  • Report:  #1168962

Complaint Review: The Sign Chef - North Charleston South Carolina

Reported By:
Chrystal n Dustin - Hanahan, South Carolina,

The Sign Chef
7360 Cross County Rd North Charleston, 29410 South Carolina, USA
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no actual training, and then fire them for not doing their job correctly. I personally was given a promotion I was not ready for after working there for 3 days. I did my best, but as you may expect, mistakes were made. I was told the mistakes were forgivable due to the fact that I was not only TRAINING MYSELF to do my new job, but simultaneously training another new hire to do my old one. All of this was going on, and i was doing it for 8 bucks an hour due to them backing out of the raise i was promised when offered the new position. Is it any wonder that no one there knows what they are doing (or more aptly, don't care) or that the place is a complete mess of disorganization? One week after the meeting where I was told everything was fine, I was fired.

Only a tiny part of it was due to mistakes (and me being man enough to own up to them). The other reason... The owner's fiancee "works" there. I use the term "work" VERY lightly. No one has the slightest clue what her job title is, nor what in the exact hell she does. In fact, I didn't even know she was an employee until the day before I was fired. When I met her, she introduced herself solely as the owner's fiancee, not by her job title. I suspect this is because she has no clue what she does or how to do it. This is given away by the look of utter incomprehension on her face at all times when she is in the building. All she truly accomplishes during any given day is inserting her vague, unneeded, unwanted input into any given situation as the people who DO know what they are doing actually, y'know, do their d**n job. She serves only to bog down an already sloppy process and give her semi-coherent "advice" at inopportune times (such as when someone is attempting to move over 200 lbs worth of sign or is attempting to fix their computer so they can do their job) and then get angry when this busy person doesn't have time or patience to listen to her inane rambling on subjects she clearly possesses no knowledge of. She is apparently a delicate flower who is to be spoken to in only the most friendly of tones, regardless of how completely useless and distracting she is being while you try to do actual work. I found this out the hard way by being fired minutes after allegedly taking a tone she didn't care for.

As for the sales staff... The sales staff tries, but they are watched over by a woman who uses fear, condescension, and borderline bullying as motivation. Her mouth runs constantly, and she goes out of her way to cause friction in the workplace. Worst of all, she tries to place blame on others for mistakes they had nothing to do with. Instead of taking the time to pinpoint a problem and why the problem occurred, she would rather pawn it off on other people, who then have to take time out of their day to deal with it. On many occasions, the blame turned out to belong on her, and even more time was wasted finding this out that could have been spent doing something productive, such as actually making or shipping a sign. This place is one of the absolute worst places I have ever worked. Between the favoritism, lack of communication, staggering disorganization, using and discarding painfully untrained employees, and the fact that about 1 out of 30 signs actually ship when they are supposed to, I cannot do enough to dissuade you from using their services. Save yourself the time, money, and headache. Find a more worthy place to do business with. This was written on August 5th 2014.

Now for an update. The same week I was fired and wrote this on their review page on fb, they deleted it. Then when I went to pick up my check asked me why I wrote what I wrote. Wasn't a hostile conversation but I made it clear why it was I wrote the review. I told the owner, Tim, that I wasnt fired for being a bad employee, but for the negligence of them properly training me, and the fact that his finacee apparently runs the show when a simple look at the paper work would have answered her question had she known how to do her "job" and wouldnt have even had to asked me any questions at all. The very same day I picked up my check, another fellow employee was fired the same day that I was. She asked if she could have someone pick up her final check, and they kindly said no that it wasn't lawful to release the check into the hands of anyone but her. But then congratulated her on her promotion as Sales Manager. Hmm? Hows that? You fired her a day ago, and now she has a promotion. See what I mean about turn around? Btw, I did all of this work and busted my a*s for 8 bucks an hour. These folks havent a clue how to run a business or what they are doing. Now I wont say its EVERYONE, because there are some really great guys who work hard in there and know what they are doing. But the supervision, and the lack of knowledge that the superivisors and sales people have, is appalling. So, delete this one Tim.

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