  • Report:  #962330

Complaint Review: Sheila Lowe & Assoc - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
Junebug - Dayton, Ohio, United States of America

Sheila Lowe & Assoc
Los Angeles CA Internet, Nationwide, United States of America
805-658-0109, 212-888-817
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
It is one thing for her and Ron Rice to toot their own horns but Sheila is a silent partner of fraudulent Bart Baggett and Don Lehew (search them on this site). I flew from Ohio to California to see her and she was very unprofessional. Sure, maybe she does know her handwriting stuff but she spent most  of her speaking time insulting other reputable analysts. This was my first exposure to handwriting analysis and, because of her, it is my last. I had never heard of Bart Baggett of Don Lehew but after I returned to my hotel I searched them. I can honestly say that I was appalled that I spent the rediculous amount of money she charged me plus airfare and hotel to see her. She is a B***H to say the least and, as a Christian woman, that is probably only the 2nd time in my life I have said the likes of such a word. Seems to me that, with all the articles I have since read about the importance of handwriting to our educational system (I am a retired teacher) and to the brain (my step-brother is a neurologist) that these so called "experts" would be better spent educating the public and not smearing other people. Sheila - when did our good Lord & Savior die and name you the woman in charge of passing judgment onto others? It is not your job to do so. Perhaps you should look in your own mirror (and you too Ron Rice) before talking like middle school children about people behind their backs. Surely, if you are as you claim, you would be educated enough to know that doing so only serves to make you look unprofessional. If you are really as good as you say you are, you would not have to brag about yourself as the public would do it for you. It is not my business who you choose to do business with (Bart Baggett and Don Lehew just for starters) but I do pray a lot and hope that your mouths will be held shut by the power of our Lord Jesus. 

In addition, when I was there, you were downright rude. No, condescending is a more appropriate description. Each of us in our small group felt as though you were looking down at us and your words were just as rude as your facial expressions and body language. You were annoyed that we asked you questions but, when we pay what we did, it is our right to do so. Why be annoyed at that? Why say to a P.I. that I know "thank goodness nobody questioned me legally". One has to wonder what exactly that means.

I then researched one of the people who was with me because I had lost this person's contact information. I found that you had posted something on LinkedIn about this person and gave his personal information. I can see why you are a partner with Bart Baggett.

Many people like to insult others to make themselves feel better. However, I suggest you pour your alcoholic self another drink and then look in the mirror. Ron Rice, you will also one day be exposed. God is watching you both and the harm your mouths are doing to others who are in helping professions. 

10 Updates & Rebuttals

MIchelle M

Sheila Lowe

#2General Comment

Fri, March 11, 2016

I have only interacted with Sheila Lowe as a new student but I would like to say that she has been very professional in her correspondence with me.  

She has been very supportive of me and quickly replaced important emails that were part of the self study program that I purchased after I lost them when I transitioned to a new computer.

I would not hesitate to recommend her services to any prospective clients wishing to study Handwriting Analysis.




United States of America
I Feel Rejected and Lonely!

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 02, 2012

This is Ron Rice.  I am so hurt that Sheila is getting so much positive and truthful comments/attention from so many of her loyal friends and I have been completely ignored.  Here I have been mentioned and yet, I have been swept under the rug.  Alright for you!

Certainly, there must be another person out there who could have the decency to write some garbage about me as well.  Why should Sheila receive all the attention. Alright for you!

I realize that I am not as beautiful, desirable, charming, kind and generous as Sheila; but still, I deserve some mud; you think?

I am going to file a complaint with the Commission of or for (whatever) for discrimination. This is most certainly a hate crime,  a sexist crime, an act of discrimination against a senior, white, chauvenistic, conservative male.... ME!

I am going down to the voodoo shop and purchase a whole bunch of dolls and then I will go to a tailor shop and buy me some pins and have a party and... well if you suddenly experience sharp pains in your ... Yup, it's only me.

I am so hurt!  No one cares! I am so jealous I could cry!

All right for you guys!

Ron Rice  CGA-1979 

Linda Green

United States of America
Daily Contact With Sheila Lowe

#4General Comment

Fri, November 02, 2012

I've worked very closely with Sheila Lowe almost every day since I became a Board Member of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation.  I have never known anyone with more integrity or willingness to work hard for the good of all the members of the organization than Sheila Lowe.  As President, she works, literally, from sun up until the wee hours of the morning to get it all done, to initiate new programs, to update old programs and to respond to the needs of everyone who calls upon her.  

Sheila Lowe responded to me as a student in the same way that she now responds to me as a Board Member and to everyone else with whom she comes in contact since I've known her - with immediacy, with kind concern for the needs of others, with answers that she will find for you, if she does not already have them.  She is an amazing woman with a multitude of resources that she is willing to share.  She uses her expert skills, honed over the years, in service of AHAF and other organizations of which she is a member.  She is always professional, always "present", representing AHAF appropriately in every situation I've observed,  providing strong leadership. 

