  • Report:  #500665

Complaint Review: T-Mobile USA - Internet

Reported By:
CK1 - Wilmette, Illinois, USA

T-Mobile USA
tmobile.com Internet, United States of America
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Here is my complaint letter to T-Mobile!

T-Mobile Customer Relations

PO Box 37380

Albuquerque , NM 87176-7380


September 25, 2009

Dear Customer Relations,

Recently I called your customer service due to a bill of over $600 for the month of Sept 2009.   I noticed an increase in my usage charges for calling UK had increased from 69 cents per minute to $1.49 which caused a $204 increase in my bill.   My first call was to a call center in Tennessee where I was told that there was nothing they could do about the bill and that their supervisor would call me back.   After waiting, I called again and reached your Oregon call center where a service rep told me that I should have been billed $1.49 per minute in the past and that if there was an adjustment it would be to adjust higher.   I drew attention to my previous bills and they went on to state that the previous bills were mistakes and could be adjusted higher for those as well (was this a threat to look no further?).  

I asked for the supervisor (Kirstin) who finally admitted that they could not go and see if rate increases had occurred and that they would give me a courtesy credit for $20. They told me of an international discount plan which would cost $5.00 per month and would give me 26 cents per minute to mobile calls in the UK .   I asked when this plan became available and was told that it was available Sept 20, 2008.   In November of 2008 I received a bill of over $300.   At that time, I called T-Mobile to see if there was any sort of discount plans for international calls to the UK .   I was told that were not.   When I told Kirstin about my calls in November she said that she had no record of the conversation but claimed that every call left a footprint.   Where is the record of this call?  

Unsatisfied with the $20, Kirstin then offered half the amount of $110 to settle the dispute which I refused.   In fact now I felt that I should have been made aware of the plan being available when I called in November of last year.   In fact who wouldnt opt for a $5 plan which would reduce my calling cost from 69 to 26 cents per minute?  

Finally when I asked to be escalated she found the authorization to credit my account for $204.   But when she asked if I was happy, I said No and here are my reasons:

Im a loyal T-Mobile customer.   I pay my bills on time.   I have been with you since 2001.   All I ask is that you take care of my mobile phone coverage and my bills so that I can trust your bills and stay informed of plan changes.   Lately Im not happy with your service.   Your prices and terms may change at any time without notice is an unconscionable remark.   Does that mean I should check your rates before every call?   Can you raise my rates to $5000 per minute in the middle of my call?   Do you think anyone would stay with a company like that?   I just want to treated fairly and honestly.

Would it be too hard to ask that you send rate increase information so that as a loyal customer I can be aware and adjust my usage without incurring a detrimental bill?   I have bills to pay and mouths to feed.

Would it be too hard to ask that you send information about new plans when I ask for it while on the phone with a service rep?   And if you keep records where is this record?

Would it be too hard to ask that you bill my account accurately?   My Sept bill also had local text message charges which should have been covered in my 400 message bundle.   In fact this month it says that Ive used up 199 of the 400 when all those texts have been to the UK and charged separately!   Im being double charged for those!

All I want is to be informed of changes to my account, new plans and services which have an impact on me and my bill and to be billed accurately.   Im not being informed and am unhappy at this time.

Further there are systems issues which are making me question your bill and now I feel I can no longer trust your bills and feel I have to look at all the little charges to make sure Im not being ripped off.

Im glad that I was able to get a $204 credit for the charges which were billed to my account without notification but feel that I was taken advantage of for much more:   a whole year of bills that I would have opted for the international discount rate, had I been told that it was available when I called. I feel let down as I have always been a good customer and have always spoke highly of T-Mobile in the past.   Tonight, I looked around and have seriously considered changing mobile provider.

Ive recently gotten married and will have a wife and two children to add to a mobile plan but with this sort of service I will be asking around to see if my friends are happier with another cellular provider.  

Ive searched the web and have found consumer websites with horror stories about your policies and the way you have treated your customers.   Please look on www.ripoffreport.com and http://www.consumeraffairs.com/ .   Im sure there are more.   Is this the kind of image that you want us see when we hear your name?   Is this the kind of image that your policies are portraying?   Is it because of your systems?

I want to trust you with my cell service and my bills and just want an honest bill for good service.   Is that too hard?   I want you to change so that I can continue using T-Mobile and not worry about looking at every 20 cent text charge to see if its correct.   I think you would worry about losing good customers like me that are loyal and pay on time.   I dont complain unless I have reason to.   I think you owe your customers good service for their hard earned money.  

Right now I am unhappy with my experience with you and write in hopes that there are no further issues like this so that we can have a mutually rewarding relationship.   Otherwise Im sure that youll lose not only my loyalty but also the loyalty of many of your customers as they notice the things that you are doing to their bills.

I truly feel that you should credit my account for the past year of international bills at the 69 cent rate and rebill at the 26 cent rate with the $5 monthly charge for this plan.   I was not made aware of this program, in fact I was told that it was unavailable when I called in November.

Think of the revenue stream of 10 more years with a family of 4 that will be calling internationally.   I can take my business elsewhere to a company that will treat me fairly and not make mistakes like the ones Ive found on your bill.   Im hoping that this company is the NEW T-Mobile and thats why I took the time to write this letter and spent about 2 hours on the phone with your customer rep tonight.

I hope you circulate this letter and that it reaches your marketing and management teams who may have to ability to fix your company.

I hope to hear from you.

Sincerely, CK

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