  • Report:  #943181

Complaint Review: S & S Contracting - North York Ontario

Reported By:
Pradeep - North York, Ontario, Canada

S & S Contracting
21 Wintergreen Road North York, Ontario, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Dear Glen J. Sousa (aka Glen Sousa aka Glen Souza),

Where have you been hiding? You have been promising to complete my projects that I'd fully paid you for since late 2010. Your last call to me was in early Feb 2012. So, what happened? Did you jump off a cliff or run in front of a train or something? Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if you did as the burden of lying to & scamming so many people must really have been weighing you down. A scam artist has no conscience it seems. No matter how much people try to help you, you just keep conning them and move onto your next victims. I told you once all the work I paid you for and the money I lent you had been resolved, I would happily help you diversify out of contracting into other very profitable ventures, but we never even got to that stage.

Sadly, in all the time I've known you, you have done nothing but make empty promises, lie, cheat, and steal from me, and as I found out, with many others as well. And, what's with your expression of "I promise I'll be at your home 1,000% tomorrow guaranteed"? If you had any sense, you'd know you can't promise more than 100%, so does the extra 900% make your promise any stronger? Perhaps. But, in the hundreds of times you promised me anything you almost always failed to deliver. This shows an incredible lack of integrity. 

Your word is worthless, as is your character. You're a pathological liar! You're really no better than a boozed up bum on the street.

You started off doing decent work for me, so never could I have imagined you were a serial scam artist. The fact is, the initial 2 projects I hired you for were going so well but you still haven't finished either of them completely. However, as they were going on, you offered to build a stunning dream gazebo for me based off the photo I gave you, and I paid you in full for that because you claimed you needed to make payroll. 

Ultimately, I learned you don't actually build the gazebos but rather sub-contract them out to other scam artists such as "Chris Long" of Wood Design, Inc. in Brantford, ON. I don't know who's the bigger scam artist, you or him. Or perhaps this "Chris Long" doesn't even exist and is merely a friend of yours posing as this so called super-secret builder who only deals with established & reputable contractors, which you're obviously neither. Do you get off by having your friends pose as imaginary characters for you?

Ditto for this "John" the cop friend of yours who promised to take care of a speeding violation I got while coming to your rescue. This "John" guy never bothered to do anything for me despite having received my funds and paperwork. Let me guess, he doesn't even exist, does he? Another one of your scammer friends you had call me from prison?

In Oct 2010 a few weeks after you'd promised to install my gazebo, you disappeared for a month and when you re-appeared you went on about your mom being in the hospital getting a kidney operation, so you couldn't work for a month. You called me desperately on a Wed morning for help. You told me a customer owed you $6,500 but when you went to pick up the money on the Tues he'd left you a post-dated cheque for Friday, not cash as you expected. So, with your mortgage being due on the very same Wednesday, you'd asked to borrow $1,500 from me just for 3 days? With all your cries for help, begging, and high pressure tactics I gave you the benefit of the doubt, had you sign a contract, and lent you the funds. I did ask to see your home ownership papers, but you said your wife (Enza Amoruso) handles all of that and she'd freak if she knew you were borrowing money from me. Of course as I would learn later, Enza was NOT your wife, and you didn't own your home. These are just a few of the hundreds of lies you would tell me.

A couple of weeks later, you came back to me and continued your scamming charade by borrowing more funds, this time against your _other_ home, and also to pay for your Hyundai Tucson SUV. Again, I asked to see documentation but you weaseled your way out of that with more excuses. Several times you came to my home crying in tears begging at my doorstep to borrow funds. I'd never seen something so pathetic in my life, a grown man crying and admittedly embarrassed to be in such a situation. I hate to see people suffer, let alone a grown man cry, so again, under dubious circumstances and with no legal confirmation, just empty promises you made that I could put a lien against your 2 homes if you didn't pay me back, I went ahead against my better judgment.

Again, in late Oct 2010, you came to me to borrow funds. This time you wanted to prove to me you could pay me back with the money you were getting for a large "boat-house" project you were working on. You showed me around "the project" and presented me an ORIGINAL contract signed by a "Joan Anderson" where she was to pay you $16,000 up-front but you just needed to borrow another $1,500 from me to pay your mortgage. The only problem was, you fabricated this contract and there was no Joan Anderson. This IS Criminal Fraud With Intent!!! Carlos, the manager of that building project (who had hired you for some other unrelated work) advised me later that he kicked you out for incompetence; not only that, he'd paid you $3,000 for work you never did, and whatever work you did do he had his guys mostly rip up and redo because it was so shoddy.

