  • Report:  #579798

Complaint Review: TeamWinmark - Internet

Reported By:
BJ - , , United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Shady, thiefs, drug abusers, liars. All these words can be used to describe teamwinmark. I worked there for a little under a year and there was no end to all of these things. The company brings you in with the lie that your gonna make 1k a week so if you were like me and hurting for money and had no job prospects it looked really good.

At first everything seems straightforward you start the joke of a training. four weeks go by and still no pay and you start to wonder when your gonna start being paid. You ask your manager and he says o were gonna kick it to you next friday so you trust him right?

So after 6 weeks you finallly get your badge and are able to start on your own. The hours are 2 to 830 monday through friday and 930 to 6 on sat... funny for a job where you are a "contractor" they certainly treated us like employees. Its funny cause they made us sign something saying that we were contractors and i quote "not employed by winmark" but we were. "each individual is responsible for making their own hours".

So you bust your a*s and get as many sales as possible every week and you think your doin good and the motivation of that 1k a week is still racing in your mind. Then payday comes around and your check is hundreds upon hundreds less then it should be. You did your follow ups and know the customers were installed so you go to your manager about it. He just tells you he will look into it... we never got pay stubs or anything like that so we never knew what was going on with our pay and thats what these assholes want.

So after months of taking crap from these crooks I decide im gonna give a two weeks notice and what do they do? Fire me... Wanna know why? because what they dont tell you when you start is that when your fired they hold your pay for 188 days to allow for "chargebacks"... you can bet ill never see the 5 or 6 k that this company owes to me.

The moral of the story is dont work for these people or dmi.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Teamwinmark is a scam!

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 15, 2012

Yes, the words shady, thiefs, drug abusers, liers and criminals are words that can be used to describe Teamwinmark, because this is some of what I've witnessed there. They do promise that you can make an average of over $1,000 per week, but in reality the income of most people there is well below minimum wage. They say you are a "independent contractor", but then treat you like you're an employee or even a slave. If the income for most people there was very good, most of the company's corrupt activity would be ignored, but because the actual income is so bad for most people there, the corrupt company activity is insulting and makes things much worse. A manager told me that the average person works there for only 45 days. Now I wonder how anyone could stand to be there that long! The sad reality is that most of the people that are unfortunate enough to work there, tend to be those who are not able to find a good paying job anywhere, so they're willing, allowing or unknowingly end up subjecting themselves to this demeaning crap. 

As an independent contractor, you're supposed to be able to set your own hours, but everyday, the managers demand that everyone attend the pre-shift and post-shift meetings, which are usually not convenient for most of the people involved. The managers treat people very poorly and typically use demeaning and vulgar language toward them. Why would any self-respecting person put up with this? Why would any legitimate company allow this type of behavior from their managers? 

Even is a person makes a lot of sales in a week and thinks that their pay will be very good, the end result is that much of that income is taken away by the company's phony charges, so that the actual pay received is much less than anyone would make at McDonald's, working the same number of hours! Can you imagine how frustrating and depressing it is to find out that the amount of money you worked so hard for and subjected yourself to rude customers, driving so many miles for and spent so many hours for, is much less than a 16 year old makes at McDonald's, working the same number of hours? This is the reality that so many people at Teamwinmark have discovered too late! Most legitimate sales companies pay a base salary plus commission, but not Teamwinmark, because they are NOT legitimate or honest! 

They say they have "honesty and integrity", but nothing could be further from the truth! When someone steals a sale from you, they do very little to recover it for you, but instead blame you for "not doing your follow ups." Not only do sales people at Comcast steal sales from the sales reps, but often other sales reps at Teamwinmark also steal sales, yet the managers do nothing about it. Why is that? It's because they hire dishonest people, who only perpetuate the problems there. Their "background check" is supposed to keep drug addicts and criminals from working there, but still they hire them, which only makes it worse for the few honest people there. 

Then there is the issue of "chargebacks", which is yet another manufactured fee they charge the sales reps for and even if a customer never cancels service, Teamwinmark never pays the sales reps that money. I've spoken with several people who have quit, but have never received the money they were supposed to get for the chargebacks. In fact, most of the people who quit never receive any money that they've earned, because the company always has some excuse for not paying them. I don't think any of these people will ever receive the money they've earned. If you're considering working for Teamwinmark, the best thing you can do is to look for work with an honest,  legitimate company instead.


United States of America
Very true!

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 29, 2012

What was said in this report is very true! I have seen many of the same things happen at Teamwinmark. This is not a good company to work for at all!  If you want to make a good income, look somewhere else!

Ripoff Spotter

San Diego,
FTC is onto them

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 24, 2010

He knows that people are trying to find him to sue him. The FBI needs to get involved in this and the FTC because his scams cross state lines. He is duping people from coast to coast. His Millionaire 101 program promised a one-hour weekly mentoring session. I think I got three of those instead of fifty-two. He promises unlimited instructional workshops and trainings, but then when you try to actually attend one, they are "closed" or "canceled," etc.

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