  • Report:  #694604

Complaint Review: tire kingdom - lauderdale lakes Florida

Reported By:
maurice - lauderhill, Florida, United States of America

tire kingdom
2601 NORTH STATE ROAD 7 lauderdale lakes, 33313 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
i brought my car tire kingdom store #26 on 02/01/2011 around 9:30am the manager Floyd Woods give me price quote replace all 4 struts of 1,113.27 which i paid in full but Tire Kingdom only installed the left driver-side struts and not all 4 Floyd said they would replace,Floyd also installed additional parts 02/03/2011 without informing before doing so and charged me another 482.27 when i picked my car.Floyd also enrolled me in a 114.99 1 yr wheel alignment program with out my knowledge,my 2008 es350 under warranty and i never pay for such services.Tire Kingdom billed me 41 hours labor to replace 2 struts that`s unheard Floyd charged me twice for some shop fee 35.00 once on 02/01 and again 02/03 after all that my car is still not fixed and in worst shape then when i brought to Tire Kingdom since the repair my car shakes when turning or braking,my dash board now has 4 warning lights that stay lit up,and there`s still more with-in the 3 days Tire kingdom had my car there was a chain and charm stolen from my center console when i asked Floyd about it of course me denied any knowledge and told me it must have been store #45 i called and spoke to a manager Greg who told me him and mechanic Steve were the only ones in the car and did not touch anything now not only did Floyd lie and over-charge me for parts and labor he also enrolled me programs with out telling me,Floyd billed again after the job was paid for in full when all this could have been avoided because the first day i drove to Tire Kingdom mechanics who first looked at my car told Floyd the car needed to go to a body shop, Floyd choose to install parts on a car with a bend frame knowing the car would not be fixed proper i`m sure this is not a Tire Kingdom practice this manager Floyd Woods is one of the most dishonest persons I've ever meet and is cancer to Tire Kingdom and should be forced to take some Customer Service classes.I have called the Customer service #1 800-423-5464 over 5 times still no one has called me back yet its 12 days broken car and out 1600 dollars...and someone please call me regrading this matter a.s.a.p

15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
clearing things up

#2Author of original report

Fri, April 22, 2011

tire kingdom mechanics told the store manager my car should go to a body shop

the store manager knowledge of condition of my car before telling me i only had 2 bent struts

i paided $1113.21 replace all 4 struts on my car
but only 2 left side struts were replaced

tire kingdom installed more parts without informing me there would be additional fees involved of $482.27

in the 3 days they had my car someone from tire kingdom stole a personal item from inside the center-console of my car

tire kingdom also billed me $114.99 for a 1 year wheel alignment program i was never told about nor did i ask for

tire kingdom also charged me some kinda shop fees of $35.00 twice for the same job

i only noticed that after my 3rd invoice
after all that the repairs i paid for didn`t even repair my car,

after over 2 weeks without a working car i had to have it properly repaired elsewhere

Ronny g

North hollywood,
The difference...

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, February 21, 2011

Bill D..here is the difference as I see it and this is simply my opinion.

I do get pissed off sometimes the way you respond to others..you call people idiots because you do not like what they have to report..

But...at the same time..you do not come to this site claiming to be a super hero..you know like the rest of us "real" people..we are not infallible...we f*k up.

The difference between you calling someone who posts here an idiot, and some jackass like Steve is you will actually base your response/replies off ACTUAL first hand EXPERIENCE..where as some p***y a*s phony coward like Steve...has no actual experience in anything but trying to scrape and scrounge for ways to defend himself....sad really but a reality of a site like this where any p***y a*s bunghole can who can type is allowed to respond. Laugh it off.

In other words the only qualification required to reply, rebut, moderate or otherwise respond on this lame a*s scam web site..is fingers. Yes..I say this again..all that is required to reply on this web site..is fingers.

Bill d

me43 here---to steve

#4General Comment

Mon, February 21, 2011

may i suggest finding a prostitute--you really need to get laid then to come on here and repeaat yourself over and over again like an idiot that i am the idiot??---if your lucky you may be able to go to the nudy bar and score some there----i guess you are another person in the world that thinks people are idiots based on where they work---i suppose all mcd's workers are idiots?--wal mart workers??---i know i know--it makes yourself feel better to make up this world of idiots so you can be the only intelligent one---in fact what i see in cyberspace here is in fact that you-the only intelligent one in the world(to you) are the dumbass---some people turn to drugs, smoking,drinking,exercising or whatever to deal with there hidden secrets--you turn to you cause you have no one---so you----if you can talk the talk about everyones an idiot cause they work wherever then you must have a lot of money--from your impressive background of bein in the military i am sure you have money--or a good job after the military---the point to the point---you really need to buy some high grade marijiuna and take your f**king stupid a*s to the nudy bar and have some f**king fun


Interesting thing............

