  • Report:  #3827

Complaint Review: O'Rorke Title Insurance - Wichita KA

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

O'Rorke Title Insurance
229 E. William Wichita, 67219 KA, U.S.A.
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Paid for Title Insurance to protect myself from any and all claims against property I purchased. O'Rourke Title did the closing and sold me the title insurance.

They later discovered after all of the documents were signed that they had made a mistake on the figures at closing and would not complete the transaction for which they were contracted thus holding up title and sale untill they were paid for their oversight.

This inconvienced the seller because he could not get another loan untill this transaction was complete, I personally felt that I had paid for title insurance and that all papers were signed the deal was done and that they should eat their mistake.

In the end I paid the amount just so I could get clear title and the seller could get his loan---Great Title Insurance----huh.

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