I know, from interacting with her daily, that Sheila Lowe makes productive use of her time and would be hard-pressed to find time for activities or associations that are less than professional and ethical.

For the woman who claims she came to California from Ohio, seeking knowledge about handwriting analysis, here are a few websites where she can learn more, all of which Sheila Lowe has been instrumental in establishing or maintaining:




Linda Green
AHAF Education Chair                      

Sheila Lowe

United States of America
A complete fabrication

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 31, 2012

This is my third attempt to get a rebuttal posted on this site.

I do not know who "JuneBug" is, have never met with her, have never had anyone fly from OH to CA to meet with me and if I had, would not have behaved in the manner described. Whoever wrote this post does not know me, unless it is a competitor disguised as a disgruntled client, in which case this post is an actionable libel.

I am not and never have been associated in any way with Bart Baggett or Don Lehew. Ron Rice is a colleague with whom I have exchanged a few emails over the years.

I am a sole proprietor with no partners and always have been.

Report Attachments


Potential Competitor

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

I am a Symbolologist, and in being one I could end up in competition with Sheila For work contracts. I have been in contact with Sheila, and have corresponded with her for many years. Sheila Lowe has always been friendly, forthright and up front with any costs associated with her work.
Sheila has also passed along a lot of her knowledge without seeking compensation. If the author really had a valid  complaint, I would believe that talking to Sheila could have settled any issues that the author felt offended over. If the issues were taken out of context or misunderstood, then the long term damage to Sheila would be very difficult to avoid. 
Sheila is a dedicated professional and has done a great service for the handwriting analysis occupation.I never discount a complaint due to the author's right to feel the way she does. That right does not extend to being hateful and spiteful.
Sheila Lowe  deserves to being given credit for all she has done. This written complaint  does not give specifics. Over expectations from the author  does not equate to underachievement on Sheila's part. 
In all respect I would expect every client of Sheila to read this, and in doing so they can get a sense that even the best professional  cannot please those who will seek to be offended. 
I support Sheila Lowe in this dispute and wish her continued success.


United States of America
Sheila Lowe

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 31, 2012

I have known Sheila Lowe for 35 years.  I can not say I know a more professional, knowledgable and kind person, who is anything but condescending.  This has never been my experience in the many years working closely with her.

The writer seems to be projecting much of her own lacking...sorry she is so threatened by true talent and professionalism.


United States of America
I have never interacted with Sheila but...

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

** One of my Facebook fans just emailed me the link to this posting so I felt compelled to comment.

While I have never interacted with Sheila in any way (email, text, phone, etc.), I cannot personally comment to the content except to say that the writer of this post is correct when she suggests that nobody should pass judgment upon another... but it should also apply to her as well because the
tone of this post sure sounds judgmental! In fact, just last month I wrote a blog titled "Professional Badmouthing..." - too bad she did not read that before writing this! If you are interested, you can find it here.

As for Ron Rice - I have never heard of him so I cannot comment there at all. As for Don Lehew and Bart Baggett - I know who they are but have never been involved with them either. I guess I have just minded my own business and am just too d**n busy to play childish games or to give a s**t
about what others are doing. To each their own. Clearly "badmouthers" (including the writer of this post) have nothing better to do with their time.

With that being said, a few years ago I had someone put a report on here about me. Long story short, the writer was the husband of a client who was found with child porn on his computer after their 3 y.o. daughter stated, "daddy poked me down there". His wife, my client, had just kicked him out of the house and he had no job, money or vehicle. He was seething to say the least and that's when he wrote the Rip Off Report. In fact, she emailed me shortly thereafter apologizing that he did that and, because of the too-close timeline to his new-found homelessness, it was obvious he was acting impulsively and irrationally. In between that time, he tried to save his reputation by badmouthing mine. While I did file a long, detailed rebuttal that should sufficiently answer his ridiculous claims and any questions people may have, I have only had one person ask me about it since then. In a nutshell, both Sheila and I have been in business for decades. If potential new clients see that we only have one complaint on here in that amount of time, we can't be too bad.

Overall, some people can just be malicious so, as a fellow analyst all I can say is "if people are talking about us then we are doing something right". I guess it's just part of being in the public eye. The way I look at it is, instead of wasting our energy on these types of things and looking at them as a negative... we should thank them for keeping our name alive and well. After all, it definitely has not hurt my business so I am pretty confident that it will not hurt Sheila's.

Bottom line, we are adults - let's all act like it and not stoop to their levels because, as my blog says, "Professional Badmouthing Says More About Them Than You!" **


United States of America
Jeaslousy, jealousy, jealousy!