#5General Comment

Sun, February 20, 2011

    ........about wheel alignment: If one takes a vehicle to 10 different 'alignment' shops in succession, they will all declare “the car needs / needed alignment”. A shop will never declare “Mr. XXXX, your car was in perfect alignment, you only owe for the the labor of  diagnosis.”  I have a somewhat exotic sports car with independent rear suspension and all wheel drive  that requires a somewhat costly 4 wheel alignment.  After one instance of having it aligned and being given a “computer print-out” of before and after, (the after showing correct specs.) $80.50 plus 'shop supplies' of $4.00. I left the shop.


This was a very large multi-bay establishment. I returned the next morning because of an uncorrected handling issue.  The former shop foreman was out that day and I was erroneously treated as a new customer. (Which to confirm my suspicions I didn’t correct)  . After a brief ‘diagnosis’ I was told “Mr. XXXX your car is in dire need of a four wheel alignment”. Huh?

18 hours after the SAME shop had allegedly performed such an operation? Another $80.50 plus ‘shop supplies’? 


This situation might have been influenced by the misconception that “any one with that kind of car has a lot of extra pocket change”.  In my case an erroneous assumption.  I certainly don’t have funds available to supplement  the bottom line of a fraudulent business.


Dealer / service department: Ethics? Failure!....Honesty? Failure! ....Surprise?.. not in the least.


The "bottom line" for "Bill D", aka; "me43".

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, February 20, 2011

Ok, here is the bottom line for "Bill D" aka: "me43". If you communicate as an idiot, people will treat you as an idiot.

Literacy = credibility. In the real world.You say that you type as you do to "be yourself". That means that you know you are an idiot, and communicate accordingly.

The only reasons that you type as you do are stupidity and laziness.And, it's not just your "typing". Your spelling and word use are horrible as well.You are the textbook definition of an idiot.This is the reason you work at Tire Kingdom.It all makes sense.

No intelligent person would ever communicate as you do.No person who communicates as you do will ever be successful.

You will never get promoted.You will never be anything except a loser tire changer at Tire Kingdom.That is how it works in the real world.

So get some meds for your ADHD or whatever disorder you have, and communicate like an intelligent member of society.

Stop being an idiot.


South Carolina,
For the OP...

#7General Comment

Sun, February 20, 2011

You state that the first day the mechanic recommended the car go to a body shop due to a "bend" frame- then why didn't you take it for the proper repair instead of requesting/approving Tire Kingdom to replace the struts???

Bill d

me43 here--ronny g

#8General Comment

Sun, February 20, 2011

ronny g----these f'rs can't get me down--i know i am in the right and i always try to be fair in my postings-----they are just mad cause there not me really--at least that is how i view it----however--i do admit i do type badly to people here--just callin them idiots and whatever---but these are just my straight up thoughts---if you do this in person everyone takes it wrong--at least here i can just be myself and people will get my honest opinion---weather it means anything to anyone or what-but i'll put it out for shits and giggles

Ronny g

North hollywood,
Bill D... you need to realize..

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, February 19, 2011

..that TROLLS such as Robert and Steve DO NOT CARE about the poster of a complaint, this website which they litter,. the company(s) that a complaint is lodged against, or anyone who replies.

All they care about is knocking others (even if it has to come down to petty insults regarding grammar/typos, writing style or punctuation which really have nothing to do with content or context). It gives them a FALSE sense of self worth because as we all know and is so EVIDENTLY and CLEARLY apparent to ANYONE of sound mind and reason, they have absolutely NO self worth whatsoever, or worth to anyone else for that matter.

They are living proof that ignorance is bliss. Most of these internet bullies were either picked on when they were younger, or were raised in an abusive environment, or may as well been bullies themselves when they were younger and now this is all they have...essentially cowards behind a keyboard...pussies who know how to type...nothing more. Laugh it off. To wit..no one really cares anyhow so don't let them get to you over your writing style. Granted it is unorthodox, but I understand every sentence. I also feel for you having to deal with assholes. I do not judge a man by his bank account or job..but by his character. It is quite evident who has that and who are the frauds here, or.. perhaps they are just plain sadistic and the insulting and belittling of others give them some kind of sick disturbing sexual gratification?.