In the end, I lent you over $6,500. I also lent you money to cover your insurance payments for your Ford F150 truck or else you claimed you couldn't do any work for me. 

It's sad that your whole life is nothing but pathetic excuses and lies; every day you must scam people just to survive. You are a sad excuse for a human being. It wouldn't surprise me that Enza 
kicked you out the home after getting sick of your twisted lies and for not doing work that people paid you for.

Oh yeah, let me guess...your name is probably not even Glen J. Sousa, right? Despite my repeated requests, you never once produced any sort of ID which means you've been scamming people for a long time and don't want people to find out.

And, you probably made up the part about having a daughter. You came to me in late Jan 2012 looking to borrow money to pay child support for her, but by then I was so disgusted by your scams I told you I'm not your bank. You kept calling saying you're coming over to resolve completing all the outstanding tasks and repaying me what was owing, and then in early Feb 2012 the calls stopped.

With the $2,200 gazebo money, the $1,000+ I lent you for your truck insurance and other misc expenses (including some far-fetched rebate scam you had me pay for or else Chris Long wouldn't deliver my gazebo), and the 2 unfinished initial projects, you've stolen over $10,000 from me. This is outright fraud in every respect since you knew in advance you were going to steal money with no desire to pay back. I have come across several others who you've scammed. You can run or crawl away like the coward you are but we will never let you get away with this.

ps. Enza seems like a decent person and was every bit a part of S&S Contracting, however in order to trigger on as many keywords as possible when people search for you guys, I am including her details. She needs to know what kind of a person you were and are as you've probably been hiding a lot of it from her.

Enza Amoruso aka Enza Amoroso
(of Mobile Legal Services, Amoruso Legal Services, Amoroso Legal Service)  
Tel: 647-975-0301

Glen J. Sousa aka Glen Sousa aka Glen Souza
Tel: 647-200-0301  or 416-833-0944

S & S Contracting aka S&S Contracting aka S&S Contractors

Vehicles used to commit the various frauds: 
Black Ford F150 w/ license plate "311 1ZH"
Hyundai Tucson w/ license plate "BEST 906"
Report Attachments

8 Updates & Rebuttals


North York,
Still looking for the Dirtbag Carmen Katsaitis

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 22, 2023

Carmen Katsaitis where are you hiding now that your scumbag partner, Evan Taubman, is dead? I will never forgive you for the financial scams you pulled on me and many others. I don't know why you were not locked up in prison with Evan since you were equally culpable in the scams.



North York,
Still seeking the scumbag Glen Santos (aka Glen J. Sousa)

#3Author of original report

Wed, November 22, 2023

If anyone has any info on this worthless deadbeat Glen Santos (aka Glen J Sousa), I would love to hear from you. I filed a report on another scumbag who stole money from me, and he was convicted and died in prison for defrauding me and others. I hope Glen Santos (aka Glen Sousa) meets the same fate. 


North York,
Enza Amoruso Fernandez scammed me as well, much to the surprise of Glen J. Sousa (aka Glen Santos)

#4Author of original report

Mon, January 02, 2023

Enza Amoruso Fernandez played the victim card with me all along, claiming my report on her ex caused her to lose out on Law School. However, I was scammed by her as well!

One day when Glen was at my home, his "wife" Enza stopped by and introduced herself as a gardener and a para-legal. I was rather new to gardening so wasn't comfortable around flowers. So, I told her I just needed a small task done in my garden (propping up a handful of flowers in my planter with more soil, which I gave her), and it literally took her 2-3 minutes to complete it. When I asked her the cost, she quickly replied $50. I paid it without question, despite feeling it was too much.

Someone with scruples and morals would never have asked so much for such little work. Glen later told me he was shocked I agreed to pay the $50, and I now feel that was one of the catalysts for him to think he could scam me as much as he did.

Enza Amoruso Fernandez contacts me

#5Author of original report

Sun, September 13, 2015

A recently married Enza Amoruso Fernandez contacted me in February 2015 to ask if I could remove her photo and information from this site; in exchange she said she has info on how we can catch Glen Santos (aka Glen Sousa). I was happy to hear from her after all these years. I asked her why it took so long to reach out to me and she said she first found out about this RipOffReport when it was brought up in court by the prosecutor when her S&S Contracting company was hauled in on charges under the Consumer Protection Act. She said this report came as a huge shock to her as she didn't know the full extent of Glen's scams. She put the report aside for a couple of years. When she later got married to a fellow from Cuba, he looked her up and was shocked to see her involved with the criminal scumbag Glen Santos aka Glen Sousa. So, at this point she reached out as she indicated the report had affected her relationship with her new husband, and the ability to complete Law School and do other things.

