing a case with the local PD and then taking him to small claims.. I wouldnt give him another dime.. Im not sure if this is the same Joey Perez that suckered us into this, but whats the chance it was. MSI credit solutions are a very small company.. just a few employees..

Thats the only way things will change.. AND the law CROA, that was designed becasue credit repair companies were just screwing and scamming people .. So they had to make the law and it was signed into law in 1996..

We live in Colorado, and we both have CCW permits.  Everyone knows what happened this morning when the movie BATMAN premiered at midnight, they nut case, kicked the door in and started shooting.. he shot 71 people and 12 are dead, and 15 in critical cond.  I immediately texted everyone I know and told them to sign up today for a CCW class.. I know by the end of this day, all of the class slots will be full.. In this day -- you have to be able to protect yourself and your family.  If I had been in that threater, with all the smoke and gas. I could operate in those conditions since I had to when in the military and as a police officer.. Now I might not have killed him or even hit him.. But he would have to withdraw from what he was doing, he kept reloading and reloading.. I would have be unloading into him every round I had.. He was wearing protection, and would have been more then likely ok, but something I have trained my self for years is.. You can protect every limb you have and the rest of your body.. But its almost impossible to cover and protect the head and face.. That is what I would have unloaded my weapon into.. I am more then willing to open fire on a person like that.. I would rather see a fire fight between me and him and everyone else get out then, to stand on my feet and look at the people that were killed or their families..

I think I have babbled enought.. Our country and the world has changed for the worst in the last 10-15 years.. People wearing tattoos covering their face and all over their bodies and then adding metal to their face.. Then the loud music from their cars.. This shows a complete lack of respect for others rights.. I dont care if you want to do all that, but dont take my rights away from having a day with out having to hear their music.. That should have their windows rolled up if you want to blast it.. That is why their is laws about this...

SO file complaints with:
1. the FTC
2. Your state atty generals office
3. their state's atty generals office
4. IC3.gov
5. NACSO.gov
6. Veterans Admission, focus on the Home loan area..
7. the FHA (home loans)
8. Any mayor banks
9. websites like ripoff.com (I will be researching for more websites - I dont want this to drop between cracks)
10 anyother place you feel applys to you..
11. The three credit reporting agenies.. (take their ability to get credit reports as easy as they do.)
12. VFW DAV, American Legion (national websites)
13.  Chairman Spencer Bachus - he overseas credit repair companies and writes the laws..
14. DAV
15. AMerican legion (use their national websites)
16. Your local congress or sentors

Not as hard as it looks, since you can use the cut and paste to fill the boxes..

Together we stand, divided we fall

thanks for reading this "book".. I dont know it all, anyone that has any more ideas, please add them to his ripoff report or Make your own.. REF: Msi Credit Solutions.. So people can find it quickjly.. their are several MSI's..


United States of America
I hope this helps also

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, July 20, 2012


FHALOANAPPROVAL.COM site is sent to servers in TX so I did some research.

BBB show the wedsite belongs to First Mortgage Corp Frisco TX owner is ADAM NEAL:

This next link shows that ADAM NEAL is also partnered with MSI owner RICARDO MENDIOLA

They are partners in a few other investment businesses in Texas


and here it the best proof of all. An employee of First Mortgage with a fhaloanapproval.com email address


Mr. Mendiola said some really hurtful things about my husband and then brought me and our children into to by making false claims on this website. He put our home address and my phone number. This was all in retaliation for calling his company a scam and placing him on ripoffreport.com. Our credit score was a 659 and was told by MSI it was too low so we called them a SCAM. I have worked in law enforcement and can locate any public information thanks to all my training. There are even court records I have found on the owner and others. Please don't let him or his company hurt anyone else. I will keep a watch out and if you need anything I will see it and help you. Thank you for fighting for us and god bless you.

I got screwed by MSI and they even

Fort Morgan,
United States of America
MSI Credit Solutions - MSI Credit Violated federal and state laws by taking money before then got the job done.

#4Author of original report

Fri, July 20, 2012

    First, the argument of your company (MSI Credit Solutions) rising our scores is busted and your trying to side step the real issue, your company (MSI Credit Solutions) violated several laws under Texas, Colorado and the federal law.  

** What does " MSI " stand for ? --->  "Most Scammed Individuals"

    Everyone should review the FTC site, in the FAQ's which states, if a company requests or takes money before they get your credit fixed, they are a scam. Then review the Federal law, which actually is in just plain words.. Most states have adopted the same law.. Word for word.. here in Colorado it's a crime and everyone involved can be charged the statue..  So you have also placed your employees in a position were they could be charged with the crimes stated.. 

