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Symantec - Norton AntiVirus - Charge-card ripoff and miserable support site that doesn't work Cupertino California
How can a company as large as this survive with a bogus, non-functional web site? When there are problems with the product the web site leads you around in circles. If you order a product and it doesn't download, you're told you can't get a refund the same day you ordered it - you're told to cancel the order. If you try to cancel the order, it tells you it's already downloaded (which it isn't!).
IF you have the patience to wade through page after page of "support" FAQ's, and you are VERY persistent, you will eventually be able to fill out more and more information and send it to someone. You'll get an email back telling you to go to the support page for more meaningless fun. If you complain to Symantec, they'll refer you to the "Symantec Store" site which is run by a company called Digital River.
Unless you have all the free time in the world, stay away from these people and don't buy anything from their web site.