We exchanged a few emails as she now fully intended on cooperating with us; I had mentioned that at some point we'd like full restitution for our losses, and we didn't care where that came from. At this point she stopped replying.

I now consider Enza Amoruso Fernandez an accessory to the criminal acts undertaken by Glen Santos (Glen J. Sousa). The actions happened within Enza's S&S Contracting company, several of the cheques to pay Glen were actually made payable to Enza directly, and most importantly she knows the current whereabouts of Glen Santos. This makes her an accessory to the crimes. She claims to have had no knowledge of the scams going on around her, but aiding and abetting a criminal is a crime in itself. If she knows Glen's whearabouts, why is she now hiding it from us?


You can see a shifty-eyed Glen Santos (Glen Sousa) in a video where he borrowed $400 from my family. This was the only time he left behind collateral. If I had known he was such a dirt bag I wouldn't have given him a penny (and in total he borrowed over $5,000). But, when a grown man comes in tears to your home, begging for help, what can you do? I have always had a soft heart, but sadly too many people have abused my generosity so I will no longer be so quick to lend out.



North York,
Glen Sousa is Glen Santos

#6Author of original report

Wed, May 14, 2014

Thank-you so much! That's a huge tip!!  I had heard of "Santos" from someone else in relation to Enza but not Glen, but still I could find no more info about it. Now, I wonder how Santos is related to Enza because as far as I know, Enza kicked the low-life scum bag Glen to the curb with the rest of her trash in early 2012 and she claims to not know where he is or how to contact him. Do I believe her? Since Enza was convicted in 2010 under the Consumer Protection Act, so I'd have to say I cannot believe her, not one bit.

Sadly, I cannot find any pics of this zombie "Glen Santos" or any info about his former company, Homeprintz Solutions.  If you have any photos or more info about him that I can use to expose him on Toronto Star I'd really appreciate it. Do you know his present whereabouts? You can email me directly at [email protected]

Sadly, there are no doubt dozens of victims of this Glen Sousa aka Glen Santos scammer out there and I will not stop until this scum sucking low-life is behind bars for good! I'm already in discussions with Toronto Star's Liam Casey and will soon be talking with Dale Brazao as he helped expose another fraudster that tipped off the police and resulted in charges and prison.

Seeking Justice

More Information

#7General Comment

Wed, October 09, 2013

I recognize this guy from your photos and for the same reasons that you wrote about.

Except I know him by his real name, Glen Santos.

He has been doing the same types of scams around Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo for many years.

Here's an article about him:


I hope this information helps you.


North York,
Glen Sousa aka Mr. Fix / Renovation Man charged under Consumer Protection Act

#8Author of original report

Fri, July 12, 2013

This scumbag Glen Sousa has been trying to scam his way by hiding behind his "wife" Enza Amoruso. In the above CPA entry, Glen is nowhere to be found and CPA ended up charging Enza for Glen's frauds because apparently they can only charge the owner of the business, and she's listed as the owner. Glen also registered his 1999 Ford F150 truck under Enza's name as per the Ministry of Transport records. What a low-life scum! He hid behind her to avoid people from finding out the truth about his prior scams. Well, Enza kicked Glen out of their home in 2012 and he may as well be lying in some gutter now for all we know. I'm sure all the homeless wouldn't even want this low-life bum hanging around them!


Phone # (416) 833-0944    Ext.
Email [email protected]
Administrative Actions / Orders  
Charges Laid AMORUSO, ENZA



Glen, was supposed to be the "male" partner of the company, though he could barely be called a "man" after begging & crying for help (which I regretfully gave him on multiple occasions) but then crawling away from all his mess and obligations like the snake he is.  Glen had always communicated to me by email via the [email protected] account.  

This shows the target of this charge was in fact Glen, but because the company was registered under Enza's name, she ultimately took the fall.

I am in contact with Liam Casey of Toronto Star (416-869-4944) to put this scoundrel up on the front page for everyone to see what a real scam artist looks like. I'm working with several others who have been scammed and we will not rest until Glen is caught. You can run you weasel but you can't hide! We will find you!!!

Report Attachments


North York,
Enza Amoruso convicted under Consumer Protection Act

#9Author of original report

Tue, April 02, 2013

Other victims have come forward and advised me when they try to pay by cheque, they were told to make them payable to Enza Amoruso. 

Well, as it turns out Enza has been charged and convicted under the Consumer Protection Act. This scam artist Glen probably pinned the mess on Enza rather than taking the fall himself. A typical low-life coward!



(visit http://www.consumerbeware.mgs.gov.on.ca/catsct/start.do and type in Enza in the search box)

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