So you can make all the statements about how you raised our credit scores, I will not respond to them.. That is something I will charge your company (MSI Credit Solutions) with after the FTC and the state atty generals of both texas and colorado are finished with you and your company (MSI Credit Solutions)

    Our scores were about 30-40 points short ....

You say that your company (MSI Credit Solutions) raised our scores by 58 points. If that was correct, then our credit would be better and we wouldn't be having any this or any other issues and we would be in a home or in the process of closing on a home.. The credit scores your company (MSI Credit Solutions) pulled last month or so, showed that both of our scores were no better and were lower. 

*** My point and why you have been reported to all the state atty offices and the such, are stating that YOUR company, (MSI Credit Solutions) can NOT take any advance fees (or any money) for credit repair until the credit was reached.. So I have already gotten several emails from these offices, stating that dont care what YOUR company (MSI CREDIT SOLUTIONS) use for term(s), You CAN NOT TAKE ANY MONies AND THEY DONT CARE WHAT TERM YOU ARE USING FOR TAKING THE MONEY.  Your email where you stated that the fees your company (MSI Credit Solutions) took, was something you could do, since your company (MSI CREDIT Solultions) because you are bonded in texas..  Well even Texas law states what (MSI Credit Solutions) did is a violation of the the state of texas.. There is No mention of except for companies that are bonded.. the laws of both texas and colorado, have taken the FTC (Federal Trade Commission website states) NO credit repair company can take ANY money or things of value before the credit is fixed..  Texas law DOES NOT over ride the Federal government, (that kills your statement about being bonded)..  As to the credit scores, My credit was could good enough just before you took over that I could get 6 credit cards, and two brand new vehicles (2011 vehicles).  I went to trade for another vehicle last week, from the same dealer, and same finance company.. The vehicles I got were @ 0% interest, and all payments were on time and even larger then what was required.  The dealership credit manager, stated to me it looks like someone has taken over your identity.. The credit manager, stated that he will put out a memo, to all the salesman and women NOT to recommend YOUR company (MSI CREDIT SOLUTIONS) for any customers that might have some credit issues.. Since he could see my account and see that both of the toyota accts, showed perfect payments and one time and for even more then what the payments were.. 

We have life lock, and no one has done anything to our credit scores except YOUR  (MSI Credit Solutions) with our credit.. Your company (MSI Credit Solutions) opened things that were about to drop of our credit reports and now those things that were (or should have been) removed by the credit bureaus are now relisted for the next 7 yrs..  

** Again if you had gotten our scores better, then we wouldn't have filed complaints, we would be in our home.  Which we now see will not be possible for a few years, thanks to your company (MSI credit solutions)

*** We have also questioned now if the home loan place that stated we were just a few points short of what was required, was true.. Since they proably were tied to your company (MSI Credit Solutions)

If the fees you state we paid were for start up fees and the such, then why was our requirements to"join" different then others that have reported on the web.. You even charged two different fees to one couple because of there different credit scores.. The amounts we were told was they figured after pulling the credit reports.. WHY would you need to pull our credit reports, to determine what our cost would be to "join" your company (MSI Credit Solutions)..  

    ALSO your company (MSI credit solutions) was going to fix our credit for free ? What company would take the time to do that ??  No company that was interested in staying in business, since you would need income to pay the overhead.  Since I dont have any bills or anything that states after the work we would be required to pay anything for the work done.. So Your company (MSI Credit Solutions)was going to fix our credit for FREE..  
    Come on, anyone reading this is going to see my points I have covered and others complaints and see a pattern from your company.. I wish I had seen the law before hand.. I would have been able to see your company  (MSI Credit Solutions) was a scam.  We were getting taken by your company (MSI Credit Solutions) for a very costly scam.. Our first month we paid your company (MSI Credit Solutions) a sum of 3,750 dollars and then another 100 dollars per month.. 
    We truly believe your company's plan was to keep our credit scores as low as possible, to keep us paying the 100 monthly fee" since your company (MSI Credit Solutions) wanted to take the 100 a month for the rest of our lives if your company (MSI Credit Solutions) could..

** simply put your company (MSI Credit Solutions) and your employees, which are professionally trained in verbal judo, via their smooth talking way.  Wouldn't have asked a couple or person for money, knowing they had money issues or credit issues, until you fixed their credit. 

