  • Report:  #647684

Complaint Review: SmartPPC - OrbitScripts.com - Internet

Reported By:
nonono - anaheim, California, United States of America

SmartPPC - OrbitScripts.com
Kosmonavtov 34/2, Rostov-on-Don, 344113 344113 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

SmartPPC, OrbitScripts.com is a company that provide poor search engine and PPC scripts.

The search engine script parses results from Google and this is why scripts like this will NEVER WORK.

Google recently changed the parse methods so now everyone who owns a SmartPPC script provided by OrbitScripts.com, has a useless site with a broken search engine, unless they pay additional fee's.

SmartPPC WANT IT'S CUSTOMERS TO INDIVIDUALLY PAY THEM TO FIX THIS ISSUE, every single one of us, although it only takes it being fixed one time, then applying it to everyones copy of the script.

If it explained in the licensing agreement, privacy policy or terms of service that our sites are subject to braking and grinding to a halt after all our hard work and money has been spent, then it would be semi understandable this request, still unfair but the law is just like that somtimes. From the chat log with a SmartPPC OrbitScripts.com representitive below, you will see how time and time again she completely dodges my requests for this information.

<------ BEGIN ------->

Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are now chatting with 'Anna'

Anna: Hello

Anna: My name is Anna

you: aren't you the chick on my MSN ignoring me?

Anna: I am slaes manager of Orbitscripts

Anna: What is your name? you: ******

Anna: i have sent you email today

you: yeah you want $

Anna: to ****@*******.***

you: because google changed it's way YOUR code processes it right?

Anna: yes

you: why do i have to pay $30? you: if you want to rely on third parties

you: you should be responsible

you: the coders

Anna: We parse Google

you: exactly you do

Anna: We don't take data via API

you: i as a customer didn't ask you to

you: you provided it

you: so it's your work not my fee

Anna: because Google doesn't provide it

you: i ain't even started working on this project yet and it's always trying to drain money from me

you: without even developing

Anna: When Google changes it's formats we need to rewrite our parsers you: i understand

you: things like this occur

you: but this is the price you pay

Anna: We can't do it for free

you: when you rely on third party services

you: and resell it.

you: this is the risk you take

you: you can't expect customers to pay for it..

Anna: because it requests additional time of our programmers

Anna: time = money

Anna: Unfortunately, we can't do it for free

Anna: We want to make you happy you: you obviously don't Anna: but we can't do it for free you: because all this is, is money draining

Anna: it is additional work

you: where is your privacy policy, license documentation

you: if this is not in there i'll contact international lawyer

you: it's a pain in the a*s this d**n script i would love to just get a refund not worth it...

Anna: Sorry, we want help you, but we can't do it for free

you: options are refund, fix issue for free.

you: make a choice

Anna: It is additional time of programmers

Anna: we need to pay our programmers

you: make a choice

you: exactly YOU need to pay them

Anna: they can't work for free

you: not customers, you pay them from the profit we give you by choosing your product.

Anna: Do you work for free?

you: this is an issue between YOUR script

you: and Google

you: ok, so lets say have paid fee's for the general development of this script

you: so now i can go into google

you: and resell my copy?

you: cracked?

you: no... it's not mine

you: it's not my responsibility to pay for the core of it working

you: if it was a modification yes

you: but it's not, it's broke it's a piece of s**t that doesn't work. you: YOU you: pay your bills

you: just like i pay my bills you: do you want me to pay for your heating and water in your house?

you: you might as well ask that of me too.

Anna: Please listen me

you: this ain't my script, i'm a customer. customers pay for unique development

you: i work yes, but when code brakes

you: i fix it

you: and it's not my customers responsibility

Anna: We can't influence on Google




you: not our risk..

you: YOUR risk

Anna: When you bought our script you knew that we parse results

Anna: and if Search engine cchanges it's formats we need to write new parser

you: please show me documentation

you: saying our sites are subject to braking

Anna: writing of new parser is additional work

you: should search engines change parser

Anna: and additional money

you: and also please show me the URLS to the licensing and privacy policy

you: i need to see all this information

Anna: we need to pay to our programmers for this work

Anna: they can't work for free

you: if all that you say, is live on a site and accepted too with a checkbox before purchase, then i can shut up

you: but until you post me the links to where i can see this live on your site

you: you need to fix the problems for free.

Anna: Unfortunately this work won't be done for free

Anna: Sorry

<--------- END --------->

So the facts are, this is a mickey mouse run organization, if it' even a real company (we're checking into it's LLC status at the moment). They seem to have no software terms of service, licensing and or privacy policy so reselling there script/modifying it is fine.

And the main fact, if you agree to this script and purchase, you're committing yourself to on going payments which aren't listed and additional payments and thrown upon you at any time giving you the choice "Do I let this site die, or keep paying them?"

Within Google, you will find many many better alternatives, I wont list them here incase i'm accused of spam, but I have found much better services.

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