Bill d

me43 here---to steve

#10General Comment

Sat, February 19, 2011

steve steve steve-----here we go again----once again i am right and you can never admit it that you get your knowledge of the "illiterate 3rd grader"-----like everyone else----you cannot say my logic is wrong and my opinion of the ROR sucks and i am stupid---all you f'n retarts are only callin me stupid cause of my typing---i call it being myself and typin like no one else----it also appears that if you have nothing to say based on my opinion of the ROR then you must be able to understand what the f i am typing---you obvioulsy get it--or you wouldn't have the knowledge you do now----i now see you attacking the poor innocent victims on ROR cause i like to----however--i only attack who deserves to be attacked---and every so often--i am just straight up wrong----like everyone else in this mother f'n world full of perfect people!!!!!!!!!!!!---and by the way---i am drug free---i do not use drugs--i do drink occosinally but not much--and no i do not need drugs--in all seriousness drugs are bad

Bill d

me43 here

#11General Comment

Sat, February 19, 2011

to robert---ummm--apparently you did not comprehend what i wrote---i mentioned a month ago we put tires on this guys car--then a month later he comes back and wants the alignment----since you need more detail when his tires were replaced there was no unusual wear pattern--the tires were kind of descent but worn---when he came back there was no wear on the tires(a month later)---knowing this information(that you of course do not)--i used my best judgement to avoid a problem!!!!!!!---i decided to talk to this person---after talking with this person i discovered he was a jerk off and no matter what i did to the car he would not be happy!!--remember--he said he is driving on the right lane on the highway and taking his hand off the wheel and expecting the car to go staright!!!!!!!!!---this is the 2nd time i have to say this cause you cannot read or something---my typing is perfectly clear and i am understood-------i also notice none of you f'n pricks can never bad mouth me on my opinion of the ROR but only my typing STYLE!!!---there is no one like me in the world or the internet and my logic is undeniable---this does not mean i cannot be wrong----so in any case robert---may i suggest #1---know what is going on before you run your pie hole--#2-try to figure out ways to insult me other than to say i work at tire kingdom and that makes me stupid----i bet you say the same about mcdonalds workers 2---you are one of those people who looks down on others based on jobs and where you work---but you know what--i can give a flyin f about your opinion--only in your world are others below you---and by the way---i do not represent tire kingdom--i just work at one of the stores----this is my own time and i will say what i want---i am me43 ---and by the way--i have worked at dealers and quit dealer jobs---so now am i good enough for you cause i had a dealer job!!!!!!!--and by the way--let's not forgot the one simple fact: how did i predict that no matter what i did the guy would not be happy??--i guess it is just dumb luck huh??----i guess to clarify you ever further--as stated before i did not want to do the alignment but i just did cause the service manger wanted me to----everything read in the green!!!!!!!---i adjusted one of the front tie rods not even a quarter of a turn to the left(as he said the car goes right) and i kept it in the green------again--i knew no matter what i did he would not be happy!!!----it seems to me you sir are the stupid one and needs to learn to read----now it is steves turn cause he is an idiot 2

Bill d

me43 here

#12General Comment

Sat, February 19, 2011

to robert---ummm--apparently you did not comprehend what i wrote---i mentioned a month ago we put tires on this guys car--then a month later he comes back and wants the alignment----since you need more detail when his tires were replaced there was no unusual wear pattern--the tires were kind of descent but worn---when he came back there was no wear on the tires(a month later)---knowing this information(that you of course do not)--i used my best judgement to avoid a problem!!!!!!!---i decided to talk to this person---after talking with this person i discovered he was a jerk off and no matter what i did to the car he would not be happy!!--remember--he said he is driving on the right lane on the highway and taking his hand off the wheel and expecting the car to go staright!!!!!!!!!---this is the 2nd time i have to say this cause you cannot read or something---my typing is perfectly clear and i am understood-------i also notice none of you f'n pricks can never bad mouth me on my opinion of the ROR but only my typing STYLE!!!---there is no one like me in the world or the internet and my logic is undeniable---this does not mean i cannot be wrong----so in any case robert---may i suggest #1---know what is going on before you run your pie hole--#2-try to figure out ways to insult me other than to say i work at tire kingdom and that makes me stupid----i bet you say the same about mcdonalds workers 2---you are one of those people who looks down on others based on jobs and where you work---but you know what--i can give a flyin f about your opinion--only in your world are others below you---and by the way---i do not represent tire kingdom--i just work at one of the stores----this is my own time and i will say what i want---i am me43 ---and by the way--i have worked at dealers and quit dealer jobs---so now am i good enough for you cause i had a dealer job!!!!!!!


Thats rich! The illiterate third grader busting someone else on his typing skills!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, February 18, 2011

I am laughing my a*s off here!

This Bill D character, aka: the illiterate third grader, is busting someone else on his "typing skills"!!

Are you kidding me?