You took advantage of a couple of VETERANS, and I'm a 100% disabled combat vet. Which is was known by the person which took our money..  When I asked for our money back, know our score was going down and down, and we would never see the day we could purchase a home via what your company (MSI Credit Solutions). Thats why we canceled our accounts (or tried) we cant even close our accounts, I have taken the step and reported you to my credit card company, and also cut up my credit card.. So you can no longer withdraw at YOUR will any more money.. AS some people have stated that your company (MSI Credit Solutions) will do, by taking money from them at times when requested to stop or wait for another time..

Your attempt to get me to shut down my filing of complaints, is another violation of the FTC laws.. A federal court system stated that you MUST inform your customers, that they can report and file complaints, your emails that which is a large number since tuesday, you attempted in several ways to get me to stop, but making claims of this and that and I'm wasting my time since I cant do anything about it -- since you and your company (MSI Credit Solutions) are protected..  After making contact with NACSO.ORG (which oversees credit repair companies).. You even send me a email stating that you were a BOARD MEMBER of this company which you are.. The only honest thing I can say has been true..  I was contacted by NACSO.ORG for more information and they have given your company (MSI Credit Solutions) 10 days to reply..  I have also sent them more emails and or information they requested to prove my (our) case..  Your position as a member of the board at NACSO.ORG should be changed, i.e you should be removed, since your company (MSI Credit Solutions) ethics are less then good, they are more inline with a company that is doing things illegal and corrupt.  

In the end, your company violated the Federal and state laws of texas and colorado, by getting money before you did your job. matter a fact, your company (MSI Credit Solutions)  took the money, before you even started anything..  

You should be ashamed of your self and the way your company (MSI Credit Solutions) operates.

Every reply is just more things I can shoot down and show your attempted smooth talking ways..

People can see thu your lies.

Report Attachments

Client Services

United States of America
Client failed to abide by his "CLIENT OBLIGATIONS"

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 20, 2012

Mr. James  states that we failed to comply by our guarantee of a 50 point guarantee and reimbursement of his investment.

Here is our Client Obligations and Guarantee from the agreement both he and his wife signed.

OBLIGATIONS OF CLIENT: Client understands that it is essential for Client to fully cooperate with MSI in order to obtain an accurate credit report. Client will timely pay all debts, with no debts being 30 days past due and Client will not have any new collection accounts reported. If specified by MSI, Client must agree to pay down certain debt. Client will promptly forward all communication from credit reporting agencies to MSI. Client will promptly provide MSI all requested documents, forms, and
information. Until such information or documents are received from Client, MSI may suspend all services on behalf of Client. If MSI directs any telephone or written inquiries to Client, Client shall respond to those immediately. Until such information or documents are received from Client, MSI may suspend all services on behalf of Client. Client shall not incur any new debts during the term of this Contract. Client shall not initiate any new inquiries on Client's credit report and shall not apply for any new lines of credit, unless authorized by MSI.

5. GUARANTEE: MSI guarantees the performance of all services set forth in this Contract in obtaining an accurate credit report on behalf of Client, as follows: if client meets all of its obligations under paragraph 4 above, and client's
credit score does not increase by at least 50 points at the end of the program, MSI will refund to client initial service fees previously paid.

According to Sections 4 & 5 of our agreement signed by James and his wife there is no justification for a refund.

Clients both received new derogatory information on their credit report. This is NEW derogatory information that was not on the initial credit report pulled for both Mr. and Mrs. Allen prior to their enrollment.

Mr. James increased a total of 100 points (exceeds guarantee); Spouse increased a total of 58 points (exceeding guarantee). Clients would have received a higher increase if new derogatory information would not have been added to there credit report history.

Our company complies with our Money Guarantee! Clients must complete the 180 day program and abide their client obligations. Upon completion of the 180 day program and authorization of our clients to pull a new report MSI will provide a before and after assessment of clients credit reports. MSI will willingly reimburse our clients their initial investment previously paid if MSI has failed to provide them with their minimum 50 point guarantee.

For Further assistance please contact our office at 1-866-217-9841 ext 6322.


United States of America

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2012

I have also had/have a problem with this company and it will only get worse unless you report them. Please send an email to [email protected] NACSO is like the BBB, only they deal with credit repair companies. MSI is a member and on the board. NACSO will make MSI correct the problem and offer an apology or the company may be removed and they do NOT want this to happen. NACSO is a big deal to companies like this. Also the people at NASCO are very kind and will try to help you. 


Please visit http://www.nacso.org

I am very sorry you are having to go through this and I hope this helps.

PS You might want to send them this link so they can read it.