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 31, 2012

    This is Ron Rice.  I read the silly allegations about Sheila Lowe.  Actually, I found them to be amusing.  I will not attack the person who authored such garbage.  Let me put it this way:  Sheila and I have known each other, from a distance, for over 10 years.  I have no personal or business association with the woman outside of enjoying our bantering back and forth.  She in CA, me in MA and/or FL.

Within the profession I am know and I know who most everyone is who is credible. And, I know who the frauds are.  Granted I am probably hated by most and loved by, maybe one (my wife.. I think?).

The Sheila I know is a kind and generous person.  If she was anything like what has been posted here, I would not acknowledge her exsistence.  The garbage posted is, in my opinion, a lie.  Typical mish mash within the profession - telling stories behind a successful person, out of jealousy.

So Sheila, laugh all the way to the bank!  You are an inspiration to the profession! I admire you and wish you all the best in your forthcoming ventures.  Remember, Sheila, there is at least one person who will go to the wall to defend your honor, professionalism and integrity.

This is Ron Rice.  Should the author wish any information about me to satisfy his/her questions, just ask. Understand, major law firms throughout the U.S.A. have searched and searched and searched to find mud (real or imagined) to throw at me and.... surprise, surprise... they failed! So, if you can do better, there are many, many law firms and pseudo-document examiners who will pay money for your information.

Again, ask and you shall receive.

Great picture of Sheila you posted.  You should look as good!

Ron Rice  CGA-1979  [email protected]


United States of America
I have never interacted with Sheila but...

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

One of my Facebook fans just emailed me the link to this posting so I felt compelled to comment.

While I have never interacted with Sheila in any way (email, text, phone, etc.), I cannot personally comment to the content except to say that the writer of this post is correct when she suggests that nobody should pass judgment upon another... but it should also apply to her as well because the tone of this post sure sounds judgmental! In fact, just last month I wrote a blog titled "Professional Badmouthing..." - too bad she did not read that before writing this! If you are interested, you can find it here. 

As for Ron Rice - I have never heard of him so I cannot comment there at all. As for Don Lehew and Bart Baggett - I know who they are but have never been involved with them either. I guess I have just minded my own business and am just too d**n busy to play childish games or to give a s**t about what others are doing. To each their own. Clearly "badmouthers" (including the writer of this post) have nothing better to do with their time.

With that being said, a few years ago I had someone put a report on here about me. Long story short,  the writer was the husband of a client who was found with child porn on his computer after their 3 y.o. daughter stated, "daddy poked me down there". His wife, my client, had just kicked him out of the house and he had no job, money or vehicle. He was seething to say the least and that's when he wrote the Rip Off Report. In fact, she emailed me shortly thereafter apologizing that he did that and, because of the too-close timeline to his new-found homelessness, it was obvious he was acting impulsively and irrationally. In between that time, he tried to save his reputation by badmouthing mine. While I did file a long, detailed rebuttal that should sufficiently answer his ridiculous claims and any questions people may have, I have only had one person ask me about it since then. In a nutshell, both Sheila and I have been in business for decades. If potential new clients see that we only have one complaint on here in that amount of time, we can't be too bad.

Overall, some people can just be malicious so, as a fellow analyst all I can say is "if people are talking about us then we are doing something right". I guess it's just part of being in the public eye. The way I look at it is, instead of wasting our energy on these types of things and looking at them as a negative... we should thank them for keeping our name alive and well. After all, it definitely has not hurt my business so I am pretty confident that it will not hurt Sheila's.

Bottom line, we are adults - let's all act like it and not stoop to their levels because, as my blog says, "Professional Badmouthing Says More About Them Than You!"

Adriana Masuello

United States of America
Sheila Lowe & Assoc

#11General Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

To Junebug and your bla bla bla...
My name is Adriana S Masuello, from Phoenix, AZ, and Im a Christian, too. You see, unlike you, I stand before you and the readers with my full identity. I dont need to hide.
Im VERY, VERY, VERY surprised of what I read here. Surprised, also, that you talk about Sheila Lowe in the terms you did here.
It is SO evident you dont know who and how Sheila Lowe is; so, it would be a waste of my time to go through all your senselessness here.
My dear, I guess someone played a joke on you impersonating Sheila; I know her for 15 years now, and let me tell you, NOTHING, not even one bit of what you said represents Sheila Lowe.
Integrity, hard work, honesty, respect, kindness, are her hallmark. 
BUT, in the other hand, if you are trying to blacken her name. hummmm what kind of Christian are you?
Remember your own words, because you will be accountable in front of God for every single one you wrote here; and not forgetting you also are accountable in front of the law.
I feel so sorry for you. And I feel so proud of people like Sheila Lowe. She doesnt need to go this low and trash people, people trashes itself; apparently, you dont need help with this.

Not much to say, I want to go to sleep; but it is a great feeling to know that America and around the world, people knows who, and how she is. Sad you are in the unlucky people list :(

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