There is a reason you [ Bill D ] work at Tire Kingdom. Think about it.

It appears that you are jcked up on some kind of drugs and cannot concentrate, or you need to be jacked up on some drugs. Either way, you are an idiot.


New York,
the tire expert?

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, February 18, 2011

anyway----as usual i always test drive the car for alignments---the car went perfectly straight--this car also only had 15k--it was a very new 08-10?------so i did not want to touch this guys car

You should KNOW that if a vehicle drives "straight" this is NOT an indication that the wheel alignment is correct.  It is possible for toe and camber to be off even though the vehicle drives straight.  I'm surprised that you didn't mention checking the tire tread (with a guage) across the tire tread.  Tire wear patterns are usually the FIRST indicators that something is amiss with the whell alignment.

It's no wonder that you work there.  Also, with your writing style you shouldn't criticize others and you probably should refraim from demonstrating your prejudices.  You, as an employee, are providing an excellent reason for consumers to STAY AWAY from this tire chain.

Bill d

me43 here

#15General Comment

Fri, February 18, 2011

at my store--we had a lexus is250 there for 2 tires a month ago--he came a month later for the alignment----now first off it was a young body builder type who also brought his body builder type friend with him---his girlfriend had her lexus there not long before--in any case--i just somehow can spot duschbags--but not all times----in any case--this guy comes in for an alignment a month after we put the tires on---the service manger there just took it in--doesn't ask questions why---if someone just comes in for something--you better ask why??---most of the time in sales you have to sell this work---it doesn't just come on a silver plater-----anyway----as usual i always test drive the car for alignments---the car went perfectly straight--this car also only had 15k--it was a very new 08-10?------so i did not want to touch this guys car--i ask the guy--what is going on here--he says the car PULLS right---i said i just drove it and it went straight to me--then he tells me that when he is in the right lane on the highway doing 60(which is under speed limit-what a jerkoff) and he takes his hand off the wheel and the car pulls right--what an idiot huh???---so i asked him why would you take your hands off the wheel when your drivin anyway??--he had no response---in any case---i knew no matter what after talking to this jerk off that he would not be happy--there was absolutly nothing i could do---this is normal for a car--he was going to keep taking his hand off the wheel and expect the car to go straight no matter what road!!!!!!---no--the service manger said to just do it---so i did-------------one of the tire techs rotated the tires when i finished the alignment(the service manger wanted it done to be sure we would resolve the customers concern-although there was none present)------in any case---when all is said and done---knowing there would be a problem after ward guess what????-what man??--there was a mother f'n problem after that--how i predict these things?????-----so he comes back 15 minutes later and says his car is still pulling right and now he is bitchin about a dirt spot on his headliner----ummm---i never touch the headliner ever----in any case i did not dirty that f'n headliner-----the point--all in all----they had to pay for a new headliner cause a  dirt spot was present and somehow could not come out---all this could of been avoided if the manager listened to me and said just leave this sale alone--it is not worth it in the end!!!!!---come on---a lexus driver---your easy to spot

Bill d

me43 here

#16General Comment

Thu, February 17, 2011

you leave out much detail and you make it hard to understand as to what happened here--your typing does not help your cause either---in any case it sounds to me like you went there to get a qoute on struts and he sold them to you at your request-----if you paid for the 4 struts in full how can he charge you more----he may have added more to the bill which you obviously paid--you must have seen these additional items on the bill before you paid it?---let us say you just paid it in full-how can he charge more and just hold your car??-doesn't make sense-----you talk about a 1 year alignment deal and think your toyota camry is under warranty and you "never pay for such service"--umm-alignments are wear and tear and not covered by warranty---let alone if you had an accident which appears in this case---you also mention they billed you 41 hours of labor----if you mention the bill was 1600$ then how did they charge you 41 hours of labor??---it is more like 4.1 hours of labor---but they do make it without the decimal on the word order and invoice--i will disclose i work here but not at this store-------also you went to this store to get a qoute on 4 struts-why??--it would not surprise me if these problems were there given you are talking about an accident car-----in any case--my final point---you mention you are driving a 08 lexus es350---this should be a red flag cause anyone who drives a lexus there is something wrong with them--they drive especially slow on the highways but that is a whole other story--just no courtesy for others----in any case--i cannot expect much from a lexus driver---if i were floyd and have seen you coming i would have sent you on your way----this seems kind of like a set up to me and floyd being a greedy salesman just took the bait---now you are going to complain about something-----there is just some people you should not do business with--i think you are one of these people---plus i can tell in your typing you seem to be blowing things way out of proportion---but if also what you say is true about mechanics told floyd don't play with this-he is equally as stupid as you and being a dumb salesman

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