I got screwed by MSI and they even

Fort Morgan,
United States of America
TWIST AS you will.. Still a violation of the laws

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2012

You can twist the truth as you want, at this point the arguement about your services are poor to say the least.  I have reported your company to the FTC, IC3.GOV, The state atty generals of both Texas and Colorado..

Both states have the basiccly word for word the federal law.. You failed to perform as promised in the time frame as stated.  This started in Sep 2011.. YOUR rep. stated the time frame would be from 3-6 months maybe later.. Today is 7/18/2012 almost a year later and we have worst or lower credit scores.  Their was no rise of atleast 50 points as your REP stated.  When you pulled the last credit report and the numbers showed worst.. then when we started.  YOUR company is a SCAM.. Anyone reading this needs to review your states laws and the visit the FTC site and read about CROA.  Ch 2 section 4.  Which mentions no credit repair company that is what you are no matter how you want to twist it. Stated YOU CAN NOT TAKE or GET money before the JOB is done.

NO matter how you want to twist it. You have violated the laws of Colorado, Texas and the Federal Law. 

These "people" are masters of the art of verbal judo.. and will tell you everything you want to hear. When they fail and you request a refund.. I will tell you the answer will be no.. NO matter what, you wont get a dime from them.  If you have money to waste, they call them and open a account with them.. Trust me, you end up doing the work. I have to do the work, and might as well just pay the bills and work with the creditors on your own. I cant speak for the other credit repair places.. But MSI is the worst mistake we ever made.  And it cost us about 5000.00.

Do your research, several complaints are on the web concerning them, and these were before we were met MSI.  And their is new ones as of this month, that are not from us.

IN the end.. We feel we would have gotten more bang for our buck, if we took the money we wasted with MSI  in 20 dollar bills and burned them in the back yard and roosted marshmellows. 

At least we could have gotten a meal.  AS a disabled veteran, I'm disgraced I served my country so companies like MSI could operate and take peoples money.  My next step is small claims. Just havent figured exactly how yet.. But its coming.

Client Services

United States of America
Reply to Complaint Review #913499

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 18, 2012

 Complaint Review #913499

Mr. James,

With all do respect sir; you have stated that our company has charged you upfront fees. Page one of the agreement that you signed prior to enrolling described the work that was being done before a payment was ever processed.  If you would please review the agreement that you signed you would have an itemized description of our initial services. This description
includes A. Initial Services, B. Monthly Credit Restoration Services, and C. Client For Life Program.

Mr. James, what you have failed to mention is how many times we have communicated with you. Our records indicate all the communication that weve had with you by both phone and email. All your questions have been answered in the order that they have been received. Our records indicated contact information that was given to us by you to communicate with. As of
yesterday you replied to an email asking for a call on a different phone number. Our agreement also informs our clients to communicate any changes to your address or communication information. This is valuable to us in order to
provide you with client follow ups.

As being one of our clients you have direct access to our client portal. With your user name and password you were given access to all of the accounts that have been worked on your file. You are also able to enter the portal and update your accurate item listing through out the program. This was updated numerous times by you.

Our services are not provided to insure 100% removal of any accounts. Consumers seek our services, as we are credit professionals. They seek our services as they do not know how, nor do they have time to work on their own credit. Each individual client is aware of their rights as our agreement provides them with descriptions of our services, our 50 point
Guarantee, Clients obligations, Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law, Notice of Cancellation Forms,
and etc. Our company provides the service of assisting consumers to dispute inaccurate and unverifiable information. Our company has never promised removal of any such account or accounts. There is not a company out there that can
guarantee a removal of any such account. If they do at that point you should hang up or walk away.

You mentioned that we said NO when you asked for your refund. We informed you that you were not eligible, and described to you why you were denied a reimbursement. You went against our client obligations. If a company, product, or service did not
have obligations or requirements in place everyone would invest in a product or service and then demand their money back. We have no problem reimbursing our clients their investments if we have failed in providing a bare minimum of a 50
point guarantee. Your scores exceeded the guarantee as well as for your spouse.

You demanded a refund and you were upset as you went against the obligations. When you communicated with our representative you barely allowed them to speak without you verbally abusing or degrading them. When you were asked to please stop cussing and to please not speak with such language you tell them to F off and hang up on them. Even after times of you hanging up and your abusive words we attempted to still communicate with you.  

Being referred to our company and enrolling in our program does not guarantee the approval of any type of loan. Every lender has different guidelines for approval. We can only hold up to our guarantee as well as providing you with our quality of service.

If you would like to further discuss your account respectfully, feel free to contact me from 9am -6pm Monday-Thursday and 9am-5pm on Fridays at extension 6322.

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